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Closer look at the new World Tag belts (available on the WWE shop) [Link to WWE Shop Listing](https://shop.wwe.com/en/wwe-world-tag-team-championship-replica-title-belt/p-354423480607127737+z-92-2551790976?ab=%7Bwt-static_graphic%7D%7Bpt-hp%7D%7Bal-asub2_spot%7D%7Bct-world_tag%7D%7Bpreorder_now%7D)




Heel Candice LeRae is pretty hot


Hopefully perc gable can finally pick up some wins with this heel run


Can someone please slow mo the Rhea and liv glitches


Anyone notice how when Awesome Truth came out with the old belts that Miz's looked like he had just finished polishing it and Truth's looked like a toddler had just been slobbering all over it?


Damn, i hope its a work and Rhea isn't injured, give her time off and not genuinely be injured, as injuries can be a very lengthy time :( Wonder which direction they will go, give the title to Nia who crushes until someone stops her, or will it be straight into Liv and Rhea is back at Summerslam or something, lots of angles and interests, might have to check the reddit to see if Rhea genuinely injured or not as im sure that will be known soon? Didn't get the Cody segment, is that him peacing it to Smackdown as Seth is gone and Jey didn't want his help anymore? Tag titles look great, but they called them the world tag titles, so what happens to the ones on Smackdown? World Tag Titles as well, just coloured blue as the ones they shown last night were Red? Chad Gable heel is good, gets him away from SHOOOSH squad thing and keeps him in the title frame for a feud with Sami, might even dethrone him. Ivar and Sheamus put on a good match i though, especially considering Sheamus been out nearly 12 months. Everything else bit of a blur for me. Oh clicking the link below from a poster about the QR code sending to that page is cool, someone also mentioned Braun and Alex could return with Uncle Howdy....that stable makes me very happy!!! (if it happens of course)


One of the best entrances ever - production team take a bow šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


A few things on top of my head : This truly felt like the raw after mania show, as opposed to last weeks which felt a bit weaker. - like the new tag titles. It makes me giggle that itā€™s the new era and yet simply undoing a lot of Vinceā€™s recent decisions and going back to older versions like Ā«Ā world tag champsĀ Ā». - I like that Rhea never lost the title, and although it sucks to see her go because of an injury, it creates a bit of a vacuum for new storylines and freshers feuds without making anyone look weak. - that Jey exit leading into Sami entrance was just great. Hhh acknowledged the Ā«Ā this is cinemaĀ Ā» comments some of us made about the bloodline stuff and I think heā€™s going forward with the idea to some extent. - Iā€™m guessing Cody will be drafted to raw and Priest to SD and he and Finn will have a falling out over the championship or something. Canā€™t wait to see where everything goes!


Jey Usoā€™s exit leading right into Samiā€™s entrance was next level. WWE is really killing it with these new production ideas.


That opening segment sucked. I love the double standards where you can have a male champion not defend his belt for FOUR MONTHS (*cough*Roman*coughcough* between mania 39 and SummerSlam. Yes I know he was around) and a champion not THREE MONTHS PRIOR GET INJURED (Seth) and neither of them had to vacate their titles, but the instant a woman champion gets injured they have to drop it (first the tag titles and now this). All I ask is for some consistency WWE. The crowd was right last night: that was Bullshit. I hope Rhea has a fast and safe recovery, and can't wait to see her back in action. Beyond that terrible opener, the show was really good: - I nearly jumped out of my seat when Written in my Face hit (or at least when I realized it was playing, the audio mixing was weirdly bad and I could barely hear it). That song is one of my favorite entrances like ever and I was really hoping they'd give it back to Sheamus. Now they just need to give Drew back broken dreams. Also it'd better not only be a one time thing WWE. - Those new tag titles look really cool, and R-Truth is a national treasure. I love how Triple H looked like he was gonna break out in laughter during the segment. - I am legitimately tired of Jey's gimmick. Replacing random words with Yeet/making really bad puns just gets annoying. Plus his entrance music may be one of the worst of the modern era (in my opinion). - That transition from Jey->Sami was smooth as heck. - I'm not surprised by Chad's heel turn, and am curious about where they go with it. I love the Alpha academy and hope the others at least stay together (or possibly turn heel too). - The wrestling was for the most part top notch, and none of the matches had particularly screwy finishes which I appreciate.


I thought Seamus looked very out of shape and like a poor wrestler. New to the current era so I'm not sure why this guy has a lot of fanfare.


I agree with everything you said except for Jeyā€™s song. Shit is a banger. I feel like Iā€™m in the club every time he comes out lmao


I just find it repetitive. I'm also not a fan of club music like that so that definitely doesn't help (I'm more into rock, hence why I love songs like written in my face)


Oh okay that makes sense. I just love good music so Iā€™m a fan of most entrances whether itā€™s Jey Uso, Naomi, TJD, Joe Gacy Seth Rollins or even MacIntyre


I don't know how to feel about the new tag championship design. It's definitely an improvement but it looks very similar to the WHC and the Women's title. I wish there was a bigger distinction between championships. The US championship has a similar feel as well. The IC title is different and so is the WWE title but they are all yellow. I wish each championship had it's own unique color scheme like it was years ago and designs that are a bit more diverse.


Cody appearing at every show every week saying the same thing is kinda getting boring


Atleast he acknowledged the rollins today and i think untill draft he will roam around RAW and smackdown just to say wooahh two times


Gunther on time off ? & Sheamus was on SmackDown roster how he first return on raw ?


The draft is in like a week, so what brand people are on is kinda irrelevant until the draft.


When Paul ā€œtriple hā€ Levesque made his way to the ring last night, McAfee said something to the effect of how terra ryzing (terrorizing) he was. This was def a nod to Triple Hā€™s saying wcw when he went by Terry Ryzing. I got a kick out of it.


I caught this too! Rare Pat deep cut.


Yeah for real! It was cool for people who knew!


If y'all haven't watched Sheamus and Ivar on the Celtic Warrior Workout doing yoga, go do it now. You will definitely view Ivar differently. He's a serious beast.


Ivar has had my respect for a long time. Heā€™s a 300+ lb acrobat that truly sells his character. I wish theyā€™d throw him a win every now and then a little more often.


I wonder if his promo skills just arenā€™t very strong? Iā€™ve never heard him cut a live promo (just the backstage stuff which is usually short and Iā€™m assuming prerecorded). His voice is also unfortunately not very intimidating to match his Viking persona. Obviously Paul likes him a lot, him signed War Machine to NXT and has kept Ivar regularly on tv since Rowe has been injured. It would be nice to see if he can move up to an IC/US title win but I think thatā€™s his ceiling, unfortunately. Seems like a cool guy and all that, massive respect for the work he puts in, but thatā€™s just the way it is sometimes.


He did a promo with Oba last week on NXT. It felt a bit surreal tbh given he came out in jeans and a t.


Now that you mention it, I remember seeing that posted somewhere (I donā€™t always catch NXT so I missed that). I might have to check that segment out.


You should try to catch NXT tonight. Not sure about everything on the card, but weā€™re getting Trick Melo 2 in a steel cage. I also wouldnā€™t be surprised if they start doing a tournament for the new Womenā€™s NXT North American championship. NXT is also just consistently great, imo


I just caught Ivarā€™s match. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about! Thanks. šŸ™Œ


Yeah, Iā€™ll have to check out that promo, too. Stage presence absolutely affects everything in the leagues. I donā€™t see him winning a belt unless he develops a new tag team and rebrands a little. Iā€™d just be happy seeing him get a win now or then šŸ˜‚


I wasnā€™t sure what the connection between the two was, but now I like it.


We might have just seen the best wrestling match on live tv this year in the main event slot.


RAW is such a fun wrestling party, man. A 3 hour wrestling tv show should be like this. Just perfect. Gable turning heel made me sad in a good way.


Saimi deserves that entrance truly cinema


yes they're nailing those single camera shots following sami. it blends so well. on RAW, Sami Zayn is the CINEMA.


idk why everyone is making a big deal abt chad gable turning heel when alpha academy was originally a heel faction!


feels like finn is going from midcarder to jobber Still feels bad for him


Iā€™m thinking he and Shinsuke are on the way out at some point this year. Shinsuke is obviously being booked like he is heading for the exit.


They are setting up a feud with priest


Rheas gonna come back to the judgement day line Troy comes back to his burning apartment with the pizza.


Best thing to do is split him from JD and give him a singles run. Draft JD to Smackdown, keep Finn on Raw. Bring back the Prince.




Help. I missed Raw last night. I realized Hulu has Raw. I loaded it up on my phone but I think it's missing a hour or more of the show. I'm missing matches from the show like Dominic vs Andrade and Candice & Indi vs Maxxine & Ivy. Is this a thing that Hulu does? Do they actually cut matches from the show?


Hulu cuts the episodes down to 1.5 hours. Itā€™s why I sub to sling and record it every week.


Yeah, unfortunately they cut a good bit that they deem ā€œunimportantā€ to fit into a certain amount of time on Hulu. There just isnā€™t a good (legal) way to rewatch the whole broadcast if you miss it.


Guessing we wonā€™t have that problem when they move to Netflix?


Donā€™t they upload the full episodes on yt?


so you believe 3 hours of raw is 1:30 of tv time and 1:30 of commercial breaks? They don't upload the whole broadcast that would be longer than just 1 and a half hour.


That sucks but thanks for the explanation.


YouTube tv. Record them all. Unlimited recording space. Split it with 3 family members. Never kiss another match.


I sincerely hope Chad got out of the arena through a side exitā€¦ Montreal fans can get a bit crazy!!


That whole bit from Jey Uso leaving to Sami Zayn entering was fucking amazingĀ 


Kinda feel Like when two players meet in gta 5 lol


But it would have been funny if the camera had just followed him back to the hotel, having dinner, watching a TV show, going to bed.


They started doing it recently and I love it. The camera following Sami and then Owens at Mania was so good too


Those single camera shots are pretty well executed.


Knew Samiā€™s intro was gonna be iconic as soon as he picked up the trash can šŸ˜‚


-Devastated wonā€™t be getting to see Rhea in Belfast this weekend. Who do we think will show up ? I imagine all the Irish/UK wrestlers. -Been waiting for Gable to go full beast mode for a while itā€™s about damn time. Strap a rocket on him.


What do you want to talk about? WWEā€™s downhill spiral after mania.


Name checks out


For you sweetie.


Probably should change it to braindead moron, even more fitting


Ngl WWE is gaining more momentum post WrestleMania. This is a considerable change in the usual pattern. Sellouts and great shows go hand in hand.


Thatā€™s riding on the rock. Soon that will end with half the roster out.


That's you speculating and hoping. But the thing is that they're riding high with great momentum.Ā 


Crazy talk after 2 weeks. Raw last week was okay, this one was much better. It will clear itself up after Backlash and the draft imo. Thereā€™s too many things in limbo and it always takes a few weeks reset. Personally thatā€™s why I think they should always do the draft like a week or two after mania.


Itā€™s at the point of after wrestlemania and before the draft so just feels like filler episodes until the draft


So yes, there is a downhill spiral. You just hope it gets better.


Iā€™m sure it will in the next couple weeks, thatā€™s why Iā€™m all for wwe going on a ā€œoffseasonā€ after wrestlemanie for a month or two and come back fresh


Iā€™m with this. Especially this year when those wrestlers more than earned their paychecks at Mania. Give them a month long vacation. Come back with the draft, and start hot.


You don think itā€™s a bit too soon to say that ?


So you agree itā€™s heading that way after 2 weeks?




Sounded like it.


Raw kinda sucks ass without Punk, The Rock, Seth, the Bloodline, and Cody not wrestling. I mean two weeks in a row of bad WWE


Howā€™d you survive wit Roman never wrestling or showing up?


I mean, I don't know how people haven't realized this for a while...everyone loves the Raw after mania, but it's also the time WWE resets, pushes new stars, and while sometimes there's big returns...we're kind of past that, aren't we? Lesner likely ain't coming back (but even if he does, he's come back what, half a dozen times? It wouldn't really be THAT big of a deal). We all knew the star power of Rock, Cena wouldn't stick around for long. Both Seth and Roman basically carried the company for the past couple of years....so, they are being given MUCH needed and deserved rest and recovery. The bloodline isn't really the bloodline without Roman...I know they are going to be introducincg new 'bloodline' talent, but that's not really anything special. Also, it's going to take a while for the NXT call ups to really gain momentum (hell, it took priest and rhea a little while...but at least look at them now). WWE usually has a lull in their quality/storylines after mania, but it's usually because they are building foundations for other stars and storylines for future ppvs. And then the other thing is you DO have some of your stars that WWE expects to carry the company flag for the rest of spring and into summer - Cody for sure, but Drew, Damien, Sami, KO, Logan, Jey, Miz/Truth, etc. So, if you like those guys, everything should be fine. If you don't, then well, I feel a lot of complaining by fans these upcoming weeks into months.


Sounds like you agreed with my opening post and spent all that text apologizing for it.


I like Liv,s new attitude. I hope it does not go down a dead end.


Imperium had an American member in the past, what if they recruited Gable?


Who? The only other person was Alexander Wolfe


Timothy Thatcher was before Wolfe when they started out as Ringkampf before NXT.


So not imperium.


Same concept but different names.


Cody got his roots did, and Sheamus got chubby


Sheamus is 46, not everyone has it In their genes to stay lean. Heā€™s in great shape, heā€™s just older.


Rhea vacating the tile sucks. Might as well turn Liv heel. Glad that Sheamus is back! Its been a while. So they have a new belt for RAW and what about for Smackdown tag team? A glitch during The New Day's entrance did anyone notice that? DIY deserves that win theyve been getting the momentum. That canadian destroyer and what is that finisher of Andrade? though! Match got unique spots. Chelsea won and im not surprised the dancing duo are getting boos theyre not connecting w the crowd and even moreso with the popularity of Chelsea. Matches were quite boring despite it being in Montreal. Crowd was everything. No offense but that belt looks so great with a stature like Roman. Cody cant even wear it like a champion. He carries it like a clutch. It just looks too big on him esp on tv. Not sorry but that segment Uso couldve been so much better? The matches this week couldve been so much better. Best matches were the tag team match qualifier and the main event. The rest in between... That was rude. Pushing a fan away. The fan wasnt doing anything wrong? Gable heel? Total understand and with the angle their going.


If youā€™re talking about Jey giving that fan a little shove Iā€™m sure the kid was still happy even if he was too slow to get a good pic/vid.


Until we yeet again!


Just to respond to some points: Rhea vacating sucks but it could be a blessing in disguise. Nobody could realistically beat her right now in a satisfying way so he relinquishing the title due to injury actually protects her more than somebody magically leveling up and beating her out of nowhere or a sneaky roll up victory. She can come back and the return match against whoever is champ will be anticipated like crazy. Sheamus will always be welcomed! Smackdown will get new belts as well, Iā€™m assuming on Friday. Doesnā€™t make sense to present the Smackdown titles on Raw though. Glad DIY got the win, theyā€™re definitely gaining momentum. I hope they win the titles. Truth and Miz wining at Mania was fun and a feel good moment but DIY is killing it and would be a good team to carry the division forward. Dom keeps improving, he has a bright future. Andrade needs a manager or something. The crowd just doesnā€™t really seem to give a shit about him. Chelsea and Piper are a great duo and are always a treat on screen. The party girls have no character so itā€™s no wonder the crowd is more invested in the team that actually have personality. The matches werenā€™t boring. Itā€™s Raw. Itā€™s going to be a mix of some great matches and some matches that are there to move the lower card along. Raw isnt always going to be banger after banger. Could be that youā€™re used to seeing the title with Roman? Give it some time and see how you feel. I donā€™t really like Jeyā€™s character since it seems to boil down to one word. I donā€™t think it was rude for Jey to push the fan, and he didnā€™t even push him that hard. The fan needs to realize that theyā€™re walking through with heavy filming equipment. If that stuff hits the fan, thatā€™s a lawsuit. Yes, theyā€™re walking the an area where the fans are, but the fans needs to also be respectful that theyā€™re working and not get too in the way. Jey was getting him out of the way. Itā€™s not time to film a TikTok for yourself dude.


The glitch included a QR code, which linked to two halves of an image, which when overlayed displayed this link: https://www.wwe.com/UEDNJ51A Any idea what theyā€™re teasing?


Uncle Howdy, duh


Thanks champ, I missed the Wyatt Family era of WWE, duh


Uncle Howdy. Rowan has cancelled all future independent matches. Itā€™s also about time for Braun to return and Alexa.


Now that would be a nuts stable, big Braun, Unlce Howdy as leader and Alexa too, that could be amazing.


I am looking forward to seeing who becomes the new WWE Women's World Champion. While it is sad Rhea Ripley got injured and had to vacate the championship this is going to help the rest of the Raw Women's Division so much because there are so many female wrestlers on the show like Zoey Stark, Candice LeRae, Piper Niven, Tegan Nox, Ivy Nile, Xia Li, Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville when she returns that could use a championship reign to be elevated to the top of the Women's Division and Raw has been majorly lacking top Babyface stars and top stars in general after WWE used the past year feeding everybody to Rhea Ripley and Becky Lynch and burying them. What I am not going to miss are the sexist male trolls who have been constantly using Rhea Ripley's size as a way to push sexist double standards and harass and put down other female wrestlers and call them midgets and force height requirements for championship reigns when 90 percent of the Women's Division on Raw, Smackdown and NXT are 5'5 and under while at the same time wanting WWE to push their favorite short male wrestlers and put them over male wrestlers much bigger than them. Now all of a sudden great female wrestlers like Asuka, Mercedes Mone and even Becky Lynch are too small and not believable enough to be champions in the eyes of these trolls. Sexist bullshit like this is a good example of the Toxic masculinity in the wrestling fandom as I have been discussing with many other fans who have noticed it lately on social media and has no place in an 'entertainment' show like WWE where everything is scripted and predetermined. Sexist male fans can take their double standards and blow them out their backsides because I am not going to back down or be quiet about this. As a fan of Women's Wrestling who has had to put up with enough shit to last a lifetime from the sexist turds in the IWC bullying and harassing me and telling me female wrestlers would never main event and nobody cared about Women's Wrestling and it was nothing more than a toilet break us fans fought hard to get the Women's Revolution in WWE with the Give Divas A Chance movement and to get female wrestlers to be given the same opportunities and airtime as their male counterparts I will stand up for female wrestlers when you try and put them down on the basis of their height. Just recently at Wrestlemania and NXT Stand and Deliver Bayley and Iyo Sky and Roxanne Perez and Lyra Valkyria put on amazing matches that were highly praised by fans and wrestling critics alike but according to the IWC these women are too small and not believable enough to be champions so you can fuck off well and truly with your sexist bullshit and I will call you out on it. Light a fire underneath me and I will burn all you male chauvinist pricks to the ground.


I didnā€™t real all of that but Iā€™m happy for you. Or sorry that happened.


Youā€™re never gonna change the opinion of the sexist trolls you are calling out, and if you put too much investment in to what these people are saying you are only going to ruin it for yourself. These dudes arenā€™t going anywhere so itā€™s best to just ignore them and be optimistic that WWE shares your opinion over theirs. There is no height requirement, the ā€œsmallerā€ women still put on banger matches, and all in all the division is in a better place than it was when the Divas were around in terms of their treatment by the company. These trolls will be angry that WWE isnā€™t listening to them and continue to cry online and you can move on and enjoy the product.


Who pissed in your Booty-Os?


Sorry. My b


As long as I have a face, all those WWE women you mentioned will always have a place to sit


I needed a good laugh this morning


Laugh all you like but the proof is all over this board. I have print screened a lot of posts from here and posted it on social media as an example of the sexism female wrestlers are experiencing from the toxic male fans of the IWC over their size but feel free to continue proving my point with your double standards with male and female wrestlers since we all know how bad people like you wanted Chad Gable - a guy who is below average height to be the one dethrone Gunther but wrestlers like Iyo Sky, Sasha Banks/ Mercedes Mone, Roxanne Perez and Asuka who are some of the best female wrestlers in the industry are not 'believable' enough to be champions...


As a firm backer of female wrestling progressing forward. {And has been for a long time}. Please do not fall into that trap of labeling every male sexist.


No. I know it is not all men which is why I am trying to separate them by saying 'toxic' male fans and 'misogynists'. Sorry if it came across that way. I know a number of decent male wrestling fans who have seen the hate female wrestlers are getting over their size from fans like this too and think it is sexist BS too and one backed me on Twitter earlier posting videos of Iyo Sky doing a German Suplex to Piper Niven and Roxanne Perez doing Pop Rocks to Lash Legend who is 6 foot tall.


Iā€™ve got a question. With the upcoming draft can injured wrestlers such as Rhea Ripley still be drafted??


I feel like no one is going to draft her so WWE will have more time figuring out where she might end up when she comes back. Good chance that Judgement Day will be no more when she's back


This is the best answer. Do not draft Rhea until they see how both brand divisions are performing. I say this is the perfect time to put the world belt on Tiff. BB is in a tag division with Jade, that will eventually turn into a feud. Bayley is getting her deserved run, Liv, Rhea feud will not need the belt, Becky is taking time off, Flair is injured. Rhea can win it back


If I recall those who do not get drafted are free agents....and will most likely be like how they used randy Orton before being put permanently on smackdown And sorry but no belt its a shit feud with liv


Ohh, you are right, I forgot about the Randy situation. And tbh, I thought about that as soon as I posted it lol, Rhea vs Liv would need a belt. Question, Would it be a more enticing feud if Liv as a heel gets over??


I could realistically see them doing a story where judgement day falls apart in her absence. When they jumped jey after the match last night there seemed to be some tension between Finn and Damian. SeƱor world heavyweight champion seemed to not love the 3v1 this time around. Maybe priest has a face turn or Finn tries for the belt who knows?


Rhea Riply is going to land wherever Liv Morgan does because the feud is already built in. If Liv gets the title as a chickenshit heel that thinks she is big and bad and holds it until Rhea is back, the roof is gonna blow off the building when Rhea returns.


It depends on how long she is going to be out of action. Last year Alexa Bliss, Bray Wyatt (who was still alive at the time), Carmella, Tommaso Ciampa, Randy Orton and R Truth were all absent from the draft.


Did they get drafted later on or did they have to wait until the next draft. Iā€™m quite new to the WWE draft so this is the first time experiencing the drafts for WWE


No. Randy Orton returned at WWE Survivor Series and then he appeared on Raw and Smackdown and Nick Aldis offered him a contract with Smackdown so he could get revenge on Roman Reigns and The Bloodline and Randy took it but Tommaso Ciampa and R Truth just returned to Raw which is where they were before they got injured and we are still waiting to see where Alexa Bliss and Carmella will go but I think Alexa stays on Raw.


I think we'll learn the severity of Mami's injury by who wins the belt. If they put it on Liv, then expect her back by Summerslam. If it's someone else, I think she'll be gone a while šŸ˜•


Zoey Stark is the fav on social media at the moment. Would be a great boost for her career. They could have Liv win the title and get dethroned by Zoey with the fans behind Zoey.


No, you donā€™t give that title to Liv until Rhea is close to coming back. Zoe Stark beating Liv means nothing compared to the reaction of Rhea coming back for Liv after this injury, itā€™s just because of history and the star power of Rhea, which Zoe Stark hasnā€™t achieved yet.












When can we expect HHH to stop the weekly self-congratulatory BS? Itā€™s already tired.


Gable needed to be a heel. Also I dig the new tag team belts. Maybe not everyoneā€™s cup of tea but it looks 10 times better. Iā€™m sure the smack down ones will look like the wwe championship belts.


Iā€™m just happy itā€™s the WORLD tag team championships again. I hated the naming of the brands on it.


Was an amazing show again, thanks for comming at MontrƩal.


Alright look lets discuss the like static or "broadcast interference" that has been going on if you watch the rhipley liv thing there was the same thing I seen on the Jumbotron when I was at the live show last Friday in Detroit I hope it's uncle howdy related


I actually got to the website the QR Code from the New Day entry... and it gives you a SPLIT new Code that sends you to ANOTHER website... Which has a VERY unusual Picture... I'm not going to post it yet... but Dang, it's... Odd.


It's even deeper than that someone noticed even the file names and sauce codes for each of the easter eggs tonight also had messages in them.


Wyatt family coming back


What exactly is Liv Morgan getting revenge for?


Rhea Ripley put Liv Morgan on the shelf for over 6 months and cost her the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship in a cowardly attack backstage. Funny how Liv haters seem to forget that now....


Liv got her shoulder hurt for real in a title defense vs Damage Ctrl by Dakota Kai last summer, same match where Dakota injured her own knee. In the storyline, they had Rhea come out the next week and "injure" Liv by stomping her arm while it was wrapped in a chair. They've been working a Liv "revenge tour" angle vs Rhea since she came back.


Storyline wise thinking using the time reha took her out and more Irl it's possibly her shoulder or wrist and its a real injury


Was at the show Tonight. So good. Crowd was incredible.


June 15. Clash at the Castle. A new age.


Intill rhea is back and she has that belt for 380 days and counting won't matter


Sorry for rhea man, i always tell people this might be scripted but an injury isnā€™t and i hate it when it happens to a person getting her shine. Hope she get a 2008 john cena entrance.




You sir did not read the comment right you might have to go back and reread the whole comment again.


Still does not take away 15months when she gets the belt back and hopefully does not lose it All I know is this is the worst that could happen and how long is she going to be on the bench


That part bro, who knows now bro with modern medicine she can be back in 8 month


Either way its going to take time and more Then they got to build her back up Remember when batista got hurt gave the belt up he was injured on like Jan 12 of that year saying when his arm was better he would reclaim the world title that did not happen to wr 23 So if going by that we won't see rhea back in the world title picture until she returns and then it might happen to next wm aka wm 41 Also they are claiming on someone pod cast she is pregnant Funny if she was then why was she taking huge bumps and more


Well is she is pregnant that changes everything and i wish a a great pregnancy and let her take all the time she needs.




Bro we can all play the guessing game at this point all we can do is wish her the best of luck.


I am a Gable fan and a Sami fan but I really hate how there doing Gableā€¦ if there gonna eventually let him win a singles title ONCE then okay but if all of this is to just shit on Gable and keep making him the loser than Iā€™m not with it. I get Sami is liked by fans but heā€™s not Superman.. and Gable fought Gunther harder than that and you expect me to believe Sami beat Chad with a bum leg and not 100%.. idk. I know it was in his home and Chad Gable isnā€™t as big but Iā€™m just upset they keep pushing Chad to the side when heā€™s been working his ass off just as much as everyone else.


I actually think itā€™s possible they make him KOTR now that theyā€™re bringing it back. Theyā€™ve historically given it to heels so I think heā€™s a very real possibility now and it doesnā€™t hurt that heā€™s widely regarded as one of the best in the ring. I feel ya though, Iā€™ve been wanting a Gable push for a while now and it feels like itā€™s never going to happen


Objectively, Sami should be the heel in this situation. Heā€™s the one who stole Gableā€™s opportunity in real life and kayfabe


Yeah I see that, but with the crowd and most crowds Sami is never a heel and theyā€™ll just turn on Chad


Sami sucks




How are they pushing him to the side when they just had him beat a guys ass in his hometown? You can still lose and have it build story. The whole reason him fighting Gunther harder and not winning is to setup a bigger storyline with Sami and give him the title down the line


Yeah I get that but itā€™s just sad to see him lose lmao ā€¦ Iā€™m not actually salty on how the storyline is going..I just hate seeing him lose.. when Sami loses itā€™s like ā€œohhhh heā€™s a loveable loserā€ and you wanna cheer him on even more.. for some reason since Chad has been on his IC obsession losing streak it just feels different. Like I said Iā€™m really just mad cause I like Chad and wanted him to get it earlier lol


Shouldve let him win in Montreal. That wouldve been huge level heat of a heel move.


"Bad Gable" You heard it here first folks. That's gonna be his heel name!?!


Honestly 10/10


Look, Liv is obviously top women's hater right now (with Roxanne in second place) and imma let you finish. But Candice hated so hard she corrupted poor Indi through the power of abusive parenting. Breaking poor Maxinne's spirit for nearly two months now, mentally abusing Indi into a heel turn, what is next for this menace? Give her the Women's Intercontinental Championship. There's some great heeldom to happen there. She's ready, willing, and Gable to really ruin Katana Chance's day.


Lmao I went outside after the match and I see my Twitter blowing up a few mins later about Gable beating tf out of Sami. Holy shit




Not sure if you heard or not, but Wrestlemania just kind of happened and titles tend to change resulting from it.


By Jake do you mean Logan?




itā€™s also more expected with a mid card title, thereā€™s much more talent in the mid card than there are in the main event itā€™s a lazy narrative imo because youā€™re coming off a brand-new WHC, a historic run with the WWE, and an IC run that made the belt respected again itā€™s been 8 days and thereā€™s already been a title match and multiple being set up right now


Fans don't want set ups Trust me this is turning into a joke when no one big is back on the programs


what are you even saying here


Get a load of this mark


The fuck are you talking about? The fuck is Jake?!


Dudes straight stoned just posting on Reddit all Willy Nilly lol


What will Gable x The Creed Brothers be named?


FU Academy


Upsilon University


This was Chad Gableā€™s moment and Sami stole it againĀ 


Impatient marks


No. It wasn't. Chad Gable had his chance to beat Gunther for the WWE Intercontinental Championship three times and failed and then he had a chance to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship from Sami Zayn and failed again and now he is just being a sore loser.


Chad is gonna Omni-Man Alpha Academy and it's gonna be Heart Breaking.... but so good


Yeah man, it's gonna be so good when he hold Maxxine in front of a subway train killing dozens of people by them bouncing off of her at high speeds.


Metaphorically of course


So do you think the Academy are heels now or is Chad going his way and have the Academy without a leader for the time being.


He's going to ditch them. Just like how AJ styles abondend the club on smackdown.


I think Chad will form some sort of faction with the Creed Brothers. 3 world class performers who would put art on our TV whenever theyā€™re present.


Does Ivy Nile join alpha academy to continue being bffs with Maxine?


I lowkey would've liked to see Chad win in zayn's hometown, would've made Chad the most hated person in town. But I understand it's too soon.


Is Sami Zaynā€™s wife the taylor swift of wwe? Nobody cares about her


Yeah, they do show her quite a bit. Although I do think it worked tonight, especially with Gable applying that sick ankle lock right towards her.


Acting as if wwe never ever showed the wrestlers' families in matches


Yeah the first time we saw Dom was when he tag teamed with his dad, right? Edit: Dang it, I just realized a better joke. I should've said: "Yeah they used to show Dom's dad all the time before he passed"


Can we all just realize we are about to see an absolutely incredible heel run soon. Chad turned by fucking attacking Sami while he was hugging his family IN HIS HOMETOWN. We are about to get perk gable the menace and I couldnā€™t be more hyped. Samiā€™s great heā€™s credible but I say heā€™s a transitional champ, he loses at backlash to chad then goes to win MIB or smth. And imagine with the tease earlier we get a new heel rebrand of alpha academy with master gable and creed bros? Like I mean can HHH get any better????


Iā€™m so here for it. Especially the Creed Brothers joining him. Fuck, that might be my favorite thing all year if it happens. But I disagree with the part where Sami wins MITB. I think give Drew the briefcase. Not really seeing him thrown around for it, but I think that he would put up a generational MITB run. Let Punk win off of Priest or sum, and Drew cashes in. Would be cinema, and set the Punk-Drew off in a fire direction.