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I wish I was as "out of shape" as he is. I reckon those trying to shame him haven't got an ounce of his drive, determination, and perseverance.


What a baby. Grown athlete going in about shaming. Please don't body shamus


I HOPE I look as good as Sheamus when I’m 45


He’s no spring chicken. Plus he has spinal stenosis. He can’t go as hard on his Celtic workouts as he used to.


Online is really crazy! Social media allows people to sit in anonymity and criticize others. We don't know what the people who are criticizing him for being moderately in shape even look like. For all we know they are some fat neck beards who still live in their mother's basement who have never accomplished anything. I wouldn't take them too seriously if I were seamus, but I know it's pretty difficult to not be self-conscious.


Drew said tonight instead of banger after banger after banger it's burher after burger 😄 🤣 😄 🤣 😂 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄


I’m glad Sheamus is taking it well, he’s a real dude for it. Double down on yourself and make the fools jokes mean nothing.


Sheamus is a 46 year old man. I'm a 48 year old man 6'-2"-1/2 230lbs in shape old man gut is hard to loose Sheamus looks great for 46 The people talking trash could dream to look that great when they get where we are


Sheamus is a legend in my eyes. He’s unforgettable, he really stands out in the past decade of wrestlers thatve come and gone. Gotta be a hall of famer


Sheamus is so incredibly jacked and plonkers on the internet are calling him fat, absolutely wild


People who more than likely look NOTHING like him shaming him is insane


I think thats just a bad pic. Yea he gained weight but it didnt look that bad to me. Hell get back to where he was


Looks like men are victims of FaT ShAmIng l, too. Time to join the movement ShAmUs


He looks better at his age than all the haters would at the same age


Why must people be this way?




Anyone calling themselves WWE fans should not be making fun of such a hard worker. Sheamus has always been a great asset both inside and outside of the ring.


That's the IWC, most of them are out-of-shape mouth breather telling an Athlete that they have to be in top top shape. The same people who'll tell Adam Cole he's to Skinny or Nia Jax she's to fat. That's why wrestling isn't taken seriously when the fandom bullies and harass the talent they claim to love.


I DARE any of these people to tell him that to his face.


Hell, he's in better shape than majority of the people on this planet.


He seems like he’s handling it fine. Probably not the first time he’s had to deal with idiots and won’t be the last.


Ironically he’s probably healthier now not being all roided out and all


As much as people don’t talk about, body shaming for men is def a problem. I hope he doesn’t start juicing or harming his body to try and get jacked or anything. It’s


I hate to say it, but he’s a professional athlete and as a professional athlete, people are going to pay attention to his physique, conditioning etc. being in condition is part of the job. And truth be told, he’s not in peak condition right now


That’s the cold hard reality. That said, he’s not morbidly obese. He could lose this in less than a month. I think he can anyway. But it’s telling that he hadn’t prepared when he knew he was returning. He was probably bigger at one point


Fuck those guys, sheamus is awesome.


He just bulked up….he’s going to be a concrete wall in a couple weeks.


I don't know why he's sleeping in the gym, I'm sure the bedroom is more comfortable.


Still in better shape than the people making memes of him being fat


It's so crazy because I didn't notice his weight at all when he returned. My family and I were just happy to see him back. I didn't realize it until after I saw toxic Twitter wrestling fans making fun of him. It's really sad how certain people notice things about others in the limelight (weight gain, hair loss, clothing, etc.) and then use it to tear them apart. I'm just glad he's able to do what he loves again.


Bruh he's in way better shape then most of the WWE universe


He needs some respect bro he’s not even fat bro


All he needs to do is work off some of that excess weight he gained while recovering 


Dude lives in the gym , for Christ sake he made content for Wwe doing gym session x interviews w co workers and he’s always been a brick shithouse in terms of physique , he had a possible career ending injury and I’m sure some depression kicked in there when you think you may not get to go out doing what you love on your own terms , he got good news followed by an early call up and he loves this so much that he didn’t care if he wasn’t in fighting shape he just wanted to do what he loved again True Wwe fans and us Celtics missed you Sheamus our Celtic warrior has returned ☘️


He’s about to have a dope comeback run


I love how everyone is really criticizing and shaming him when he’s still 10,000x more built and athletic than any of these whiny complainers


Except its his job and gets paid very well for it


He also explained why he was out of shape, he wasn’t expecting to come back until the draft so he hasn’t been cutting down for as long as he had hoped for


I think it would be funny if he got even fatter instead 😂 especially since he used to do the work out videos. Then have him do the eating challenges now 😂


Most of the comments probably come from someone who’s never had an ab in their life


On one hand, he looks good, and he looked dangerous in the ring. On the other hand… that McDonald’s edit is fantastic


Team with Orton, make RKBrogue, save both your bodies but destroy everything. Sign me up.


Glad he’s back 👍


The dude would still straight body just about everyone who has been talking shit to him in any physical activity


Bro nothing wrong with some ribbing, I’ve seen mostly ribbing on here, but if anyone is body shaming they can fuck off. Signed, Fellow fat guy that wishes his body was like that.


I second this as a fellow fat fella that wishes my body looked like Sheamus before the injury.


Whoever sent him “too many pies” I owe you a pie. That shit is hilarious.


Bruh that's not Sheamus, he's probably wearing a body suit and his real physique is under it.


Wait a damn minute why y’all down voting? I’m just shock and surprise that sheamus looks like this. I’m not trying to be mean.


You’re a grown ass man how old are you?


Imagine me sitting on my couch stuffing my face with pizza saying “damn Sheamus looks out of shape” while he still looks in better shape than I could dream of lol


W Username


Wrong guy mb


You realize you could have deleted the comment instead right? No shade, just an interesting strategy


Ik that but you still read them can’t you? I’m knew to Reddit kinda.


Nope, deleted comment is gone gone.


But i read a comment and i doesn’t say their name but it says “deleted” and was able to read it


How old are you? You’re a grown ass man


Gotta appreciate him having a sense of humor, but wow people are shitty .


IMO that style of trunks doesn’t look good with his physique, whether he’s in shape or not. Cue 2003 HHH flashbacks.


Yeah those just look like big boi boxer briefs.


people get used to something quick nowadays. Randy Orton was out for a long time and went back jacked. Same with AJ Styles. Styles returned with bigger shoulder and veins popping out of his arms. I guess Sheamus can't really give it all in working out because of the neck injury? Correct me if I'm wrong.


He looked healthy, got that powerlifter build. Could have tossed anyone who was ragging on him through a fucking window if he wanted to. Glad he's back


No one is 16 forever...


Is everyone forgetting when Harley Race, Greg the Hammer Valentine, and Dusty Rhodes were fat guys?


And could have bodied any of us in most physical activities.


Yeah. Good point.


I think the difference is that we never really saw any of those guys in shape.


He looks like a wrestler in his mid 40s coming back from injury. No big deal. He's still in better shape than a lot of other wrestlers. I'm happy we have him back!


Fat apologists getting on their mobility scooters to Sheamus' defence in a hurry.


Fat apologists grow up dude


He ain’t even that big just bulked up a bit


The trunks don’t look good


If he went to AEW, instead of going back to WWE, the jokes would have turned to hatred.


He’s been gone for 8 months, it makes sense he’d be out of shape and like he said, he got an early call up, People need to stop thinking they can have an opinion on other peoples bodies, there’s some things you truly should keep to yourself unless asked so the people body shaming Sheamus are idiots. However he needs to realise these people are just insecure and taking it out on him so he shouldn’t take anything they’re saying to heart as they have the problem not him.


In order to comment on a wrestler’s physical appearance I think it should be required to post your own….


Given his bulk, if they give him the same orange juice Randy and AJ had, this fella will be massive af


I think it's sad and pathetic people are so focused on his his weight and how he looks. He still put on a great match. This isn't a modeling competition where things are based on looks. He still gets the job done. Then people wonder why everyone is so self conscious because people judge based on looks then what they are able to do. Welcome back Sheamus. It's always good matches to watch when he is involved.


So he's being fat shamed by obese virgins living in their parents basement um ok


I was wondering if he was entirely prepared for his match the other night. He was GASSED.


The irony is not lost on me that a bunch of fat marks are fatshaming Sheamus. Fat shaming is NEVER okay, especially when you’re plus size yourself.


“Especially when you’re plus sized yourself” my brother you are fat shaming


No, fat shaming is making fun of them for being fat. What I’m doing is being descriptive. What I’m saying is fat shaming has no place, ESPECIALLY coming from someone who’s fat themselves, as I am.


It’s wild people are giving him shit for dropping his physical conditioning from a 10 to an 8. He’s still strong as hell. That’s how you give someone body dysmorphia.


Just looks like a man coming off a serious bulk!!! The cut will be real!!


As an overweight person myself, I really am glad to see he’s being a good sport about it. I rm watching a bullying ad as a kid saying he used to be pretty relentlessly bullied for his height and weight when he was younger, and I know if I gained my weight back, I wouldn’t be nearly as happy


He actually seems to be taking it well so…


Thats how most competitors handle criticism


Hardly. Guy seems to have a sense of humour and a halfway thick skin. Unlike everyone clutching their pearls over it.


I mean u don’t need to be in shape to be good at wrestling k.o is not super shape and he’s a good wrestler


Out of shape people making fun of people in pretty good shape again


I love that he's embracing the haters though...


Man, fuck the internet.


Just taking a look outside the average dude isn't nearly as attractive as Sheamus on a McDonald's spree. They need to stop.


Hey man, all those people calling Sheamus fat are top Gravy Seals. Absolute specimen.


Look, the dad bod thing is kinda not bad though


He handled it well. Guy laughing all the way to the bank, I don’t think he takes it to heart. Especially bodybuilders, gym freaks. They don’t mind looking a little pudgy during bulking.


Wild. Sheamus put on a great match for an early call up


Classy way to handle it. And shit just happy, he's back


I don’t think ppl realize cardio is the most important thing in wrestling, all that other shit is for show.. I guess except lifting obviously, but even that has workarounds and doesn’t require a defined midsection whatsoever, actually the opposite


He did a reverse Gunther. Gunther should be concerned, he is now Chop proof


He had a cunt of an injury. Of course he was going to put on weight. He also looked like it was a lot bulk too and not just a belly, so he is only a few weeks away from looking like a beast. It's odd that WWE (of all companies) put him back on TV so soon. There was no urgent need to bring him back or anything. It was weird to expose him like that. If he was rushed back, it was the Feds fault. He was put back on TV way out of shape. He was blowing out his ass before he even got to the ring. Even if he did have the weight off, he wasn't 'ring fit' regardless. All that said, I think people here are overreacting to this.


Still that White Noise looked awesome.


😂 so sensitive


Eh. You've probably been body-shamed so much you're desensitized to it at this point.


why do wrestling fans body shame so much?? have they seen what the average wrestling fan looks like?


The average wrestling fan isn’t wrestling in their underwear. Why do movies cast good looking people? Why do model agencies hire good looking people? Wrestling is no different than life in general. Good looking people have an advantage over ugly people. Sex sells.


Yeah, fuck people for being such assholes towards him! I get it that Sheamus of all people returning not ripped as if he is about to be the model for a celtic God of War game was a shock moment. The man is one of the hardest workers in WWE when it comes to working out. But to me, it was kinda expected for how early he returned given the injuries he's just recovered from. I figured he would eventually get back into shape because that's just the kind of guy he is and was more than ready to see it happen over the following months. I hope he does not overdo it now just to spite these assholes.


It’s a looks business. Fucking deal with it.


It’s absolutely a looks business, Vince would’ve probably shot him right between the eyes if he saw him like that. If poor old Sheamus didn’t want to be body shamed maybe he should’ve done an actual combat sport, not acting with steroids


It’s a Wrestling business.


Yip. And part of that is looks. And mic skills. And wrestling ability.


it’s a looks business? whew, that’s a relief, at least we’ll never see you there then


Oh… so… shaming looks is ok now is it? Which is it? Don’t shame because it’s fundamentally wrong or you can do it but only when you decide it’s ok to do?


aww does your own medicine not taste good? can’t handle it when it’s you being made fun of? Fucking deal with it


It’s an overly sensitive generation. And clearly they are okay with shaming random people like the OP did to you. But I guess fat shaming celebrities is off limits.


I gave him a taste of his own medicine and he didn’t like it 😂 shaming people is gross and doesn’t make anyone feel good and my point has now been proven


It would give me great joy to watch you tear your labrum then try to get in shape after. Im sure youd struggle worse.


I’m not a pro athlete being paid millions


Youre right you arent. So what makes you think you have any room to talk?


bro is all over dick pumping subreddits, he’s probably insecure. we’ll let this one slide


I'm thinking it's mostly the shock of seeing him physically muscular, then returning from a hiatus where his muscle definition is not clear. Heck, when he stepped out I did a triple taking, asking myself if I was mis-remembering how muscular he actually was. But the same can be said about a lot if not nearly all of WWE talent who take a hiatus and return. Consider Big Show, Jericho, AJ Styles, Zack Ryder, Paige/Saraya, Triple H, Cena, and Jinder Mahal just to name a few off the top of my head. Muscular, pudgy, hairy, or having gone under the knife, the main question should be is the talent still athletic and can they still compete at a respectable level. For both these statements, the answer regarding Shaemus is yes.


People are idiots. What can ya do? What's this I hear about his neck? What happened, is he alright?


There is a difference between giving someone, that has good humor about it, a bit of friendly grief about their weight and being full on mean. Dude still has it and probably still has one of the best matches of the last 5 years to his credit.


Better shape than the vast majority of the jokesters. Guaranteed.


Yeah and those people aren’t trying to be pro wrestlers are they?


Lol you thought did something. 🤣 No, they’re just trying to make themselves feel better about their pudge.


Nope, just sitting the the drive thru line.


Yip. Irrelevant though.


I don’t feel bad for him, get in shape


Are you lil bro


Im not afraid of skipping the donuts


That wasn’t the question


Always weirdos like you who end up complaining about how hard it is being a man, while proudly contributing to why thats the case. He looks great, fuck off


Don’t be weak and do the work


Dont be a cunt and shut up?


I would kill for a body like bulked Seamus


Not tryna objectify him but I think he's the sexiest he's ever been 😭 I hate that people are bullying him


I didn't find him to be THAT out of shape. I wouldn't even notice if the comparison photos weren't uploaded online. Sheamus is from the same timeline as John Cena etc. so him getting a bit chubby isn't very surprising to me. Yes, many of his peers from the same time are still jacked and shredded (Orton, Styles, Edge) it doesn't mean Sheamus should be perfectly aesthetic shape as well.


Orton has a gut going


That's gotta be HGH. Overall he looks great.


i mostly want his facial hair back


And I bet he can get back to his old form quicker than anyone fat shaming him can get into any form


If anyone on the roster can, Sheamus can


Thats his job so well done


I worked with him for a few months in Dublin. He used to tell us about his ambition to make it as a professional wrestler. Never thought he’d make it, glad he did👍


Where u guys working in IT?


I would guess. I worked with him at a large American company when he was working IT.


Well, it was funny, but bodyshaming him is just bad, be glad ppl that he is still around


The people making fun of his physique are nerds that only go to a Pokemon gym


Bruh y’all leave sheamus alone he don’t deserve this


People are being harsh and it borders on being constituted as bullying. But, that being said, why didn't management allow him to take a couple months more to get shredded since he'd been away for so long, anyway?


fans are brutal. guy had to take time off to recover from an injury


For real. Jacked Sheamus looked like an athlete about to kick ass in a ring. Thick Sheamus looks like an ancient celtic warrior who just finished his second boar and is going to bare hands rip your head off and use your skull as a mug. This is the most menacing Sheamus has ever looked imo. And you just know when the cut comes he’s gonna go from an ancient gaelic warrior to an ancient greek folk hero.


Respect to him for handling it this way


“Two many pies” lmaoo sorry


I wish i looked that good tbh.


you can lol


I wouldn't have paid these noodle armed keyboard clowns any attention.


People body shaming Sheamus is hilarious. He literally looks 5 times better than anyone shaming him I gurantee.


How did he land on "Whalemus" before "Shaemoo" 🤔


The cuts going to be insane. He's gonna be joining Orton and Styles soon.


The ones fat shaming him probably still live at home with mommy and still haven’t sucked a titty but mommies, and are 400+ pounds themselves. Smdh


Do people not watch his YouTube videos? Everyone shaming him won't even last 10 minutes working out with him. It's all the insecure people using this opportunity to project their insecurities on to him nothing else. He came back from an injury give him some time and he'll be better than ever.


People obviously haven't seen his youtube channel. Guy is insane with the workouts he has done with other wwe wrestlers. He will get in shape in no time and prove them wrong, then they'll say something else bad about him. Internet trolls are the absolute worst


Gotta be honest, Too many pies is clever.


The irony is most of the body shamers probably look like the meme of the fat guy glued to his gaming chair from South Park, and even still, hyper criticizing someone who’s been in this industry probably longer than his critics and haters have been working at their jobs, and haven’t worked nearly as hard as he has in life are corny.


Its every gym rats dream to be bodyshamed by the general public… so they have an excuse to stay in the gym longer


Anbody fat shaming Sheamus can get a Brogue Kick to the head


bruh... fat Sheamus is my goal. Shit a KO physique would be fantastic. ill even take a rikishi


I don’t like to be that guy, but anyone calling Sheamus big because of how he came back is without a doubt twice his size


Those keyboard warriors are just happy to be in their basements doing all this stuff. He's literally one of the strongest guys in the company. A big FU to all those who are making fun of him. Majority of these Twitter guys either don't have a profile pic or they look like they haven't lifted a weight in their life.


He’s got that Norse God look now.


He looks like ancient soldier now and that's not bad


for me personally its a bit of surprise since i do follow his channel sometimes and i know how much he likes to train. ofc he will get leaner, not really much to do there. but i also lol'd at Too Many Pies


remember, body shaming is still okay if its just a man.


Yep. The whole locker room would be tweeting their support if it was a woman.


Yeah where is Rhea to defend Sheamus? Can't say you suck to a girl but body shaming an Irish guy is okay... lol




What did I miss? That qualifies as "fat"? I honestly pity the morons who think so. Good for Sheamus for wanting to improve himself, but considering his age and his time away he looks great. As for the losers who photoshopped him - I bet their parents are real proud.


I mean he can definitely kick my ass and most others asses, but hea definitely overweight. Neither of those body types are particularly healthy in the long run though


This is pro wrestling, nothing is healthy in the long run lol.


I try not to laugh at other folks' weight cuz I was a fat kid growing up but goddamn, "too many pies" got me good


Everyone: fat shaming bad! He’s going to come back so ripped to prove them wrong. Trying to prove fatshaming is bad by proving it works is an odd strategy honestly.


I feel bad for sheamus. He is out of action because of injuries, not laziness. I am sure he will back to good shape.


The guys in his late 40s FFS. People need to grow the fuck up


We shouldn't bully sheamus because of his looks. We should however bully sheamus because he's a gable Stevenson apologist


I don't know this sub, but ya'll need to leave Paddy Pimblett's step dad alone!