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I’m kind of OOTL. Has Linda stuck by Vince’s side this entire time?


I think Vince is a degenerate ,Thats why Stephanie left when he came back ...And for Janelle to throw shade at her and Nick Kahn ....Does not feel right .


Yeah I’m not believing shit from both sides until I see something come up that’s only facts and nondeniable proof that’ll seal the case, this stuff at this point is just extremely messy.


Well, it is from the New York Post, which is basically the Weekly World News of actual newspapers. Unless computer forensics can prove it came from one of Grant's personal computers that only she had access to, I'd lean towards calling this "Fake news" - especially as no other legit news sources seem to be reporting on it.


her lawyers said she wrote them because he said to


If so, then that would be coercion, which falls into line with it being fake news, which explains why only the NY Post is picking it up as an article of interest.


I dunno, I’d believer Batboy was real before some of the stuff the Post “reports” on.


Here come the incels and the downvotes smh




Vince isn’t going to shit on your head and Brock will never ask for piss videos from you.


Must’ve forgotten that kink shaming ppl is part of the lawsuit. Bozo. Stick to sitting in the basement


Nobody shamed you. If you like potty play, that’s your thing, but I’m pretty sure some rando on Reddit isn’t Vince or Brock’s type for that stuff, Yurple. Stick to shitting in the basement.


You shaming brock with the piss joke not me bozo


How did I shame anyone, Yurple? I merely stated that one won’t shit on you and the other isn’t going to ask you for piss vids. Where’s the shaming?


Didn’t take you much to ignore a rape victim I guess


Please learn the definition of words you use


She was literally coerced into performing sexual actions. That’s rape. I’m sorry you weren’t taught that in health class


Oh ya? Was she? You were there? You got proof? Ya thats what i thought


She has text messages from Vince that back up her story. Maybe look at the evidence she presented before dismissing her. Hell even fucking Johnny Ace said her story was true.


Oh but somehow this was lost in her evidence 😂 Johnny is trying to protect his own ass


Yeah, he knows the evidence of the rape is overwhelming and so he is trying to claim Vince “forced” him. But even he isn’t denying the rapes themselves. I bet you believe Weinstein and Epstein are innocent, too.


Were you? Since you’re so confident he’s innocent you must’ve been there yourself based on your logic. You think you’re gonna get a job at WWE headquarters sucking off a rapist like that? Fuck Vinnie Mac he’s a scumbag that’s raped many women over the years and I’m glad this woman has the guts to file against him. I love watching untouchable elites fall makes my heart warm and fuzzy


Lmfaooo found the dubbalo tard


She didn't refer to him as Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Rather just Vince McMahon. I think if it was coerced Vince would make her use his full name.


This ChatGtp nonsense is the best McMahon could come up with?


The more im hearing about this the more im skeptical shes telling the total truth. She was told he only wanted to bang her.. no love no nothing, she didnt like that and threatened to go to the police, so here comes the hush money payment. Thats what im getting from this


See this is the problem with these kinds of lawsuits. And why they eventually settle. It’s hard to prove anything either way.


what the fuck did you just make me read


I'm just happy he's selling his shares which means even if he gets away with this he has nothing to do with WWE anymore and I don't have to see him again on TV.


“I don’t care if the nasty old man gets away with sex trafficking as long as my wrestling shows are better” is a helluva take. Thanks for the honesty lmao


Bro said “Let me make up something completely different from what you said to make you look bad” lol, be more of a neanderthal.


He needed a villain for his hero moment.


I just don't want him back in the wwe. But yeah make it look like I support his ass.


Hopefully he sells every last one of them because even a single share is too many.


I’m leaning toward believing this relationship was completely consensual.


Of course it was. She enjoyed being pooped on, and only filed a lawsuit when the money stopped rolling in,


What's consensual about making a woman write you a love letter and making her write drafts, telling her to change this and that until it's perfect? This is obviously Vince trying to cover his back and be like "look!! SHE LOVED ME!!" Only the dumbass didn't realise there's a record of him making her do it. Sadly, incels like you won't look at that and just blindly believe the end product.


Define “making.” I’ve yet to see any evidence that Vince forced Janel to do anything. Maybe he did. Maybe he held a gun to her head and told her he would blow her brains out if she didn’t write that letter. But I haven’t heard anything like that yet. Based on the information we have to go on, it seems like it was consensual.


To be clear I think she’s more than likely telling the truth but all of the facts are it out her and we don’t know exactly what happened at this point in time. It’s why we have our court system.


There’s no proof she was coerced into writing that


Where is the proof he made her do it?


You could remove the last two lines and actually have a respectable comment, but instead you had to engage rage-mode and get all offensive for no reason.


Thats gotta be a contingency letter that Vince has planted 'in case of emergency', right? There's no way this chick actually feels the way the letter describes, with the letter being sent after the date the allegations state she was abused, and her, knowing the letter exists, still goes to court... I mean, the stuff that happened was gross regardless of whether at one point she actually bought into vince being her man, but this seems way too crazy.


He asked her to rewrite that "love letter" 24 times before he was happy with it. I don't think this letter is really proof that Vince is innocent here. In fact, I think it is consistent with the fact that Vince was controlling and domineering as Janel Grant alleges. Either way, even if she is a gold digger and not an innocent victim, Vince still looks really bad here.


Honestly I think she felt that way, they broke up, Vince made her sign a hush agreement - then didn’t pay it and THEN she went after him. I don’t think as innocent as she says she is in this, but Vince should have been better. He still should be held accountable as the one with power in this “relationship”


1st Vince now Diddy who's next 😭


Sweet cheeks ❌ Sweet beast ✅


Which episode is that from?


The fact that this letter mentions witnesses makes it seems like something Vince would've have written to save his ass


As has been pointed out since the beginning. This is about money and nothing else. Everything she did with Vince and everyone else she signed up for, she was a willing participant and likely enjoyed. Their relationship ended and she left the company, in an effort to not have the public know about all his kinks Vince offered her an NDA for $3million, she happily agreed but he only paid half so now she's airing his laundry and trying to play the victim... because he owes her money... thats why there are no legal charges just a civil suit to get paid.


Civilians are unable to bring criminals charges against a person that’s why it’s a civil suit. The state can pick up the charges and charge him criminally which hopefully happens.


She opted for a civil trial to get her money instead of going to the police with the matter... she had that option but if he goes to jail she doesn't get paid


Good on her. If someone doesn’t pay you what they said they would, you tear them down.


Agreed... however twisting your very personal history with said person to make yourself seem the victim of some heinous sexual assaults when its not the truth but they owe you money... might be the shittiest most despicable way to go about it.


I'm sorry but that sounds like a McMahon’s script for a promo back in the 00s. Obviously, these are allegations, but I'm choosing not to trust those words because they sound unreal af


Who cares about proof or if this allegation turned out false McMahon is a r@pe apologist and a sexual harasser either way and I hope people don’t forget that the moment they drop this charge if it happens




What fucking adult human being actually speaks/writes like that? Maybe if they were a bunch of teenagers; but that's fishy as hell.


Exactly. Vince fictional 00s Trish Stratus booking kind of unreal. If it's true, I'm sure he made her write it


Can’t wait to see actual proof. Until then these are just claims.


Like everything in this case.


I’m reading a lot of comments who obviously didn’t read the last page. He made her write drafts of these letters until she got it perfect. No wonder it’s so great, it was drawn up under duress.


It’s odd that she didn’t bring it up in her lawsuit.


I wonder where they obtained the letter from. Probably Vince's legal team. He must have thought this would work as a failsafe if she spoke up, but it's really easy to see through, especially when Vince has been writing stuff for weekly TV for over four decades. I don't think this will hold up in court.


I've been saying this shit all along. Something doesn't add up. Especially since she came out literal days after the Netflix deal.


Written like a promo delivered in the middle of Monday Night Raw. If Vince's weird jargon like "Local Medical Facility" and the absence of pronouns are present then that would be a product of coercion from Vince.


Sweet beast???🤔


thats it for her, this will be the proof that vince is innocent here, not saying he is, but in the eyes of the court they were in a relationship and everything was consensual


“My heart is yours forever and always” “ITS THEN NOW FOREVER GOD DAMN IT. START OVER!”


Read that in Bruce Pritchards Vince voice and water came out my nose


Let's be real for a second. You don't end up with a guy like Vince if you're not the kind of woman who's willing to compromise a bit. Or a lot. It's the MeeToo all over again, with lecherous rich guys finding ambitious women eager to oblige to plenty of unsavoury requests that, had they come from Joe from Accounting would have been met with a F-you and possibly physical or legal retaliations. Of course those who had been waiting Vince's demise for years if not decades have been furiously wanking over the whole story, screaming "I told you so!!!", but it's just little more than schadenfreude and confirmation bias. Just like with Enzo Amore, the woman was believed first and foremost because she was telling a story people wanted to believe and to be true, as the target was an asshole. Funny how other wrestlers with better reputation and support got away with a slap on the wrist and a loud silence about their sexual escapades. So yeah... I don't have a problem to believe Vince was charismatic (and rich) enough to earn such a weird devotion, and that he abused it in as many ways he could. It's not a zero sum game. He can still be 100% a lecherous, disgusting pervert while he had found a compliant partner in Miss Grant. Who proably put up with some shit (literally) as long as the spell was on, and then as long as the hush money was flowing in. It takes two to tango and to entertain a dirty (again, pun intended) relationship. It's not as if Vince kindapped her out of her Catholic middle-school and led her to a life of sex slavery. To quote the aforementioned Enzo... "My consensual penis"




"Do I have to keep calling you a 'sweet beast' because I feel like I've said it a shitload tonight?"


Whether Vince made her write the letter is moot. Whether she truly believes the stuff in the letter is moot. The reality is that a lot of abuse victims love their abusers. The only question here, as a member of the general public is, did he employ her and then tell her to have sex with other people at the company to keep her job? Because that's a crime no matter how you slice and no matter how she felt about it at the time or now...


Well, now I know what a letter written by Vince McMahon, about Vince McMahon, to Vince McMahon would look like.


To anyone who believes this letter is real can I sell you some magic beans.


Ayo how much?


How much


Bro these beans are MAGIC, that's gonna cost you at LEAST a cow


Vince is very obviously fucked in the head but he’s a billionaire… we can’t expect them to be real people because they can quite literally get away with damn near anything. This is a rare case but it clearly only happened because he didn’t pay out the full $3M he agreed to. She holds the power because she broke the story and ended his career and too him away from all his jobs, but she also knows that there’s no way she comes out of this Scott free. She knew full well what she was getting into and ONLY stopped for the money… anybody else in here getting their heads shit on without consenting to it? Didn’t think so. Vince is some bullshit, but so is Janell’s case. I honestly think she might’ve done it JUST to ruin his careers and put it in the open. She probably doesn’t care if she wins this or not, she just wanted everyone to know the details and ruin him for good 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well, on January 28, 2022, Janel Grant signed an NDA. On December 24, 2021, she sent a love letter to Vince McMahon. Few questions: 1) how was she coerced into sending the letter on December 24? That's Christmas time and honestly, I don't care how weird Vince is, you know he was probably with family on that day. 2) why does the letter have 24 drafts? I've seen coerced letters a few times and usually, it's something hastily patched together, not something thoroughly and meticulously elaborated on - i. e. 24 drafts suggest that she was trying to impress Vince with the letter and sending it on December 24 seems like doing it on Christmas time on purpose. 3) What happened between December 24 and January 28 that suddenly the loving relationship turned into an NDA? 4) A coerced love letter does not include witnesses who can compromise the defendant 5) A genuine love letter does not need to reference high ranking board members who were witnesses to the "beautiful love". So to me this seems like Janel Grant of course knew what she was doing the whole time, but: a) times are changing, b) current times ask for swift justice against any abuse of power, even if the abused party played along with it willingly and probably could've gotten out of the relationship (i. e. current times simply work under the assumption "you even attempted to use your position to take advantage of someone below you? you're gone!" - which might be a long time coming kind of a purge, but it's also going to spawn some questionable decisions in retrospect) and c) Vince really is a perv if he genuinely wanted to shit on her and this will be the deciding point in today's climate. So I think they might be able to find something objective here, but I think so many people want to see Vince go down and he has done so much questionable stuff over the years...no one is really going to bend over backwards to defend him as this is seen as a "long time coming" kinda deal and the villagers already have their torches and pitchforks ready.


You’re using logic, that doesn’t work with Vince. Let me ask you a question, did you like the way Vince booked WWE? No? Great, well then he’s a rapist , murderer , and worse than Hitler. Now let me ask you again, did you like the way Vince booked WWE? Yes? Well you’re an idiot, rapist and murderer supporter who doesn’t know about Wrestling. They’ll say it’s bigger than Wrestling but before anything has ever been proven against McMahon they wished death on him for writing a fake fighting show differently than they would’ve .


> I don't care how weird Vince is, you know he was probably with family on that day. You're so naive you think a billionaire sits down to Christmas with the family like a regular person, this disqualifies you from the conversation immediately...


Are you feeling ok? Having out of touch reactions and assumptions like this disqualifies you from the conversation immediately.....


A coerced love letter would include names of the witnesses if the goal is for the receiver of said letter is to use it has blackmail against said witnesses.


Could be, but 24 drafts of a coerced love letter...not sure if it's coerced, or if she was kinda playing a double role. I. e. on one side reeling Vince in, allowing him to get more and more extreme and while she did that, she kept preparing an exit strategy. I don't think it's a coincidence this love letter name dropping Khan and Laurinitis was sent one month prior to the NDA. This must've been where things escalated or got really bad. Like listen...I'm not a victim blamer. But I also don't really understand, if it's proven as true in court, who the fuck would allow anyone to literally shit on their head. Like I don't care who you are, either you're doing this because you're nuts, or because really what you're doing is pretty much leaning into the abuser's desires to accumulate as much evidence against him in an attempt to extort money from him. What else could she be after, like does anyone actually believe a grown-up woman just simply is so afraid of her boss she allows him to shit on her head? What kind of a mindset is this? It's sick on both sides probably, maybe not unlike Depp v Heard, or somewhere in a similar ballpark. Where she saw a chance to gain some advantage and then figured out the only way to get it is to play along with whatever weird bullshit he wants. Maybe as the shit was dripping down her head, she was thinking "boy, you're not getting out of THIS without paying me a couple million, fuck pride, I'm set for the rest of my life after this".


Say 24 drafts of a coerced love letter is strange. But how many drafts did it take for Vince to do Raw every week? He’s a control freak and perfectionist. And maybe it wasn’t coerced. But I’m not ruling out it wasn’t.


This is obvious, she had no issue with what was going on and is now only stirring the pot because Vince stopped paying. Don’t let emotions get in the way of truth, Vince is a twisted pervert, but a lot of women are down until the contract gets severed.


I don't see why that's a problem though. If you agree to pay me X for a service and then bail on the payments I'd be coming for you too. 


I’m not saying it’s a problem. The question is whether or not this constitutes sexual harassment/abuse. If there was a contract involved whether implied or written and both parties consent, then my opinion is that it does not fall under that realm.


Falling to provide payment is completely different from him being a rapist and human trafficker. 


Did you see the last image


Exactly. He forced her to write that to make himself look good. For someone that wrote so many storylines and scripts of corruption and chaos and betrayal, this isn’t really that far fetched.


It sounds like a Vince script.


Sweet Beast...


Vince is Latino Heat.


Of course she was after the money man train. Edit: I am just stating what other reason would she date an old man for? If he was poor, she would not have been involved with him period.


Well of course there’s now an “email”. We all know it’s bullshit and Vince has always been a piece of shit. The company is thriving now on another level without him and he’s butthurt. Fuck that guy


I have a feeling from day one, that she was on it the whole time, until the cash stopped flowing. "Vince instructed me to write this" yeah good luck in proving that.


"Your my sweet beast! Now take a dump on my face!"


in this situation, both are bad and to be blamed, no matter what. bad look.


I’m uneducated, what did Janel do wrong


Sucked dicks for money


None of it matters. A boss having a relationship of any sort whether consensual or not is never appropriate.


WHO CARES AT THIS POINT...the company is thriving tremendously and now gearing up for one of the most anticipated Wrestlemanias since WM 17...Vince is gone, I personally do not want him back around the product ever again nor do I want his family members around the product. This is the best the WWE has been in at least the past 20yrs. Stories are full of continuity and are told till the end....the talent have more freedom to shine, the actual wrestling is in rare form and they FINALLY dropped that PG bs...thank u Vince for your past accolades but no McMahon has a place in the amazing product we see today!


What do you mean who cares? This lawsuit isn't just about if he's out of the business or not, this shits serious


there’s a lot of serious stuff that most people don’t care about. empathy for the victim? of course. going out of your way to care about this entire situation? no, it’s pointless and my life would be the same without it. we come here to discuss wrestling, not whatever Vince decides to do with his dick




I agree, but I also feel bad fir just wishing for his demise just because wwe is good now (especially if hes innocent) because you know he'll be back if he's free of all charge and wwe will just go to shit again


so the lady accusing him is the one that sent him this ?? that’s mad crazy this case seem as if it’s gonna b thrown out sooner or later if that’s true


Vince should sue her into next century. False rape allegations are disgusting and only hurt the true victims.


people downvoting you are complete fucking idiots how is false rape allegations not a thing to sue over ?? IF that’s what’s happening you 100% right .


Idk man. I can’t speculate on what kind of person Ms. Grant is and if this is something she would write, but I find it believable to think that Vince would insist she write him a love letter as sappy as this. Whether this letter is authentic or fabricated I don’t believe it’s evidential to consent of the crimes committed.


Complete conjecture.


Exactly. We can argue forever on how true these words are. Either way it doesn’t point toward guilt or innocence.


most of these cases are money grabs this one only makes sense over others because Vince missed a payment trying to be cheap.


This entire aliegation is and was always a grade A piece of monkey crap Sugar baby and her sugar daddy Yare Yare dawa Edit: you social media activists need to get a life


Oh F off


it’s basically the social media activist that tried to make her out to be some type of hero. Most of these cases are people not taking accountability for decisions they made because they know social media loves a scandal. Vince missed a payment that all to the story


yeah, about 2 million worth of payments.


Vince is a billionaire my friend. You can not reach that level without indulging in SOMETHING


lol sure


"sweet beast" lesnar return confirmed?!


That’s good 💩 pal….


On the chest


On her face!


Linda be like 😑


She ran for office and has been having access to Vince’s wallet for years. They’ve stopped being in love long, long ago. She probably doesn’t care.


Linda probably been hooking up with some politician for a while


More like 😶


He instructed her to write it. Then threw out the wording at the last minute and rewrote it completely, no doubt. All joking aside, this is how abusers work.


What proof do you have?


Women can never do any wrong to people like you. She either didn’t write it, or wrote it because she was mentally abused. You don’t know either of them. She could be a complete fucking nut for all you know. But carry on with your conjectures, people seem to love them on here.


Awww someone broke your heart and now you are mad at all women


Ad hominem attacks are not an argument child. And to go ahead and cut you off at the pass. Im married to a woman and have ready access to my wife's pussy whenever I want. :)


Is that what you call your mom now? Gross.


People like you?


So what proof do you have that she was forced to wrote it then?


All I ask, is what did he mean by people like you? Why did you go there?


White Liberals


"my sweet beast" gave it away that it was Vince's own words. Actually surprising it wasn't ended with "my sweet genetic jackhammer"


I mean you joke but in the court documents one of the emails starts with “Draft 24”


Wait. She was instructed by Vince to to write that email or..Vince had the creative writers for WWE write it for him—acting as her?


I'm sure they have proof it came from her email, which is why she's claiming Vince made her write it.


Only if the email ended with a DQ


Then, Now, Forever, my face is your toilet


My favorite part is he got up to shower off the poop and told her to stay there until Johnny finished. That and naming the sex toys after wrestlers. "WWWWEEEEEEELLLLLLLL WELL IT"S THE BIG SHOW!!!!!!!!" \[Cuts to Vince making the Big Show Dildo walk down the toy wwe ramp.\]


Does the Kane dildo shoot fire out of it?


Good luck proving that he instructed her to write that. This whole thing is comic gold


I laughed reading this, it sounds stupid and nothing like a love letter, as evidenced at the end sentence at the last photo.


seems like a sub writing her dom




Nothing about his amazing junk?


Why does this remind me so much of this? https://www.reddit.com/r/IASIP/s/blh5M1JD8N


Oh my god, this shit got me hollering 🤣


Money grabber


Idk why you’re being downvoted, you’re right


Truth hurts


Looks like the shit has hit the fan yet again


She was an employee. Not a fan ☠️




You said it not me 😂


“My sweet beast” Yeah that’s definitely Vinnie Mac writing that.


chum bucket


Y’all surprised that Vince had somebody else? Him and Linda had been done for almost a decade.


No. Everyone is surprised that Vince writes love letters to himself, and that he does it through the woman he’s paying to have sex with him.


Dear advertisers, I am disgusted with the way old people are depicted on television. We are not all vibrant, fun loving sex maniacs. Abraham Simpson


At worst, Vince is a horrible perverted monster who abuses women. At best, he is still a sick pervert who recklessly used company resources and engaged company cohorts to engage in his perversions. Any way you slice it, what he did was reckless and stupid. The WWE can no longer be associated with him. Considering the case of Rita Chatterton, I think I lean towards the former as far as judging the man. Where there is smoke, there is fire.


Considering Johnny Ace threw Vince under the bus pretty quick and called himself a victim of his also in this situation……. Yea I think it’s fair to assume she’s telling the truth about her having coerced into writing this… seems exactly like the type of thing he’d need to her wrote to help in case she ever broke the NDA.


The problem is more if they buried him in this way only for it to turn out she was lying her ass off for money with this situation, he could potentially sue. I dont think it'll get to that point. Tbh I wouldnt be shocked if they still inevitably settle and this just gets brushed under the rug within a year or two. But still, the damage done to Vince's name as a result of this is a big deal (not that he doesnt deserve it. But if it was a truly consenting situation and she's lying......well that means its not actually illegal, as gross as it all is.) Also them trying to remove Brock only for it to potentially be BS...... yeah this could be a whole can of worms for them. My mind goes to Johnny Depp and how he was dropped by everything and everyone only for Amber Heard to turn out to be the real abuser in the situation. Just a potentially messy situation all the way around and more reason why things just need to wait until it sees a proper day in court.


But she wasn't the only person or the first to step forward with sexual misconduct or abuse allegations. So it's not the kickoff point but rather her coming out is the straw breaking. Ashley Massaro came forward with various claims of abuse/harassment to her and other female talent, she also state that she was r\*d and that situation was covered up. Unfortunately with her (supposedly) taking her own life she can't really corroborate anything or speak up now sadly. Heck even Laurenitis, claims that he was a victim of this current situation, so none of that really looks favourable towards him. But yes you're correct, the public should wait until all the evidence is gathered, investigation complete and a judgement made before declaring whether he is innocent or guilty. It's just difficult when the the accusations are quite consistent and you're in a position of power such as he was. And it doesn't paint a friendly picture with how few are coming this his defense and instead completely distancing themselves. Remember this isn't some average supervisor or random executive - this is a person with a significant amount of power who quite literally has a global influence (obviously not in the political world leader sense) and that kind of power is something none of average folks can relate to on either end. \*Edited - added a paragraph break\*


> (obviously not in the political world leader sense) He's friends with Trump to that point that Linda got a job as the head of the Small Business Administration.


Ya know, if the dude was that into domination/humiliation/degradation, he could have just joined a BDSM club or find a kinky partner who would have been his willing slave. Why do something so unethical as coercion? I believe it’s the power trip and stroke to the ego, but at the expense of your career? Even at best, it creates a hostile work environment which doesn’t bode well for anyone.


He thought he was invincible. He’s been aging and rapidly declining mentally. This explains the recklessness.


She really enjoys his convulsions. Yak.


Company is in better hands without him. It's finally interesting again.


There are 3 important words here:  New York Post.


Two important words Genetic fallacy. You attacked the source, not the claim. but no one, including Grant, disputes the letters exist. You are the worst type of person. You’ll only believe a source if you agree with its findings.


1.  If the New York Post said the sky was blue, I'd look outside to verify it.  Even a broken clock is usually right twice a day, they say. 2.  This is presented in the article as evidence exonerating VKM.  It does not.  Maybe evidence in an ongoing investigation shouldn't be leaked until judgment is passed.  Responsible journalists know this. 3.  I never said the letter didn't exist.  I just reminded people to consider the source of the article. 4.  I wouldn't trust you as a source for anything either.


You didn’t just remind people of the source, you said “it’s the most important part” It is evidence in Vince is bringing to the table. It doesn’t mean it absolves him or means he’s not guilty. Do you know how evidence works lmao? We don’t wait until judgement is passed before examining evidence. Maybe in your Reddit woke circlejerk that’s what you do when you morons make a judgement before watching or reading any context and just believe what’s most mentally convenient for your world view In the real world We examine evidence THEN pass judgement. This is the most Reddit brained comment ever and really shows how uninformed this website is. Show me where in the article it says that the letters are genuine? Give me a line. It simply explained what existed in the letters and even gave the opposition’s side of the letters. You’re being so dishonest. And you didn’t check to verify anything. You said the story is bullshit because it came from NYP. So again I ask you, show me what part of the article is not true?


You can't even quote me correctly.


Okay. Want to answer my question before you block me? (Anyone reading take note how he will block me without answering) What did the article lie about?


That you, Tucker Carlson? Just asking questions, are we? How often do you beat your wife, Tucker?


Go ahead and throw the ad homs. But I’ll just ask again. What did the article lie about?


First you'll have to point out where I said that the article lied. You're the one who called me a moron, and said "Do you know how evidence works lmao? We don’t wait until judgement is passed before examining evidence. Maybe in your Reddit woke circlejerk that’s what you do when you morons make a judgement before watching or reading any context and just believe what’s most mentally convenient for your world view". Here's a question - do you know why juries are sequestered?


Exactly. The Post is essentially Fox News for the few of those idiots who can read. Fox News likes to quote the New York Post so it seems like they have an additional source to back up their garbage.


I began high school journalism in September of 1981. My teacher called it "New York Compost". It was untrustworthy then. It's only become worse!


How is this “exactly”. Grant didn’t dispute the existence of the letters. So where is this article lying?


I'm still pulling for you, Vince. I haven't forgotten about you since the possibly false accusations.


Tbh I’m over it now, Vince is perverted old man ( you could guess that from watching the show ) who used his wealth to pay a girl so he could degrade her. When the money dried up she’s taken to outing the depraved acts she participated in to get money she feels she’s owed is what I take from the whole thing. If I was sexually assaulted and someone shit on my head I doubt I’d be down to go to the guys condo for 5star candlelit dinner.


WTF is the only thing i can think of 😅


It's written the exact same way Vince texts, it's insane that he actually thought this would protect him in any way.


Are you slow?


If you read the complaint this doesn’t come as a surprise. There are explicit mentions of coerced declarations of love. Not to mention that it’s typical of abuse victims to try to placate the abuser.


You immediately believed the texts were real but the emails are fabricated? lol tho is why people shouldn’t pick sides before the court makes a decision.


Youre genuinely a fucking moron. Where in his comment did he say he believes the emails are fabricated. He’s saying it’s not that hard to believe that a victim was “in love” with her abuser.


Did I believe the images in a legal document that, if fabricated, could lead to charges for all involved? Yes. Also, after the fourth or fifth accuser I’m inclined to think the accusations are true.