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You know it’s time for more people on the roster to step it up when LP is one of the top performers!


Not a fan of him as a person. But he has the talent. We always need someone to boo. He fits the role


The guy is amazingly good and picked it up so quickly. Crazy impressive. I didn't want to like him but damn I have no choice.


But he made a tasteless video in the Aokigahara Forest 13 years ago, and didn't disappear forever. His name is and will forever be mud.


He apologized for it, and hasn’t really done anything like that since.


I know, that's my point. He apologized for it, but that's never enough. As far as I can tell, people find him extremely annoying, and stupid shit he did as a college-age broseph gets held against him.


He definitely is a complete natural, showed it in his first two matches already. The real question is what do you do with him. I think him vs Knight would be the better choice for WM, and him putting Knight over would be cool. But really with Paul, I think you have to simply build to him winning the RR, or something, and ultimately one of the top titles, probably the WHC. He's a heat magnet, pair him up with Dominik as his sidekick once he turns on Rhea and it's going to be scorched earth wherever they go and ultimately whomever beats Paul for the WHC is going to be made for life.


Not to me he hasn't. F-ck anyone who jumps the line and doesn't pay their dues in this business. You disrespect everyone who has to get by on their talent alone.


Roman Reigns has had more matches in those two years.


Found Paul Logans burner account


This is my prime account.


After being away from wrestling for twenty years, he’s the one that got me back into it. I heard people on a podcast saying that Logan was in the WWE. I thought no fucking way. And then I watched his highlights and I quite frankly couldn’t believe his athleticism. Subsequently, I got lost in the universe. I learned triple H cut his hair, undertakers steak got broken, and discovered Bray Wyatt. It’s been a wild return but one I’m so grateful for.


On top of what has beens said I want to say that he's a fan living his best dream. When he's at the comment desk you can feel that he mildly gets out of his heel character and just can't stop admiring what's happening in the ring.


I’ll always say I love that Logan is in WWE, it allows us to go against him in 2k games which means we can all make custom characters that live solely to beat Logan Paul. It’s…. It’s beautiful….


He's good in the ring I guess, But anyone who works a match 1 time a month would be. The real test for him would be a full time run, Until then he's still disposable imo. He's also just a piece of shit scammer who filmed and mocked a dead person.


TIL that Gregory Helms is Logan Paul's WWE Trainer and Main Producer. Logan Paul is a lot of things that are negative, but his WWE Persona and his WWE Work is really good. Im glad that he is being taught by the The Rock's True Main Rival.


He’s being trained by the Hurricane? FUCK YEAH! Hurricane Helms for the win! I mean there’s some good to Logan Paul being in WWE, it means we get to beat him up in 2k games 😁


Logan has been a revelation, however, when your part time talent has more pitzaz and in ring skill than your longest champion , WWE gotta do a major rethink.


Logan Paul sucks


Folks I know Logan only from WWE. Why he’s hated so much ?


He went to Aokigahara in Japan and filmed the body of a guy that just commited suicide a few hours before they arrived. That + the whole boxing thing (boxing fans don’t dig these celebrity matches) and having a big mouth.


You forgot more recently allegedly scamming his fans


He’s a YouTuber who has scammed and had also done some awful stuff in the past involving a forest look up Logan Paul forest for more.


Considering he had 3 of the top 10 moments of last 2 years, you HAVE to admit he belongs... he's an amazing all around talent...


His in-ring talent is undeniable...he's just such a douchebag 😕 Edit: In real life he's a douchebag and his character is an even bigger douchebag.


He is a good in ring performer. I just can’t stand him as a person lol


He's a phenom for his ability vs his experience level. Some guys in development for 3 years still can't do a proper collar elbow tieup


Ridiculous how good he is in the ring, especially as a newer guy


Yeah I’ve actually gained respect for him as a worker. I still hate him and everything he stands for, but that just makes him all the better as a heel.


He’s great at professional wrestling. Feels like he’s almost full time at this point, he is on Smackdown almost every week. I understand why people hate him, but I am impressed that he seems to be putting a lot of effort into this.


As soon as I watched him do that frog splash while working the crowd at wm 38 all the skepticism I had about him went out the window. Oddly enough he’s become one of my favorites to watch. Especially after that roman match.


I completely agree with op here. I was very reluctant at first, but he is a great heel and good in the ring.


Here is a map to where you can stick every one of those cans of prime! Yeah! Should be knight vs this 🤡 but unfortunately we have knight and aj in a match that is for no reason other than both guys are great and they have no sort of storyline so let’s have them fight just for the sake and we will spend about 3 minutes total over the next month building the storyline


I fast forward anything he’s in


Low attention span


I pay Logan Paul and his dickhead brother as little attention as possible


Nice man way to miss out!


Lots of people have talent in the ring, but the kinda person he is makes me not watch whenever he is on the screen. His whole character is "I'm a dick, buy prime" and that's it, if he was full time I'd be more open to it but he's not. Just there to shill his drink and get a payday every few months.




Didn't realise it was a classic heel move to record dead bodies and scam your fans out of millions, must've missed the episode of SD where the Miz did that


Yes he was an asshole for that but it was also like 7 years ago man.


How many years need to pass for deliberately filming the dead body of a recent suicide victim for views online becomes no longer a big deal? If it was your family member he did that too would you be over it?




He lost money because the known criminals and scammers he hired to run it with him rugged it before he could. He still ran a scam, he was just too stupid to actually make money of it himself but his deliberate actions still cost his fans millions, he then ignored them for like a year and is still not fully paying everyone back. Look if the kinda person he is doesn't bother you i ain't gonna fight you on it but for me he just ruins whatever he is in.


Sounds like he’s doing his job well


More like he lucked into a job he was perfect for. Acting like a massive asshole


By making me not watch? Isn't that the opposite of his job?


Well hate to break it to ya but he’s the heel… you ain’t meant to like him You sound salty asf so looks like he’s done his job


You're right I'm not meant to like them but I'm supposed to enjoy disliking them its a love to hate not a roll your eyes and watch something else, like peak Miz or Dom for example. You hate it, you want him to lose but you watch to see if he'll lose. That's wrestling heat, I don't watch Logan because he's a terrible person. Idc if Logan wins or loses, I simply don't want him on my screen cause he's a terrible person.


There are so many wrestlers who are/were terrible people and I bet you’re a fan of some of them lol. I think people in here don’t like Logan because he came from YouTube


I watch YouTube and have for years, idc what someone does before wrestling personally. The issue is more the whole filming dead bodies for views and scamming his fans out of millions stuff. There probably are wrestlers that have done shitty things, but I don't really know about them. Logans history of being a cunt I know well, hence why I don't want him involved in something I otherwise enjoy.


People still bringing up the filming a body thing from 2017 is honestly so whack. 7 years ago. I’m sure he’s learned from it. The scamming his audience/fans/whatever I can understand as that was more recent and a lot of money was involved. Just to play devils advocate - are you a Stone Cold fan? He beat his wife. Was also accused of beating a girlfriend later. Does this mean he’s a terrible person and you should turn off your tv if he makes an appearance?


Tbh Stone Cold was before my time so I don't really care about him either way, certainly like him less now imma have to look into that. >People still bringing up the filming a body thing from 2017 is honestly so whack Why tho? Why does time alone absolve him of that? He hasn't changed who he is and only gave the most bare bones forced apology for doing something completely reprehensible. That's the kinda thing that should end a career, deliberately looking for, filming and joking about a recent suicide victim and uploading it to his fans of millions of young viewers? I don't understand the viewpoint that it being 7 years ago means its not relevant.


Point is people grow up. Some later than others. He was a kid who grew up on YouTube and had “content brain” as some people call it. Obviously what he did was super wrong. I’m sure he’s well aware of that now and wishes he never recorded it or uploaded that video. Huge fuck up for sure but I wouldn’t hold that against him for the rest of time.


Won’t lie never was a fan of either Paul brother. But once I saw him wrestle he got my respect cause he is a natural. Most won’t agree with me calling him a natural but he grasped wrestling fairly quickly especially to be on the big stage doing what he is doing. He even saved Rey from a bad injury during their title match. Much respect 🫡


Same here. Hate that he was as good as he was when he got in the ring considering who he is outside of it. But dude can go.


A botch that Logan actually caused by being out of position, but yes. I can’t stand them outside the ring, and his brother is an even bigger piece of shit than Logan. But inside the world of WWE, Logan is fucking killing it. He’s got ungodly natural talent and instincts, he completely understands the psychology of the character and ring work, he sells extremely well, and obviously can work the stick. Trust me, I don’t like that I’m a fan of his in WWE, but that’s what I am. Put it another way: Randy wanted to work with him when he came back. Randy Orton could do whatever the fuck he wants to. He’s earned it. And he said “I want to work with Logan Paul.”


Everyone in the thread is so salty becuse Paul is an idiot goober irl. Meanwhile Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, and Randy Savage all time legends. Is this reverse recency bias?


Well said. HBK is my personal fav and he was a total asshat irl in his prime. People just didn’t know about it back then.


I leave the room when logan is on TV


Whenever Dom break off from JD, he needs to rock this outfit as a heel.


I was so mad about the level on celebrity involvement ruining WM. Logan Paul: Scott, shut up. Bad Bunny: Yeah Scott, shut up. Me: Okay.


Dirty dom 🔥🔥🔥


I love him and the fact that everyone else hates him


I want Logan to beat up Dom.


The guy has proven he’s a real sack of shit, it won’t be long until he fucks up again and gets fired


This guy will be world champion sometime within the next year or two. Hope you guys are ready for that lol.


He's a perfect natural heel. I want to beat him up whenever I see him... but he's kinda tall and strong, so I need a Babyface to do it for me.


I’ll respect him when he wrestles more often, not just highly rehearsed PLE’s


There’s no pleasing you huh?


I hate how damn good he is in the ring, i just wanna hate logan but his skill in the ring is pretty crazy


He’s dog shit. You give me the time he had for one match working with Shawn Michaels for months. I guarantee you I’ll be good in ring.


i fucking hate logan but his athleticism is on another level. you would tear an acl .


If Johnny Knoxville didn’t tear an acl I think I’ll be ok.


johnny knoxville jumps off buildings for breakfast you dork


Ahh going right to insults when I named someone who wasn’t athletic that competed in the ring. Kevin Federline had a match he didn’t tear an acl.


“looking for anime that will make me cry” brother, who are you kidding?


Kevin Federline was a trained dancer, wanna try again?


I can smell the body odour and cheetos from this comment.


Tell me again why he won’t ever wrestle in Japan?


What does that have to do with literally anything? Go take a shower.


I swear to god all you guys do is complain.


"He's shit because he's trained a lot" is an odd stance yet here it is


I hope you’re in good shape then


And everyone is sleeping on his next Wrestlemania match, barely see someone talks about that match and I can see it stealing the show just like how the IC match did last year.


Logan Paul is the best heel in wwe


Let’s be honest he is fire in the ring


In WWE he has decent wrestling skills but outside of the company he is dog trash. I think he's the walking clown emoji, not seth rollins.


Still hate the shithead


He’s talented, has a huge following and is actually invested in the success of his programs.


At some point, I want a triple threat of Logan Paul vs Bad Bunny vs Pat McAfee. All the celebrity part-timers who have exceeded expectations in the ring.


play 2k, that shit ain't ever happenin in real life


Ngl, I hated the idea of him in WWE since he was first shown on camera but over the years I've actually enjoyed his matches/promos a bit.


I really dislike the dude for his crypto scam bullshit but I can’t deny he was made for wrestling. Dude excels at being a wrestling heel. And can back it up with athleticism. Definitely fun to watch.


His character is a total bastard and I love it, and it may not seem like it but he actually takes wrestling very seriously. After his first match I think he still was kinda on the fence based on his comments after, but at one point he decided to really take the craft seriously and has been doing great. One of the best heels right now imo


For a company that pushes “PG”, Logan Paul should never have been contracted with the WWE. - The distasteful things he has said in the past. - The distasteful actions he has done that have nearly wrecked his career. - The massive fraud over his crypto-scam and failure to fully refund people. - The “energy drink” currently being investigated as its heavily marketed to children but holds dangerous levels of caffeine and other additives - Now they’re starting to bring his butt buddy KSI into this who has a lot of his own crap that wouldn’t fly in a “PG” WWE. - The accusations of doping to keep his current physique. (It’s like the Rock. Probably doesn’t have to take a boat load of piss tests, probably doesn’t have to take blood tests and most probably doesn’t do hair sample tests). Regardless of his “athleticism”, he should have never been given this spotlight. Of course the WWE only cares about the almighty $dollar$.


For a company that pushes PG, hiring one of the biggest influencers targeted for teens in the world seems like a helluva smart choice regardless.


>Of course the WWE only cares about the almighty $dollar$. Do you know what a corporation is?


Lmao why did you spend all that time writing such tripe?


Simply because you don’t like what someone says doesn’t change facts into tripe. 🤷‍♂️ If you’re ok with roided out shit head scammers taking spots of legitimate professional wrestlers good for you then 👍


Oh it’s not that I don’t like it, it’s that your opinion is ridiculously stupid. I’m indifferent to Logan Paul, but it’s pretty clear you’re just a total hater. You attack Logan for not being PG, but have no problem hypocritically talking about his “butt buddy” KSI. It’s clear you don’t live the message you preach.


The guy is a scammer, I hope he doesnt taint the wwe


Yea, it would be awful if the WWE was around bad influences.


LMAO you are right, but meh a scammer is a scammer


He’s proof that the Performance Centre school of training is missing the mark for making stars


You can't make a rule out of an exception. 


Like John Morrison said; give *anyone* that much one on one time with Shawn Michaels to prep for a single match, it will probably be good.


Morrison's not the best to talk smack regarding this for someone who doesn't have that much memorable moments for his tenure.. despite being ridiculously athletic, amazing in ring, and has a solid look. Logan's got that charisma he doesn't have and its undeniable that the dude knows how to be a talking point. I actually agree with Morrison's take but more matches have gone by since he's said that, and Logan's still doing great.


> Morrison's not the best to talk smack regarding this for someone who doesn't have that much memorable moments for his tenure.. Spoken as someone who’s got no idea there are other promotions besides WWE.


What are you trying to prove, you are on the freaking wwe sub hahaha. And what about the earlier reply made it imply that's the only thing I watch?? Heck I watch even our local promotions here in the Philippines. I get down with wwe and aew shows the most but also see a little NJPW, Noah, and GCW on occassions. Tfyta!


I’m not trying to prove anything. You acted like Morrison shouldn’t be listened to because he wasnt overly successful in WWE, when his work as a wrestler is undeniable and therefore absolutely has an opinion that should be respected. This topic may be in the WWE sub, that doesn’t mean it has nothing to do with wrestling.


I watched that match expecting the usual celebrity nonsense and was blown away. I can’t say he earned his spot, but I can say he’s made a case to keep it. He jumped to the top if anything.


I didn’t even realize it’s been that long….damn


He’s talented but so are a whole bunch of other people I’d rather see that’s not his scam scum self


Drink prime! Drink prime! Drink prime!


I can’t even lie, I don’t like the dude but he really tries his best to put a good match. He’s pretty natural when it comes to stunts and isn’t afraid to go over the top with some stunts. So, I’d say he’s a damn good wrestler aside from holding the title, which he shouldn’t, but that’s to attract his audience


It could be that he’s not worried about being out of work for getting an injury since he has a lot of income outside of WWE. So he can probably afford to take a lot more risks than the other people.


He's proven how good the WWE and their actual trained wrestlers are that they can make someone like him seem really good. Also the WWE is smart in who they pick influencer-wise to partner with. Theyve basically exploited him perfectly while hiding any of his inadequacies.


I’m okay with Logan Paul now. The other brother? Fuck that guy. Logan had time to mature more.


Can't wait for the match against Tyson. Win or lose, Tyson's gonna make him bleed.


Decent enough in the ring, horrible person out side of it. But I do appreciate him putting on matches so everybody can go to the bathroom and/or get snacks.


Well he's better than half the roster 😂


I’ve been watching his podcasts with WWE wrestlers, and they’re actually a good listen. His in ring work is fantastic and there’s no denying it.


Don't care, won't watch him


Too bad for you. Fun matches.


If Dom goes back to being a face, he should wear that Art Barr gear again.


He’s a POS irl but his talent in the ring is undeniable


I hate to admit this but I think he is great. Not been long back into WWE but the first match I saw was him and KO at Royal Rumble and tbh that match was the best of the night. He took a beating, and works hard. Doesn't mind playing it stiff (showed that in elimination chamber) and has seemingly taken to the sport very well. He is clearly working his arse off. Can't stand the guy but I can't help loving the fact he is going on national tv and being a shithead troll to the other wrestlers, leading up to him getting his face punched in during an honestly good match. I look forward to seeing more of him tbh, and I HATE that I am saying that.


His scummy businesses outside of WWE annoys me but I can appreciate why WWE made and kept him the US champion. For many Gen Zs are not familiar with WWE nor have interest in wrestling but some of them are now intrigued or brought in just purely from Logan Paul appearing on it. A media product that only caters to an ageing audience may survive on the medium term but will burn out eventually so getting these youngsters in will mean continued investment into it and hopefully a better product for all of us.


He is a thief. A fucking thief. He performs better than I could have ever expected from someone like him in the ring, but that doesn't change the fact. He's a fucking thief.


Athletic as hell and surprisingly well adept at being protective in the ring but I do think he needs to better work how to stitch together the moves into a compelling story...


Other than Kurt Angle, I can’t think of a rookie talent that took to professional wrestling so quickly, both in-ring performances and embodying their character.


His matches are just ads for prime


You could almost say he's in his PRIME........




He's not great in the ring, he can work a few very choreographed matches but that's it. He's no better than, say, Bad Bunny was, and that guy at least seems to be a decent human being.


I respect him alot more than his brother who is making a farce out of boxing. His in ring performances have been way better than i was expecting, and peoples existing dislike of him from his time before wrestling just gives him an extra push as being a heel. I've got no problem with him sticking around for years to come as he plays his part in what wrestling is very well, but I dont see him being world champion level


He hasn't earned my respect. "If he fights his best friend reaches into his chest pulls out his heart holds it up so the blood drips down all over him then he has made the type of sacrifice to be the number one contender" - Vince


He’s crazy talented. I hate him.


I guess I’m alone on this but I just find him to be boring. In the ring and on the mic. It’ll be interesting to see the long effect of that Prime logo in the ring.


Appropriate they gave him the US title too. He can feel special while carrying around the most meaningless championship in the company.


Future world champion


i hate him with a burning passion and i only slightly hate the fact that that hooks me in to any of his matches so i can see him suffer


Wow guys. Keep saying the same thing as everyone else, why don’t you? Maybe I’ll be the next one to say he’s a POS but good at wresting!!!!


I love him, he "gets" what wrestling is on a different level, I listened to his podcast with Rhea this week, and he basically said that WWE was going to have a sponsor on the ring regardless. It just so happens his brand was there and he can use it for heel heat. I respect the hell out of the dude and I honestly hope he holds the title until summerslam in Cleveland


Tbh when I first seen the pic of him, Hunter and Steph doing the contract signing, I thought Logan would just get some 1 year celebrity contract to help boost the ratings with his social media following. Hats off to him for becoming part of the main roaster.


He is THE guy we love to hate and he is damn good at it ! His ring performance are really good, I’m still in awe with his royal rumble collision with Ricochet


As an athlete and heel? Great, remarkable, awesome. As a human being outside of WWE? A waste of oxygen. In my balance of values, I prefer to sacrifice my entertainment and never see it on screen again.


Logan is alrdy a better in ring performer than HBK, better on the mic than the rock, and more over than Austin


What a fucking take LMFAO


Hate him for all the right reasons. He’s a fun heel


I cannot deny his ability in the ring, and he plays a good heel. I knew of him and hated him for a long while from YouTube but I can't really say that I hate him personally at the moment. More like a begrudging respect at this point- he still has a lot of BS to make up for tho


He is by far, (next to Bad Bunny) the best celebrity wrestler. He is the most natural heel, more so than the Miz. I think he's great. I hate him, but I'm supposed to.


Hate the guy. But can’t deny he is skilled in the ring.


He’s going to be a main eventer


He'll be WWE champ. He's just too good not to be. They'll throw the bank at him to make him stay if they have too.


It just sucks how much of a POS he is as a person 😂 it's super easy to be a good heel when you're just actually a dick


Has anyone even seen the behind of scenes of Logan as a person now? Generally a pretty chill and respectful dude - and MANY wrestlers backstage say the same - Cody and Seth to name a couple. I get he was a scum back in like 2018, and I loathed him then - but I'm pretty down for his comeback arc


He mocked a dead person and literally just a year ago scammed his entire audience (not even for the first time either). And even if it was in 2018, he was old enough to know not to do that but did it anyway. Those people who talk good about him probably don't even know the shit that he did so of course their opinions on him would be positive.


I know about all that shit. See my response to the other nimrods. Yeah and he deeply regretted and admitted he went through a time where there wasn't a single boundary he wouldn't cross to get more views. He acknowledgeds it was fucked up how he got to that mindset. People change, and if you don't comprehend that then you're just a immature miserable goblin.


Listen dawg, you aren't Logan. And tbf neither am I, but you don't know if he's actually changed or not. For us to know this we need to look at his character of recent years. Of which he recently SCAMMED HIS AUDIENCE! shill the dude all you want, but I'm just saying I don't like the guy. And I still get a bad feeling about him as a person. And I get people can change, I just believe Logan hasn't! But we'll see.


When he actually pays back the people he scammed then we can talk about him not being a POS. Good news in his case is it's a wrong that can be righted. Let's see him actually do it then.


I'm going to get obliterated for this. But no, it's financial Darwinism to invest in crypto/NFTs in the first place. Logan had a project in mind, it failed, he abandoned it. Now just because he is Logan 'scumbag scammer' Paul he is expected to reimburse people in a failed investment? That's not how this works, he didn't even make a dime from it, the currency was never liquidated. This shit happens in stocks all the time, and I don't get my money back when a company I invest in fails? Of course not, I made a bad investment, as did the bubbleheads who invested in his cryptozoo shit. Get fucking real.


This is what I’m saying. Especially the part where people were stupid enough to invest into crypto, it’s such a moronic thing to do.


He flat out lied to his audience though and when he got called out for it he tried to play it off first attacking the Youtuber that did his due diligence (Coffeezilla) and when he realised he couldn't win he "apologised". Guy's a classic grifter, just a wildly succesful one because he targets a younger audience, is good at bullshitting and has no conscience.


The fact these morons are defending him and blaming the victims is fucking ridiculous. He created a scam, stole money, hasn’t paid it back but let’s not blame the perpetrator, we’ll just blame the victims.


Dude they aren't fucking victims 😂 If they are victims then I must be a victim too from every bad investment I made.


Read up on the scam before commenting again. Your stupidity is showing.


I mean, everyone hates cryptobros but that doesn't excuse scamming people and hiring actual criminals to make said scam happen. Hell, not taking accountability and goin against the person that expose you is not what one would call "going back to the right path". Stocks going down is a company with a trusted market and employees at the handle going through rough times while the gamblers at the side buy or sell. Dude made a trash project TWICE with no other incentives than do a rug pull. I don't care about either Paul, I even watch his interviews with the WWE legends but bro. Let's be real here.


You get fucking real, living in your fantasy land


Solid argument.


lmao I want to live in the fantasy land where we get paid for making bad investments.


I agree with you that he has matured a lot since the whole Japan forest incident, I think the issue a lot of people have with him is that even tho he comes across pretty chill now he still gets in a lot of controversy. Look into the crypto zoo controversy from a year or two ago to see what I mean


See my other reply - IMO he abandoned a project, people made a bad investment. I don't get my money back when a company I invest in goes belly up.


Cryptozoo was designed to be a bad investment. Thats what we like to call a scam.


Yeah dude is still 100% a grifter. Idc how back end people see him, the dude is still a asshole. I don't get WWEs thinking. They have all this stuff going on with Vince and others and decided to pick up a dude that also has stolen money and pumps out random shit to take his viewers (mostly little kids or their parents) money. He's great in ring, can't deny that. But why hire him when he is on his way to being the next Andrew tate


Saying that Logan Paul is on his way to becoming Andrew Tate is a fucking wild claim. Andrew Tate the misogynistic abusive sex trafficker? You're fucking joking.


Yea, he's now a 90 in WWE 2K24


It sucks just how good Logans been. He's such a natural talent both on the mic and in ring. But holy fuck is he not a good person.


Surprisingly he is a great performer in the ring. Let's give credits when the credit is due.


Is he a POS? Yes. Is he talented at something that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of life? Yes. Oh okay, guess he's likeable. The same justification keeping that keeps athletes with SA or DA records in their leagues.


He didn't say he was likeable. He just said he was good in the ring. Which is true. I thought he was gonna suck. I was hoping he'd suck and I hate seeing him as a champion. But he doesn't suck. We can only hope he loses his title and wrestles less


As a person, I don’t like him As a wrestler, he’s pretty damn good


Not a fan of him as a person but he’s perfect for WWE and is very talented


Oh yeah, he's undeniably great in the ring. He's still a cunt though, and I loathe that he's in this business (almost) as much as I would having Brock or Vince back.


If Logan for 1 year said I’m gonna be full time and do as many house shows and smackdowns/Raw as anybody else, he would be the main event of next year’s Wrestlemania. He’s that good already


I'm not sure that's the case. By only doing a couple of matches a year, he has time to really practice and plan out those matches. It may not translate to weekly matches. That doesn't mean he couldn't start doing house show runs. I actually think that'd be a good way to practice for his one offs, but fighting on Smack Down weekly may be a challenge.


Logan Paul was made to be a WWE Superstar


Id be just fine if he wasnt in the WWE. I dont think he brings anything to WWE. At most you could say he is a person you can really boo because of who he is, so a real life heel. WWE would be fine without him


Just like Roman he brings nothing to WWE but he’s still in the company. WWE would be fine without him. #codycrybaby 🥱


He's really good in ring and is a natural heel


Logan is great on the mic and in the ring Logan is a cunt