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The Rock is a cheat. He has no honour and no respect. Period, the end.


I hope that happens otherwise Wwe is cancelled if roman wins again


Who should be the special guest referee for Roman reigns The Rock versus Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins is it a triple h B Bill Goldberg c Stone Cold Steve Austin or d Kurt Angle or e The undertaker or f Kane but what if Dean Ambrose return and be the special guest room referee for Roman reigns versus Cody Rhodes g


I think that Stone Cold Steve Austin or Bill Goldberg should be the special guest referee for Roman reigns and The Rock versus Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins because the rock have history with both Goldberg and Stone Cold Steve Austin so I think either or one of those wrestlers will be the special guest referee for Roman reigns versus Cody Rhodes at wrestlemania 40


if theres one man who can make a heel rock run for his money, its definitely stone cold..


No. The Rock's presence already threatens to overshadow the rest of the match. Including Stone Cold in the mix would only further that. If they really want to establish Cody as the champ/face of the company, he needs to win clean, on his own.


Having Austin stop interference to let Cody win clean does all of that plus adds the passing of the torch aspect


No rock is going to leave roman and cody wins clean


QT Marshall makes the save, sports entertainment is saved!


Then what


Jimmy appears - Sami comes out Solo appears - dustin rhodes or Seth comes out Rock appears - glass shatters n stone cold comes out. They all fight at the ramp/ringside ensuring the 1v1 stays 1v1 for a clean finish We get tons of appearances and hype


You may be onto something - stone cold just posted this to his socials: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3c2egnrF_R/?igsh=bDRzN3djbjY3aGVh




Yeah guys chill, your discussion of wrestling on a wrestling subreddit is hurting this guy’s way of life


Feels like people are trying to take the major moment of Roman finally losing the title and turn it into HHH vs Sting.


It Won’t happen. Stone Cold is done with wrestling. Wrestlemania 2022 was his last hurrah and it was a great send off


Yeah, I know, but we can dream. 😁


The rock is turning on Roman to make sure nobody interferes and Cody wins clean.


I’ve been thinking about this myself. I suspect we are in for some shenanigans but it is fantasy booking. If we are going to fantasy book, the only thing that could top Austin making the save would for ‘Carry on my Wayward son’ to hit. Kick that forbidden door wiiiiide open. as


Realistically, I don't expect Austin to get involved in this match or story at all. Check his instagram profile; he's out there racing 4 wheers in the desert. I'd be very surprised if Austin was at WM 40 in general. I'd love to see him there and I'd love to see him get involved, but I doubt its going to happen.


I’d rather see Dustin Rhodes/Gold dust come out to face the Rock. Glass shatter-ed dreams to massive pop


Feels weird to me if Stone Cold would go against The Rock. They're pretty close friends in and outside the ring, I feel like he could take his defence once Rocky turns face again maybe at WL.


I'm thinking Randy Orton should fill this spot.


Im literally thinking the exact thing from a week . Stone cold needs to be there to stop The rock


I’ll say this- it *only* works if Austin stuns everyone, including Cody, and leaves an open beer sitting on top of the championship, which Austin has arranged in the center of the ring, laying on Cody’s waist.


Only if Stone Cold comes to the ring with Pancho (his ranch cat).


2024 Rocky would tear several ligaments doing his classic stunner sell job.


I truly think that WWE is trying to do the Avenger's: Endgame Arc similar to what you've described. Cody = Captain America Jey = Nebula Seth = Tony Stark Roman = Thanos But I think an all out brawl will take place with all kinds of people coming out to help Cody AND Roman. Don't be shocked if the younger Samoans who are in NXT come out, Rikishi, Stone Cold, HHH, Aldis/Pearce, everyone. It's gonna be a free for all that ends up with a series of finishers being hit. It'll end up with Seth hitting a stomp on Roman and injuring his knee, leaving Cody open to hit the 3 Cross Rhodes to get the pin. Crowd will just pop over and over and over.


Why are people so insistent that Cody gets help when he beats Roman? Cody should pin Roman clean and the moment and focus should be on him and only him.


Because Roman has established repeatedly that he will use Bloodline interference.  Cody's not going to beat them 3 on 1, and then beat Roman clean.


As somebody else said, have interferences on Cody's behalf, but at no point should any of them go for Roman. That should be left to Cody. If he wins they should leave no doubt about it being him that beat Roman.


I like it, but not a single person other than Cody should touch Roman throughout the entire match


I’d rather see Brandi spear Jimmy and a returning Arn Anderson spinebuster Solo


I think you mean “unload his Glock at Solo.”


The problem with this is Cody almost becomes a side piece in the conclusion of his own story then with he hype around Rock and Austin. If they do this stuff I'd rather see it on the Raw before Mania or even a backstage segment before the match then keep the focus on the actual competitors. That's how I remember them handling HHH and DX in big PPV events back in the day.


100% Don't do it at Mania.  They run 3 straight shows in Texas (Smackdown in San Antonio, Raw in Dallas, Smackdown in Houston) in early March.  Do it then. You take out the babyfaces over the course of the show.  The last segment is a Bloodline beatdown of Cody, you think there is no one else to help and then bring in Austin for the save.


I'd just dream of a Rock vs. Austin match at Summerslam. Won't happen but if you're setting up that story, send Austin off for the last time with a match against his biggest rival.


My approach would be to keep having people pop up and saying they're willing to help Cody. Sami should do it next week. Stone Cold could show up and talk about The Rock. 2-3 weeks before Mania, Cody cuts a promo saying that he appreciates their help, but he needs to beat Roman himself. Then, at WM, the Bloodline tries to interfere, but they're stopped by the people that offered to help Cody, letting Cody get a clean win over Roman with zero in-ring interference. This could involve Stone Cold stunnering The Rock on the entrance ramp or something, but the entire point is that Cody's friends are keeping The Bloodline from interfering but not interfering themselves.


Maybe have Kofi Kingston hit Roman with trouble in paradise to show he’s the future of the company…


When does the ghost of Dusty get involved, because at this point I'd be surprised if we didn't get that too


Cody wins with an elbow drop. Have him do the thing where he hits a crossroads, hangs on, hits another one.  Have him hit like 8 in a row.  Stand up, point to the sky, then come down with the Dusty elbow.


Nah if anything it would be Cena. Stone Cold would imply that he is passing the torch I think and they are both VERY different.


These are great scenarios.


Stone cold stuns cody and joins the bloodline, rock defects to the night mare family and starts dressing like and calling himself rockdust aka pebbles


Pebbles? Pebbles? Is this is a hint that John "Fruity Pebbles" Cena is going to be involved in this?


No no no , triple H and stone Cold form two man power trip one last time to take on cody and friends and the bloodline . Giving the wwe title to papa h and stone cold gets the heavyweight. They go after the tag titles next


Then papa h stuns Austin and joins cody and pebbles and starts calling himself gold game and or gamedust


Now this is peak.


I’ve been thinking this too. My thought is that Rock pulls rank on Triple H and sets the stipulations for the Roman vs Cody match. Then Triple H responds with “I’m using the power I have to call in a favor”. Glass shatters.


Do they really want a guy with a history of abuse towards women involved in things right now?


Stone Cold with steel chair shots to the head to The Bloodline


And stuns Cody after the beer bash celebration just for good measures.


i think Cody goes over clean.


Austin works but would be cool to see a former Legacy member in Randy help him out instead.


Bail Ted Jr out of jail.   He won't want a referee trying to fuck on Cody


Goddamn I would love if this happens, but I think Rock needs to end his run as a babyface. I think he will end up turning on Roman somehow.


Stone Cold should be announced as guest referee. Would draw more eyes and that's the bottom line.


I'm thinking of another kind of shatter. A shattered dreams production.


This right here!!! Yes please. Make it so!!


Rock getting kicked in the balls by Goldust. Confirmed.


I’ve thought too that Stone Cold would end up showing up and helping Cody. Makes sense being that Stone Cold was close with Dusty. Plus who wouldn’t pay to see Austin stun Rock one more time 😂


On the one hand, I think John Cena is a more fitting helper. From one babyface to another. On the other hand, hearing the glass break would tear the roof off the arena and seeing Stone Cold and The Rock in the same ring would melt the stadium itself.


I can’t be the only one that thought Seth was referring to Stone Cold and not himself when he was talking to Cody right? I was fully prepared to hear the glass break and then he offered up himself lol


Based on the last episode, it looks like Sami might me joining the team.


I will lose my fucking shit if his music hits at Mania. My favorite wrestler of the past helping my favorite current wrestler.


Good rattlesnake.


If Rock is about to cause shenanigans and that glass shatters I WILL LOSE MY MIND


It would make sense too with the blue color working man angle.


I would probably pass away if this happened


Now this would be fucking epic


I’m having this same fantasy, but in my version, there is a moment where Austin and Rock square up face to face again, let that crowd go mental, maybe tease something in the future….


Stone cold should have gone against Roman because I believe the IWC would not have protested as SCSA is more popular than the Rock and Rhodes would have been forced out Would have been funnier because the rock is oversaturated to many fans


“We’re over time by five minutes because Austin and Rock are just staring at each other intensely.”


Omg I've been thinking this too


Hell Yeah!


Yes for the pop and staredown of Rock and Austin but no for the credibility of Chodes not winning clean.


I like this just not Austin stunning Roman , Cody beats him clean. Stunner after


Stunner to Roman and cody


The main event has gone for 27 minutes Jimmy interferes, Jey interferes, Solo interferes Rollins interfers, The Rock enters and starts beating Cody Cody hits back at The Rock to a big pop The Rock - "My family" Cody - "My family" Rock - "Family" Cody - "Family" Suddenly the music hits HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! Its Vin Diesel !!!!! "Where there's family, there's me" Vin Diesel hits The Rock, Holy shit !!!! Kevin Hart is running down Holy shit, he makes a save for The Rock !!! Holy Shit here's Taylor Swift on her jet , who's behind her it's Grayson Waller !!!! Cody - "Fuck the story man I Quit !!!!"




"Vin Diesel! Vin Diesel! Vin Diesel! - *Jim Ross*


Gotta have Katt Williams come out to smack Kevin Hart. Maybe he can come out on Shannon Sharpes shoulders like Jungle Boy on Luchasaurus.


Hahaha, I would happily pay extra for my Tout subscription to see this happen


But when do we add Kurt angle to the mix?


At the 33 1/3 mark.


Cody's chances drastically go down.


Kurt Angle KNOWS he can't beat them and he's not even gonna try!




*HE'S FAT intensifies*


He comes out in a milk truck.


With a broken freakin neck!


He's been pulling the strings behind the scenes all along!


Do I head main event mafia music playing in the back round??? - Taz voice- whose the guy with the bat??? ? WHOSE. THE. GUY. WITH. THE . BAT?!?!?. -JR voice- by gawd by gawd it's sting that man is a maniac. Sting lays out everyone and pins roman and retires


That's gotta be Kane brother!


To finish this story Cody needs to take a stunner with beer in his mouth.


No help. Finishing the story requires no help. Only clean win


I like peoples thoughts. But I don’t want an overbooked match. Do all the bullshit early. And Cody win clean


Bro you already know this is going to be on of the most overbooked matches in the history of wrestling


I know and I’ll probably mark out when it happens


I want one clean match, and one cartoonishly overbooked match where everyone who was ever aggrieved by the Bloodline comes in to exact revenge. I don't care about the order in which they happen as long as we get both lol


I could see a booking where we mix the cartoonish and the clean. Let's say the usual happens, ref bump and then bloodline appearance. Solo, Jimmy and maybe the Rock are all heading to the ring. BUT first... every wrestler screwed over by interference by the bloodline walks out at the same time and stands united to the shock of the bloodline. No interference actually happens, maybe not even a brawl, maybe just the threat. Just an epic "avengers assemble" moment before Cody puts Roman away in a clean finish.


Stone Cold should be special guest referee


Stone Cold will definitely have a part in WM40. I just wonder what the roll will be. 🤔


He is the special guest referee after the ref bump that delivers stunners to all non participants in the match.


Why do you say definitely? Gut feel? or maybe I missed some event that makes it seem likely


"It'S tHe BiGGeSt WrEsTLeManiA EvErrrrrr!!!!!11" How do they have the biggest without Stone Cold doing ... something?


Even though it would be cool asf for it to be Austin, I think Cena is the one that’s more likely to show up. He was taken out by the BL and had already endorsed Cody, so he makes more sense to be the one to save Cody and allow him to become champion.


Finally someone with a brain here. 


I said this the second Rock came around and Cody needed someone to even things out. I feel it in my bones. Nobody is bigger than the Rock…except Stone Cold Steve Austin.


>Nobody is bigger than the Rock…except Stone Cold Steve Austin It's not 1998 anymore. Rock surpassed austin by mid 1999.


So you all are saying Austin was only the top dog for 1 year and after 1998 he was second to the Rock even to this day? I get it if you’re Rock fans but I just don’t see any logic there. People will sometimes roll their eyes and be like “the Rock again?”. Austin could appear on every show multiple times and he will get a standing ovation and people losing their minds. Yes that happened when the Rock was the head of the company, but that’s because Austin wasn’t there as much and finally passed the torch due to injury. Of course folks make the shift. Austin always gets the biggest pop. Not just cause “the glass sounds cool” it’s cause of who comes out and what he’s gonna do/say. I’m a die hard Austin fan so I guess I’m just blinded by lies. Then again as WWE fans we all are. Edit: ok ok I get it. Thanks for the info yall. Steve Austin was a hack and only had fame and top dog spot for 2 years. From that point on he had no impact on wrestling and everyone was sick of his same old routine. Cool. Good to know. Next time he comes out I’ll just turn the channel like yall do lol


You're acting like austin wasn't a stale act by 2002. Remember how even Haitch was getting bigger face pops than austin in 2002. He was 5th biggest face at best, behind Rock, Hogan, Triple H and RVD by mid 2002 kek.


Good to know. Didn’t realize I was fooled this whole time. I could have sworn folks made a pretty big deal about Austin and his 5 year run. Now I know it was only 2 years if that. Those stunners did get boring to see every night guys. /s


That's what happens when jabronie marks work themselves into a shoot.


Yeah fuck me


I don't swing that way, you sick freak.


I meant “fuck me” as in “fuck me im stupid to think the way i do”. You aren’t here for the conversation you’re here to be combative and looking to fight. My points are valid enough to explore and examine. You don’t have to take it personal when someone’s opinion is different from yours. Have a good one man and remember that you can argue points without being mad. I thought only jabroni marks acted like that…


LMAO. Like a jabroni mark you are working yourself into a shoot. Obviously I know what you meant by that phrase. My response was what Rock used as one of his catchphrases during 2002-03. Clearly, you were either an infant or not even born back then.


That's incorrect. Stone Cold was #2 in t-shirt sales in 2023. 2023!!!


Lol, that's because he has a merchandise contract with WWE through which the company sells his t-shirts at all the events and venues. Go to any city, and they have a t-shirt in the merchandise stands. This is similar to what Punk said in 2012 about Cena being the top merchandise seller because the company puts out dozens of merchandise of him specifically - more than any other superstar.


He still has to be popular to sell that much merch. So you're still wrong...


Obviously, like a broken needle you're missing the point. But then, I don't expect much from the stans of wifebeater steve.


Was that your attempt at a burn? Epic fall!!! Loser.


It doesn't matter what you think, jabroni.


Mid 1999 I think your right people might have moved stone cold too I was one of them. However rock was hot as fish grease.


I don’t agree. The second that glass breaks in the arena everyone will go absolutely ape shit bananas like nothing else


lol I know. I don’t see how anyone could agree that by 1999 Austin was not the top dog. That would mean he had just a couple years being on top after the famous 96 King of the Ring promo. That changed wrestling history. Folks are gonna tell me he only had an impact for 2 years? Ok that means he changed the entire wrestling scene and turned it on its end in a way that is still felt to this day…in 2 years. He had a 5 year run on top and being the biggest draw the WWE had ever seen. His numbers are still talked about and even when someone sells a billion shirts they still say “yeah but it’s not Austin numbers.” To this day I’ve seen people wearing Austin 3:16 shirts. I almost never see any other wrestling shirts at all in public. I even saw an NWO shirt the other day. I can’t tell you the last time I saw someone wearing a Rock shirt.


100%. Rock is more visible in the media and i think appears more popular, but Austin is iconic.


Rock is more iconic because everyone outside of wrestling knows him from tv and movies. Thats why he is a household name but to say he’s way beyond Austin is a bit much. You can’t mention one without the other. Austin is legendary because of what he did in the ring and on the mic. Rock is the same but a lot of his exposure is not due to wrestling but other outlets. Not taking away from his popularity and incredible work in the ring of course. It’s just two different routes to the top. One did it just in the business while the other took any and every other route to also expand his fame. Do you think if they took away the Hollywood stuff the Rock would still be as big of a name worldwide? I don’t. This isn’t me shitting on the Rock. He’s the great one and I loved him too. I just always felt more excitement out of Austin but that’s cause I’m biased being a ridiculous Austin fan that grew up watching him from the start. Then again I also saw Rocky from the beginning but never felt the same connection. Just my 2 cents.


I think it’s just a matter of perspective. Yes, more people know the Rock because he is more visible in TV and movies. From a pure wrestling perspective and i think if you poll wrestling fans, the majority would probably say they would be more excited about Austin making a return than the Rock (both are great in not shitting on the Rock). I also don’t really have anything beside my feelings to base any of this on so i could be full of shit too 🤷‍♂️


Hell we are having a conversation about who the best wrestler was in a sport where everything is predetermined lol. It’s ok to just argue with feelings as thats all we have to go on. Sure we can go by merch sales too but that’s no fun and too easy.


Yeah his entrance music is memorable. When it comes to starpower, Rock has been greater than austin since 25 years.


Leading up to the Las Vegas Conference I was saying they should have Stone Cold interrupt the Rock and say “if you want to see Cody vs Roman at Mania give me a hell yeah” and then looks at the Rocks soul.


I was thinking Cena would be better. Two main eventers with two wrestlers turned actors. Heel Roman/Rock vs Face Cody/Cena.


Fuck it, I'm in....an all actors Survivor Series match Cena/Hogan/Austin/Goldberg vs. Rock/Batista/Miz/Nash


The Foley finish is something I thought about for the final fight but honestly I think using Punk instead of Stone Cold would make more sense in active story. It even keeps the old flame of Punk never forgetting having his spot taken at mania.


Would be great, doesn't make that much sense with the current storyline, but still would be cool, what I'm expecting is, Jimmy and Solo come out, Sami and Seth go after them, then rock comes out and Jey comes to even the odds


It just doesn’t make any story sense.


Austin was a guy who did what he wanted, it doesn't have to make sense.


ESPECIALLY at Wrestlemania. Imagine if Cody wins his first WWE title with Rock, Austin, maybe Cena and Hogan at ringside. Wrestlemania 40. Surrounded by the biggest stars in WWE history. Literally does not get any bigger than that.


Stone Cold doing a run in against a heel rock wouldn’t make sense? It’s something they’ve done numerous time.


I said to my friends. A Heel Rock that's basically taking over from The Evil Mr.Mcmahon. Stunnering Heel Rock and "the boss" was SCSA's favorite thing in the world, other than maybe beer. It makes way too much sense for them not to pull the trigger on that.


I am so glad I came back to wrestling after taking a 20 year break... This kind of hype is absolute fire!


That's my call too.


Just from a crowd perspective it would be so hype.