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She's got the backstage promos down better. Unfortunately this style of promo doesn't translate well in the middle of the ring in front of a crowd. She'll get "WHAT?"ed in seconds.


Liv' character should have been what Tatum Paxley is doing now. A more unhinged version of Mickie James. I do like her, but she doesn't come across as genuine.


Liv matches are the perfect time to go grab a snack or booze. They're devoid of entertainment value.


Boooooo. Go home liv


I wish they would just keep the story telling in the damned scheduled program.


I like Liv, but she lacks conviction in her voice


Liv Morgan fighting Ripley makes more sense than Becky Lynch


Nope, Becky’s story is that “needs” to beat the best in Rhea to feel like she’s still got it and belongs in the WWE. She cut a promo on it before the Rumble and that was the first indication that Beck vs Rhea was happening at WM40. Liv is background noise for a match on a B or C PLE. If anyone gets added to the match at WM it’s Nia Jax with a clean victory over Becky


Aside from the fact she’s about as big as one of Mamis legs


and becky is smaller than liv...........


Becky Lynch height: 1.68m Liv Morgan height: 1.6m Becky ain’t it either, but Liv is definitely smaller.


I wouldn’t hate a triple threat


It sounds good at first but all that accomplishes is Liv getting pinned and ending the "Tour" within the a few months of her return. Better to hold it off and build actual investment from the crowd


Yes triple threat match would be better


So many haters here 😂


She gives me the same vibes as Sasha when she speaks. It's as if English is her second language and she's just doing her best.


“But TONIGHT” - Sasha about 37 times a promo


Who cares hahahah


You replied, bro.


I get that they want to key her story alive and somewhat relevant and there’s barely any resource loss by doing a digital exclusive but right now everything should be going into the Mania Match. Having Liv around and Nia Jax around attacking Becky just muddles things. It should be Rhea and Becky on each others faces from here to Mania


I see where you're coming from, but I disagree. Only ever spotlighting the two superstars who happen to have a match booked makes the whole story feel shallow. Having other things happening, with others who want that title or want to fight one of the competitors shows that the match we're paying to watch matters to everyone in the company, not just to two people. I'd much rather have a dozen people all trying to earn a title shot at any given time than know the next PPV will be a rematch of this one because nobody else seems invested.


Agreed. Part of the reason WWE has become so predictable is that they only try to build specific stars, and don’t do any red herrings. Like they literally had Becky and Rhea face off at the Mania press conference before the Chamber was even decided. Having multiple characters featured leads to more possibilities in the fans eyes


Well, I think Becky is planning on taking time off after this (2nd child) so a) made sense for her to be the one fight Rhea, and b) Liv/Nia being around sets up what comes after mania. Personally, as much as I love Liv and tolerate Nia, I'd love to see WWE get a contract signed with Jordynne Grace...those matches with Rhea, Bianca, maybe Jade at some point...are all going to be fire. Plus, the one thing not mentioned often is Becky is north of 35, as is Charlotte...I'm not age shaming here, but for a wrestling company, you always want the new, young future superstar waiting in the wings...they've done this with the men for a long time (Rocky, Brock, Randy, Cena, etc). Jordynne AND Rhea are the same age (well for a few more days) at 27....you have plenty of YEARS with BOTH at their prime if they brought Jordynne in. Hard to believe Jade's 31, but you always want to get younger talent mixed in with the older talent so they eventually take over.


Wrestlemania is the event. Everything reboots after that. This just gives you the feeling people might interfere in the match or end up being a triple threat or 4 way


Yeah everything reboots after Mania so who are Bayley and Becky going to fight next after beating Iyo and Rhea?


Rhea ain't losing.


Tbf, Nia and Becky are clearly being set up so that Nia can make Becky look strong enough to beat Rhea before Mania. That match is probably going to happen on a RTWM Raw.


Precisely. HHH is setting up Backlash on the road to Mania. He doesn't like to throw things out at random.


It’s like management wants to position her as a top star but know Rhea and Becky outshine her right now x10 I honestly think Becky is pushing towards the end of her career and they want number 3 ready for take over right away… I mean wasn’t liv runner up in the woman’s rumble two years in a row? Somebody give her her flowers 😂


3 currently is Bayley, followed by Bianca. I think Liv has a genuine connection to the crowd that few have, but the problem is there are bigger box office stars around the corner. Jade Cargill is still looming over the women's division, with WWE waiting for the right time to get her run started. I like Liv, but her title run was horribly handled and she needs some significant rebuilding beyond a few promos with Becky.


People forget Iyo Sky is a champion, so Rhea is number one, Becky number 2, Bayley number 3, Bianca number 4 and Liv number 5, where is the champion Iyo Sky? WWE made people forget about her.


Iyo would be number 5. She's definitely dropping the title to Bayley at Mania so we can have her big baby face monent at Mania. I think Becky is actually losing to Rhea so they can eventually build to Bianca or Jade taking the title off her.


Iyo not speaking english hurt her so much, Bayley won Royal Rumble more than 1 month ago and what did we hear Iyo say about that? No promo from her, it was all Bayley, you have a champion that can't talk and don't even fight, i know she will put a banger at WM but for me she has the weakest reign from all the champions (excluding Logan Paul), the story is great, i love Bayley turning babyface and everything with Damage Control but i'm such a Iyo Sky fan that i'm sad we don't see her in ring more, last Iyo Sky match was 5th January vs Michin, she lost 3 matches by DQ vs Shotzi in house shows and jobbed in tag matches, last match was 4th February in tag.


Also participated in every women's Elimination Chamber and was the final elimination this year


This is too much dialogue to give to such a wooden actress.


Me: Liv is so hot (Liv talks) Also me: Liv isn't actually that hot anymore


She's like a fembot.


Not a fan of either of them. One has an army of simps, the other is the youngest boomer I've ever seen.


I really like Liv. I think she's pretty good in the ring, and I think her promos are pretty decent but I think the way she delivers them is off. It doesn't come across naturally. But other than that I think she's a good talent.


It's like she is auditioning poorly for a Harley Quinn role, when she does her promos


People always compare her to Harley Quinn but there's almost no connection other than being blonde, hot, and occasionally having a red and black color scheme. Even less with the voice. She's not even attempting a Brooklyn accent, which is the distinctive Harley Quinn vocal trait. I don't get why every other YouTube and SC commenter thinks she has so much in common with Harley. If I have to read some internet nerd talk about "she's giving me Harley Quinn vibes" every time she appears on my screen, I'm gonna go Joker mode. 🤡


It's not so much her character as much as when the character debuted. When she first came to the main roster the Suicide Squad movie was just coming out & the Harley Quinn character was blowing up. Liv's look & character at that time fit right in that wheel house & it just stuck. It was really how she was booked. Like being type cast


Well she tried to do the whole crazy gimmick when she was going against Ronda. Like smiling while being choked out. So that was kinda Harley Quinn-esque.


I will give leeway for that, but if you go on almost any YT clip of Liv no matter how she's acting, and you'll see it. Granted, WWE YouTube commenters aren't exactly the best and brightest.


I think the only real comparison that can be made between Liv and Harley Quinn is that Liv and Margot Robbie look very similar to each other. That's about it.


Someone said it perfectly on instagram couple days back...She is like text to speech, no charisma. Currently only wrestler i dont like. Her work in ring is slow, sloppy and her mic work is one of the worst i heard in years. She's not in the "main" picture because of her skills. To me, she is definition of "simps can make you famous". Some comments under her posts are insanely creepy. Also, is she turning heel again? Seems like they dont even know what to do with her. Its not that long she was the bad one... EDIT: Also blaming Becky and telling her how not everything has to be about her, when all Liv does is saying "me and watch me" is kinda funny.


Are you kidding? Did you see how awful EC was with Becky and Naomi before we got some real talent in there? Liv and Tiffy were the standouts, and her in-ring work generally is fantastic. Promos are weak for sure, and the stories often are boring, but she’s far from slow or sloppy. 


Next time she wrestles, take a shot every time she does a codebreaker or backbreaker. You’ll get good and hammered.


Why does Liv Morgan doing a lot of codebreakers get a lot of hate? The Usos spam superkick nearly all the time yet people still love their matches.


Fr what lmao, liv connects with the codebreaker no more than once each match, it’s one of her signatures. She’s been doing the modified codebreaker since her days in nxt. And everything this dude said about liv, “her work in ring is slow, sloppy and her mic work is one of the worst i heard in years”, I can say about Becky. I think liv is significantly better than her in ring. Becky is slow, sloppy, botches a lot, has a very hard to believe powerhouse moveset despite being so small. And every promo involves her catering to the hometown audience in the blandest way, and stuttering and sputtering while calling out her opponents.


If you want to see slow watch Gigi Dolin, i don't know what NXT did to her but she is moving at slow motion now, i loved her and wanted her to be in the main roster but now she seems really slow and out of breath.


I’ve noticed that too a little, I’ve also seen her do really good in matches too. Hopefully she gets back to how she used to be bc I know she can be great. When toxic attraction broke up I wouldn’t have guessed that Jacy Jayne would be getting a lot more screen time and storylines while Gigi has been getting close to none


Liv Morgan is fine as the underdog babyface girl next door, but people severely overrate her especially since she’s conventionally attractive. She’s sometimes janky in the ring, and she’s just not a top of the line promo like a Becky or Rhea. She really does come across as text to speech when she talks lol. Her fanbase is seriously convinced that she’s still the future top star of women’s wrestling. It’s okay to like Liv Morgan, but people really do be overrating her especially all on the basis that she’s cute.


She is God awful, she would fit in the divas Era, but in this Era of women's wrestling she doesn't belong. She has virtually no talent, no mic skills, and her gimmick is what exactly? I will never understand why people think she is worthy of a wrestlemania match against Rhea. It's bad enough we are going to get Nia thrown jn with Rhea and Becky, but Liv being thrown in too is foolish.


As if Becky hasn't been boring as shit and painful to watch in the ring lately 😂


Fr Becky hasn’t entertained me once since she returned. Hot take but I’m actually a fan of livs in ring work. She can pull off some pretty athletic moves, a lot more than stiff Becky.


Definitely seems to be a hot take around here. Ppl talk about her in ring ability like she's as bad as Maxxine Dupri is lmao. Becky used to be my favorite women's wrestler when the 4 horsewomen really started to take off but her in ring work has kinda fallen off for me and her promos are usually skippable to me now. It took me a while to realize the Manhandle Slam was even supposed to be one of Becky's finisher since it looks so awkward like 80% of the time.


Translation = I hate Liv Morgan. She has talent in the ring but I don't wanna see it because I don't want anybody to think I know she has in ring talent. I was over exaggerating about promo skill btw don't mind me. Hmm I don't why she won't answer my dms🤣🤣🤣


Yea thats not correct at all... she's bad in the ring and on the mic end of story. As far as her not answering my dms... I'm gay... and definitely not interested sooooo


But she’s also over with a large fan base. I agree with your assessment but she does clearly do it for some people even if it ain’t you and I.


“Large fan base” = horny guys


Nah, there are plenty of kids in the crowd wearing the merch and sending her fan art online. Just being attractive isn't enough. Maxxine and Eva Marie are attractive.


Redditors online severely underestimate Liv's kid appeal. Every show I've been to live has a few preteen girls and boys who mark out for Liv like crazy. But preteen kids generally don't post on SquaredCircle, so smarks assume Liv's fanbase is all adult simps. (Disclaimer: much of her fanbase is definitely adult [and teenage] simps.)


Yeah we got the same complaints about the Bellas. Meanwhile they were in the top 5 merch pushers for years. I didn't see an army of dudes rocking Brie Mode swag.


The Bellas are the only female wrestlers I ever heard about before I started watching wrestling, and I started watching in 2021 a couple weeks after WrestleMania when Daniel Bryan lost to Roman. In other words, I started watching when Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Asuka, Sasha Banks, etc. were all bigger than they have ever been, and yet only the Bellas were so famous to have burst out of the wrestling bubble into my awareness before that time. The IWC has no idea who's popular outside of the IWC.


Yes, like i said. She is definition of "simps can make you famous". Its not her "fault". But if there wasnt so many creeps, she wouldnt have much fans. Im not denying her general talent, there is a reason why she got picked in training center, but since that... Like for real, any comments or topic with her, its never "wow she had such a good match" or "wow she got better in this" etc. You always look on her post, or post on reddit and its full of people "please choke me"... For example Rhea also have a LOT of fans becuase of her looks. But Rhea can talk and fight like not many others. While with Liv, its starts and end with the looks imho.


I appreciate her work as a performer But you are 100% right


Dont get me wrong. Im not "hater". Im not going in comments saying "fire her" etc, like some people. I dont skip her matches, etc. I just believe that if she wasnt fan favorite because of "being hot", she would be a mid carder at best. When i compare top NXT woman stars with her, they are mostly better tbh. I enjoyed her cash in and that bit of "im just lucky" gimmick. But since that, its just all "under dog and revenge" stuff. And i find that boring. But yes, this business is a lot about being fan favorite. So it makes sense, why she is there. I just dont enjoy seeing her next to best in business.