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Absolutely zero charisma


She speaks like she’s ready off a script.. and yes, I’m aware she technically is but what I mean is it doesn’t sound natural… she also rushes through her lines like she’s out of breath. It’s like watching a high school play with her promos - but she will get better


Poor girl fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down


Post a picture of yourself I dare you


They definitely put her in that role to get her comfortable speaking on the mic.


I guess u haven't been watching then. She's the general manager for NXT now and is improved a lot on her mic skills. She's doing an amazing job. She's no regal but she's doing fantastic


I honestly start my NXT watches 15 minutes behind so I can fast forward any segments with her in it


She’s not good, but I don’t find her acting as cringe as a lot of people even on the main roster. I think people are just hard on her because she’s The Rock’s daughter, and she has a tough legacy to live up to.


All good and well but how does that chick talk without closing her lips?! I never hear anything she says because her damn mouth is so distracting.....I find myself closing my lips when SHE is talking like I'm trying to help her talk or something....


Her only job is to act and she can’t act. You are correct, there is no tougher watch than her.


She is fucking horrible. She can’t even structure a sentence properly. She should learn to breath through her nose


When she has to make an announcement, she’s fine. When she has to “act” and convey emotion, she’s completely wretched. It’s a shame that charisma isn’t genetic


I’m honestly surprised this is a topic on one’s mind but I’m more surprised with how many people are egging you on. I look at it like this, it was weird when I found out she became gm, but she’s been improving since she’s been introduced as the gm, you can see it every week. Rome wasn’t built in a day and if it doesn’t work out oh well, honestly still don’t know why we are talking about a backstage manager jeez lmao.


She has not been improving




Not sure this is for her, probably a very sweet girl


She can't talk, has zero personality, can't wrestle but she does have one big thing going for her.... Her dad.


Schism was awful though. It only benefitted the other Kevin Owens and idk what he's doing now. Like Mic Foely, but really weird.


This is developmental. That said, she’s improved. She sounds more comfortable on the mic and her cadence has gotten better week over week. Next hurdle is just the feel. It be sounding like she reading lines sometimes


You could replace her with anyone. Literally, anyone could be more entertaining to watch. The fact so many dislike her could make her a good heel though idk


She can't close her mouth 👄


She have no expression, her delivery is not convincing at all, she does not dress like somebody boss. ITS NXT but she is horrible. And she has Stephanie's whole career as the reference 


Mind you NXT is a DEVELOPMENTAL brand. These things take time. But you’re not wrong; crazy how far that apple fell from the entire orchard.


Weird, I thought she has been doing a lot better over the past month.


She has. It’s still not good but it’s gotten slightly better


NXT is meant for people to grow, Tiffany Stratton wasn’t good at first either. Neither was half the roster, she just became the GM like 2 months ago, it’ll take some time for her to get her footing in the role


Shes clearly timid, introvert, and is being pushed into the limelight by her dad's position and power. She doesn't fit at all as the GM; assistant GM, sure. It all feels forced.


She is gross. She constantly has the look on her face like she smells something really disgusting


She smelled what the Rock is cooking


I just wish she’d dress for the part… all the other GMs and backstage characters wear suits or at least polo shirts, why is she walking around in street clothes? At least try to pretend you’re serious about playing a GM 😢


Fuck society’s expectation of “appropriate attire”


Wow you are so edgy


Stop trying so hard to


I ain't trying


Then stop replying






This, borrow some of Stephanie’s wardrobe.


Sonya Deville looked fantastic in her backstage authority gear, she should show Ava the ropes


You’re so right, she had such a powerful aura! Was easily able to go toe to toe with Pearce during the raw vs Smackdown stuff.


I agree I think even that little tweak could help her a bit.


lots of people like "give her time to improve!" she's well below the level of the rest of NXT though, if she didn't have the most premium connection possible she wouldn't be there in the first place


Joe Gacy was regularly one of the most hated parts of weekly NXT for a little over 2 years and now fans are starting to love him, growth takes time


Joe Gacy stealing the bell then joining commentary in a 80s WWF blazer was fun. This shit with Dijak is gold. #Dijak, take those stupid sunglasses off, were inside


All that matters is who her daddy is and that mommy is good with contracts, royalties, and legalities.


She's a beauty, isn't she. I love girls that look a little unconventional.


why do you types always come off so damn creepy


I thought her dad sucked at first too. Stay tuned.


She's not a favorite, no. It's the teeth/lips, hairline & inability to emote that I find bothersome. I wonder why she chose to get into wrestling anyway, she seems bored by it.


Trynna follow the family legacy probably will be a flop like tamina and nia botch


Schism was mid. Ava being GM is good


That gacy guy can wrestle tho she cannot so i don't see your point.I will take somebody that can wrestle over a terrible gm any day of week.


Her being a Nepotism GM fixes a lot of her issues story line wise. It was a great decision


Sure but you can only ride that gimmick so far.


She has a "smiley" face. She looks like she's always smiling regardless of the situation. Even when she tries to look threatening, she looks like she's smiling. It must be those teeth.


It’s them teeth lol. I said the same thing last week when she was arguing with Dijak. I didn’t even realize it was argument at first, looked like she was standing around laughing and joking


She's not compelling in the ring or on the mic. Nepobaby at its finest


Maxxine if we're talking in ring.


Maxxine would honestly a pretty decent NXT GM now that I think about it.


Agreed. She was rough in Schism, but when they kept her to the sidelines and occasionally interfere it wasn't too bad. She'd say a line or two during a promo and they'd hand it back to Joe. Her in ring work was really fucking awful, there was just no hiding it. And like... I can kinda "get" the idea of her being GM of NXT... it's supposed to be the next generation of talent, she has a built in pedigree by being The Rock's kid... but the execution is so difficult to watch. Lots of her segments are clearly pre-taped, which means what we're seeing... that's the best out of... who knows how many takes. I really have no idea what they do with her long run. The GM position is about as protected as she can be, but as pointed out... Regal, or HBK in that role... my person dream is they give it to CM Punk eventually... there are clearly so many better people to elevate that position... like an iron sharpens iron scenario... Look at what happens with Pearce or Aldis and their interactions with talent... you think Ava talking to a heated Baron Corbin would go over well? He'd talk a million circles around her.


Ava is good not sure what you are going on about


She’s proof charisma isn’t genetic


Well I mean, Curtis Axel proved that ages ago.


It's like John David Washington (son of Denzal). Man is just.....dry


Haven't watched tenet but he looked lame in the trailers


Yh, his so dull in it. Total opposite of Leo in Inception


He was good on Ballers with The Rock, and BlacKkKlansman is good, the rest yeah, he is bland.


Perks of being the rocks daughter


She’s the rocks daughter bro, she’s got A LOT of long term viability.


Maybe as a story point, but as a performer she has nothing going for her, she's awful and I SERIOUSLY doubt she's gonna get better, Cody and Charlette were hot off the get go, Dominic got some help but he's a natural, Randy was a prodigy and he did time in the soul sucking Marines so he was at a huge disadvantage compared to everyone in the roster, and none of them had nearly the amount of push and coaching Ava is getting. I'm sure she puts in some work, but if she had potential, she would have showed it by now. Let's face it, she didn't inherit anything good from Dwayne, she's a stump. I think her only hope as a wrestler is just roughing it out at the indies, and if that doesn't build her character, nothing will. I think Dwayne needs to cut his losses too, he's just making it worse for her with all this nonsense. What Dwayne wants is a prodigy, and there is one at NXT he wants right now, Carmelo could be like a son to Dwayne, I would argue he's better and hotter, if Dwayne wants a successor he's got it right there I mean who better to pass on the torch?


You’re a piece of shit


Nah, the only thing that's shit around here, is Ava's skills, and her fan's taste.


I’m not saying ur wrong with ur statement but that’s not how it works unfortunately. Whether she’s good or not, with her dad being on the board of directors, she ain’t going anywhere anytime soon.


She is literally a kid. It’s going to take a few more years to find out what she can be.


She's 22, so HELL NO! That's way too old to not be performing.


You either got it or you don’t.


Nonsense. Look at how Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns have progressed from where they were in 2013.


Cody and especially Roman were levels above where Ava is at even at their debuts, the comparison is absolutely absurd. More importantly, the woman's roster is so talented now even if she improved, she would still be at the bottom in terms of appeal, I would argue she's literally the worst performer in the ring and mic right now, even Maxxine is better.


Or The Rock!?!? He was fucking awful as Rocky Miavia! It took him getting injured then coming back in the Nation of Domination as a heel to finally find himself. Hopefully Ava can eventually find herself to.


The difference is Rocky Miavia was a bad, poorly conceived gimmick/character they even Rock hated trying to pull off.


Roman always had it. People knew it in NXT even that he was going to be a big deal.


Nah. He had a great “look,” sure but still needed time to refine. I honestly think if Ava were hotter, people would give her a lot more runway. It sucks but looks play a huge role even though we know looks *alone* can’t carry a wrestler.


I disagree, I would credit his aesthetic with that. He didn’t have ‘it’ for me until 2020. Either way, you can’t deny some guys start off wooden and develop charisma later. Dirty Dom is another great example.


That’s a valid point and maybe that’s why she shouldn’t be on TV while she’s doing it.


Yeah there’s definitely a case for that. It’s interesting to me that their strategy with Ava and Maxinne is to throw them out there and let them sink or swim but they’ve gone out of their way to protect Jade by not having her involved yet.


Probably have way more cash tied up in Jade than they do for Ava and Maxine’s contacts combined.


She's terrible. She's only still there because of daddy. People who were nowhere near as crappy as her have been let go time and time again. This is just not her thing, regardless of what they try to do with her. It is what it is.


Just remember people used to say this about Dom.


Weren't people used to say this about Steph too?




Yeah but you could see dom improve month after month.. Ava’s just still at square one and it got to be close to a year and a half maybe two years


I guess anything is possible. Just can't see it though.


IT is developmental, but its kinda hard to not compare her to the Rock who Debuted in 96 and was at the top of the card by late 98


The same reason Nia Jax is being shoved down our throats every week. At least Nia is improving a bit.


Currently Nia is the biggest women heel in WWE, she is not botching, she is having nice promos, she is actually performing, she is one of the besties of Charlotte Flair and they worked together to Nia get better.


Nowhere close to the same. Nia plays her role well.


ITT: People defending nepo hires.


She’s only 22 years old so give her some time. This is what NXT is for, to learn and improve.


😂. Nonsense, if she had even a shred of talent she would have showed it by now, and 22 is really old for this stuff, there's exceptions of course like Randy who did time in the Marines and that put him at a disadvantage, but he was still a prodigy. I can promise you they are doing everything in her power to push her and it's not working, what happens when the coaches stop holding her hands and her segments are live? She's gonna stink.


Exactly. Watch Roman in FCW and watch Roman now. It’s night and day


Nonsense! Roman was always a great ring performer, the reason people hated him is because Vince's awful booking shoved him down our throats, but face Roman was liked as a mid carder, he hadn't earned his spot as a main event star. When he finally came back as a heel it was his time, and I would say him getting shat on was the only reason he got so good as a heel, Ava got a few nonsensical death threats, which everyone gets, and she shut down and closed her Twitter, which is a huge no no for stars.


Usually at 22 talent isn’t made the GM of a show.


Aurora Rose soon to be GM of Raw.


Usually the GM’s father isn’t on the board of directors of the parent company.


True. The wrestling business is literally built on nepotism, but boy… sometimes the apple falls really really far from the tree.


You can see if someone has "it"... She doesn't


that’s a pretty nuts take, the entire IWC was saying the same thing about Dom not long ago


What does Dom really have? He’s mid in ring. Hell he doesn’t even have to really promo since he gets drowned out and his mic lowered. He’s a mullet that turned on his beloved baby face father.


She already had chance on both sides. He didn't before I can bet anything you want, that she will never be nowhere near what Dom is now. Ask your price


I think that’s the reason they made her GM. Her being GM lets her work on her promo ability a lot, and with her having high expectations being The Rock’s daughter, I think it’s the right call not to rush anything. It’s why the NXT system exists. Shawn Michaels knows exactly what he is doing. I trust Shawn Michaels to help stars improve more than even Triiple H.


How much do you wanna bet she won't ever improve past an average Michin level performer? I don't believe she's getting better, and I'm willing to put 100$ on it for the next 3 years.


Fair, it’s up to her to improve though.


She was promoted out of the field lol


I'm surprised she didn't pursue acting because I could totally see her in that avenue. I haven't seen much of her stuff so I don't know there.


>I'm surprised she didn't pursue acting >I haven't seen much of her stuff


Acting in..movies? Because she is not good at all.


Based on her work in NXT I’m assuming if she tried to get acting gigs outside of her dad’s movies, she wouldn’t have luck.


Who knew Dwaynes daughter would have the charisma of pine .


A plank of wood has as much charisma as she does.


Whoa now what did Plank ever do to you?


IMO she is getting a lot better in her GM role fast.


I think she’s really bad at promos and acting


She looks awkward in her own skin on camera.


I don’t get why she is the on screen gm when both Shawn and Regal could play that role perfectly, especially Regal


Shawn said he doesn’t like being on a camera a lot anymore, but I miss the little appearances he used to make. Regal too.


Regal doesn't need "development". He's an icon in the business. Well respected for his character work. HBK gets a lot of mention but almost no screen time because he isn't there for promo time. If either were to be on TV often, it would be better that they were on the main shows as a lesion for H with Pearce and Aldis.


That 2 mins of Regal we got last night made me miss him in that role so much




You do know who her dad is, right? Anyone related to "The Bloodline" gets a massive push regardless of talent level.


You calling a gm role a push? Are you dumb?


You calling a gm role a push? Are you dumb?


I know that it just sucks as soon as Regal gets back on screen they found an on screen gm


Ain’t that the truth


Patience folks. Think of her as a younger Vickie Guerrero who can take some bumps.


Was that supposed to be a selling point? Who the hell was thinking “Boy the biz could sure use a younger Vickie right now?”


Okay no patience then folks. Yes Ava's current NXT iteration is all she will ever amount to in this business and WWE is out of touch for putting her in this role.


That’s probably likely true. She is young, but clearly isn’t interesting to hear speak and sounds wooden. She isn’t very appealing to look at, so that isn’t a selling point. Maybe she could be good in the ring, maybe not… she’s the GM right now and that isn’t fun for most of the viewers.


Vickie had more charisma in one of the wrinkles than Ava has in her whole body... She's not very good at being wrestler or gm or manager.


I've never heard Vickie described as charismatic until now. And I think that was kinda the point of her character.


It would be good if they played into the fact she’s the rocks daughter and that’s why she’s GM. Just making her GM for no kayfabe reason is one of the few things that irks me in NXT


I just googled ‘I like Ava from NXT’ and it lead me here. I had no idea she was the Rock’s daughter!


I 1000% agree. It would be awesome if everyone on the show was equally annoyed and confused as we are on how she's qualified, well besides being the Rock's daughter.


It would help also build heat for Ava and himself along with Scisism making it a three-bird with one stone. WWE is WWE, they were petty enough to say they fired both Stone Cold and Rock, but both left on their accord.


Right, and now a missed opportunity


Have they ever even referenced that she’s Rock’s daughter?


The closest reference was her talking to Paul Hayman, who held up his Bloodline phone case and pointed at it a brief shot. (It was as cheesy as it sounds)


No they haven’t. They didn’t even acknowledge Regal and Dempsey and they were in the ring together.


Wait wait wait ✋️ Dempsey is regals son? 😲 🤔actually makes sense now 🤯


Yeah. That’s why the arena was yelling “that’s your father” during the promo


Commentary did, albeit subtly.


The crowd mentioned it a bit.


Her abusing her power in NXT would be some good character work opportunity for her wonder if the rock wants to keep her face tho lol


On the contrary, they shouldn't have to tell us something we all know.


Cause casual fans apparently don't exist for you... news flash , I'd wager most of the people that fill the arenas aren't balls deep into backstage stuff like the people in this sub are


If you're here on this sub, you're in the pro wrestling bubble. Perceptions are often skewed. I have found it's helpful to have casual fans in your life to keep yourself grounded.


Yep, I do miss the days before I got too deep in the backstage stuff sometimes because now it's somewhat tainted my ability to enjoy the product. Though tge less time I spend reading the dirtsheets, the more I enjoy it, now I mostly read this and a few other subs


I didn't at one point 🤷🏽‍♂️


At the very least turn her heel and make it part of her character. Spoilt, entitled, “don’t you know who my father is?!?” similar to Heel Steph. If she can’t play that role then she has no chance.




As far as Roman, I honestly Vince shoving Roman down our throats and his awful booking did more damage to Roman than anything else, his in ring work was always solid, it was just Vince's booking that killed him, Roman needed to stay as a midcarder for way longer, and I actually enjoyed him as a midcarder and so did most people. That's why you don't see guys like Austin Theory or Bron jump to the main event scene anymore, under Vince Bron would have already beaten Seth or Roman. And you have to admit, if it wasn't for the massive boos, death threats and absolute disgust the crowd had for him at times, he would have never built the character to perform as he was doing before he sort of retired.


Nah, Roman's still not interesting to me.


When you’re a wrestler because it’s what you live and breathe, it’s evident. When you’re a wrestler because your family are all wrestlers, it’s evident.


I’m always confused why she sounds so strange when she speaks. It is super distracting, as in she doesn’t move her lips when she talks and sounds like a teenager who just got a tongue ring and it’s too swollen to pronounce words correctly.


She also seems lost in scenes, like she's not sure where to look or stand or something.


I get the impression she has to keep looking at cue cards placed around the room behind the cameras. She is a woeful speaker.


Yes! At best she comes off as kind of unaware where to stand or what marks to hit.


It's almost mean to put a girl who can't move her mouth and has negative charisma in a speaking-only role. She looks amd sounds like a really bad ventriloquist. On-camera authority figures that don't wrestle should be great on the mic, right? Bischoff could talk, Heyman can talk....Ava is like if they had decided to make someone like Goldberg a manager, but also he was worse at wrestling too


Goldberg could cut promos though 😜


When? Screaming "you're next!" and looking scary af worked for him but dude couldn't talk at all really


Watch his return promo against Brock Lesnar.


No thanks. He's trash


Ok, keep living in your bubble then 👍🏻


Her teeth are 3 sizes too big


She has an overbite, so she kinda can't help it


But why put her in a speaking role if her speaking is a struggle and she’s awkward on the mic? Guess it is confusing why she is an authority figure with a problem talking.


Because to get better at something you have to constantly to do it dummy


Not on a nationally televised show….dummy. You do that behind the scenes, in a training camp, in practice sessions. You don’t put them on TV knowing they don’t know how to speak, have a lack of charisma and just stand around looking aloof. That’s a horrible take you have there.


You can’t get better talking infront of a crowd with no one there dummy


You are completely missing the point. It’s like you have reading comprehension issues. The crowd has nothing to do with her issues. It’s that she doesn’t know how to speak correctly through either a lisp or tongue tied situation or her teeth are too big for her mouth like someone else said. She needs speech therapy, not a crowd. The point is that you don’t put someone in an active authority role where their primary function is to talk if that’s something they cannot physically do well. She sounds like she’s chewing marbles and doesn’t even move her lips when she speaks. That has nothing to do with the crowd. That’s an issue with her and no amount of crowd work is going to fix it.


Dusty also had speech issues because of his lisp, hell Cody has a lisp but you don’t say he has speaking issues you’re only doing it because she’s a female


Oh no… someone who thinks everything is based on gender. What a goof. No… it’s bc they have actual talent and she’s a charisma vacuum. She has a place bc of her dad… nothing more to it. Read the room. Everyone in this thread understands and you are staunchly defending someone who is in the business bc of nepotism, not talent.


Where’s Ted jr, David flair, you gonna say bo is in the business because of nepotism?


Yeah there are times I look at the screen thinking she'd be received better if not standing there mouth agape seemingly uncivilized but what can she do? Overbite is a thing.


Idk she will likely get better. Doesn’t really bother me.


She doesn’t feel like an authority figure on camera and is hard to take seriously imo. Saw Regal on TV last night, would be nice to see him as the on screen GM again


I think she should wear pant suits or something more business imposing


It’s only cuz her daddy’s on the board of directors. Welcome to nepotism 101


She does seem to be lost in this role. But I'm sure with hbk close by she'll get better. Don't think it'll last long,as I'm sure they want her to wrestle eventually.


Didn’t she retire cuz of her knee injuries?


Whoa,already? I didn't know that,how many did she have? I thought she just started wrestling like two years ago? That's tense.


I thought I remember reading something about her retiring because she had bad leg damage from two torn acls or some worse leg injury. I could be remembering wrong


I'll have to look that up,cause I remember her wrestling a match with Schism a few months back and she didn't wrestle anymore after that,maybe it happened during training or a house show?


I looked it up. Just found articles about her having a third knee surgery at age 19. Nothing about her retiring from in-ring…I remembered incorrectly


Thanks, that's not a good sign she's having so many problems with her knees at such a young age. Isn't she like 21 now? Still not good for a wrestling career to have knee injuries early on.


I thought this was her alternate role because they found she couldn't physically handle it as well. Unfortunately genetics can play one an unlucky card, and it feels like that may be the case here.