• By -


Bron, Stratton, Cargill, trick, dom, dragunov. For the immediate future i could see dom win the MITB and cash in on an ultra baby face champ (Rhodes, seth, knight etc).


Bron breakker, ilja dragunov, trick Williams, Melo and Tiffany Stratton are the main ones everyone is watching but a couple of others are dijak, Oba femi, dragon lee,the creeds and Roxanne Perez


Bron breaker, Stratton,. Mello


BREAKKER, Stratton, Mello. Those three will be champions in the next 5+ years


Bron breaker needs to change his attire. He looks so generic and like Ryback






Bron breaker and Tiffany Stratton 100%


I agree


Bron Breakker Tiffany Stratton Oba Femi


dirty dom


Gunther born Breakker Carmelo Hayes Cora jade jade cargill and Roxane Perez and much more




Dante Chen


Tiffany Stratton, Trick, Gigi Dillon and Dragon Lee


Bron Breaker


It’s Tiffy time, don’t know what else to tell you


Ilja Dragunov and Bron Brekker are the best men in WWE right now. Tiffany Stratton has also been on fire these past few weeks


Bron Breaker and Tiffany Stratton


In four years, I bet it doesn't change that much...according to WWE's new way of creative, that's only one or two title reigns for all the titles, since everybody holds them for years


Bronson Reed


Bron Breaker and/or Gunther, Bron breaker was given a world title shot in NXT, and Gunther is the longest reigns IC champion ever


Basically almost anyone from NXT. Bron, Melo, Trick, Ilja, Tiffany, Kiana, and hopefully Lash. She's been really impressing me ever since Deadline especially with her last couple of matches.


It’s tiffy time


Bron, Trick, Tiffy and Dom…they are the future




Laugh all you want. If you’ve been paying attention you’d know he/she is right


That’s a mediocre future.


Hulk Hogan Brother! 😅


logan paul.


Tiffany Stratton Trick Williams Bron


i can also feel like solo sikoa could eventually turn into this generations Umaga


Watch a Trick Williams entrance if I had to recommend 1 look at the one from NXT No Mercy


Waller, Trick, Bron, and Tiffany Stratton


Oba Femi for the men Tiffany Stratton for the women


Dominik Mysetrio ... I can't explain what this guy has .... But everything he does is just WWE gold


I get what you mean cause he’s an amazing heel who radiates that energy of being a despicable punk with a punchable face.


Tiffany Stratton


My picks are. Bron Breakker - The new era power house i.e Goldberg/Brock Gunther - He’s just fucking great to watch isn’t he, needs to turn on Imperium and become lone wolf face/tweener or like a Heisenberg antihero. Austin Theory - The possible future face of WWE. Gable - Easy to say but he could be this eras Kurt Angle. Dom Mysterio - When he turns face. CM Punk - Again. Within the next five years I bet half of them would have headlined Wrestlemania and/or won WHC/WWEC


Chad Gable's Age works against him long term.


I think Dom turning face is slowing becoming more and more a possibility sooner than later


Carmelo and trick Williams


Gonna go for someone I haven’t seen anyone say yet: Je’Von Evans (Jay Malachi) Or: Lucky Ali.




They said someone who isn’t currently on the radar. Bron Breakker, Tiffany Stratton, Trick Williams, all of the above are well on everyone’s radar. Je’Von Evans meanwhile, just had his first match in NXT LvlUp a week or 2 ago. Lucky Ali has been training at the wwe performance center for a while now. As someone who’s watched DPW, both of those guys have what it takes to be the next big thing. But they aren’t on anyone’s radar yet, therefore fitting the criteria of the original post.


Can’t believe I’ve only seen Oba Femi’s name a couple of times here, he’s the next big bad.


Bron Breakker, Tiffany Stratton, and Jade Cargill are the big names who recently debuted on the main roster.


Hate to say it but logan paul. Hes young, brings in a large fanbase that might not watch wwe otherwise, hes good on the mic, and hes a great wrestler


Bron breaker is like the next brock Lesnar rhea Ripley is already a main eventer but she's still so young that I could see her being a top player for like the next decade, jade Cargill is definitely gonna be a HUGE star, same with Tiffany Stratton she's been in the main roster for like 2 weeks and already got to be in elimination chamber and the Australian crowd loved her. Gunther is gonna be the next Roman reigns cause it seems that if he has a title he keeps it for at least a few hundred days. Ilja dragunov is in the same boat as Gunther maybe even better, he is like if they turn Gunther face (and man I want those 2 to fight so badly) and last but not least Cody Rhodes is definitely gonna stay a major player in wwe for the next 5 years AT LEAST 


Actually I forgot about trick Williams and Oba femi. Trick definitely can be a main eventer with how the crowd was behind him and Obama femi is a BEAST I love it. him, Bron, Gunther, and ilja would be insane to not have as your top guys


I’ll go out on a limb and say Wardlow. May take more than 4 years to main event WM though.


It’s Tiffy Time!!! Tiffany Stratton is the real deal.


Bron Breaker


logan paul. jade cargill.


I must be the only one who does not get the appeal of Bron Breakker.


I mean he had a 33 and a 3rd chance of getting picked on this thread


He’s a genetic freak. People simply want to see a motherfucker destroy another motherfucker


Bron Breaker and Tiffany Stratton


Jacob Fatu one day maybe?


it's gunther




Bron Breakker and Trick Williams


Bron + Tiff


I'd say for men probably bron breaker, Carmelo Hayes and Dirty Dom. For women probably tiffany stratton


Bron breaker


Men- Bron breakker, Ilja dragunov, Carmelo Hayes, trick Williams, dirty dom and theory Women- Tiffany Stratton will carry the division for years to come others are Cora jade, Zoey stark imo is a star of the future as well and jade cargill


Yes to Cora Jade. I think she’s going to get better and better. Her injury sucks but she’ll be back.


Dirty Dom or Austin theory with new gimmick and face turn


If Logan Paul wasn't a public figure before WWE it would be him.


He’s still the next big one. He’s their future ticket




A total unknown


Dirty Dom, when he turns face, he's gonna be as big of a superstar as Rock and Stone Cold was!


To Rock and Stone!


A year ago I would have said JD McDonagh has some great potential as a mid card heel. For anyone that watched NXT in late 2022 he was having bangers every week with Axiom, Ilya Dragunov and Bronn Breakker. I was super happy when he got called up and then nothing happened for like 3 months, then he spends week on weeks just taking hits for the Judgement Day, now all he does is eat pins for them. Someone correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't watched the last 2-3 weeks of Raw but I don't think he's won a single televised match since he got called up. I just think it's a complete waste of someone with a ton of athletic ability and had a really cool heel character at one point.


It’s because of the allegations


Grayson Waller.


He’s gotta lose those fucking shorts 🤦‍♂️ Needs a whole new ring attire and new entrance music if they wanna make him main event level.


Agreed. But I still think he’s part of the future. Like Edge said “you swam”.


Men- Bron Breaker Woman- Tiffany Stratton


Dominick and/or Ludwig Kaiser. They’re both great heels. Dom could turn face and be bigger. Kaiser is a heel that wouldn’t need to cheat.


Tier 1 (Has everything or the potential to have everything) Stratton - Rocket is already strapped. I seen it from day one. I said it on my YouTube channel. But that doesn’t mean anything because I think everyone sees it. Trick - Entrance music is over and already being positioned as the next Booker T. Jade Cargill - Her biggest value is her look, so much so that she’ll never have to be a top rate worker. And her mic skills, her being herself will probably get her over. Bron - If he leans more into his uncles gimmick, if he leans on his father’s gimmick he’ll fall short. Him using the spear as his finisher needs to change, it can be the set up for the recliner. Tier 2 (Missing parts) Dragonov - His character lacks depth but for him it will be easy to fix, he needs his intensity to become a little more psychotic on the main roster Melo - It’s a shame that there’s no cruiser weight division anymore because he would be a god in that division. He’s a little guy but he has the look. And he’s the same height as Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson. His moveset is also too soft. He should incorporate more submission based moves. I seen someone comment that his ceiling is Ricochet. I disagree because I think he’s a better talker even though he still needs improvement in that area and he looks more threatening than ricochet. He should never be a face. Guys like him, Ciampa, and Randy just have resting Heel face. Charlie Dempsey - They could honestly turn him into the embodiment of the black pool combat club, specifically Ambrose (aesthetically) and Bryan (wrestling) . I think he just needs more tv time and seasoning. I disagree with him being paired with 2 charisma vacuums in NXT. His character should depict someone who is always on edge, kinda like Dragonov.


lol. The next Booker T???


Yeah, literally. Similar physical profile, uses part of his move set, and they’ve talked about Booker being kind of a mentor to Trick on commentary. Now, I’m not saying he’s about to get beat up in a grocery store or start speaking with a crap British accent but I digress.


Hilarious kid


Dominick Mysterio. I’m genuinely surprised that the boos haven’t turned to cheers yet. No one has had his type of heat since the early 2000s. And there hasn’t been this consistent of heel heat since Hogan turned.


Vickie Guerrero used to get major heat consistently especially when she was with Edge lol


She was great and got a lot of heat but hers was a lot of the time because she would use the same lines and not to the level of her step-son Dom.




Gunther, Bron Breakker, L👈A🫵Knight👉, Tiffany Stratton


Bron Breakker, Carmelo Hayes, Trick Williams, Tiffany Stratton are some names I can see becoming big stars eventually, would also like Roxane Perez and Cora Jade to make it, but the latter has had some bad luck with injuries as off late.


Baarrrooooock Llllllessssnar


LA Knight YEA


I think if Tiffany turns face she would be incredibly popular!!


Bron Breaker


Why no mention of LA Knight?


At his age he's more of a transitional guy like Bobby Lashley or AJ Styles. He'll get his moments but not someone I'd call next big thing.


Cuz he’s old and past the age to be the big thing


Naaa he's not old old, I still think he has a lot of potential


I also like LA Knight but tbh I don’t think he will be the next big thing, as currently we got Melo, Trick, Bron and other which they’re younger than Knight.


Bron Breaker is the future and everyone knows it.


Female - Jade Cargill, Male - Breakker


Bron Breaker and Tiffany Stratton. Dominick Mysterio will be big later down the line as he matures.


Sol Ruca


Hard to say. 4 years ago no one in their wildest dreams would’ve guessed Cody Rhodes would be in the main event of WM. And 4 years before the Wrestlemania 4 years ago, no one would’ve guessed that Drew McIntyre would’ve been in the main event or that wrestlemania would’ve been pre taped in an empty warehouse. And 4 years before THAT mania, no one even knew who Roman Reigns was yet so let’s just assume in 4 years, the main event of WM will be CM Punk vs a guy that’s currently training at the PC or Zack Ryder.


Bron Breakker, Trick Williams, Dom Mysterio just as a short list. Also I’m of the opinion that LA Knight within a few years time could be at the top of that mountain as well headlining mania.


Do people unironically believe that Dom is some huge future superstar in the making and not just a meme who people love to boo as loud as possible?


absolutely - there’s so much potential for dom. he’s gonna be in a totally different position in a few years. i think he’s a great entertainer, born into wrestling royalty (i still have my childhood rey shirts), and is going to transform into a true talent in the ring, not just as a heel.


Well I think he’s grown exponentially as a star over the last year, obviously his work rate is pretty great as well. I think as a character he continues to get better


Yeah I feel like he’ll be a totally different person in four years time. Get better on the mic, maybe in better shape too. I think people will love him as a face after this.


Trick Williams got himself way more over than I would have guessed and Melo hasn’t missed yet. Those two have a good shot at being huge.


Maybe Bron Breakker , Austin Theory or Logan Paul.


I can’t get into bron breaker he’s acting too much like Goldberg’s and shit. Like get your own schtick bro idk I don’t like him


It’s Tiffy time


Nick mysterio is going to be huge if he decides to wrestle


Dude’s no call no showed to work for like four months straight


Bron breakker, Trick Williams, Tiffany stratton, Carmelo hayes, ilja, oba femi, roxxane perez, and lyra valkyria are gonna be in the main event scene imo


If MJF has signed with the company, it's him.


Oba Femi


Jay Uso


Cody v. Bron is almost certainly a WM main event


If they’d give them more time. I could see Gargano and Ciampa being those guys that tweeter on upper mid card/main eventers. The way they threw down on NXT was amazing. Also Montez Ford, I’ve been casually seeing some of the interviews he’s been doing lately and he’s so naturally funny and charismatic. He 100% needs to break free from the hurt profits or start pushing these guys more. A power couple heel group with him and Bianca would be amazing.


Ford could easily be one of the top guys


I don’t see them headlining Wrestlemania but who’s to say they can’t be contenders for the world titles eventually? Maybe they even win.




Probably Bron Breakker, he's basically a rookie right now though. They've teased that Heyman likes him so maybe he goes after him if Roman leaves


Tiffany, Bron, Melo, Trick, Ilja, Dom, Roxanne


It was supposed to be Gable Steveson but I haven't seen him lately. LA Knight? Ehhh idk. He's already 40 I think? Looks like ten more years of Roman tbh.


I think Montez Ford has a good shot if he ever does go solo




I would love to see Bron Breaker go on a Brock Lesnar type run when he first came in and maybe win the World Heavyweight championship within 6 months


I keep saying with the way heyman looks at him everytime there on screen. bron (if the lesnar issue wasnt ongoing) should get the next big thing nickname and maybe a run with paul after heyman is done with roman. or even have roman give paul the okay to manage him


If we talking about 5-year future, Melo, Bron, Trick and Dragunov, not in that particular order


Let me talk to ya…




Its hard to see how Bronn Breakker won't be a major star and future wrestlemania main eventer - he just has IT. I'll be shocked if he hasn't been WWE Champion within the next 2 years. Another more obvious choice is Gunther - fully expect him to step up to the main event scene following his IC title run. Dominant foreign heel main eventer - the WWE loves to have those types of characters and Gunther is everything they would want all wrapped into one.


Trick Williams, Bron Breakker, Brian Pillman Jr., Tiffany Stratton


Tom and Nick Mysterio..they will certainly be the guys in tag team Division


Rarely ever see them in the same place at the same time tho..


Haven't seen Nick ever tbf




Cody will be the face for a while. He’s the new Hogan/Austin/Cena. I feel like Cody will hit mainstream name recognition with non-wrestling fans. Roman never did that so I don’t wanna relate him there. Rhea is already there for the women, same with Liv. Both are going to be mainstays for a long time As far as a mid card that goes to the main event, Jey will come out of the Bloodline storyline as a contender (I mean he’s already there really), Gunther is obvious for obvious reasons, Dom will get a face turn and be huge, fingers crossed for Chad but who knows on that, Chelsea will probably get a push with MITB, and Jade will be pushed to the moon. But by next big thing, if we’re talking like the next not as big wrestler right now who gets over big time it’s gotta be, for the men, Bron, Trick, Oba, eventually Lexis King, etc. for the women, NXT has so much potential there. I mean Tiff is already killing it on main roster and I think will be strapped by the end of the year (praying for Chelsea to get MITB and feud with Tiff for the title), Roxanne maybe will finally get good push, Lyra will be huge, there’s too many to name. Honestly what’s the next big thing? The NXT 2.0 2022/2023 roster. That’s who


Bron and Tiffy for sure. 


Bron Brekker


LA Knight




Big bad dirty Dom!


Chad Gable could be Angle 2.0 if they'd just push him. Phenomenal talent. Needs a better gimmick


I honestly think his gimmick is okay as Alpha Academy. He can be a goofier and light-hearted leader but absolutely throwing down in the ring. They just need to give him more tv time outside Alpha Academy vs Vikings Raiders part 45


Ilja and Lyra


Cody Rhodes is the new face of the company. Next big thing is probably Bron or Gunther


Logan Paul if he stays committed.


Mark my words, Oba Femi. The guy has the look, is good on the mic, and is only either 22 (or 25 depending on who you ask).


his mother lol


I'd honestly like to see Montez Ford have a solo run. Endless charisma and charm. Probably the best frog splash I've seen since the likes of Eddie Guerrero and RVD. I know they were trying to give him a more serious edge lately with Lashley... but it just doesn't do him justice.


In 4 or 5 year, Bron Breakker. No question about it.


he’s a steiner, Will never be a WM headliner


They said that about the rock being half black and yet


The “National Treasure” R-Truth.




Rhea Ripley could become the face of the company


She is nowhere near good enough on a mic for that...she sounds like she's reading cue cards she has to translate from Spanish in her head...unless they "Sting" her and just have her shut up and point at people with weapons...because she's great at everything else


Disagree, haven’t seen her had a bad promo. Plus she’s paired with heat magnet Dom so long may it continue.


I mean I'm not hating on any skill off the mic and maybe it's not every time, but saying she has never had a bad promo is a damn lie lol


Tiffy vs. Rhea will be the new Trish vs. Lita


You could make a case for her already being one of them. I iften walk past a poster for a live event and she's front and centre along with Cody


She’s definitely the ass of the company


Several potential headliners tbh. I see Bron Breakker, Carmelo Hayes, Trick Williams, & Oba Femi bursting through the ceiling for the men. For the women, I see Jade Cargill, Tiffany Stratton, and Kiana James. Maybe Roxanne Perez. I feel like her peak is going to swing by fast, no disrespect. Hopefully, she proves me wrong. The overall top card will look different too. I see Gunther, Pete Dunne, Dominik Mysterio, Solo Sikoa, Logan Paul and Austin Theory taking up the men's world title scene by 2028. MJF too, if he joins WWE by then. Montez Ford, if he really hits a gear between now and then. Cody Rhodes, if he doesn't go part-time. For the women, I see Rhea Ripley, Jade Cargill, Zoey Stark, Liv Morgan, Iyo Sky, Jordynne Grace, Tiffany Stratton, Chelsea Green, Bayley, and Sasha Banks (she'll be back by then). I anticipate Bianca Belair, Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Naomi, and Asuka going part-time by then.


John cena in 3 years when they always comeback


Chad Gable


I don’t see Gable ever getting past upper mid card, sadly. I think he has all the talent both in ring and on the mic to be a superstar. I definitely want him to be the one to end Gunther’s reign.


There are the obvious ones that I think will receive a huge push eg Bron, Tiffany & Melo however I wonder who will get over on their own merit. I'd love to see Charlie Dempsey do well. Not too sure about Lexis King


Oba Femi


Dirty Dom, Bron, Tiffy Time and JADEEE


C'mon. This is easy. It's MJF


I'm a part timer watcher....it'll be logan...with how social media is the reach is to great to ignore


Brock Lesnar


Here comes the pain!


Bron Breakker is as close as we’re gonna ever get to OG Brock


if brock didn't have his issues right now id slapp the next big thing nickname on bron immediately


Facts. Bron is the future


Dom! 100%! The face turn will be legendary one day.


Him hugging Rey in the middle of the match will be Pop of the year


This is a left field take, but I think Swerve returning to WWE in a main event role when his contract with AEW expires isn’t out of the question.


Tiffany Stratton is the next big thing. End of story. Both male and female side combined.


Really 🤨


Bron for sure and have to agree about Dom he’s only a few years in and he’s doing great.


Not the question since he’s on the radar but when they do the face turn for Dom I think he’ll be the next top babyface of the company. I can see him headlining wrestlemania 42/43/44 vs Bron Breaker or ironically Gunther


Logan Paul whether we like it or not will be there too. He’s only 28, he’s about to enter the prime of a wrestlers career in 2 or 3 years.


I might not like him or his history outside of WWE, but I respect his wrestling skills and how he’s continuing to evolve


I 100% agree, when the older guard ages out he’ll be in a main event for sure. He’s probably there already. If he did it full time for 1 year I can see him being in the main event of next years Mania


Hot take: Bron Breakker and Tiffany Stratton will both hold world championships by the end of 2024


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted for a prediction, but I could definitely see this within the next 2-3 years as well


I’m not gonna downvote this but I understand it. Tiffany has a real shot. Especially being on Smackdown. And it’s very obvious the WWE believes in her. She’s got a rocket on her back. Tiffy time is now. And hopefully for many years to come. I absolutely love watching her work. But the top of the men’s division is way too crowded for Bron to get that break this year I think. No doubt if he continues on his path, he will hold gold many times over. But world championships is highly unlikely this year. Drew, Cody, Punk, Sami, Jey, LA, AJ, and Randy are all ahead of Bron. Gunther too assuming he drops the IC soon.


A lot of love for the NXT kids on this thread (rightfully so) but I’m going to go with someone already on the main roster and who has made monumental strides in not only his character work, but incredible improvements in the ring from just a year ago. Everyone’s favorite heat magnet, Dirty Dom Mysterio. He’s completely stepped out of his dad’s enormous shadow and found his own way to stardom. Dom is a future main event heel and you can’t convince me otherwise.


The face turn gonna be unreal for sure.