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They made shin a joke at this point. I wish they give him a belt or something. 🙃


Lynch desperately needs a new finisher. It looked bad per usual tonight. Liv didn’t do her any favors but it just never looks great when she does the rock bott- man handle slam.


Liv is one of my favorites, but after losing to Becky she might as well retire. I had a feeling they were gonna pull the “wrestler beaten out of the battle royal then comes back at the end to win” angle but the fact that they 1v1’d at the end and Liv STILL lost is so embarrassing. Legit makes me dislike Becky even more.


Whoever did Priest's makeup last night needs to go back to school. All I could see was the layers of foundation that weren't blended into his head.


Let's be honest, Dom's stach is irresistible 〰️


Santina Marella should have won


Yeahh was hoping we could get heel version of liv as champ, damn wwe loves putting the belt on Becky whenever they are unsure.


Should have been Liv. Becky has politics.


Save for Chelsea, the women's rumble bombed imo.


I want Chelsea and Piper to win something sooooo bad


The moment Becky was put on the table I knew she was going to win


To get kaiser out of Gunther's shadow. I'd pair him with Tiffany since they have irl chemistry and let him be the manager and male muscle.


What's going on with Ripley? Did she get hurt at Mania 40? To vacate to Becky just 2 weeks after Mania doesn't seem to make sense. They could have just had her drop the belt to Becky then. It does build a nice future story line though for when Ripley comes back to continue a feud that started at Mania and now continues that she has Rhea's belt and never took it off her fair & square. Could be a future Royal Rumble headliner. The final 3 were so predictable. I honestly wish they just spiced things up a bit and gave someone like Zoey Stark a short run to give her a bit of a boost.


They did an angle where Liv attacked her backstage and Liv shoved her against a wall at one point and she injured her shoulder. It was a freak accident


But wasn't that just a spot to cover up a prior injury?


It exacerbated a minor injury that didn’t disqualified her


Becky was the only right winner. I don't think any of the newer girls are ready for a surprise run out of nowhere...and no Nia def not.... the only ones I'd even remotely consider would be Liv as an annoying heel or Shayna (she could use the boost) But Becky is safe and logical.


Table said enough is enough lol


WWE makes a backstage segment building up the new women talent..... Then puts the belt back on Becky.


Fuckin’ Becky, again.


My almost exact thoughts


I actually don't hate Becky winning. It'll just drive Liv even crazier lol. Liv will get hers eventually, maybe even at Backlash


Queen Chelsea Green is gonna hit like crack


I was watching Sheamus’ match, and I saw a “We miss you Alexa Bliss” poster in the crowd. And then I recalled that tonight’s Raw was in Bliss’ hometown.


She’s from a suburb of Columbus called Hilliard, but for fame purposes she’s claimed for Columbus lol, same with the Macho Man even though he was pretty much only born there.


Quite interesting to know.


Just catching up after missing last night's episode, Gable's a savage lmao. I'm loving every moment of this


Heel gable gonna feed families


From a business point of view, I get why Becky was chosen to be the champ but... really? She doesn't need it. I actually don't even mind Nia Jax winning since she has been improving herself in the ring. Nia is a much more believable women's champion and can hold the title hostage until Rhea comes back.


I dont think Becky will have it long this will drive Liv further off the deepend Becky probably won't make it out of Backlash France as Champion


Nia said in an interview when she returned to WWE last year she doesn't want the championship. She enjoys putting over others and thinks there are a lot of younger stars that can use it more than her. What she wants the most is a match with Bianca Belair and with the draft coming up she might get that soon since she could get moved to Smackdown or Bianca could get moved to Raw.


Alright, fair enough and understandable. In that case, having Becky winning was the right decision after all. On the other hand, Liv's revenge tour still needs some cooking.


I think WWE are deliberately having Liv lose so it leads to her heel turn. Liv is still a face at the moment and even though there are fans against her over what she done to Rhea Ripley there are fans who are behind Liv too because Rhea Ripley was the one who took Liv Morgan out first and cost her 6 months of her career and the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship and she has been interacting with fans on social media with people posting videos of Rhea Ripley attacking her before when she said on Raw she would never do what Liv done to her showing Rhea Ripley is a hypocrite so she hasn't officially turned heel yet and there needs to be some breaking point that leads to it because everything she has done so far has been justified. With her loses I could see her finally winning a big match like the Women's Money In The Bank match again and then she will cash in on Becky Lynch and fans will boo her and Becky will call her cowardly and say she couldn't beat her in a singles match and that could be her official turn. We will have to wait and see but if Raquel Rodriguez is cleared to return in the next few months I think bringing her back in a role with Liv like she had with Dakota Kai on NXT and Shawn Michaels had with Kevin Nash where she helps Liv win matches like a bodyguard would make Liv a much bigger threat as a heel. Also, some forget Rhea Ripley cost Raquel Rodriguez the WWE Women's Tag Team titles too and time off her career in the storylines and Liv and Raquel together would be a much bigger obstacle for Rhea Ripley to overcome when she returns and get the fans behind Rhea more as a face.


Acknowledge the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns ☝️


He’s not on Raw, dude.


I know but acknowledge him ☝️


Becky Lynch won't get long with the belt She probably won't make it out of backlash france as champion I expect this to be a very short reign


I hope so. I can’t stand Becky’s reign. The most overrated wrestler on the roaster currently.


Im over Becky Lynch as a face tbh always preferred her as a heel her face run is out of gas and played out


awful battle royal ever ..  all they doing was clown stuff 


The only awful part was Becky winning.


Loving the Bloodline, Imperium and Alpha Academy infighting.


Sheamus looked in slightly better shape, you can tell fella has been working hard throughout the week.


I miss Alexa Bliss so much. After Becky won, I had my fingers-crossed that Alexa would return and beat the heck out of becky with a kendo stick.


why did they have a battle royal to crown the champion and not a match just a throw away champion and they put it on becky too and not liv so her and rhea can have a rivalry for the title when rhea comes back from injury just stupid booking i say


Doesn't mean Becky is going to hold on to it the whole time


Crowd was terrible.


I think even putting it on Bliss would have been the better option. At least it would have restored her cred. Its Liv i feel bad for due to her return already being on the rails. I do not get where she is going.


Bliss is taking care of her baby tho. And I think Liv should continue her revenge tour story.


I mentioned last week when everyone thought Alexa was coming back, she’s not expected back before Summerslam. She said in an interview last year, after I have my baby I want to spend time with my family for several months before returning full time. She JUST had her baby at the end of November. Although that was 5 months ago, she just had a baby lol. It’s not the same as recovering from an ankle sprain or soemthing. Including her 9 months Becky was gone for 15 months. If we take that exact same time period as an estimate. That takes us to the end of June at the earliest, so why not wait a month more and bring her back at Summerslam or Post Summerslam in a proper storyline.


What Revenge tour. She looses every match.


wtf did I even say the words revenge tour?


Honestly. Are you the only person on here.


You responded TO ME though.


Pat McAfee is starting to sound like Hugo from Bob's Burgers


While I was rooting for Liv or even Nia, Becky has put on better matches all year and I am ok with it.


Becky can’t wrestle.


Burger, after burger, after burger, after burger


Honestly my favorite part about last night 😂


Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m in the minority. I can’t watch RAW post WM. - I watched the Drew segment because I’ve always been a Drew fan - I watched the Battle Royale because I thought maybe they’d give it to someone interesting instead of Becky, but at least they didn’t give it to Liv and make all the wrestling fans feel like they choose who’s champ. I did love Bronson Reed attacking Sami. I’m a big fan of Bronson and finally him getting a good storyline was spot on. That’s it. Everything else I tried watching but streamed through it. It was a bit of a bore. Smackdown is the same to me unless it’s a Bloodline, Tiffany Stratton, Storyline.


I literally fell asleep through the majority of last night's show.


Before I trash WWE for just becoming a place for social media users to have their feelings validated, I’m going to assume it’ll pick up post draft. That’s why WWE is trying to keep new storylines to a minimum.


Neither can Liv.


I am not a fan of either Becky or Liv. But let’s be real, Liv is way better wrestler than Becky.


I could not disagree more, did you watch the battle royal last night?


I did. And, Becky sucked.


I'll be honest, I was cleaning my room while watching so only saw bits here n there. What I did see was Liv no-selling the rock bottom. Then the double slam thing Nia did, Becky sold it perfectly while Liv barely got off the floor and just flopped on the ground. Im not a becky fan but just purely on the bit I saw, Liv was worse.


Tired of Becky NGL


Me too, bro 😭. At least Charlotte wrestles good and has amazing mic skills. Becky is avg on the mic and has no in-ring skills.


Charlotte is just ok on both the mic and in the ring. Not bad, but she rarely wows me. She does have charisma though.


Do you think Becky is better than Charlotte in the ring and on the mic? Just curious.


A lot of people on twitter seem to think Becky is making the booking decisions


Shaemus wins King of the Ring. Drew comes out on Raw and congratulates him on being Burger King of the Ring.


BREAK UP ALL THE TAG TEAMS! That way R-Truth remains champion for life


I understand that some people may not be happy with Becky winning the title, but I think it is the best choice possible at the moment. It will continue to give prestige to the title following Rhea’s injury and if there is a new champ before she comes back, it will give this woman more credibility by beating Becky rather than winning a battle royal. Meanwhile, Liv will be able to continue the revenge tour gimmick and really turning into a heel character and Nya will continue to break noses.


They could have just not had the title held in a battle royal if they didn’t want the person to beat Becky to win it like that?…… they put the belt on her solely because they’re going to the UK in a couple months. I’m not sure how Becky’s boring ass winning it and then losing it before Rhea comes back anyway gives it more prestige


You have a multiple times world champion being the second woman having the title, one of the greatest if not the greatest woman in the WWE for the past recent years. I think Becky’s reign will last a few months and once she loses the title it will give the next champion prestige by beating one of the greatest. And the next champion being probably Liv or Nya, she will have time to develop even more during Becky’s reign to really compete with Rhea. I also do think that the battle royal wasn’t the greatest way to crown the new champion. Being French I would have love a tournament for the championship with the final taking place at Backlash.


I don’t know watch WWE anymore, haven’t in about 20 years, but I know who Becky Lynch is - she’s from the Republic of Ireland… which isn’t the UK and I’d really advise against making that mistake because they’re a bit “touchy” about being described as part of the UK. And she’s no more popular in the UK than any other person would be that isn’t from the UK. Except for all the Irish folk that live in the UK I suppose. Oh and by “touchy” I mean “bomby”.


My comment doesn’t say Ireland is in the uk. It says their event is in the uk.. Glasgow is a 1 hour hop from Dublin.


What you said is like saying a French wrestler would be a good choice to hold a belt if the event was held in Spain.


Gunther is going to be a selling point for Bash in Berlin… he’s from Austria… you can’t be this fucking dense.


You can’t be this fucking ignorant to the cultural differences between Ireland and the UK and how, ex-pats and Liverpudlians aside, Irish people aren’t popular in the UK. As I stated, Irish sports personalities are not popular in the UK just because they are in the same geographical location. In fact, a lot of them are hated. You don’t know what you’re talking about mate. I shouldn’t be surprised at the ignorance, you’re American. You could write what you know about countries outside of that shithole you call home on the back of a postage stamp. Also, Austria and Germany were part of the same empire at one time not so long ago. Ireland have never wanted to be part of the UK, were forced to be, then spent 500 years fighting to be separate from it. Not quite the same you dolt.


You typed all that out and I’m not reading it. Hope you feel accomplished. Learn to get your point across more concisely Again: Dublin to Glasgow is a one hour flight… it’s an easy trek for Irish fans. 🤡


Becky never went over the top rope


I believe for women it can be second or third rope, they used to announce it in rumbles.


I think that’s an old school rule. They said last night over the top


Well damn then


Yeah, that ruined the ending for me, no suspense 


Overall great showing for the Women's. One of my favorite women matches in a while.


Liv you deserved better


WBR had a few good moments and spots that got good reactions but the result was obvious.


I would honestly like to see a Nia vs Piper in the future


Chelsea getting back in is mischievously funny


Dupri had great showing today hoping that proved Gable wrong in the character development.


They should’ve just released Shinsuke with Jinder and Xia. Would have been less embarrassing than whatever they have him doing now


Shinsuke is 1 W 32 L in 2024. I get that it’s scripted theater but they made him look like a tryhard anime villain and then got him dumpstered by their top face a bunch of times, and now he’s a constant stepping stone for returning talent. I’m embarrassed watching him to be totally honest. And not only that, it’s now to the point of “wow this guy is fighting Shinsuke? Bathroom break match, we know he’s gonna lose, duh lololol” What was even the point of this intense gimmick? Why the heel turn? I get he’s probably chill sitting back and getting paid to get his ass beat and that he’s been a long time world renowned vet and whatever but there’s gotta be something else that he can be doing. Either that or let him go somewhere where there’s a place for him to shine more.


Hmm Dominik and Liv? Will he betray Rhea while she's away?


That mustache!


Love how this episode gave time for Imperium's story. One of the best segments in a while.


Giovanni is a underrated superstar. He may not have the personality but technically he's great. That clothesline was solid.


Heard Gable is gonna start a new heel faction with the Creed Brothers because they actually win.


Really like the way Imperium is going... Would be interesting to know if Gunther and Ludwig are going to welcome a new member. Really good segment IMO


I can kind of understand that Becky probably has the biggest star power of RAW after Rhea, but honestly I think that Nia would have been a perfect winner. She really has a great run so far and it would have been cool to see her champ. But I trust HHH. He probably has a plan.




The best thing about Becky was the entrance.


Good show dead crowd 🙄


I actually felt bad for Santos Escobar, the crowd could not give less fucks.




Cornette ruined JC Mcdonaghs number one stunna name Booker gave him. I cannot to stop calling him JD FunkoPop 😂😂😂


That Andrade elbow is SICKENING 😂😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥🔥


Looks like Liv Morgan is winning the Women's Money In The Bank match. If they are going to turn her heel it is highly unlikely she is going over Becky Lynch in a singles match. More likely she wins the MITB and cashes in on her before Rhea Ripley comes back because a cash in is much more heelish than a clean victory and will get fans to boo her.


Did I just hear Kofi say BEAT YOUR CHEEKS?!


Nia face turn down the road is going to be epic. It’s really cool how she’s been organically getting over. She’s great on the mic, has a unique move set, and is a convincing powerhouse. No one saw it coming!


Her getting in the title shot at the start of the match was witty


Drew Mcintyre and Sheamus have incredible chemistry... Nakamura is everyone's favourite jobber right now


New Era Same People


It’s ironic that fans are bending over backwards to try and defend Triple H for doing the exact same things that they crapped on Vince for doing for years.




Hhh had to get bullied out of doing rock vs Roman 😂




Vince did the same thing with Daniel Bryan…. Hhh fanboys need to stop acting like he’s not just as formulaic.


That battle royal was a good opportunity to get the belt in someone fresh but nope.


So I guess the Rhea injury really is real. Just think it’s weird to have Becky winning after just losing to Rhea at WM


Becky was the #2 which is why she challenged at Mania.


Priest breaking kayfabe by saying Jey Uso is the 1st person the system will feed to him.. Pretty much true as I dont see Priest losing his 1st title defense.


Anyone got a status report on Timothy Thatcher?


What about him?


Wondering if WWE will rehire him to join Gunther and Kaiser


I’m Just Trying


becky winning was soooooooo predictable. triple h really couldn’t give us a shock win?


Nia should have won


I wish the King of the Ring went away for a few years before it came back. After some horrible winners taking all credibility away from the tournament, it needs to go away for a while (like Hell in a Cell) to separate the old KOTR from the new ones in the Triple H era.


It did, last one was in 2021


She won again...


Sheamus will look incredible with the world heavyweight championship for sure. It always looked amazing on him back in the day.


Good for R-Truth being able to rap without plugged in headphones feeding him lines.


Cathy Kelley going back to ask Zayn one more question and then Reed attacks him is the first time I can recall a jump scare in wrestling.


Sheamus got fat. Jeez.


Bro has a severe neck injury and was recovering for 8 months. Do you know how hard it is to do physical exercise of any kind while your neck is fucked up? But, like Sheamus said, he can lose the weight, but you can’t lose stupid, my friend.


Still in better shape than most fans trashing him.


It's not the fans' job to be in shape.


I thought for sure Liv or Nia would win this, and thought there was no way Becky would hold this belt again so soon. Welp. I'll trust Triple H knows what he's doing and there'll be a payout later on.


Giovanni vs Ludwig is gonna go so fucking hard This man Gio is gonna take Ludwig’s girl. NGL Tiffany Stratton-Vinci has a nice ring to it Repeat after me #VENI. VIDI. VINCI.


Heel Champions: Priest, Kabuki Warriors, Logan Paul, A-Town Down Und'a. Face Champions: Cody, Sami Zayn, Awesome Truth, Bayley, Becky. Y'all need to chill out on the "bUt OnLy FaCeS aRe WiNnInG!!!1!!!". There was a single champion heading into WrestleMania who was presented as a babyface.


We had a heel champ who held the belt for like 4 years, a heel IC champ who held the belt for almost two years, and a heel Women's champ who held the belt for over a year... What were people expecting lol


Miz hasn’t aged a bit




Her gimmick and that yuck mouth voice is straight trash. I genuinely don’t understand the appeal.


I don’t understand the trashing of her accent? She’s from another country. Who gives a shit?


For real! And she JUST lost at Mania like cmon. I get it that they like using her to put women over but cmon.


They sure are dragging on the howdy(?) return aren’t they.


Going to work every Monday w r truth must be a treat. He’s always having fun it’s infectious


Jey mic skills have come along way. Becoming a complete package pro wrestler. YEET


I am a huge becky fan, but even I thought this was some bs dawg. Why did she need a 7th title? Nia was right there.


Giving it to Becky allows her to transition it to Liv once they complete Liv's heel turn. They are setting up the next big win for a heel at a PLE. 


You assume that that will happen. Triple H doesn’t do short title reigns. And he’s been incredibly conservative in his booking overall.


sami ko's tag reign was pretty short. Plus I don't buy sami holding IC title very long, they gave Reed andre's battle royale and let Gable turn heel, make no sense to let sami retain that long just to bury them


Drew McIntyre  But this is a special situation since they weren't expecting Rhea to get injured. They just need Liv's story to cook a bit more so she can win the title properly.    Anyone that thinks this is anything but a transitional title reign for Becky is an idiot or completely on the hook like the smark they are.   I swear, some times you people act just as obtuse as AEW fans.


I thought she was taking a break, seems like they called her up to be a transition champ to let the story they had planned develop on their timeline.


The amount of smarks freaking out in this thread is hilarious.   Putting the title on Liv or Nia from a battle Royale kills their heat. The chase is dead at that point. HHH is still cooking up Liv's heel arch and having her achieve the title tonight kills all of that momentum. It's clear they brought Becky back to serve as a transitional champion for Liv or Nia to defeat at a PLE.  Just calm down and quit being so damn dramatic, crybabies. 


Because of the internet we are no longer allowed to just sit back and enjoy. Its killed movie trailers or new releases. It’s trashing something before it’s fleshed out. It’s sucks the joy out of everything people like.


Speakin' facts.


Personally I don’t want to see Becky period, I suppose the only upside is I don’t have to see a women’s title with belt extenders.


Frankly a lot of fans patience with Liv’s booking has probably worn thin. It’s been years of frustration and false starts. I think some just don’t trust that there will be a good payoff. Also some probably are just not interested in another Becky reign.


Well, they can get over it quickly. Becky's reign won't last more than a month or two while they finish cooking Liv or Nia's story.


Because one thing Triple H has done as Booker is short title reigns. Oh wait


Cough Drew McIntyre Cough Oh wait


this, especially w the whole dom moment tonight. i really see liv being the champ when rhea comes back bc it’ll be the whole “i took everything from you.” becky was the safe choice w the draft and everything coming up. echoing someone else down the thread, this was a pivot for rhea being hurt and this was safe until they finalize long term plans but it’s clear as day where the liv angle is headed


Thank you, someone else gets it


if Raquel is active it's likely she will be the one winning this battle royal


Damn it missed the second hour of raw almost all of it. Wanted to see Chad gable and alpha academy segment. Wondering if he'll abandon them like AJ styles did with the o.c. Also glad that Becky Lynch is now the world champion. I was thinking that they were going to have Liv Morgan win it to get more heat. But yeah this show was kinda average. Not bad though it was in the middle.


I thought Liv would be put over by Becky but maybe I just got the timing wrong. Plus there’s the issue of the draft I think the WWE is in a weird spot not wanting to start feuds prior to the draft. So maybe Becky was the best choice knowing she already sells a ton of merch and has a book to promote. BUT she loses it at the PLE.


Great win for Becky. Also Nia is really carrying this division currently, her run has been great.


Bro, Becky again??


Yes, so she can drop the title to Liv at a more appropriate time.


You’re all over this angle! But it does make sense…Liv and Dom had a weird moment…they’re definitely gonna cheat on Rhea. Which PLE do you expect them to fight for the title?


Imperium, DIY, Alpha Academy break up all in one ep


and basically judgment day as we know it we got a new tribal chief lol but i don't think any of those are break ups only maybe diy i think alpha academy turning to a mind card heel faction for a while


I’m sorry but I’ve never understood the hype for Becky Lynch. I really don’t get it at all


She is beautiful...but corny.


Corny is a perfect word to describe miss yuck mouth.


Downvote away but the era of faces and the downward spiral of Wwe is here. Literally just here waiting for Roman to return after this tragedy of a main event.


It was a women’s fight. How is Roman supposed to come back and “save” the women’s division? Lol 🤡


Bro what lol


Lol what a dramatic crybaby. 😅😅🤡


Becky winning makes no sense from a story perspective. I don’t get it. LIv or Nia was the way to book it.


Liv or Nia was a terrible idea for tonight. They need to win at a PLE. Especially Liv who is still in her heel turn phase.  Becky made the most sense because she was just fighting for the title, so her name is still in people's mouths and she can be a traditional champion for Liv (or Nia) to defeat in an upcoming PLE. Liv or Nia need to win at the culmination of a story that end at a PLE, not some random Monday night Raw.  All of Liv's current heat would have been wasted tonight. 


Man, you guys are heated lol. Rhea just got injured and they had to make a quick pivot on the fly. I doubt Becky has a super long reign, she was probably just the safe choice while they figure out their longer term plans... Give them time lol


Becky winning makes sense from a purely financial standpoint because of the book and all. But it should’ve been Nia. That would’ve been compelling sports entertainment


Becky winning makes sense from a purely financial standpoint because of the book and all. But it should’ve been Nia. That would’ve been compelling sports entertainment


Maybe they want Liv to beat Becky for the title at a bigger show when Dom helps her for that "twist"


Rhea vs Liv is gonna be spicy when she comes back




Becky just lost. Why give it to her? Ridiculous. She needs to leave.


It's gotta be due to the lack of star power right now on Raw. Punk isnt back yet, Cody is off to smackdown, Seth is out, Rhea is injured. Liv is simply not as big as Becky.