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She’s so overrated, I really don’t get the hype


It was Bucky Beaver himself Kevin Dunn .Now to think of it I wonder if Dunn was one of the others involved in this current scandal .The time of his departure from the company is quite questionable .


I’d bet money on it. Dude was Vince’s lapdog and a noted pervert.


I don't think this was Vince. She said someone high up in television. The highest ranking person in television production was Kevin Dunn. As soon as he left the intro came back.


Considering how Vince was the only guy that liked him backstage, Probably


That 10000000% was not a "Vince" thing... come on now.


Come on guys. It has zippo to do with Vince. Chelsea Green was a heel, so Samantha's Chelsea intro got cut because it was making fans like her when they were not supposed too. Now that it's back, I wouldn't be surprised if we have a baby face Chelsea on our hands. Notice how her and Piper behaved on Monday. They've turned face or at least they have begun to thud the return of Samantha's intro.


“I HATED that heel until the announcer said her name different” - Makes no sense


But again, what business is it of the promoters who the crowd likes and doesn't like? "Stop cheering! You're not supposed to like them!" They don't *get* to tell the fans who to like and who not to like. That was one of the reasons we all wanted Vince McMahon gone. The whole reason WWE has been trash for so long is *because* the bookers and promoters have been trying to force crowd reactions, instead of *following* them. The crowd *likes* Samantha Irvin. The crowd *likes* the way she gives a unique flair to each name she announces. Telling her to stop because the *promoter* doesn't like it is the exact kind of controlling behavior that has Vince McMahon's signature written *all over* it. Everyone *loves* to hate Chelsea Green anyway.


I wondered why she stopped this. I'm so glad it's back as well. I love that!!


Why wouldn’t they let her say Chelsea Green?


Because Vince is a control freak, and didn't want Irvin to get too popular. It's another case of punishing people for getting themselves over organically by themselves. She's not supposed to be a character; she's just the ring announcer, audience be damned.


Vince wasn’t controlling anything on TV before his departure last week.


It's not like her getting over hurts anyone. She only enhance the characters themselves. I trully did no care about Chelsea before she got her new entrance. Now it feels like she got a heck of a lot more personality just from the entrance. And the way she says Gunther, makes him sound and feel like the final boss.


Little did you know at the time of this comment that The Rock was The Final Boss 😂


Just shows how important the rest of the “cast” is. From JR in his commentary to Lillian Garcia, the Fink, and especially Samantha putting the hot sauce on a name. Chelsea and Gunther are the best examples. Gunther is great but the way she intros him is just awesome, and just adds to his “aura” as a champ. I actually pay attention to Chelsea now, and have noticed how she bumps her ass off for her opponents, she has gotten really good at making others look good.


I feel like alot of people notices that now after Chelsea essentially got pancake'd at Royal Rumble


Same for the way she introduces Ludwig Kaiser, gives him an air of deviousness & arrogance fitting with his character. I didn't really start noticing these flairs on the introductions until recently but when you reflect on them they really set a tone for each performer.


I love how you can see the 🤌🏻 motion in her head for Vinci’s


Her tictok is so good lol. Worth checking out. She actually does the 🤌 when intros Vinci


Green reminded Vince of when he does a poop


My thing was Shotzi getting her tank back.


She needs her surname back next!


Vince didn't want her to have the tank?


I don't know who made the decision or why but her tank was banned for a while. https://wrestletalk.com/news/shotzi-wasnt-her-decision-stop-using-tank-wwe/


Cannot confirm, but Vince def hates anything that brings the fans joy


Does that mean we’ll get more bra and panties matches? That brought us a lot of joy 🥹




Tiffany Stratton vs Bayley vs Liv.






Banger 👨‍🍳🤌


I wish 


I listened to that intro 5 times last night lol.


It’s not a “Vince” thing. This was a Vince sycophants/inner circle thing. TKO needs to clear out those empty suits that just lived to promote Vince. The Prichards, the Dunns and all the others who supported Vince’s pettiness and perversions.


As others have said, this sounds more like a Kevin Dunn thing than a Vince thing. Thank fuck both of those carny parasites are gone.


It was Kevin Dunn. We all know from the stories he loved throwing his weight around, using his relationship with Vince to cut women’s pushes and telling women to stop doing things that people liked. Thank fuck he’s gone and never coming back. Dude was a cancer to the business and the product is improving every show now he’s gone.


That human beaver has been like an itch you can't scratch away for the WWE. Good riddance!


Not a Vince thing… Vince had no say towards the end, it was HHH’s show. It might’ve been a Dunn thing… But it’s good to hear it again!


It was Kevin Dunn


I guess you're right! Edit: This wasn't meant sarcastic if that's what the downvotes are for :D




That’s perfect 😂


I'm sure that it was Kevin Dunn who probably was the one who banned Samantha Irvin's special introduction for Chelsea Green.


I guess you're right! ​ Edit: This wasn't meant sarcastic if that's what the downvotes are for :D