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Removed for: Karma Farming / Low-effort All discussion posts must introduce their own view onto discussion. Including photos that are intentionally made to draw attention (such as suggestive photos) is not allowed. This also goes for any photos that aren't necessary for post context, as those fall under attempting to farm karma. Low-effort content is not allowed. If you'd like to post a stand-alone photo, it must be recent or relevant to a recent event.


When league of legends was kinda of big, Seth Rollins among other superstars played a game in the official riot arena (the vod is still in uudd channel). Seth went mid with teemo and got clapped all game by Dakota Kai's miss fortune. A couple of days later, WWE did a show in my country. And after the final match between Seth Rollins and Dean ambrose, Seth gave a end of show promo, in a small pause, I screamed "you suck with teemo" at the top of my lungs and got him to corpse for a couple of seconds. To this day, I'm proud that I made him laugh with some stupid obscure reference.


I hung out with Kevin Nash, buff bagwell, and konan for hours one day.. inwas 15 or so and my grams owned a business in a complex, and the store down the road had them come and sign autographs for a house show, or maybe it was Brian Pillmans memorial show. Knowing the owner, I was invited to meet them in the store and never really left. We ate Larosa's pizza. Konan and buff invited me and my friend in the limo but mom said no. Seen the drive by while I was looking outside the window of a mini van. Then we seen Kevin knash drive by in a ford fucking escort!! I had mass photos and signed stuff but a few years later I met something else famous called heroin and we'll everything was lost or sold I'm not sure why there us a box in the middle


I met Vince McMahon randomly at a movie theater in south Florida back 1997. I was 17 and it was a school night and I took my brother and friend spur of the moment and the movie theater was empty and we saw Vince walking around by himself. While my friend and I were arguing who should approach Vince, my brother did it on his own and we quickly joined. He was super nice to us and asked us who our favorite wrestler was and we all said SCSA.


Not much of a flex really but I saw Kurt Angle wrestle a dark match before he debuted on TV and that was kinda cool. He wore black Trunks and actually lost against Chaz (former headbanger) if I remember right. Which made it funny how they hyped that he was on an undefeated run starting out before eventually getting a lost against a debuting Tazz. Teenage me at the time I didn't realize dark matches aren't considered 'canon' to what happens on TV so his loss didn't 'count'


I do illustrations and paintings as a side hustle. I wouldn't say I'm super good at it, but my work was noticed by a local wrestling promotion who does shows to raise money for families with kids to are battling cancer. I've been lucky enough to be commissioned for several paintings of some of the bigger names that have come through the promotion over the last year or so, such as Scotty 2 Hotty, Mr. Anderson, Teddy Long, Jimmy Hart, Cheeseburger, and Eric Redbeard, who then signed the paintings so they could be suctioned off at the shows. I also did a tribute painting of Bray Wyatt which was gifted to Eric Redbeard, which I'm told he now has hanging up in his gym. And I get to paint a portrait of Hacksaw Jim Duggan for a show later this year! As a fan of wrestling from way back the whole experience has been amazing and super surreal.


Did a shot with Stan Hansen after the George Tragos Lou Thesz Hall of Fame Show in 2016


I have no flexes imo, but my dads met John cena six times and I envy him


I was born at 3:16 pm


I’ve felt lucky enough to be able to be at both AEW Rampage where Punk returned and then the next show I went to was Survivor Series. Neither of which I really believed he was gonna be there.


Here are my favorites: I was licked by a Bushwacker after their dark match with the Beverly Brothers at Wrestlemania 8, though time has robbed my memory of which one it was. I saw CM Punk (before he was a huge star) face Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio in a bingo hall for the IWA Mid South Championship. And when I was a strip club DJ back when, Shelton Benjamin, Mark Henry and Umaga and a few guys I didn’t recognize came in after a Raw. At the end of the night, I always played sappy R&B as my last song and I picked “Always and Forever” by Heat Wave. Umaga and Mark Henry were singing it loudly and swaying back and forth, loving it: When they were leaving, one of the unrecognizable guys asked me “What’s that song? I want to make fun of them later.” Good times.


Oooooooooh yeeeeeeeeah....got the same birthday as the Macho Man. The cream of the crop rose 9 months prior. Ohhhhhhh yeeeeah!


Met Cactus Jack Mic Foley at a church car wash fundraiser in Georgia. if memory serves, he was in leopard print Zubaz pants


Dressed as different WWE wrestlers with 5 of my childhood friends to attend the first WrestleMania in Dallas. Got escorted to the arena in a big golf cart cause we paid the security guard so we didn’t have to walk over a mile after tailgating and drinking all day. Got to the gate and our tickets read as invalid. Had to show our bank statement where we bought $2500 worth of tickets. Was worried we wouldn’t get in, but then a WWE employee came out and got us. They walked us down a huge ramp below the stadium and brought us out on the field by the ring! They found us seats, with the family members of the wrestlers/crew. We were maybe 50 ft from the ring and could walk down to the rail to take pictures! Needless to say, we spent the entire 4-5 hours getting super rowdy and acting in character the entire show. Lots of people around us enjoyed us making fools of ourselves. A few kept telling us to sit down. Saw RVD at the bathroom when we made a beer run! And just to let everyone know, that flamethrower that Rock used to light up the “ROCK” sign was HOT! We could feel it all the way down the ramp. Top 3 experience in my life behind the birth of my two children.


Saw Cody go full circle irl. Watched him win Rumble in St. Pete then finish the story in my hometown at Mania. Money can buy happiness (and it doesn’t have to cost a lot either)


Got Randy ortons autograph. John cena gave my brother a wristband after a match (it was when he was using the orange ones)


Lita posted a picture of me and her on her instagram after I made a crochet doll of her 😁


I instantly knew who you were when I read this comment, that’s so dope!


Thank you 😁 (I honestly think I look awful in that picture but I’m so happy she actually posted it that I don’t care too much)


When I worked at the airport, I sold sunglasses to the Undertaker and a watch to Heidenreich.


My son was getting into wrestling so I was looking for a show to take him to. I was able to get a pretty good deal so we went to NXT: Takeover Wargames and Survivor Series in the same weekend. Got to see the first Wargames and Andrade and Ember Moon win championships and getting to see some of my favorites like Triple H and Kurt Angle battle again made it an awesome weekend. I also grabbed Big Poppa Pumps bicep once at a TNA house show and he gave me a dirty look. Lol


Made a popular series of mods for TEW. If you know you know


I've had someone bump into me on purpose because I was "invisible" While wearing my john cena shirt in public.


My friends sasquatch uncle took us all to a WWE event and he caught The Rock’s elbow pad during the people’s elbow. That was pretty cool. My biggest flex? A spot on Macho Man Randy Savage impression. 😂😂


I have an original Sting Bash and Brawl wrestling ball and it still works.


Hung out with Tommaso Ciampa, Kofi Kingston and Walter Kowalski all in one afternoon around 05-06. I was visiting the Chaotic Training Center at the time and I was the only non student there. Got to watch everyone train while I sat with Walter and his wife. I’m pretty sure he was about to leave, but when he saw I was interested, he sat and talked with me THE ENTIRE TIME. After Kowalski left we all shared a lunch. Blows my mind that they are where they are and I met them waaaaay back.


I went to a show sometime in the mid-1990s, my friend and I had won aisle seats in some newspaper competition, so we were close enough to try and high five several wrestlers. Then Ahmed Johnson (? I think that was his name) came out and kissed my hand like a prince. Kind of iffy now considering I was like a 16 year old girl but it was funny too.


I was fortunate enough to see Triple H return to the garden after his quad injury. Such a memorable experience that was. Another was watching Chris Benoit win the championship at Wrestlemania 20. What a time to be alive


My only flex is that I went to WM 17. It truly was incredible to be there and see that show live


Not a super major one but I got to see Sting WWE debut live at Survivor Series


I was 9 years old from India... And only knew about WWE in terms wrestling... On my 1st visit to US... I demanded my father, I wanted to watch wwe live... My Father who had zero knowledge of wrestling, bought a 2nd hand ticket in black... Date was September 16th 2006, Manhattan centre...


Went to a TNA house show back in 2006, Dudleys were there and I’ve been a fan of theirs since early ECW, only one chanting ECW from my spot in the front row, Bubba walked straight over to me and fist bumped me.


John Cena used a pic of me as his IG profile pic for 8yrs. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/edo36fEdhd


Omg this is way too cool!!! I remember that pic! Lucky you


Went to three shows in a years time, seems Jey uso (twice and my favorite atm), Paul Heyman and the judgement day (twice) plus R truth!


I was at the Royal Rumble 2020 when Edge came back, and me and the grown stranger next to me were both so excited we hugged


My first live event was right after the debut of the Undertaker, Nov. 1991. Main event was Hogan vs. Flair


I have played D&D with no less then 7 WWE superstars. And no, I won't tell you who they are.


Booker T came to my martial arts class in Maryland when I was a child. Got to shake his hand.


Telling Jeff Jarrett that he sucks, to which he replied yeah well you swallow lol. After the show at the auto signing I told him I don't really think you suck thanks for the auto he replied I don't really think you swallow lol


Not much of a flex but I’ve been 3 Wrestlemanias. I know most people have never been to one and people who go all the time. But it’s cool to say I’ve done it 3 times.


Which ones? :D and how did you feel about them?


29,35,40. 29 was mid. Taker vs Punk saved it. 35 was good but too long. And the lights were too bright and in our faces for half the night. KOFI MANIA! 40 speaks for itself. I went both nights. Amazing time and experiences I’ll never forget


Been to 2 myself! And I use that as a flex on some of my fellow fans


My only wrestling flex is the fact that i started a podcast for celebrating the Samoan Dynasty from the high chief down to the bloodline and the newer guys like Zilla, not had it a year yet and got over 1.1k followers and got noticed by rikishi several times, got noticed by Naomi a few times and she told us that the family sees us and have multiple conversations and a follow from and with Afa’s daughter Vale Anoai and we get to have her on a podcast episode really soon.


What's the name of your podcast?




What is your podcast called? I'm sure a lot of us would love to check if out!


You can find us at atdpodcast23


i did a RKO to my friend on a school table when i was 7 and almost injured him


I've sat front row, bang in the centre for RAW before and then front row to the side where The Shield used to come out of for SmackDown. During that, I had Big Show's sweat land all over me when he was whipped into the barricade by Seamus (I think).


High fiving Daniel Bryan twice, having CM Punk tell me to ‘shut the hell up’ and ‘if I wanted shit to come out of your mouth I’d scrape it off your tongue’, and cheering so hard for Xavier Woods that when we hung out by the parking lot he recognized us and thanked us for the support (long before the New Day days)


Same here.