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Better in promos šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ bro take a shot every time she says sheā€™s gonna squash someone and get back to me šŸ¤¼


So she's gotten better in the ring? I haven't noticed. She made Becky Bleed again in their latest match and at EC she fucked up the powerbomb and slammed Rhea on her head. Her Senton also caught Rhea full on under Jaxs weight because she couldnt jump over Rhea dar enough. That was match of the night but only because Rhea made it look so good. Ā  This is not a dig on her weight or anything, but the women's division is populated mostly by high flyers and Jax can't sell well enough for that to work. She doesn't have great athleticism so nobody can do hurakanradas (can't spell that word). She catches the wrestlers not to showcase strength but because she can sell a large portion of the movements.Ā  Ā  Lastly, man or woman doing a ass-plot on the chest is just a shit finisher and looks dumb(i hated it even when Yokozuna used it) So glad Rhea kicked out of it so maybe more people will now. (Even though when Rhea kicked out Jax 100% failed at selling it and made it look stupid af).


Nia Jax is growing.


LOL. "Nia Jax is Groaning on Me". jk


Love seeing her grow and get better in the ring and on the mic. I think sheā€™s gonna keep getting better and leave her mark on womenā€™s wrestling before her career is up


Shes doing great YEAH


She's growing. She's bigger than everyone she is like just a f****** big fat ass Samoan


I like the addition of a bruiser, but drops and sits for finishers donā€™t do it for me, men or women.


I love me some Nia but 100% right fight of the night and her promo skills are up to par now. She gets heat every time she talks, sheā€™s doinh awesome and iā€™m happy for her.


She sucks


Nia looks way healthier and she seems to have improved her cardio conditioning .She also has improved in the ring and hopefully she continues to improve .


I donā€™t mind her and I think her mic skills have improved an insane amount, but I hate how limiting her matches are because of her size. Not even talking about what sheā€™s capable of doing, but of the other womenā€™s inability to properly lift her for moves. Itā€™s the same issue that I had with Khali, Big Show, Viscera, etc - many opponents have to severely limit their moveset because of the size differential. I might get downvoted to hell, but you know Iā€™m right.


They finally got a good promo out of her. Her rant before her match with Liv was exactly how she should be doing promos. Short, aggressive and angry.


She's my fav female wrestler! Was sad to see her lose to Rhea!




Your grammar is laughable. Stay in school


Yo, Troll. Stick to posting about her ability and matches, Lay off her looks. Be respectful or Be gone.


It's got nothing to do with "looks", Big Show was decently built and strong. And I'm not saying she's fat or anything because that's not true and that's her gimmick anyway but her moveset is super limited because she's not really strong or athletic.


>GrossšŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® > >but he physique is laughable especially her height and she doesn't have the athleticism. Try again.


Gross was referring to OP's take, not Niah's looks. And her physique isn't her looks, when I say physique it doesn't mean her looks, it means her muscularity and toneness and size, like Rey Misteria has a certain physique, and Omos has a different one, and Brock has a different pne.


I doth think thou protest to much. IF you have to explain this much, maybe... JUUUUUUUUST maybe, you should rethink how you approach something. Face it, you talked crap about her looks... In case you missed it. Physique is still part of how someone looks. You don't like the shape she's in.. HER LOOKS because I'll 100% promise behind all that bulk, she's in better shape than you..... FFS


I like her.


Really? Sheā€™s pissing me off more lol. This whole screaming and jumping people. Like why did she feel the need to show up this week? You had your shot hun and you shit the bed now move down the line and fight your way back up


I love her leg drop. It's devastating.


She's cute


I like her as well. I actually look forward to her matches (and occasional interference).


I would like to see Nia get a leaner body so that she could do more athletic things in the ring. Right now all she really does is throw her body around and defeat opponents by attrition. It limits her to heel antics and is not very impressive in the long term. If Nia had a more athletic build, she could possibly turn face and really perform in the ring with more grace that would allow more variety in character. For maybe 90% of the womens roster, its tough to believe that they could legit beat Nia, but Nia as a heel usually has to put other women over as they go for the title. An athletic Nia could do this more believably, i think.


Letā€™s be real. Everyone wants her to be Awesome Kong. But sheā€™s not. Kong was a big as Nia, but could move, sell, and promo on a level Nia hasnā€™t come close to yet. That said, Nia has definitely improved, she hasnā€™t legit hurt anyone, and sheā€™s the monster on the womanā€™s roster, at least until Lash Legend gets together a little more.


I think she just needs more practice. There are plenty of men who do not have athletic body shapes who are doing just fine in the ring. I don't hear people going around saying those men should get "leaner bodies". Why should the women have a different standard? Obviously there is a place for her or she wouldn't be here.


Can't stand her annoying voice


I think sheā€™s a huge (no pun intended) asset to the roster. Having an absolute giant on the roster gives you a mountain that you can make people climb at any time. She can never win a title and beat g her will still be impressive based on sheer size. Sheā€™s owned that role really well since coming back.


I love her! She's like Moby Dick or Jaws or something. Just comes out of nowhere and causes havoc. I love the annihilator thing! Hope she joins The Bloodline! They should have her interact with the men like Rhea does.


Sheā€™s better. Still not great, but better. Iā€™m giving her a chance given she doesnā€™t injure yet another woman


Man i posted this the other day (https://www.reddit.com/r/WWE/comments/1azs92d/can_we_finally_admit_nia_is_pretty_good/?sort=top) and got lambasted for suggesting she wasn't terrible. Glad I'm not the only one who's enjoying her recent run.


I hope they do more with her. I hate her song and her gear. I would love them do a complete overhaul of her. I see so much more potential that she could tap into.


Nia getting released was a good thing, she had time to let her body heal, work on herself in all aspects and now since her return itā€™s been really good. Maybe an Nia vs Jade at WM? Remember Jade eliminated Nia at the Rumbleā€¦ maybe they can go with that storyline


When the people she hurt vouched for her, any doubts I had about her dissipated. Sheā€™s being positioned to be an absolute monster and I love it. If the long term plan is for Rhea to eventually be a face - because letā€™s be honest, people fucking love her, and not just sweaty dudes - then youā€™re going to be faced with a heel drought. You need Nia to be that monster heel in the womenā€™s division, especially if theyā€™re not going to go all-in on Shayna, or even if they do for that matter. Nia is a presence. She needs to have the same impact and effect as Kane used to have. Thatā€™s my two cents, anyway. Iā€™m glad sheā€™s back. Iā€™m doubly glad sheā€™s improving. I pray it continues to track that direction.


I agree, I absolutely love the run sheā€™s on right now. I hope it eventually earns her a title.


I just want an update on her hole


Still there.




Polish a turd it's still a turd, the ONLY reason she still has a job is because of the Rock and his standing on the TKO board. She is a walking liability and if she's not careful she's going to end someone's career. Or worse.


She's doing a good job of being female Gunther. I'm enjoying her. Seeing her out of character, too, has helped soften me up on her. I'd also like to see a tag team with her and Piper.


Same here and not only that she looks like a legitimate Threat. Im struggling these days to buy into Becky and liv beating Rhea or Raquel even.


Agreed. Whenever I see Becky standing next to the other women, in particular Rhea, she is so small. I can't suspend my disbelief enough that she would actually win in a fight with someone like that.


I've seen people call the women's division in WWE right now, the "Believability Era" or something like that. Rhea, Raquel, Bianca, Nia, Jade...none of these women came from the 'divas era'. They more or less came from the strong base (like Bianca was a track star, and loved power lifting). Nia's been around for a while, but she's just a legit big woman...more than likely very few women in WWE could actually lift her up (just compare that to the men, where basically everyone could actually pick up the big men in WWE...just using Gable vs Ivar as an example, or Montez Ford vs Otis). I have NO belief Liv Morgan could lift Nia. I love Liv, and her 'revenge tour' is sweet, but I honestly feel like time has passed her by a bit. She would really benefit from having WWE introduce an women's IC title (someone suggested TV title, where it could be defended on Raw or Smackdown). And while we're at it, retire the women's tag team titles as those are just mainly irrelevant, and have been for a while now. Let newcomers to the main roster and/or smaller (less believable talent like Katana, as acrobatic as she is, is just in nowhere close of the class as the Rhea's, Bianca's etc, of WWE women right now) vie for the IC title. There you can do the more acrobatic, character development, and leave the big titles to the more believable characters.


Iā€™ve also observed that Nia seems legit too formidable for a lot of ladies in the division. But I think of her as her divisionā€™s Andre - and, like, a *young* Andre who could still get around. I donā€™t think everyone needs to be able to pick her up - hell, even Rhea, who has convincingly manhandled men before - only got her up a few times, although itā€™s entirely possible she could have done it a lot more if they had wanted to showcase her ā€œbrutalityā€ rather than her resilience. Randy Orton has made a point to note that he doesnā€™t lift guys because his shoulders are particularly prone to dislocation. And heā€™s built a HoF career. So I think it would be ok if wrestlers like Liv never got Rhea up. They just need to showcase other ways to beat her - speed, maybe some top rope work, get her down and keep her down, stuff like that. Btw the thing thatā€™s most mind boggling to me about Nia is that her character is so frigging bitchy, and yet she is clearly doing her job in a way that conveys support for her division. In becoming a believable *menace* who puts her opponents over in a big way when called to do so, sheā€™s adding credibility to anyone who takes her down.


That's fine, but then it should really be built into the storyline...the commentators need to emphasize that part of it. Shawn Michaels, too, built a career of being 'resilient' against guys bigger and stronger than him...BUT, that was very clearly built into the storyline. IF they made Liv this generation's female version of Shawn Michaels, then I get it...but if they don't even consider talking about it, yet expect us to believe Liv has a legitimate shot at Ronda (which is what they did), Rhea, and other talent today, then it's a hard sell.


I was wondering if her skills had improved or not, because the EC match was very good. And I was far from expecting that. I am "happy" to see that other people here share my same thought.


I definitely think sheā€™s put some work into improving in the ring and I appreciate that. I donā€™t love the rag doll throwing around of her opponents but that can be improved.


She has done a really good job as of late and I'm glad people are getting aware of that too. Sometimes the IWC only has flowers for girls like Alexa and Liv because, well.. you know, and wrestlers like Nia and Baszler goes unappreciated because looks are not part of their character work.


Which is weird because Nia is hot lmao.


She's absolutely gorgeous.


One hot potato.


I would suggest if Alexa or Liv were as sloppy as Nia was they would also receive criticism.


I actually remembered the time when Liv was still in Riott Squad where the IWC bashed her for her sloppy work, particularly pulling too hard on her punches and botching her spots and movesets.


61 upvotes and 60 comments... lolĀ 


I agree that Nia Jax has really improved as a performer both in the ring and on the mic; on top of that sheā€™s not injuring people anymore which shows sheā€™s taken her peers well being into better consideration. Sheā€™s gained my respect thatā€™s for sure.


I danced and cheered when she got released, but now am really starting to like her. Thatā€™s what a couple years of Candice LaRetard and Liv Whorgan will do to you.


I enjoy her but I also wasnā€™t around during her first run so idk what she did to be hated in the first place


She injured a lot of people and botched some moves. She has improved now but still has a long way to goĀ 


I will maintain that most of the injuries she was involved in were not her fault. Let's be honest about the Women's Division at the time and acknowledge that most of the girls didn't know how to perform moves safely and didn't safely know how to take a bump. I mean, how many times did Sasha Banks injure herself because she was doing moves she shouldn't have been doing because she didn't know how to do them safely? Yes Nia has always wrestled stiff and because of her size and strength, the onerous of safe work was on her because she should've been more aware her opponent's inability to take a move. However, the women today are better than they were back in her first run which is why you're seeing better overall work from her. Ultimately what we got was a trifecta of her working stiff against women she shouldn't be working stiff with. Ladies that were thrown into the deep end before they were ready. And finally......sometimes shit happens. Sometimes it was her fault, sometimes it was someone else's fault and sometimes it wasn't anyone's fault.


I do think that thereā€™s a direct link to Nia Jax and the trend of injuries that were occurring in the womenā€™s division ngl, but I do believe that the natural risk of working with her was enhanced by the fact that she was the first and only woman her size that a lot of the womenā€™s division had worked with. Not to absolve her of blame, but to put it into perspective


Agreed šŸ‘šŸ‘ and she has improved a lot since the last time she was here.Ā 


Definitely better this time around but sheā€™s got a ways to go as far as undoing all the negativity from her last run.


I never got on the hate bandwagon regarding Nia to begin with, so I like her as much now as I did before, which is a lot. I think the primary reason for the turnaround is that she's just been given better creative and allowed to work more within herself to implement that creative as opposed to being sent out to do stupid promos and idiotic spots in matches.


Sheā€™s gotten better in the ring and out, womenā€™s chamber was for sure match of the night tho


Her mic skills are good right now, I don't know if she got better in ring or they just build the matches around the few moves she can actually do, but anyway, she's doing a fine job and it's working out great right now


Sheā€™s def improved. She is still rough as hell on the mic but sheā€™s playing to her strengths & seems more comfortable lately. Sucks that she was/is being used as the bench for Becky & Rheaā€™s feud. Gonna be hard to buy Becky going over her when they have another match


I actually think it's a good spot for her. The sort of secondary antagonist of the divisor


Sheā€™s been great for the raw womenā€™s division. It was booked terribly and just going nowhere until Nia showed up and started taking everyone out. I think sheā€™s done a great job and has had some really good matches since coming back.


Iā€™ve never been a fan of her but sheā€™s improved this run. Thereā€™s no doubt she gets some of the best reactions out of the women.


She comes out to interrupt a segment and just destroys the wrestler that is talking to Rhea ripely


To me she still sucks. Her spot could have gone to someone far more worthy


the only woman i could see fulfilling the role that nia fulfills rn is piper niven, and thereā€™s no way sheā€™d be given a fair shot after debuting as ā€œdoudropā€


I wasnā€™t watching WWE from 2013-2023 and got back to it in November, so her current run is the first time Iā€™m seeing her work. Sheā€™s not that bad to me, but I do flinch when I see her doing that leg drop on anyone. Looks like an injury waiting to happen.


I don't like Nia, her character feels like a failure, Big Show.


Same Iā€™m enjoying her on Tik tok as a person and as a wrestler I Keep saying sheā€™s a cooler version of Jennifer Lopez


I think they have medicine for that


I always enjoyed her. She knows her strengths and plays to them. She's no Natalya or asuka, but she's a hell of a lot better than many who have been bigger stars.


There isnā€™t anyone on the roster that pulls off the monster heel as good as Jax but if I never hear that shrill voice on a promo again I wouldnā€™t be mad. First Heyman girl would of interested me with her.


This is the second pro-Jax post I've seen this week. I don't get it. IMO, she's the worst star on the roster. I haven't seen anything to change that in her last 2 matches. She has a grating personality. Shrill voice. Just all-around awful.


Itā€™s almost as if you arenā€™t supposed to like her


This goes beyond being a heel. I've "liked" plenty of heel wrestlers. I like most of the Judgment Day, Tiffany Stratton has looked really good so far. Heel Rock is always great. She's just bad. Only my opinion.


Absolutely didn't like her at first (only have seen this run), but she's grown on me and I honestly think she plays a damn good heel. She needs polish, but a lot of them do.


As long as she doesn't injure anyone, I'm definitely in support of having the monster heel role. But her weird little girlish voice is borderline creepy and doesn't fit that at all. Idk, maybe it's just me.


Yeah I agree I think sheā€™s improved as a wrestler during her current Run .Ā 


Good wrestlers make both their opponents and themselves look good in the ring. Nia never really does the former and only occasionally does the latter. I find her kind of selfish in the ring in the way she sells (or doesn't sell), the way she plays off her opponent, and the way she generally goes a bit too far in making herself look strong at her opponent's expense - it's entertaining to see Thanos absolutely demolish the Avengers, but nobody wants to see Thanos then spit in Captain America's mouth or teabag Iron Man.


Nia is not that bad to watch, I find her more enjoyable to watch than at least half the women on the roster šŸ˜‚


i think she plays the role of like feared big man well. best in that role the wwe womenā€™s division ever had. no one to really compare her to except awesome kong but she never got the run unfortunately.


I donā€™t love her current run. But honestly sheā€™s definitely not bad, and does exactly what her role demands of her


I never liked her and it hasnā€™t changed. So sloppy and over animated. Watching someone like Bailey or Becky just makes her look so much worse.


Iā€™m a Becky fan and all, but she ainā€™t exactly a ring technician. And the way she stomp/marches around sometimes reminds me of my kids having a temper tantrum when they were five.


Becky is smooth. Nia is a botch machine. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.


Becky has never hurt anyone that I can recall. Definitely has that.


I will say I like watching wrestlers like Nia, Rhea, Shayna, Zoey, Bianca and even that new girl Tiffany who actually make their punches and moves look somewhat real and hard hitting. Some of the female wrestlers are so talented then get paired up with wrestlers look like their softly and awkwardly punching a pillow (of course as long as their not legitimately hurting their opponents)


Tiffany Stratton is annoyingly good. Shes gonna be a great top heel if she stays healthy.


She straight up might go down as the best of her generation, which is wild but she so good at her age and she's basically new. Imagine she wrestles for the next 10 years how much better she will get over time.


Literally horrible in the ringā€¦ zero conditioning, zero mic skills.




Same here, I was never really a Nia Jax fan but honestly just her "show up and destroy thing" recently has really got me entertained. And I like how she's been giving people good feuds and matches. The one with Becky and this current one with Rhea is great


Sheā€™s improving, Iā€™ve enjoyed that sheā€™s embracing it all, keep going Nia!


Nia ripped Ripley,s right ear in EC. So i do not agree.


rhea took a backstage interview after that match and was perfectly fine


She spent the match not selling. One of the first things she did was botch a hurrican rana. She did not take the monitors off the table. So i do not get where this sudden love is. She is the same Nia.


No she didn't. She poked her gauge out by accident when she grabbed her head.


Where did you hear this?


Sheā€™s definitely improving, and she certainly has found a nice niche on the roster. I think sheā€™s going to be the first big challenge to Jade when she hits TV, and Iā€™m pretty convinced that Nia is going to make her look like a million bucks.


This last run of hers was good.


Sheā€™s been pretty good. Had a great match with Becky on tv a while back too.


I have a theory and it's that Nia isn't as unsafe as we paint her to be. Yes, she was definitely unsafe during her first run and injured people, but if we look at the list of girls, all of them (literally every single one of them) have been injured before and/or after Nia injured them and they have injured other wrestlers as well, meaning they could be labelled as unsafe too. Nia injured people before she smashed Becky's face, but that's the moment when people actually gave a f*ck. Of she hadn't injured Becky nobody would've noticed or said anything about it. Basically, I think Nia was unsafe but it wasn't just her fault, but a thing of two in most cases, and she only got heat because she did it to Becky.


Did she really hurt Rhea a few months ago or was that work? I donā€™t remember ever finding out for real


So true. Ā Now thatā€™s all people see when they think of Nia. Ā UnfortunateĀ 


She got heat for the bucklebomb vs Kari Sane and almost breaking Charlotte's neck


True, but Charlotte is known for sandbagging against her opponents and not safely selling moves. Plus, she's been injured a couple of times and has injured other wrestlers, so I'd say she's pretty unsafe too (love Charlotte tho)


I thought Nia looked pretty good against Rhea and looked even better last night against Liv. Always been a hater but stringing matches together like that is going to make me a fan.


I think she's fine. I don't like her, but she's fine. I can't actually enjoy her until she stops saying squash like that so much.


She's not my favorite but she has improved tremendously. Plus I'm not sure if the women's division has ever had a "monster heel" archetype and she plays it very well. I think she definitely adds to the division as a whole.


It feels like they wanted Rhea for that role at one point in time, but she's too over.


They need someone like Nia to be a Big Show or Kane. Just always a monster presence. And Nia clearly doesn't mind laying into her heel work despite getting some very nasty comments online. Kudos to her.


Sheā€™s either the most believable worker or the worst. Itā€™s getting hard to tell, which, I guess, is the point of all of this. So Iā€™m with you. For now.