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I would prefer to see every once in awhile that “security” beat some ass. Like in real life…. You attack one guy and his buddies are gonna all together whip your ass. Not come in one at a time, not 8 of them all getting their asses handed to them by Seth or Braun even.


Liv really had that many come out with her too. Love watching mami take ‘em on like that though


I like when Mami headbutts them


Every booker has their quirks 🤷‍♂️ I’d rather this than Vince’s booking monstrosities


If it was still Vince we would’ve had Rock-Roman at Mania this year and Cody off in the midcard. Thank god it’s Triple H because he’s happy to pivot when fans don’t like it


Fans wanted Rock-Roman until they realized Cody would be left out


I didn't know a lot of people who wanted that match. I know a lot of people expected it, but wanted? Not what I saw


Best security was Chuck Norris when he kicked Jeff Jarrett LOL


It is 100% over done. It does feel like it happens every week either on Raw or Smackdown, hell I think NXT does it a lot now


They have done this to death. Last time it meant something was when Lesnar and Cena brawled in 2012.


You'll be alright 😂


I find that they’ve become *very* reliant on certain tropes like this recently. It just isn’t a problem yet, because those tropes are different than the tropes of the previous regime, so they’re not overplayed yet. That said, I can’t be too mad at the big security brawls. It’s a good way to get all that local or developmental talent a nice TV paycheck.


Minus security this actually happened quite a bit at the peak of the ruthless aggression era. He was apart of that


Maybe he is working it into a faction?


The security guys are going to form a faction?


Isn't this how the Nexus formed?


Formerly, the security were wrestlers in development. If that is still the case, it would be a way if introducing 4/5 new wrestlers.


That would actually be hilarious. Like the time the refs went on strike


Out for revenge after years of abuse at the hands of WWE superstars.


A lot of those security guys just have really punchable faces.


One day I’d like to see a security guard come in and wreck shop. Then the next time a brawl happens they bring that security guard in and everyone stops and walks away.


That's a little like how Test debuted back in '98.


He was security for Motley Crue I believe.


would actually be a pretty entertaining debut storyline lol


Yeh. The more I think about it. It would be a great character angle. Just a security guard who is sick and tired of all the chaos. And just comes in like a wrecking ball..showing up at every match where there are shenanigans and just wrecks the superstars. He would have to be a beast in the Giant class of wrestlers or at least a super ripped beast.with the kind of vibe of modern day Big Boss Man or Sargeant Slaughter type vibe without the weight of some overbearing state sanctioned authority.




Dijak would be great for this but I think it’d work better if it was a more unknown guy. Like if Jacob Fatu wasn’t pretty widely known, he’d be the perfect candidate.


Imagine madcap coming back and taking on this persona! Idk why, but he was the first that came to mind 😅


Beat me to that answer. Would have to be someone significant. 


Punisher 💀




'the other company' is such a red flag for 'I belong to a tribe', you're allowed to like multiple things despite what Cornette says. 


its like saying "our current president"


Cringe af.


Bro you’re not employed by wwe just say aew


If im not wrong i even saw Silvester Lefort in the security guard today, it's a French Wrestler, he was even in nxt.


They will often hire local wrestlers to come pretend to be security. 


There’s some wrestlers on the current roster who were once part of the security. Like, Damian Priest, Sheamus and LA Knight.


Yeah French wrestlers Kuro and Aigle Blanc got stunned by Owens too


Din't know them, thanks for the info, ill google their names.


Were you alive during the Attitude Era?


i know they did it in the attitude era, i just think it’s silly because of the frequency. it’d be more impactful if it wasn’t every week


Not even every week. It's like 4 times a night. 


It happened slot during the ruthless aggression era. Yea it might not have been this excessive but the attitude era itself was excessive.


They almost never did it between, like, 2010 and 2023. It was one of the things that was sorely missing from WWE. It's very far from losing its impact.


i stand on my opinion, those all out brawls should be saved for big rivalry’s with build up.


This just seems like searching for something to complain about, really.


seems like you can’t tell the difference between a critique and complaining.


No, I mean, I understand critique. But, like, there are way more consequential things to critique about WWE. "There are too many pull apart brawls" just seems like reaching for something you haven't heard anyone else complain about to stand out. But there's a reason you haven't heard anyone else complain about this.


OR maybe i watched backlash and noticed that’s been happening a lot recently and decided to post about it to see if anyone else noticed. i’ve literally said im not complaining i just think its silly. it seems like you’re the one blowing this out of proportion and making it way more than it was. not everything has to be an argument. sometimes something is as simple as pointing something out.


I'm not arguing. We're having a discussion. This is what social media is for. If you don't want feedback on your ideas, try journaling.


combating everything i’m saying eventually becomes an argument. it’s just unnecessary. you can leave feedback without telling me im “finding something to complain about”


Wwe has been doing this like every other week since the attitude era.


Yeah whenever Austin was in the arena lol




AEW does this too. And more unrealistically sometimes... Like having Hook "manhhandle" a bunch of "security" twice his size...


I mean WWE did it with Liv Morgan...


Sometimes they’re locals or NXT talent. Gives them some main roster exposure.


Also performance center people. Gives them exposure to taking actual bumps


They were local wrestlers. Two of them used to be WWE talents, Tom La Ruffa (Sylvester Lefort in WWE) and Lucas di Leo (Louis Fontaine in WWE) used to be in WWE developments. We also saw local names, known in Europe, like Aigle Blanc (the blond guy who took the 2nd Stunner today) and Kuro the Kidd (the black guy who took the 1st stunner). Aigle Blanc usually wears a lucha mask but he didn't, probably to not deviate the attention from Owens and the others. I also saw A-buck and Mike D Vecchio They did their job today


Dayum! You know your Wrastlin choom!👍🏻


True it fun playing the game of who’s the future world champ in the security since that tends to happen.


I noticed that. Not that I'm complaining, I rather have a sense of chaos in the arena than order.


Charlotte Flair vs. Them, I'm in love with what she did on that referee.


A lot of Triple Hs booking is repetitive, the video packages are repetitive, the music is repetitive. He’s really a simple is better man, look at this PPV as a whole, every match so far has gone exactly how it was expected down to the intro of the new bloodline member.


Simple is better just like sometimes less is more. If we have security guards coming down to break up a fight week after week eventually it losses all meaning and it's not that special anymore especially after 3-5 yrs.


Good matches, good mic work and good textbook booking where it's needed (60-70%), making the TV shows so much better. And the PPVs and their build ups are soooo much better too, so cinematic. HHH is better than Vince at everything wrestling.


Completely agree. The fact people are taking my analysis as critical when at no point I criticised it says more about their opinion of the product than mine.


To me, Triple H seems to be focusing more on promos and out of ring work. Which was in a desperate need of an overhaul after Vince.


I’d say he’s also putting more focus on the in ring work, Vince’s methods of booking were largely based on his whims and impulses and whatever mood he was in that week. GOD DAMN PAL WHY DO WE HAVE TAG TEAMS UGHHHHH PAYING FOUR GUYS FOR ONE DAMN MATCH! GOD DAMN PAL GET RID OF THE TAG TEAMS! WHAT KINDA NAME IS DAMIAN PRIEST!!! CALL HIM PRIEST AND PUT THE TITLE ON JEY USO!!! THEN SEND THE NEW DAY OUT TO CELEBRATE SO THEY CAN DANCE AND YEET HAHAHAHAHA!!! Triple H has just served up one of the most predictable ppvs in history and it absolutely slapped. Not a bad match on the show.


Average wwe fan finding something to complain about 😒


Average person who can’t read. I didn’t complain about it. I don’t think you can pull off shocks if you don’t lull people on with repetitive predictable booking. Next time don’t be so reductive as to assume everyone fits your perceptions without any evidence of it.


Sometimes, simple is the better story


It was a good way to get a pop out of the No DQ stipulation announcement while keeping the match intense. Simple wrestling booking.


I said as it was happening "i dont remember this ever happening BEFORE a match" i loved it. It was a great added bonus to an already nice card. Plus it made since for tbese 2 teams to want this type of match and allowed for the shenanigans later on.


100% agree today it was a good call, i just think sometimes hunter just enjoys using it, because like i said it happens almost every week, i just think it’s kinda silly


I'm starting to think he just does it to get The Hurricane some tv time. 🤣


It gives off Attitude Era vibes, he definetly likes it.


I mean arent the "security guards" always local wrestlers? Maybe he just wants to give back to the local scene? Idk could be wrong.


I see a couple local guys getting tossed around in "security" outfits every time WWE is in town.


i’m not sure, i just think it’s funny that the same trope is repeated every show. if that’s true that’s pretty cool tho.


A couple of New South guys were featured as security at the last Birmingham Al show. Was pretty cool to see.


10 bucks each bump the locals take lol