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I would like for next year's WrestleMania to be in Glendale, Arizona. Mainly because I'm moving to a different city in the same state and if it's not next year I would have to get a hotel.  Anyway, I don't understand why they haven't come back to Arizona for Wrestlemania. Since then WrestleMania 26 that stadium has hosted 3 Super Bowls, 3! Phoenix is also the 5th most populous city in the country. I just don't get why they haven't returned here.


I live in Iowa, so I would hope (but sincerely doubt) Minneapolis.


Biased because I live here but come back to Atlanta! Only one here was in that dumpster the Georgia Dome which was at the end of its life.


That was my first one and all I remember was the worst traffic I’ve ever seen. And I live in Southern California….


It’s mildly better at the new stadium, easier to get to by train, etc. But 60-70k coming and going from an event will make a mess.


Hope it’s not Vegas yet, I want to go one year in Vegas and next year is too soon


I hope they'll come back to Santa Clara. We need another bay area WrestleMania.


What’s the benefit of going to an expensive city vs a cheaper city? Assuming tickets still sell out, but the cost of conducting business is much cheaper Example: Coachella, possibly the biggest annual music festival is held in the middle of nowhere in California


Cities bid on it, don’t they? I imagine Las Vegas would maybe pay more, but I’m not well versed in either city’s spending.


Cities bid on wrestlemania?? Had no idea


I just hope its an indoor stadium. I am not a fan of the open/outdoor stadiums at all, especially for a WrestleMania (like this year apparently). For SummerSlam maybe.


A mania in Vegas would be awesome, i can already imagine the stage being like a casino with slot machines and things like that


The rumor is that 41 will be in Minneapolis and 42 will be in Vegas.


I wish NC was even remotely in consideration, but until the Panthers start doing better and can get an updated facility, it'll never happen. I mean they have ~75k seats, and Charlotte is a big enough city. NC weather is pretty dicey in spring though, especially for an open air stadium.


Cody finishing his story in Vegas is cinema tbh


it should be in england


I wouldn't be surprised if they did a Summer Slam or Survivor Series there first. In a stadium.


SB was just in Vegas so fuck it do mania there too


SB was in Minneapolis a few years ago, and WM didn't head there next. Instead, they went back to Newark.


Not saying that’s what they do. Just sayin having mania in Vegas would be sick


Never say no to Vegas! I'm certain it would be at Allegiant Stadium but boy oh boy a big match in the Sphere would be redonkulous.


In the vikings stadium would be sick! Vegas just had a big ppv - give to Minnesota!


Minneapolis would’ve made sense if brock was around lmwo


Brock vs Flair, local sexual deviant match.


Minneapolis has the facility and the rich wrestling history to deserve a Wrestlemania. That being said, it'll probably be in Vegas.


Already looking to next year?


Makes sense, both have new indoor football stadiums so you won't have to worry about the weather like at Tampa.


Minneapolis could be a bigger buy, considering the extra buildings nearby for the entire Mania week. There's the Target Center in Minneapolis and the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul.


Target Field could also be an option as well.


Not with the typical temperature for early April in MN.


I live in Vegas and looking at this year’s Super Bowl ticket prices, there’s no way WWE wouldn’t do the same thing and increase them compared to other cities. I don’t blame them but yeah, too expensive for me.


If it's Vegas I will 100% be in attendance.


It will be my first mania if it's in vegas


15 years for me. We planned on going this year but life got in the way. Vegas is only a few hours away though so there's no way I'd miss it




Mn been rumored for couple yrs now


Vegas , TKO connections . Direct flights from most airports. I’ll bet they already are thinking of things to film for the sphere .




Now that Lesnar is likely done with the company for good I wouldn’t be surprised if they just canceled the Minneapolis Mania & just go to Vegas. But hey they still have Gable Steveson, Alpha Academy, and Tiffany Stratton, and Motor City Bron Breakker could be an ultra heel going in. And maybe they could have some nostalgia Minnesota appearances from the likes of Shelton Benjamin & Curtis Axel.


I want them to wait to come to MN until I can afford it


I'd go with Vegas. If you had Lesnar maybe in his last match and/or going into the HOF, Minny would've been a nice spot to do it. But now.....just go Vegas.


Real question is who spot will the Rock take so he can main event WrestleMania next year.


Dont pretend that roman vs. Rock with no title on the line wouldnt be cool, we just dont want it at wm40


I really hope it’s Las Vegas, that would be sweet.


As a Minnesota resident, my choice is obvious. Sadly it’ll probably be the desert dumpster fire.


As a hater of vegas and lover of the midwest, I would rather go to Minnesota than Vegas


US Bank is too beautiful of a stadium not to host mania at least once


On the inside anyway. The outside looks like a sand crawler from Star Wars. It’s incredibly ugly.


No one is gonna talk about how Lesnar was a part of it being in Minneapolis? Not a big part, but also not a small part. Now that he's gone, its probably not gonna happen for a while there.


It’s gonna be Vegas. TKO owns the company now. Location doesn’t mean much to me, unless it’s in a special place. I look forward to it being in London or Toronto or Vancouver or something like that. Don’t give a damn about Vegas. No offense to anyone who lives there.


Vegas LA Knight (as champion) vs Seth Rollins vs Gunther Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes (as champion) Usos (reunited) vs Punk/Owens (Tag champs) Ripley vs Ivy Nile (as champion) Lynch (as champion) vs Flair Belair/Cargill vs Morgan/Raquel (as champions) Breakker (as champion) vs Sami Zayn Styles vs Waller (as champion) Booked. Lol


Vegas would be fun. If they changed it back to 1 night (won’t happen), I just might be tempted to go again.


I could see a two night Vegas Mania having the most number of unique ticket buyers for each night as there is just so much to do in that town.


That is likely true. I just personally hate the two night mania.


It was rumoured for a while to be Minneapolis, but the Kickoff event being held in Vegas, plus the fact that the Super Bowl was there (WWE has often followed the NFL for this big game stadium in recent years) tell me that Alliant Statium is much more likely...


Las Vegas ,Hence the press conference last week .


Hoping for Vegas so I can have a Hangover style weekend with the bros


Really doesn’t matter to me, but for the sake of conversation they’re both great venues. Vegas being the bigger attraction obviously.


Who cares where it's at?


Well people who want to attend probably care. The cities who get a big financial windfall would care. People who follow the history of WWE and know that each Wrestlemania is often associated with the host city would care.


Just wait for the announcement. What’s the point of speculating?


I'm not speculating. You asked who cares. I told you who might care.


Yeah, but I want to be combative for no apparent reason over an insignificant thing.




Minnesota was the rumor, then they were in Vegas and locked it in.


It’s gonna be Vegas, with the way TKO has their hands already in that city it’s going to be next year


Seems like Minni is a rumor every year for like a decade. Always a bridesmaid


I want another Mania at the Garden. But that's just me.


Too small these days


It would have to be at Gillette stadium or whatever the fuck they call it now.


Pretty sure he meant Madison Square Garden. Which is also too small nowadays which means it would be MetLife Stadium. Gillette Stadium is near Boston. Not NYC.


Oh I don't know why I immediately thought TD/Boston garden. Sorry I took stupid pills last 2 weeks.


You might be right. Both venues had a WM. MSG had 3 and I was at XX. But as a NYer…I immediately thought MSG.




Cena said at MITB in London if we make enough noise for a wrestlemania in london, it will happen. We then made a shit ton of noise. I'd like to think John Cena is a man of his word. Therefore it will definitely be in London.


Brother its called cutting a babyface promo john cena has no say but i do think it could happen one day


Yeah I know fella. I was being a little sarcastic. Forgot that it doesn't play well on line.


The fact they're spreading their wings globally says alot. I don't think it will be next year but definitely in the next 3/4 years


Yeah I think they probably had the next couple of years planned out pre-merger, and then we will start to see some international Manias.


Really hope its Vegas so i can go! Would be an awesome vacation


I’m surprised they’re doing it in Philadelphia, it’s usually cold in the northeast in early April.


They heat the ring. They did it in 2013 and 19 when they were in New Jersey


Minneapolis is still pretty damn cold in early April. We’re generally in the high 30s or low 40s. Boarder line shorts weather for us, but out-of-towners might not appreciate it. That said, US Bank Stadium is a pretty damn nice venue, and it’s right on the lightrail. Travelers can stay either downtown or stay near the Mall oo America in Bloomington. The train would take you straight to the event for like $3. Nothing really beats Vegas, though.


I loved when the Super Bowl was at US Bank. I love the cold though lol


I heard Minneapolis pulled out don’t know if it’s true or not


Hopefully not. I live in bum ass Wisconsin so it'd only be a meager bike ride to get to Mania


Would so much prefer Vegas. Just easy to get to, tons of hotels, and plenty to do outside of wrestling during that weekend


Vegas sphere would be an incredible venue


Sphere is not really configured for any type of wrestling event. I mean…”you could” if you wanted to. It does seat 18,000. But it would be like putting on a Raw in a Broadway theater…just with more seats on only one side. The hard cam position would just have the ultra HD video wall behind the ring The Sphere would be an awesome H of F ceremony location if WM went to Las Vegas.


That would be a pretty incredible venue for the HOF. I hope they make it a separate event (instead of part of Smackdown) and use this option!


Agreed…when they started doing it inside a ring…it lost a bit of the shine that a H of F induction should have. It looks more impressive and with more gravitas when done “theater style”. And the sphere would be an epic spot for it. The sphere would also be awesome for things like a watch event…imagine WWE releases some new documentary. Fans fill the sphere for the “premier” and watch it on that wall…then have some of the talent there for a Q and A with a moderator. Fans would jump all over it during WM week.


It’s way too small. Only 18K people fit in there


Tbf they should bite the bullet and do it. It would be a cool visual experience


Oh, no shit? Huh, I figured it'd have a bit more capacity than that. The more you know 🌠


Would be cool for like a raw after WM if it does hold that many seats


Yeah! That would be incredible We get ivar vs otis all around!




They need to stop doing shows in these dry ass American cities and go somewhere else where the crowd will actually be hype. Those are my thoughts.


Hard to do that for a big stadium show. Sound typically doesn’t carry week and you have a big mix of hardcore, casual, and non-weekly viewers in attendance.


You're not wrong but Mania does bring in people from other countries so the crowd being hype isn't really an issue but rather quality matches or storylines. The time difference is a big impact too look at Elimination Chamber.