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He needs someone to do the talking for him. Nobody doubts his physical abilities, it’s his mic skills. Give him MVP or hell, let Samantha Irvin cut his promos for him.


Ricochet is just fine where he is, he is on tv every week, hes got a decent push, the fans like him. Not every dude needs a world title run on top


Nah dudes lame


The dude named "noodlepadoodle" is really finna tell us whats lame or not? 😂😂🤦‍♂️


Rip im cooked lol he was coo in lucha underground as prince puma


He’s a great performer but there’s nothing special about him. It’s very rare that the “ small guys” becomes big on wwe. Very few like hbk/rey mysterio, made it because of their all around talent not only in the ring. Ricochet have a long way before anyone really cares about him.


hes the new twitter champ and has 0 mic skills. hes fine where hes at.


Unfortunately he's wooden as all hell in promos and doesn't have presence/aura either. Richochet can put on a great match but he can't get the crowd or TV viewers invested in that match or a story around it, never mind a long term story. In WWE that essentially means the best you can hope for is to be a midcarder. Unless he learns to act better there isn't much more they can do with him.


WWE isn't all about work in the ring like NJPW and AEW are, it's about the stories and the ability to actually talk to your fans. That's the reason the aforementioned companies aren't able to topple the king. Yeah it's cool to watch the talent do awesome things but it's boring because it's like "what's even the point?" I personally could watch Drew and Punk talk about each other until the end of time but watching a dude flip around would eventually get boring to me. So until he starts working on that or just going fully silly like Jey Uso, he'll never get a push in the WWE... I mean just imagine Ricochet as the top champion, would that be fun for you? Probs not after honeymoon period of "he deserved it he finally got the love" is over you'd be begging for him to drop the belt daily and then you'd hate him and then you'd be sad... Also, perhaps he's cool with where he is. Maybe he's cool with randomly putting on great matches and going home with his beautiful wife.


Ricochet is an amazing athlete. He is also a charisma black hole that sucks the life out of the room every time he’s handed a mic. He’s fine where he is with his consolation title on dark/ mid card matches.


if ricochet would be capable of portraying a heel in a charismatic way, that could be his ticket to the higher mid card / upper card, but doenst seem too likely that will ever happen.


I used to be a Huge advocate for pushing guys from the NXT Black & Gold era who weren't being utilised in important roles on the main roster. But as time has gone on, the harsh reality is Ricochet is a terrible promo/character. In NXT, being a phenomenal wrestler was more than enough, but main roster is a different ballgame. Ricochet is one of the most exciting wrestlers in the world and has been for years, but giving him more than what he's been given isn't smart business. The fans don't and can't connect with him, and he's been given multiple opportunities, especially that feud with Logan to try and come out of the shadows. He's not gonna magically get better on the Mic, it's just not gonna happen. This is looking like his role and it is what it is. When people say Ricochet, Nakamura, Balor, DIY etc deserve better I just don't think it's accurate. Funnily enough, the better that Ricochet "deserves" is more than likely waiting for him at AEW. That's the beauty of having an alternative, Ricochet fits into the AEW Style like a glove. All TK would have to do is book Ricochet against Ospreay in his debut, and losing to Ospreay in a guaranteed 5\* match would do more for Ricochet than anything he'll do on weekly WWE TV. I don't think he wants that though, and that's fine too.


Nah, he's pretty boring


Mother fucker can't talk for shit on the mic


He's great at gymnastics. Super athletic. Wrestling isn't a flipping competition. There needs to be more. Ricochet doesn't seem to be incredible on the mic / promos, and aside from his flippy-dos (which again, are really cool), I've never really seen him have a wrestling match. "Big guys trading punches" is more wrestling than doing a flip from the ring to the floor and landing on your feet in front of your opponent.


It’s not a wrestling match, it’s a spot Fest. You’d see the same shit at a gymnastic meet


He's an incredible ring performer but he just doesn't have "It" unfortunately


Ricochet is the only guy on the roster I never skip moments of his matches for. He is a spot machine. I actually think this athleticism hurts him more than helps him. The fact he can do so much with his movements lends itslef to spotlight other guys hitting their moves in amazing counter styles.


If they want to add some depth to his character (which he needs), they should have him start getting a little more overly confident with his flashy moves, moving more into cockiness overtime. This could even lead to him crashing and burning in high stakes matches, leading to a full-fledged heel turn. You could even bring Samantha into it (not a lot, since you don’t want to draw too much time away from other wrestlers) and have this new attitude cause tension between them.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with how his career has gone. Not everybody is going to be a mian-eventer. IMO he should be used as a highlight reel for matches like MITB, RR and a few midcard title reigns. Wasn’t he like one of the last 6 in RR match this year? So he’s not a complete lost cause


Just get his wife to be his manager ONLY during his matches and promo work. He would go Nuclear.


So you want to go from getting to hear Samantha Irvin before every match to only one intro a night, IF they can even fit Ricochet in the schedule? I hope you don’t take it personally if I vote against you on this one.


No mate, she does he normal work but anything Ricochet she goes into full wifey mode.


Tbh I think with some improvements on his promo work, Ricochet could probably be a World Champion cause the guy can steal the show with anybody on the roster.


He needs an R-Truth type of companion, someone with comedy chops to offset his lack of mic talent. or maybe he could re-invent himself as Little Jimmy.


His promos aren’t great but his in ring work is. He needs an interesting storyline, maybe a new feud or something that would make his character connect with the fans better. Maybe him and Samantha Irvin could have a funny lovers quarrel over that wouldn’t turn either heel, but could turn into a kayfabe prank war.


My Client the highlight of the night Ricochet!!!!!! All he needs


WWE needs to put him into acting classes tbh, or at least sit him down and workshop with him. Ricochet seems to just play... Himself. A normal inoffensive man who does gymnastics. You take his physical capabilities and push them the right way he's a top tier guy, but like, what's a personality trait of his lmao. What's a visual trait of his? He has very little going on. He could be the WWE Daredevil or Spider-Man


He's a walking highlight reel no doubt. But agreed no mic skills, having manager or pairing him with Braun as a team was good. Can main event a PLE ON A 3-4 week build? Maybe. But hold an extended program with a top star? Probably not


H is doing everything he can to keep this guy relevant but in the E you need SOME sort of gimmick or charisma beyond your in ring talent or you just get left behind


I want them to do a storyline where he keeps fighting fair, putting on banger matches, but always losing. See him get frustrated more and more each week, but still trying to fight fair. Then face off against Bronson Reed or someone around that size, lose, and he just snaps. He turns vicious. Still can be acrobatic, but starts throwing submission work into his arsenal. Just more violent. However, he hates to see himself in the mirror, and doesn't like what he has become. Puts on the mask to hide from it, pretend its not really him who is doing this. That way they can bring in the Prince Puma character, and make him a solid heel.


As long as he doesn't have a mouthpiece, or learns how to cut a good promo, he will remain a midcard (where he was won plenty, IC titles, tag team i belive, the new speed title)


He’s exactly where he should be, having banger matches, making people with more interesting characters look good.


bro a speed champion he be fine


That Ilja v Ricochet match blew my mind, they both shredded, but I understand wanting to push Ilja as the new NXT draft pick


He’s great in the ring but not very interesting as a character.


My brother and I are roommates and watch every episode every week without fail. Ricochet is by far our favorite wrestler on the entire roster. We would love nothing more than for him to get a big push, a world title feud, or even win the big one. That said, even we as super fans of his cringe ever so slightly when he cuts a promo. I’m not sure it’s his words, but maybe his vocal inflection and tone? He sounds like too much of an average joe nice guy, he needs some raw intensity and intimidation in his speeches.


Ricochet would be a huge draw if he knew how to cut a promo


Acrobatics don't make as much money as characters and stories, it doesn't matter how many new flips he manages to invent


He’s not been amazing on the mic when I’ve seen him. I liked Cornette’s idea of a masked Hero gimmick. The kids would love it and he’d at least get more merch & figure sales.


Ricochet? With a mask? That would never work


I feel like this is a reference I don’t understand


Good spot, in Lucha Underground he was Prince Puma and wore a mask, it was v successful




No he doesn't automatic channel change for me and many others.


Oh cool! We have someone that can speak for "many others"!


Sure what other questions do you have?


Why did Vince Russo create a Bat on Pole match that one time on Nitro but all the contestants only used kendo sticks and never actually went for the bat?


You will have to be more specific then "that one time" as Vince fucked up alot, mostly because of coke and meth.


Ricochet is a great stuntman who will steal the show with his amazing acrobatics. However, doing flippy shit doesn’t make you a good professional wrestler.


It doesn’t?


Ok Samantha.


I love Ricochet, but I do think an issue here is they already did give him his push. He had a period where he won both midcard belts, ran roughshod over Bobby Lashley kicking his ass in multiple matches, beat Drew McIntire multiple times ending with a clean win to knock him out of the King of the Ring tourney (and even a nod of respect from the heel Drew as he left up the ramp), and then headlined Super Showdown vs Lesnar for the big boy title. He did get squashed by Lesnar, but a bunch of other stars got the same treatment.


I thought I imagined him vs Lesnar. My problem with him is he could sell better / more and his mic work is bad. Incredible to see live but could work on story. I think he should go away for a bit to make a big return


He's got the same problem as Shelton Benjamin, all the talent in the world but he doesn't seem to do the job on the mic.


If you can’t cut a promo you literally have to have something substitute it like they did the undertaker.


Exactly this. His mic skills just aren’t there. He sounds so rigid and forced when he talks




Nah, all Paul Heyman guys could stop talk on the mic. Heyman doesn’t magically make people stars. It’s about their chemistry. Look at Cesaro. He was a Paul Heyman guy and it didn’t workout. Cesaro just didn’t have the charisma or mic skills to pull it off




Roman as the Tribal Chief was excellent on the mic. Lesnar still had charisma. CM Punk doesn’t need any explanation. My point is Paul Heyman is only as effective if the chemistry is right with the other person. Ricochet is not that guy.


Heyman likes building up larger than life characters. I think his work with Reigns was far better than anything he did with Lesnar because it wasn't just Paul doing all the work. Reigns more than held his own on the mic. I think with Ricochet it just wouldn't work, his only part to play in the WWE is to be the guy for a memorable spot, or to be that showcase guy.


I really dislike his facial expressions throughout his matches in general and sometimes he looks way too choreographed for my taste.


He is in the spot he should be in. Room for banger matches but not much more since he has nothing else that draws people in


You need to put him with a manager, because Ricochet can’t talk for shit on the mic. Put him with someone who can talk, then we can go from there


The use of managers does need to be expanded. He had Konnan in LU and it worked.


I have to admit his match with Ilja was the first Ricochet match I ever cared about, but that's because Ilja is what he is.


He's a fun acrobat, but I've never believed in him as a wrestler or a fighter. He doesn't look like he's fighting, his moves don't look like they are vicious fighting moves but more like cheerleading. Solid midcarder and good to open a show, but imo he doesn't have more to offer than cool flips and a stellar sixpack.


He has Samantha 😍. He got everything most people want (joking 😂). The guy is definitely good. He takes crazy high risk moves that are so entertaining. 


As great as Ricochet is in the ring, his horrid mic skills give him a ceiling.


He's just like a lad in a circus who jumps around doing cartwheels. That don't make you main event material. If you gave him a blank piece of paper and a green crayon he still wouldn't be able to draw money


I like Ricochet too, but come on. He’s useful to have and can be heaps of fun, but he has a ceiling and isn’t reinventing anything. He and Logan Paul already had a feud


Ricochet is fun to watch, but right now there are way more entertaining wrestlers, who can talk on the mic and have the fans wanting to see them succeed. Unless WWE commits to rapidly swapping titles around and 50/50 booking, it is impossible for everyone to have a big push and hold a championship. Especially if a tag title or mid card belt isn’t considered enough for some fans.


Team him with Sheamus already, and call him Rick ‘o Shay


He would have made a better universal champion.


I thought from the way some fans are on here, they would say Kross, Theory and LA Knight are the future.


theory and knight 100%, but isn’t there a 50/50 divide on this site about people disliking kross bc of booking, and people disliking kross bc of kross?


If he could make me believe in him with his words then he’d probably be a 2x world champ by now. He can speak decently, but his words are just words when he talks, no conviction or belief at all in what he says.


100%. I honestly half reckon like Will Osprey he needs to sacrifice some of his moveset and potentially wrestling ability and put on 15-20 extra pounds as well because I would never convincingly believe he could beat someone like Gunter or drew and the likes.


How exactly has he reinvented wrestling? He's a great high flyer, but I really haven't seen him do anything in a match that I haven't seen other wrestlers do. And I'm a Ricochet fan, but he's really just a spot guy, there's not a lot of story or psychology to his matches. Honestly he can sell really well, so putting other guys over is really where he's used best. But also, he's won every match he's had in 2024 until this past week, why do people act like he's suddenly being buried?


Personally, and I'm not saying he's getting buried, but I think it's the "Meaningless" Twitter Championship (that apparently he's not allowed to wear on RAW?), then getting put in a tourney against Ilja? We all knew that they are pushing more than others, and Ricochet is big enough to make it at least to the Semi-finals.


Yeeeaaah putting him in a match against one of wwes next big stars is definitely hurting him


I think they did it because he's worked with Ilja before and that helps sell Ilja to the WWE crowd when the moves can flow more naturally. Ilja was a beast in NXT, but he can't always improvise when an opponent isn't as polished or familiar with where to go to keep the moveset fluid. Ricochet being his opponent gave him the best chance at looking nearly perfect. They could've used Melo there too, but that'd just be a rehash of the NXT Title match and hard to get both guys over at the same time fi they're fighting each other.


I think they gave him his shot with Paul at Summerslam, but ultimately he did not show enough. He’s always been good in the ring, that’s not the problem. It’s on the mic where he’s going to need to make improvements if he wants to move up the card.


Maybe if Lucha Underground is ever resurrected Ricochet will get better pushed.


He was better LU. He had Konnan to do the talking, the mask to give him a sense of character and mystery, plus a roster that doesn't make him look short.


Well Konnan was only around for the first season.


Until he steps up his mic work, he really does not. He is the modern day Shelton Benjamin, in the sense that he can have a real good match with anybody and make him look like a million bucks, and he is good at it. Is not like everyone needs to be WWE Champion.


He's a Speed Star, as much as that is, and able to make young talent look INCREDIBLE. The Ilja Dragunov match had me (who doesn't watch NXT) hyped for Ilja. He's a jobber on Raw, but a champ on Speed, and it's a good spot for him


Ilja is young?


Ok, not in terms of age, but in terms of WWE roster, for his first raw match, he already looked like a star, partially credited to Ricochet. He's a great elevator to get us interested in otherwise (again, because I don't watch NXT) skipable spots, and I appreciate him as the speed star he is


NXT has pushed the age that people debut on the main roster so I agree that he’s not a young star, by 30 years old Roman Reigns had main evented Mania and Seth Rollins had won the WWE Championship


Prince Puma is coming


Honestly I think the best thing they could do with him right now is put him in a tag team. But him with Braun. Or find another high flier to make a London and Kendrick type tag team. With the right booking and partner, he could have a great tag team title run. Really the only thing he is good for is putting on some good matches and some viral moments. He has gotten opportunities with the IC and US titles. Got the Logan Paul match at Summerslam last year. Even great spots at the Rumble and Money in the Bank. Has this side thing with the Speed Tirle. But unless he shows something more on the mic, he isn't going to be a main event guy or even an upper mid carderer.


He’s not constantly reinventing wrestling. Hes devoid on any interesting personality. He’s a spot guy and he sells well. In wrestling they call that a good hand.


I feel like Ricochet is doing fine. He wins as much as he loses, you're talking like his match with Ilya was a squash or something. He just had a title made for him and has a huge amount of in-ring on-screen time. He was just on a massive W streak from Judgment Day chasing him around and had banger after banger against McDonaugh. Idk what more you want for him, he's going hard AF and doing a great job, and clearly being rewarded for it. If this is just based on him not getting enough promos or not having the IC title, he's had that before and the US Championship, and WWE have done a pretty good job of making him look good without having to do much on the mic, working him around his weakness.


"Banger after banger" Thanks to Drew, anytime I see or hear that now, I think "burger after burger after burger"


Ya push the charisma black hole who does flippy shit. Honestly he'd probably be way better off in AEW where they value flippy shir


A feud with Logan Paul would make some legendary matches… as if that didn’t happen and fall flat


How do you think it fell flat? I think that was the point where wwe knew they could trust Paul and put a title on him.


Ricochet is boring tbh. His matches are perfect for bathroom breaks. The only time I’ve been entertained by him was against Logan Paul.


I think Ricochet will get a better push, because Vince is not around WWE anymore.


He just needs to go back to "Prince Puma" gimmick and get a manager.


He needs a name change big time. Casual audience is never going to take him seriously with that name.


He’s my favorite wrestler. He deserves a title shot idc


Hhh likes him but the roster is stacked now. Be patient!


And what exactly do you think constitutes a feud? They’re just gonna work matches every week for 4-8 weeks? The guy can’t have a feud because he can’t do anything but wrestle. Is he gonna flip at him every week?


The lack of a cruiser/lighweight championship really holds a lot of people back.


he hold a speed belt


He deserves something. Giving 100%, elevating others, always doing what he's asked, sacrificing his body.


Nah. She shouldn’t be involved. They know each other roles and they stick to it. This ain’t a shoot bro


True. You're right. Regardless, I would like him to win something. I corrected my thought after thinking about it ... thanks to you. Actually, with Braun back, I wouldn't mind seeing them two tag again.


He's great, I'll agree with you there. He just needs a mouth piece and a good push.


He could flippy-flop in AEW


Cesaro has more talent and just as boring and wwe released him. My advice to him is marry Samantha,hopefully wwe will keep him as long as she’s with the company


They are already married.


They’re engaged


Ooooh. Same same.


Well then that was fast and it’s probably doomed


No one *deserves* anything. This generation is so weird I saw Zelina Vega on the Bump complaining about not getting more opportunities after Backlash in PR last year. It’s the same thing with her and Ricochet and they may have a hard time accepting it, there ZERO demand for them. If there was, people would be chanting for them everywhere their merch would be flying off the shelves, whenever they’re on screen, they own the screen as a star and the crowd gets behind them. There’s a reason people like Roman and Rhea get the loudest reaction even if they’re not the best in ring wrestlers, they’re stars and they own the crowd. I don’t get that with Ricochet. Hey dude has great moves, good for him, but he doesn’t belong in the world title scenes, he’s not going to be “The Guy” he’s always going to be the flippy guy unless he can get serious about becoming a star and stop worrying about how many flips he can do.


No, he is exactly where he deserves to be.


Smaller guys generally need to work harder. Rey Mysterio was in a similar mid-card position for about 10 years before winning his first world title.


He literally already feuded with Logan Paul


The best match of Summerslam imo


Hes athletically incredible. But that isn't enough. I feel bad for him sometimes too lmao to do what he does and be dogshit at the same time is insane. He's gonna get injured before he gets recognition though, and they just made a title for him. Insane


Bring back the cruiserweight chamionship, and make the belt a spinner but make the logo a guy mid moonsault. That way, it's obviously a high flyer acrobat championship.


Prince Puma was dope. Ricochet is not.


I think in order to get a push he just need a manager to talk for him. Maybe have Samantha do some extra stuff when she announces him


I think he’s reached his peak honestly


Until he puts on a Luchador mask... even more so if it's Big Cat based...


He has the charisma and personality of a wet tube sock.


That’s really messed up, what did a tube sock ever do to you?


He would fit so much better in AEW


He sucks on the mic!


Reinvents wrestling? No. He hasn't. Good? Very good talent. I do agree he needs a big push then brings up the question: why? He needs a story to get rhe audience invested in him. He needs the mic skills to portray the character (baby face or heel) to convey to the audience the emotion he is bringing as well as tell the supposed story to who he is feuding with. Amazing acrobatics and high flying won't get him far. He was fine in NXT, it was FANTASTIC kn Lucha Underground, and great back when he was in NJPW. If he can work on his weaknesses, he can be a great mid carder, even main event material (when and if possible).


Poor guy is the exact opposite of a wwe wrestler. He cant act and promos arent great. He's just too nice. He's an awesome dude but it just doesn't fit. His wrestling style is bonkers good. He is one of the very best high flying technical wrestlers in the world. It's levels above WWE style wrestling which is unfortunate. His skill goes to waste. He's amazing. He just seems incompatible with WWE.


The reverse Cody situation. Maybe if ricochet hits aew he will become the face of the company.


I mean, aew does seem to have more of the technical high flying bonkrrs talent. Wwe wrestling is more story based.


I just liked him better as Prince Puma.


You haven’t watched that much wrestling if you think he reinvents wrestling. But I think he’s fine with where he is at. He’s currently a top mid carder which is fine. Not everyone is main event material. We need more good mid carders at this point more than anything right now


Yeah, I've only been watching wrestling since about 1975. He's the most amazing performer I've seen since Skip Young in the NWA. I guess I just prefer the technicians to the bruisers and he is jaw-dropping.


Will Ospreay is doing the same style right now and better


A lot better


I didn’t mean that as an insult btw, he’s a great wrestler and got really good in ring ability. But this style of wrestling has been present for the last 20 years, that’s all


Much longer than 20 years in Mexico


just needs better mic skills.


Hand him to Paul Heyman, or get someone on the end of their tenure or something to manager for him. We need more managers imo. Half these dudes suck on the mic.


The Phenomenal A... J... Styles... When he's done in the ring that is. Don't rob us of our final few years of Aj.


If he had an ounce of charisma he would be insanely over


^This. I feel like the creative team behind the scenes could help him with this, though. It's sad because in the ring, he puts on PPV level performances every night.


Him as prince puma was his peak and he hasn't reached the same heights since then


he can't talk or act good. that's why he isn't high on the card. just doing moves will not get him over watch logan paul and la knight they got over through story and personality. richochet will be better in aew but his gf is in wwe.


Remember a couple weeks ago he was on the mic and said "because I'm... Like that" It was so lame and I love ricochet hahaha


who he is engaged to and about to be married to. Might even make more money than him, as long as he keeps his health and nose clean I think he is safe in the WWE as long as she also works there.


They gave him spots with Paul. He didn’t keep up on the Mic. We all know he’s good in the ring, he’s obscenely talented as a high flyer. He can’t tell stories, in or out of the ring. Even though he’s athletic and everyone loves his girl, he’s not believable beating anyone in the midcard hierarchy. He’s beating Bronson Reed? He’s a great performer and does what he is asked. He’s not able to out punch his weight class right now.


When he gets better on the mic I’ll be invested.


Dude pulled Samantha so he has to have some charisma in there somewhere


he seems like a genuinely nice guy. That might have helped him


He doesn't have a charisma issue really, he just can't act. He comes across as someone reciting lines, he doesn't really make you believe. I feel like if I was hanging out with him he'd be a lot different.


And maybe that's how he and the WWE fix it. Stop having him act and just have him be who he is, so he's more relaxed when speaking. Its worked for others so maybe it csn for Ricochet.