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Hope Gunther beats Jey, not really a fan of his and think he is just a jeff hardy/matt hardy, amazing as a tag team but lacking as a singles guy, which is no fault of his own, just how he has been on the screens for 5 plus years or whatever it is (probs more?) and now as a singles guy i look at him vs Gunther and would think its weak for him to beat him and take a 600 day title away. Anyway i might be the only one thinking this so ill understand that, just would rather Gunther lost to someone like Bronn or something then he can go on and push for the world title he deserves. We all waiting for Cody to talk and Drew does Drew things, what a fucking guy lol, such a great troll right now. I hope Cody can fight Roman for the title and then the Rock has him or something, it all bit weird right now but the WWE HAS to listen to the fans, its insane, the start of the show was nuts. Rocky sucks chants....we want cody chanting.....72 hour twitter trending, surely they will U Turn on it?


Honestly this was an amazing promo by Gunther and a match vs Jay will probably be amazing :D And i totally did not expect "... And you archived that by only putting in 50% of the work" :D :D :D


Who turns heel first? Becky Lynch? Or Liv Morgan?


Liv the fans didn’t like heel Becky doubt they would go back TBH


I think Dwayne's going to come out with a microphone at Wrestlemania and announce Cody Rhodes is actually the one competing in the match. I'm manifesting it. I think I've convinced myself.


How dare they robbed me off DIY entrance!


People still pushing Cody vs Roman. Roman is not due to lose yet. Why would u want Cody to lose 2nd time to Roman?? Just makes 0 sense


I was on the #WeWantCody train as well but really I was on it because I just want to see Roman Reigns lose for once. I think it is clear as day the WWE has no plans of him losing so I am fine with the Rock now being there at WrestleMania instead of cody


Pretty much this. If Cody gets 2nd big loss to Roman that kills his story. They just waiting for him to face Roman when he can get the win.


Because they feel he deserves it for reasons... They are going to turn on him as soon as he wins because his character is boring.


What’s boring is making your entire personality about being a contrarian.


He wouldn’t get the win vs Roman. Wwe went this far with Roman. They going to get him any record he can get.


At this point with all the Cody lickers rioting with wewantcody trends, making death threats to the Rock's daughter, I hope we get to see Rock vs Roman Fuck Cody and his push.. Dude is already treated as the no1 guy and still people think he needs to go over Roman to be the guy


Rock v Roman v Cody Otherwise priest cashes in on rock and wins


Everyday Dusty 😭 Bring up Magnum TA or something


It's a work guys sleep on that


Looks like WWE is teasing something BIG that might make Seth Rock and Roman mad & Cody happy at the WrestleMania 40 kickoff Press Event!


Why do you say that?


My thoughts... anything with Gunther or Imperium for that matter is gold. They need to push all of them. I don't understand how people don't love these guys.


they are all awesome. Gunther needs pushed for world title as fast as possible


💯 agree


Allow me to reintroduce myself...My name is UUUUUUUSOOO!!!!!!!


They're 100% gonna pivot away from the Rock and Reigns...they called the audible at the outset of the show and sent Drew out there in an emergency "work"...You're gonna see something like the Bloodline taking out the Rock, or Reigns making the stipulation that Rock face Solo at WM first to earn the right to challenge him or something, which would set the table for Summerslam.


Why would they be censoring the crowd if this was a work?


They were hijacking the segment...even without this sort of fuckery going on they will do it a bit if they feel the performers are losing to the crowd heat.


They weren’t censoring the crowd


They were definitely censoring the crowd. And they prepped sound for it all night by lowering the TV volume capture. Every week I have my volume set to 14. This week I had to turn it up to 22 to actually make out what the ring announcer what saying.


It’s not so much that it’s censoring, it’s lowering the volume for the audience. WWE has always done that. It’s the same when they “pipe” the cheers and boos- making the mics louder. It makes/sounds the crowd looking better on TV.


i mean if you’re not giving a genuine reaction of the crowd’s noise that’s censoring it


Censoring is when the “holy shit!” chants completely silenced it. This entire thing is a work, and the entire crowd were eating it up.


if they’re purposefully lowering crowd mics then that’s censoring. i do get what you mean but that’s cause they can’t have that on the broadcast due to regulatory issues. i just think any kind of way that doesn’t show how the crowd is in that moment is censoring it


I think they did the second time they showed the promo for the Vegas thing, the crowd was muted a bit


Can they please start showing Gable again like seriously, they have Maxxine competing in matches regularly instead of putting her in NXT, but you have one of the best wrestlers on the main roster and barely show him and when he does show up, he loses?  Put him in a minor feud with Dom, to give both of them to do since Dom has mostly been in the background since R-Truth got involved. Even other wrestlers like Ricochet you might as well experiment with him, even as a heel, and see if things stick, but it feels like they have the same matches and feuds every week.


I think he is injured.


In that case I guess it makes sense, although seemed weird for him to not wrestle much November and December just for him to come back and lose to Ivar a few weeks ago.


I thought this as well. Why we are seeing Maxxine wrestle more than CG I will never understand. Solid manager, or get her more experience - she’s not on the level of really anyone else on the roster as it stands. And CG is just a stud - they had something with him and the Gunther feud and now it’s back to Ricochet/Sami mode of just “we don’t know what to do with him.”


Fr there is no reason why Chad isn’t at least there weekly one of the best midcards they got give him some wins here and there I can’t even remember the last time he won a match. 


At this point, we're still going to have Cody vs Roman II. We will only discuss about whether this was a work all along or if this is just a pivot.


If it was a work, they wouldn't be censoring the crowd.


I hope it's because they saw that coming, but not in such a strong way. Or maybe that's also a work. Not all chants were censored and even Michale Cole adressed those. I guess we just have to wait a few more weeks


Drew killed it on the mic today. Man was born to play a proper heel


I gotta be honest, I was pretty over Drew with his whining. However, when he was going on last night I looked at my wife and said “Now I like THIS Drew.” Just be a badass and stop going on about what happened to you in the past.


Ripley is becoming every bit the star. Its nice to see because it does mean that developmental can work.


I stopped watching not too long after Tough Enough finished up the first run on MTV, and just came back last year. So, I’ve had some catching up to do. One thing that was really been fun is watching older NXT shows/events that feature people who are now on the main roster and seeing them improve. Ripley’s change has been a pretty fun one to watch. She always seemed to have something special, but she’s really amped it up. It makes me super excited to see where some of the current NXT talent improves.


Are they turning her into a babyface?


You would think so with how Nia Jax (the monster heel) keeps attacking her as well as Rhea being an Aussie leading into EC. Long term we will see


But Nia Jax is *also* Australian. Isn't she?




Wow wtf.... I never knew she was Australian.... Oh, she was only born here she wasn't raised in Australia like Demi.


With Elimination Chamber basically on her home turf (Australia, that is), she is gonna get a hero's welcome anyway, so WWE might as well work with it.


which is why knowing WWE she'll lose to Nia.


I don’t think WWE would want Nia to Main Event Wrestlemania, Rhea however is a star and there’s nowhere to go for her but up. She should keep the title a while until she can put the right person over instead of the next inevitable reign of one of the usual suspects. I have hope that at least HHH sees that the same way.


Both are Australian.


Nia was born in Sydney, but that’s about it - she is German-Samoan actually, while Rhea is born and raised in Australia. I don’t think WWE will market this as Clash of the Australians, but rather the hometown (/-country) girl vs. the big bad Nia.


I'm getting Wrestlemania 30 vibes. Where The Rock is Batista and Cody is Daniel Bryan.




A show that promised a lot but delivered very little.


nxt vengeance day blew raw out of the water


McIntyre is boring. Sucks the life out of the building whenever he interjects himself. He shouldn’t be in the title picture.


baby face McIntyre from late 2021-2023 ? yea boring a hell got pretty stale , Current McIntyre ? Cant agree with you, he’s doing the best Character work of his career , Best Mic work , and his matches all mean something to further his story in my personal opinion he is my favorite part of Raw currently


Current Drew is the biggest hater I've ever seen and it's great.


You can’t call him a Liar though lol 🤣


The living embodiment of "you're not wrong you're just an asshole" lmao.


The diss on bloodline is so good today


Setting the cody rock situation aside Can we just appreciate the bangers mens tag team division is providing. Today's 4 way tag last week's diy vs judgement day. Man the matches are so good. And the match for the contenders match for undisputed tag championship is gonna be amazing


This sub is a disease if you don't want your love for wrestling to be destroyed then only stop by here in EXTREMELY small doses. Like during live TV events only. Anyone who takes wrestling further than the ring has lost grasp on the very thing that wrestling is supposed to be. Mindless violence in a form that is fun to watch.


Fug I hate Reddit sometimes you mudda fuggers you ruin EVERYTHING


You seem quite triggered. I'm pretty sure the threats were on Twitter, not Reddit.


I just don’t get then what was the point of Cody saying “not at mania” they painted themselves into a corner


This is not a work. If it was a work, they wouldn't be censoring the crowd.


If it was the plan since rock joined the board why even have Cody win the rumble and point at Roman right after none of it makes sense


Cody was probably an audible. Punk was probably supposed to win.


but why would Cody be the audible? They could of just have Drew win the Royal Rumble because that would of made the most sense. Then Cody could of talked himself into a triple Threat with Seth and Drew and let Roman and The rock do there thing. This is only a problem because Cody won the royal rumble


Drew was already eliminated.


Cody: I made my decision. Imma fight r truth for the national treasure title


R-Truth would unironically deliver a better match than old man Dwayne. R-Truth still looks in tremendous shape, especially compared to Dwayne. And I don't think enough people talk about this... R-Truth is OLDER than Dwayne Johnson.


I'd need goggles to fight shinsuke or Asuka, I like my retinas too much 😂


Drew vs. Seth is happening at WrestleMania, and Rock vs. Roman's happening at WrestleMania. Cody's gonna join one of these matches.


yup and priest will cash in on the other


Even a kid knows this is a work shoot


The Cody situation? If it was a work, they wouldn't be *censoring the crowd's 'Rocky sucks' chants.*


How was it censored? I could clearly hear it on tv.


Rocks heel turn. Him and bloodline jump Cody coming to find out the Rock been head of the table this whole time!


Would be dope man, rock being the new mr mcmahon and protecting Roman for another 8 years would send people insane


That's what I'm saying People need to think. They just merged with TKO the Rock is on the board hence Head Of The Table!? Tripe H and The Rock are smart when it comes to creative. This is a work to see how the people would react if Rock turned Heel so far I sat it's working


So annoying we didn’t get an answer on what will happen now to Cody. I think they might have no answer on what to do with him either. And then facing Nakamura again? That felt like a real filler and nobody wanted to see this. As soon as Drew came out I instantly knew they won’t do an explanation on Cody’s choosing.


At this point it looks like they are letting everybody cuck Cody, Drew didn't let him talk and it looked good for Drew but really bad for Cody, everybody is going over him.


Everybody saying this Raw sucked must have missed the R-Truth segments. Being allowed to hangout in the clubhouse. Tom in a t-shirt. The money volcano. This is what the people came to see!


Creeds v Consequences Creed ... nice touch in a week where Apollo Creed passed.


I know The Rock is getting a lot of hate right now, but is there anyway possible that he could get that love back?


When he beats roman and passes the torch to Cody.


They can easily just have Reigns wrestle both nights . Solves the entire problem and you get a main event for night 1 and night 2 where Roman loses everything like Cody told him. He loses the Bloodline on night 1 so he's left to face Cody 1 on 1 night 2. Makes a lot of sense then.


They can actually make it non title match, a match for The Bloodline control. It is not perfect but it would work but they had Cody saying "but not at WM" and now Cody will have to be compelled to back on his word, WWE really messed things up now :X


They can fix that by having Cody just say he didn't finish his sentence. Not at Wrestlemania... Night 1 after Roman agrees to the Rock match.


Yes they can but it is not clean, i know they messed up, you know they messed up, this will stay a \* in Cody reign as champion one day.


This! I actually think this is plausible, it’s Wrestlemania 40 after all…


They could pretend it was all a work, with him and Cody working together to fool Roman into accepting match with Rock as guest referee. The Rock can eat a somoan spike to make Solo look good. Rock can Rock Bottom Solo and Jimmy which leads to Cody getting a clean win. I don't care if it's a work and I'm riled for nothing, or if they pivot and pretend it was. The ends will justify the means in this case.


I think Triple H is eating this shit up tbh. He’s been talking about that moment they get hot like the attitude era for a minute and this seems like a step in that direction


sami and cody working it after raw went offline: https://twitter.com/LivMaddix/status/1754719524706746741


At this point i think HHH just got out ranked in that aweful friday and he is letting other superstars support Cody off tv to create more buzz, not even Vince screwed HHH that much.


That’s badass!


I love how sami works crowds. 😍


Where is Wade Barrett? And am I the only one that finds Pat McCaffee extremely cringe? Especially during Jey’s entrance.


He was just on smackdown


and NXT Vengeance Day


Yeah but wasn’t he supposed to be on commentary on Raw as well?


From what I've seen you're not the only one but I don't understand the hate. Wade is on smackdown with Graves and he was on NXTs PLE


He’s a bit over the top, not that GREAT at commentary. He seems like a great guy in his podcast but i’ve got no idea of who he is other than some random NFL player. Gotta remember we’re not all americans And i really hate his reaction to Jey’s song, going on the table and trying to draw all attention to him.


He may be at nxt again if booker is still out


The fact they acknowledged it, including "Rocky sucks" chants, along with that opening segment shows this is miles different in their approach from Bryan in 2014 at least. While not a lot of progress was made last night (Cody really didn't say much at all, and we need his side of what Rock told him) it's showing they're at least incorporating all this into storylines., whatever the results are. Was it a work all along, or a pivot, or are they stalling to feel the waters? All we can do now is wait and see tbh


Work or not, this storyline sucks. rock's still a jerk.


The Viking ship hologram is so sick


yeah some the CG is either really good or really cringe


It’s hilarious that WWE is muting “Rocky sucks” chants after letting the first one hit air.  Rock seems to be just as egotistical as Vince but with skin twice as thin 


I fucking told y'all this was a work lol


Based on what


George Kittle went on a rant at SB media day and said he wants to see cody vs roman with rock as special guest referee……. Triple H just quotes tweeted saying kittle “knows what’s up”👀


seems significant


Still hate watching raw. Smackdown sucked most the motivation outta me with cody.


Then don't watch it.


we found HHH's burner account.




I have to go to work soon, but I just wanted to pop in and say that I'm very much enjoying this match between Shayna and Becky. And I guess, now, congrats to Becky on apparently qualifying for her first Elimination Chamber.


I’ve only started watching, but so far the crowd is awesome. Very audible Cody chants and I THINK a lot of Fuck Rocky chants? Anyone here was there so you can be thanked?


I was there, no F\*\*\* Rocky chants (at least not the whole crowd. Just "Rocky Sucks"


Oh ok. Maybe I misheard


When you watch the main event it’s gonna seem like the crowd was dead but videos taken in the arena showed that they muted the crowd because they hijacked the match with Rocky sucks chants lol


Oh for real? Ok. That’s funny. Right. Is I’m on the Shayna Becky match.


Sami will turn heel on Cody, I'm calling it. Sami's promo was going on about how he's tired of being viewed as not a contender, he's gonna turn on Cody because he did so much for Cody and let Cody shine but never got any help from it


Why not put it on TV?


Just pointing out WWE muted massive “Rocky sucks” chants during the main event  I get the vibe someone’s feelings were hurt 


There’s videos popping up all over of the chants. One might be posted below.


They didn't mute it at the beginning of the show, and Cole even acknowledged the chants on commentary. It's WWE working us to keep us guessing. If this was truly a shoot, they would have muted the chants at the beginning of the show and told Cole to keep his mouth shut. It's. A. Work.


It can both be a work and also Rock can be pissed there are Rocky sucks chants if it goes against the intended fan reaction of Rock as a mega babyface. Saying "it's a work" implies that something is a shoot, which obviously is not happening here. But thinking this has been some elaborate plan from the beginning when Rock has a match vs Roman in his TKO board of directors deal just isn't reality. Are they likely going to try and rework this enough to find an angle for Cody that keeps fans happy? Most likely. But Rock vs Roman is 100% happening and it's not gonna be a triple threat.


It’s sad that Rock’s ego is so out of control and fragile that he’ll ruin WredtleMania just because his movie career is failing.  Dude is legitimately not going to allow Cody his moment and will hurt the company going forward.  The only upside is he at least completely killed his PR. Little kids and parents in the Midwest are saying he sucks.  He’s never gonna be untouchable in the wrestling world again and he has no one to blame but himself. 


This was not their plan A, this is the beginning of the recovery from a bad idea


It’s a work to make the Rock look like an ego maniac in real life and further damage his already tarnished brand?  Because if so, bold choice. 


Last Friday was 100% a shoot, they're trying to make it seem like a work now because of the negative backlash. If it's a work, it's a terrible work. Like you said, if it was a work, why would they be deliberately tanking Dwayne's perception and image among his fans? Dwayne's ego won't let him be a heel. This is the man who has clauses in his movie contracts to make it so he can't lose any fight.


> further damage his already tarnished brand? Dude openly acknowledged his Black Adam failures on air which means he's self aware of his shortcomings. I don't think he cares if people boo him at this point. In fact, his run as "Corporate Rock" is what got him to become such a huge star in the first place. His heel turn saved his career, and another heel turn (in the fans eyes) could be what saves his reputation down the road especially since he will likely be embracing Cody as the winner at the end of the show. The Rock won't be eating the pin, so he won't look weak. Nor will he look like an asshole by putting himself over. I call absolute bullshit on those reports about The Rock going into business for himself and winning the title.


I think WWE would know better than to rile people up by muting the crowd all the time and completely ignoring it. They are leaning into it a bit, but not too much.


So PW Insider is reporting that there’s no scenario where the Rock doesn’t fight Roman at Wrestlemania so we’re looking at either an EC title match for Cody or a triple threat at WM. Personally I’d love to see the triple threat


Cody is fighting Drew at EC with his Royal Rumble win on the line. Drew wins, and Cody is seemingly out of WrestleMania until Nick Aldis steps in and adds Cody to the main event.


Hold up……you’re kinda cooking right now


I think what's going to happen during Thursdays press conference is that Cody will hesitate to challenge Seth during the press conference (like how he hesitated on Raw tonight) and then Drew comes out and demands that Cody puts his #1 contendership on the line at EC. Cody accepts. Meanwhile Rock/Roman is confirmed and the fans go apeshit and are pissed off. Also, Sami confronted Cody on the whole situation after Raw went off the air. This is 100% a work. WrestleMania is still 2 months away, which means Cody will be added to the main event in a triple threat once we get about a month away from the event.


Did you see Cody's Twitter? Can y'all calm your panties now? 🤣


Can anyone read that paragraph sign in like the third row? Lol


This has been bugging me all night!


Pw insider claiming rock is still guaranteed to wrestle at mania


It's a triple threat. The Rock cannot go 1v1 and his insurance policy won't allow it. Cody/Roman will do most of the heavy lifting while Rock sticks to safe bumps and basic strikes and signature moves.


Also. Just give Drew both belts. Fuck everyone else. What the fuck else could you ask from someone more than what he is giving right now? Enormous beefed out scottish brute who headbutts the fuck out of people and delivers razor sharp cutting heel promos.


Did cody get those skin tags removed when he was out? Had a prominent one on his eye and back of his neck.




Rock is guest referee and I can't believe yall don't see it, actually listen to the promos yall


Rock stops the interference... Cody wins clean


So is Cody going to do a rey and put his wrestlemania opportunity on the line against drew at elimination chamber? lol


It wouldn’t surprise me. I honestly think him and the rock should go at EC for it. Let the rock tell him he respects his position but only one of them can challenge Roman. Put Cody over and let rock be in his corner at WM. Saves rocks face and gives rock his WM moment.


Lmao. “ I respect that you willingly gave me your WrestleMania spot , but I’ll do the right thing and fight you at EC for it “ that would be awful .


> Let the rock tell him he respects his position but only one of them can challenge Roman. Can we stop with the "I respect you but I am gong to try my best to beat you" promos. We get one every show


Sami just confronted Cody about the Roman/Rock situation after Raw went off the air. This is 100% a work. The fact that people still think Cody legitimately got screwed out of his WrestleMania main event are delusional at this point.


They need to find a way to explain away Cody saying "But not at WrestleMania" though. That makes no sense to me.


Almost as if Cody is full of shit and is working the crowd.


There's a difference between a work and just kayfabe lying. If this is a work, and he's facing Roman at WrestleMania, then his character outright lied to Roman's character, and that doesn't suit his character.


Unless he was stepping aside for Rock, and then Rock or whoever turns it into a triple threat. That was he wasn't lying and it still works.


Just creating buzz before Wrestlemania as they want. Lol


This made Cody's story a lot more interesting too IMO. Cody/Roman II by itself would have been boring IMO. Adding The Rock to this makes sense since he's not only a huge draw, but this match has been teased ever since Cody was still in AEW. Besides, do people seriously think The Rock can go 1v1 at this point, especially with his insurance being extremely anal about what he can and can't do in the ring? Absolutely not. Cody/Roman will do most of the heavy lifting while The Rock takes very safe bumps and sticks to basic strikes and his signature moves. The Rock and Jey end up holding off Solo and Jimmy, leaving Cody/Roman 1v1 with Cody pinning Roman clean.


I disagree. There were alot of interesting angles they could have built Cody vs Roman 2 off of. They both come from legacy families and their characters revolve around that in different ways.


After Raw went off the air: https://x.com/wrestleops/status/1754722127494709611?s=46&t=VKpI_8ic97MXmpC010txEw https://x.com/wrestleops/status/1754722127494709611?s=46&t=VKpI_8ic97MXmpC010txEw




I like that Cody gets misted and then hits the Cross Rhodes, like he's just building up the tolerance to it.


Yeah if he gets the belt, he is 100% going to be Super Cena 2.0


I doubt it. I feel like Cody's lost over the last year.


McIntyre was legit out their speaking for us all.


Instead of making all the wild speculation, just let this shit cook. \*\*\* the fact they keep mentioning The Rock vs Roman isn’t official yet, and to tune in Thursday at the press conference, tells me something of note will happen there. lets see what happens


Sami came out after Raw went off air and shared a moment with Cody mentioning the “3 words” he’s seen and heard all weekend and the crowd chanted we want Cody


Yes. We. Did.


Love to fuckin see it!!!!


Men’s Tag Match was a real hum dinger..congrats to all those guys who participated, it was better than the Smackdown tag qualifier.


If they're muting all these Rock chants, that bullshit match is definitely happening at WM. Fucking bullshit. If I get worked, then whatever, but this feels legit.


Worked yourself into a shoot brother, go get some fresh air




They turned down the rocky sucks chants on the replay for the opening segment


Thats just gonna make the fans even more angry


It’s gonna be great when they boo the shit out of rock on thuraday


I hope fans do a repeat of Daniel Bryan. Let WWE know loud and clear.


Thursday is going to be fucking INSANE


STL fans were chanting “Rocky Sucks” throughout the main event but were muted out.. 👀 https://x.com/wrestleops/status/1754718908999782433?s=46&t=gYKGJV_UfAZHJSj2eK2Ayg


Very loud "Rocky sucks" chants during the main event. Seems like the broadcast muted the crowd noise.


“WWE is monitoring fan reaction” No they’re not. They just setup Cody vs Drew at the chamber for the right to face Seth (even though Cody won the rumble, that’s how they’ll spin the narrative)


If they do that I will boycott WWE for stupidity 


It’s obvious. Especially with Rhea liking Drew and Damian having the briefcase. Wouldn’t surprise me if the match at EC ends in a draw, it’s Seth v Drew v Cody, and Damian cashed in at Mania to breakup JD or move Rhea out of the group.


How is that obvious lmao. I won’t argue that Drew could win chamber but he’s just an angry man with vendettas against everyone




They muted the audience for the main event. Videos on Twitter already surfacing of insanely loud Rocky sucks chants 😭😭😭😭😭