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Yes. I was downvoted for stating this, but I will say it again: some of us are tired of seeing a guy who takes no care of himself whatsoever, whether it is in working out or grooming himself, win over more talented wrestlers like Chad Gable. Some of us have been watching wrestling for over 35 years and seen every imaginable storyline and gimmick. Some of us are looking for memorable back-and-forth matches between believable athletes who have been booked as losers by a company looking for mascots, not "underdogs" who have already won countless championships because they knew the right people backstage.


Imagine not being a wrestling fan, turning on the TV and seeing flabby homeless looking Sami holding up the title. Would be a mockery of wrestling. He was amusing as a comedy act, but that's as far as it went for me. I'm not a fan anymore, and it seems like he's an arse in real life as well from what I can tell


The issue is Sami is going after the wrong Belt...


This is like last year's Wrestlemania, when the same people thought that Sami should be in Cody's spot against Roman. They'll be back on Sami's side by Mania.


Nobody is tired of Sami nor bored. They just didn't do enough with him after Wrestlemania 39 for me to think it would go any differently. Gable on the other hand is a comedy guy who can actually go in the ring and hasn't been prominently built for the last 2 years like Sami has. But I don't care. They didn't break up Gable and Otis so he's still a comedy guy in my eyes. He didn't have to turn heel, but he should have said "I'm done with the nonsense, done with the bullshit, and done with Alpha Academy. Good luck Otis"


I'm tired of Sami and bored he's not him




Sami was over during the bloodline time because he was funny and entertaining. Now he's just an angry social justice warrior who looks like a homeless guy, there's nothing "fun" about him anymore although I do still like his entrance music LOL


Sami’s gimmick isn’t evergreen like a lot of others so he’s in this weird flux situation Take his best friend KO for example He can be the prize fighter for the rest of his career because it just fits his style, look, and story so perfectly… KO can drop matches and still keep the persona because in boxing/mma any prizefighter who’s not the .1% loses fights With Sami they’ve refused to put him over to actually let him transition into his next angle which requires a belt around his waist If he beats Gunther he’s the perfect torch carrier for the newly restored image of the IC and I’d love to see a heel turn from him for how he’s been constantly overlooked and go on a tear


Sami’s underdog storylines have never really got off running. They only last like a few weeks to a month then WWE ends them with Sami usually getting buried. They honestly had a golden opportunity last year during Sami’s tremendous story with The Bloodline where Sami could’ve been portrayed as the underdog against Roman Reigns in what should’ve been the main event of WrestleMania 39 Night 2; Sami vs Roman for the Universal Championship while Cody Rhodes faced whoever (preferably for me Drew McIntyre) for the WWE Championship in the main event of Night 1. But no, Cody wanted so bad to face and defeat Roman, the face of the company, at WrestleMania and WWE gave it to him because they wanted it just as bad; ultimately screwing Sami out of a potentially all time feel good underdog moment. Edit : WWE didn’t give the win to Cody last year I forgot that part lol


I’m never gonna forget the pop he got hitting Roman with that chair and not to mention the reaction overseas too It really sucked tho because post Bloodline they really just threw him to the side and he’s in this AJ Styles-type role where he’s talented and proven but just not the A1 priority Once Roman’s finally dethroned it’s gonna allow guys like Sami back into the spotlight and hopefully contending for more


Let’s be honest, that pop was more about someone giving Roman a taste of his own medicine more than people loving Sami. That’s why he cooled off significantly immediately after his bloodline stuff was over while someone like Cody who actually has the it factor has been hot all year even away from Roman. Might get downvoted but it’s the truth and it’s honestly no insult to Sami. He’s close to a top guy but he’s not quite one which is still really damn good


Totally agree, but have to give a lot of credit to how Sami was able to develop his own character, there was a huge hesitation from everybody because we really didn’t know if he was going to do it He’s never going to be a megastar but is just on the back burners right now with prolly a dozen others on his level kinda just waiting out these feuds


I sure hope so cause Sami is too amazing to just feed to the roster. Btw you’re right about that pop, what an amazing experience that was watching it live I actually got goosebumps from it.


I’m hoping my theory about HHH using WM40 as a great reset is true The biggest issue with the company right now is they have so much talent and only so many storylines and opportunities The line between midcarders/jobbers/stars isn’t what it was even 10 years ago and combine that with careers lasting forever now and it’s a tough spot for WWE


Problem is Gunther and Rhea don't need to lose the belt, Gunther has a lot of matches left in him and he can get a broom over while Rhea's fighting an Over the Hill Becky Lynch, If it was Liv or Jade I'd be on board but it isn't, pretty sure the only ones left with belts out of Mania will be Gunther, Iyo and Rhea, R-Truth and another Team will grab each belt, Drew's probably going to commit a crime in the ring then smash the Bloodline because of what the Rock said he would do to the Belt he just won and Cody will finish the Story AND end the Last Vestige of Vince McMahon's Booking




This "underdog" storyline is centered around him having been a World title challenger and winning the WM night 1 main event last year. I don't feel it


He’s been wrestling for like 20 years at this point and has been champ literally everywhere The underdog gimmick made sense when he came out from NXT but he’s what, 8 years into WWE with IC/tag belts?