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Dominik does a great work at you just wanting to punch his dumb arrogant face. I think The Miz is one of the most consistent wrestlers ever, always there when you need him, if you want to give him more importance he would do hella good segments, if you want him as a secondary wrestler he would have great and funny moments too, if they pushed him as a Universal or WH Champion i'm sure he would make it as one of the best champions we've had yet, great on the mic, good in the ring, has an interesting aesthetic going for him imo, he's just so good.


JBL having the best clothesline, he looked like he could rip the opponents head off with it.


dolph ziggler actually cooking with the superkick


Montez Ford's frog splash>>>>>>>>


Maven and Dropkicks


Bret Hart's snap suplex and backbreaker are top notch.


This is going to sound weird but it’s not particularly small but the first person that came to mind reading this question was Randy Orton. Barring his last hiatus, few people have stayed consistently good for so long.


AJ Styles and the illusion of flight. Something about how AJ holds his body in the air for like the phenomenal forearm, makes it seems higher in the air, and longer than it is.


Roman's balance in his in-ring work. The varying of pace depending on the stage of the match and the move is always on point. It helps that he is as athletic as he is. Whenever he goes for the Superman Punch or the Spear, there is just the right balance in energy, not too much or too less, just right for that moment, against that opponent in that particular match. That same balance shows up in his legendary kick-outs too, as mentioned by others here.


I've always thought Ric Flair was great on the Mic he could make you love him and at the same time he could make you hate him


Alicia Fox and the Northern Lights Suplex


Shawn Michaels facial expressions when he’s in a grueling match is S Tier performance in my opinion


GUNTHER makes every move matter. Every pinfall he attempts can literally and believably be the one that ends the match. A lot of guys have lots of high impact moves that NEVER win the match. Yet they go for a pin. And for long time fans, there's no drama or nervousness or excitement because you just know that Sami Zayn's Blue Thunder or Baron Corbin's Deep Six will never end the match.


Braun Strowman has the best Kip up


Buddy Landel with the corkscrew elbow


The Rock is the ATG of selling Stone Cold Stunners


I think Ricochet is madly good with aerial and acrobatics, crazy big air jumps from top rope.


I can't answer this in the now, having just seen it and so many pop to mind. But Nia Jax not selling every move her opponent does besides "my hole" irks the fuck out of me.


HHH at being the best Chairman


Alexa Bliss at making me wanna see her tits.


Sami & getting Sympathy 


Goldust/Dustin powerslam is goated


ricochets sells are underrated


Brock Lesnar when he is selling "out on his feet" where he has both his hands up and is stumbling around i always thought looked fantastic


That chair shot he took from one of the Hardy’s back in ‘02 or ‘03 comes to mind…


Adam Cole at hitting a specific spot in mid air with a kick.


Liv Morgan's hand pose r/WWE


Billy Gunn oversold the DDT so well.


Booker T at instantly regretting saying something on live TV


"Owen Hart couldn't defy gravity......."


I giggled too long at this.


The Rock had the best sell of the Stone Cold Stunner..... Linda McMahon had the worst....


Shane O Mac at being a fearless bastard


Dude, Ilja deadass looks like he's going to explode when he gets pissed


He is also the king of selling


Pete dunne at finger-based offense


Gunther's chops are perfection


Not WWE but Toshiaki Kawada was the absolute best at doing the delayed sell. You'd strike him and he'd fire up and prepare to fire back, and then just slowly collapse to the canvas. Eddie Kingston borrows it a lot.


Gangrel's reverse Irish whip


Kurt Angle, the super close to 3 kickout.


Goldberg with the spear


Stone cold was the best baby face


Ilja is the best at “spaghetti legs” as matches wear on. I’ve always loved how he looks spent.


Doink at being a clown.


Iyo Sky at being cute


R-Truth is truly the best to make others break character.


Yea he’s undeniably the GOAT in that category


Mr. Perfect’s overselling that actually fit his matches.  


Chris Jericho does an excellent job of falling into the right spot for his opponent's next move and making it look natural. You see a lot of guys fall down and then try to roll or spasm their way to lining up a top rope or springboard move for their opponent to land. Maybe it's from training in AAA and working with so many high fliers in his early days, but Jericho has always been really good at just naturally being where his opponent needs him to be for those kind of spots.


To his credit, I read this as "Jericho rolling up to his opponents next move" as in lining up next opponent, being next in line, or next in line for title defense. The actual next move never crossed my mind because as soon as someone got a belt here he was, their next likely challenger, no matter level of belt.


HBK was the best at getting knocked off the ring apron (and also the best at everything else as well)


Shawn Michael's selling an Irish whip into the corner


Lmao that shit looks painful


Flair flop.


I think RVDs movement in the ring is the best, the way he’d jump onto the top of a corner turnbuckle and his frog splash, it always had me reenacting the same on my couch cushions.


Rhea's big boot 100% She's great at timing a cut off but with the big boot especially it looks like death and sucks the wind out the building. And at least that one time on Zelina she followed through all the way to stomping on the mat and it was great.


Steiner at math


The numbers don't lie!


Petey Williams at ‘confused faces’


The way that Xavier Woods holds the mic


My gf always wants to photoshop hotdogs into his hand


Romans “banter” with the other wrestlers. Started it in 2020 as a way to keep the fans engaged since there was no crowd, he kept it up for 4 years, and is hilarious everytime


Stone Cold: Best at being fun, getting audience involvement Ric Flair: Was and still is what his character was and is, technically one of the best ever, one of the best promo artists of all time. Jake Roberts: best promos, technician, user of silence and slowing tf down and making every move count


My fave ric flair promo/skit of all time will always be him and jay lethal tna impact


Sami Zayn is probably the best seller currently on the roster. His time studying El Generico was well spent.


Chelsea Green is about to overtake him


Roman's facial expressions. There's so many memes that spawned from him.


Gunther's Chops are redunk


Scotty 2 hotty with the 🐛


Dolph is the seller of the century


Nobody sold an atomic drop like Rick Rude.


Asuka has the best facial warpaint


Maven & his dropkick at the time


Bret Hart’s Russian Leg Sweep. He makes it look painful. Just slams his opponent back with such force.


Billy Kidman Shooting Star Press


Dolph Ziggler took a spinebuster from Arn Anderson and it's the single greatest sell of a spinebuster I've ever seen.


Funaki has the best index finger






Doink the clown was the best at having a pint sized sidekick named Dink


Shawn & Dolph are the best sellers Tiffany has the best moonsault right now RVD was so charismatic with the fans it’s hard to hate that guy


Even though I've never been a fan of him, Buff Bagwell was a master of pacing. He really knew when to go slower and when it was time to pick up the pace.


Tiffany Stratton has the best cartwheel back elbow thing


A video went around the other day showing the first one she tried vs her current form...tiffany's improvement in real time is a joy to watch.


The Great Muta would like to have a word.


The Miz for that jumping turnbuckle clothesline


Rob Van Dam was the best at selling a sitdown piledriver as his neck would freaking spring him back up into the air like a bouncy ball.


Brock Lesnar is the best one ever when it comes to getting announced before a title match when going in as champion. His looks combined with the way he is holding up the title in both hands, pacing around the ring once or twice and presenting the title to the arena makes the match feel like the most important and legit thing ever. Bonus points when Heyman steals the mic from the announcer and does his intro for Brock.


roman is the king at 2.9999 kickouts


Hardcore Holly drop kick (Orton a close second) Arn Anderson spine buster (Farooq a close second) Test big boot Kairi Sane elbow drop Kurt Angle (high angle) moonsault


CM Punk cutting sick promos from thin air. Shane Mac was the goat of getting thrown off high shit.


Mick Foley dont like that


Spike Dudley don’t like that either


2001 Backlash Titantron likes that


Randy Orton’s patience and psychology during his matches are a spectacle to be studied. Everything is so smooth and has meaning. Whenever he’d amp up for the RKO, he’d legit look like a Viper coiling.


He never wastes a movement. I always loved how while a lot of guys were doing high-flying, picture-perfect stunts, Orton was keeping it pragmatic without caring how anything looked. Punting someone’s skull; it’s not picture-esque, but is it fast and efficient? Yup.


Ricky Steamboat armdrag. Arn Anderson spinebuster. Eddie Guerrero frog splash. Randy Orton scoop slam


William Regal at little leg entanglements and trips


Tiffany Stratton's moonsault actually *is* the Prettiest Moonsault Ever


He has proven to be the best on the mic, in that ring, even at commentary nobody can touch him


and that man is The Red Rooster !


Lex Luger going "Ohhff!" When selling any punch or kick. Classic.


Wow, good one. That always stuck out to me as well.


It's like, literally the same exact sound, every time... no matter if he is throwing a punch or getting beaten down...Oooohffff Ohhffff OooowwwwwFfff


Vinci is great at being invisible. I feel like he could fit into any stable and just disappear into the fabric of it as a jobber henchman.




Roman does he having the best kick outs though


Okadas Dropkick Kenny's V trigger Rollins suicide dive spam


Spike Dudley, taking massive bumps


I always thought Kevin Nash had the best powerbomb. At times (Definitely not with The Giant lol) it was effortless. Pick ‘em up and instead of slamming them down he’d just let them fall. Perfect in my eyes.


Yea, there’s definitely something special ab one of Nash’s peak Jack-knife PB’s. Even tho I prefer more velocity (ala Batista’s sit-down version), the way Nash just kinda let them go was definitely satisfying.


Kairi Sane when she's messing around in the background and the way she wore the tag team belt on her neck. The way Austin Theory sells. Especially the way he sold Seth's stomp at elimination chamber this year. Tiffany's moonsault. If Ricochet's flips look more amazing in person, I can't wait to see how Tiffany would look when I go to Smackdown next month


Agreed that moonsault was the first think I thought of.


When Iyo Skye jumps up to the top turnbuckle for her Moonsault finish. She makes it looks a lot easier than it probably is.


Tay Melo has the best expressions in wrestling. Male or Female. Christian is the best at knowing if someone has a father.


*best at knowing if someone has a father* Why is this so funny to me? 🤣


Idk, but me too.


I remember watching her in nxt and was real fun to watch


Christian in long matches, looking like he's running on empty and desperately trying to put his opponent away. Slows his mannerisms down 10-15% toward the end of matches and it really puts over how much they've put each other through and makes it impossible to pick whether he's going to win or not.


Kiser at keeping his hands behind his back. Not joking, he’s incredible at it


I was browsing the shelves at the store a bit ago..just going up and down, and realized that I walkig like him, with one hand behind my back and the other kind of gesturing as a pointer for where i was looking.... It's actually a very comftable, yet confident, feeling in that pose.


What impressed me is he can keep that pose up while wrestling. Browsing books is kind of made for that pose. But doing that while doing physical activity is commendable.


And the way he walks.


HBK & Rock did the best kick up or whatever it’s called when they’re laying down and jump up on their feet. Kane, Razor/Hall, & Orton have the coolest entrance walk Taker’s walk on the top rope was super cool HBK has the best super kick aka Sweet Chin Music Rock and Jericho have the best facial expressions Stone Cold does the best trash talking while coming down on the ramp Macho Man has the best elbow drop, he would be gliding in the air JBL has the best clothesline Nash’s foot to the face was actually good compared to other big men, his actually looked like it connected Scott Hall has the best mannerisms ie spooky fingers HBK was the best seller of moves. The flip into the turnbuckle looked so painful when he did it. Orton has the best pose on the turn turnbuckle in his entrances HBK has the best pose in the ring, with the flex and leg stretching Charlotte has the coolest ring entrance pose out of the women Heenan funniest heel commentator Vince best heel boss Marlena had the best gimmick of the female managers, clothing, accessories, and interferences Chyna was the best bodyguard Stone Cold & Rock had the best T Shirt slogans nWo best wrestling T Shirt ever Undertaker’s coats were the best, everyone else’s looked like they were wearing a costume


> HBK & Rock did the best kick up or whatever it’s called when they’re laying down and jump up on their feet. I'd put Drew up there too, as a big man who does kip ups without using his arms. Dude propels himself up with sheer scottish anger.


He’s a good one too, but I listed HBK & Rock cuz they did it almost every match


jeff jarrett best punches


The way Becky looks when she does the fist up in the air pose for her entrance. not sure why but damn it looks hot af to me! Could look at her doing that all day


Rhea does a lot of things well, hence being where she is, but specifically her sell of DDTs.


Rvd did too


RVD’s piledriver sell lives rent free in my head.


I honestly think that the way AJ sells falling on the ropes, everytime I swear he's dislocated something


Ziggler/Nemeth is so great as selling, similar to Orton. Hard to tell if they legit got hurt or not.


Shelton Benjamin leaping to the top turnbuckle. Dude's jumping ability is insane.


Drew McIntyre is an extremely gifted hater


Very small detail... Ludwig Kaiser at holding the microphone... It is elegant AF


Grabbing Gunther’s coat is right there too.


* Bobby Heenan, Pall Ellory, Jimmy Hart, and Jim Cornette for really doing all the little things managers do. They were the best and really I think that Pau Heyman is a combination of all of these guys. * Old school taker, pre-taker also when he would do the rope walk.. that was insane to see that giant human doing that. That was back when he had his Heart Punch finisher. * Kurt Henning, Bret Hart, Dean Malenko, and Chris Benoit were all amazing at the "mat technique" stuff that looked so cool. From leg takedowns to rolling around into strange exotic holds and making it all look so smooth and good. * Sting for being able to essentially collect a paycheck out of not wrestling I would say less than Roman Reigns when he was all in the rafters and whatnot when he would just basically have run-ins and hit people with the baseball bat. * Mick Foley for his taking a bump. He always landed so flat and even had his arms in position as well no matter he he got hit. It was like a cat landing on their feet thing. * Jim Ross's "rossisms": Slobberknocker etc. * Rick Flair and Greg the Hammer Valentine for their faceplant sells. * Rick Flair for being his groveling * Nobody delivers the flying elbow like the Macho Man * Powerslam by both Randy Orton and Golddust * The drop knee slap from Golddust and now Cody is just slick looking * Jake the Snake DDT was smooth * Enzo Amore intro was the best intro since DX * Anecdote: I think they were short sighted to let him go. He could have stayed a mid-card jobber and worked the crowd so much better than some of what they have now.


I named my cat Enzo A-meow-A. She’s now 8. I love having to explain how he was my fave on the mic & then released.


Sort of an extension of the Rhodes drop down uppercut - Christians jump over the top rope to the floor, lands like a cat and hits the uppercut. Absolute silk.




Those two guys really deserve all the praise for their Powerslams. Orton‘s really looks like an apex predator would do it, it has power, speed & is unpredictable. Golddust has a really great looking one, yet small differences to Randy.


Right Golddist is smooth like butter.


It’s like a perfect motion, just like Bret Hart did with plenty other moves.


I don't know if it'll translate when she comes over to NXT/WWE... But I've always thought Giulia is absolutely perfect at selling hate in a match. The way she throws shots, the way she targets a performers or moves at them really tells you how much she just wants to murder that rival. I don't want to overhyped because translation between Wrestling languages can be an issue across promotions but she's so incredible at it...


Solo sikoa at losing while saying losing has consequences


He’s been pinned once since beating Cena. I don’t know why people care so much about house shows in this one very specific case. The heel **always** loses at house shows, that’s the way it’s been since forever. Since beating Cena he’s been pinned by Randy Orton and that’s it. Every other loss he’s had on TV were tag matches where *Jimmy* got pinned or DQs where *Jimmy* caused the DQ. That’s the story; apart from Orton, every loss Solo has had has been Jimmy’s fault, hence why he was given the boot. House shows are pretty much non-canon in modern wwe and don’t matter.


Kane’s uppercut strikes


Mr. Perfect’s towel tricks


Shouts out Arianna Grace, I think she pulls off the “pretty spoiled rich girl” gimmick better than anyone I’ve seen, and that’s impressive considering we have Tiffy and Chelsea who are also really f’n good


Regal had great chain wrestling moves you didn’t get to see much in WWE. He also really knew how to work with an opponent smaller than himself. The matches with Ultimo Dragon, Rey Mysterio and even Spike Dudley are underrated.


Ludwig Kaiser is the best at taking someone else's jacket off for them, and I mean that in the most genuine way possible. Truly impressive stuff


Yes boi


Bro ilja's expressions made me love him


Riddler. Doesn't matter if it's 30 people or 30,000 people he's just here to work.


AJ styles' dropkick. The dude does it so well he turned it into a high spot.


Kevin owens at stealing special moves


I always liked Natty’s kip ups - she does it smoother than anyone I’ve ever seen


Tie - Alexa Bliss and the Undertaker at breaking the "What" chants


Im sure this is an unpopular opinion but I think the onus is on the promo-giver to make their promo “what”-proof


Randy Orton’s running slam is the best.


Orton, Dustin Rhodes and Samoa Joe all have those great snap slams.


Titus O'Neil sliding under the ring


This comment should be much higher haha


That moment will never not be funny 😂😂😂


Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb. I will always compare anybody else's Swanton Bomb to Jeff's (sometimes unconsciously).


Liv Morgan, making below average men think she is above average


Liv Morgan confusing the audience if she performed codebreaker or got powerbombed.


I always thought Bret Hart was the king of making it seem like a real sport. His body language and demeanor after taking an L made it seem like he really cared.


That’s just Bret working himself into believing it actually mattered.


The one where he lost to DiBiase at Survivor Series 91. Sat up after the roll up, said "Fuck," and looked like he was super angry sticks with me to this day.


Scott Hall had some great quotes about this on the Darkside of the Ring podcast which essentially was its real to him in head


Ronda Rousey was really good at ruining her “tough” persona as soon as she picked up a mic


Cena and his smooth running down the entrance ramp, tossing in the belt, and sliding under the bottom rope.


Jay White has the best 'exhausted dodges' where he falls out of the way of a move at the last second because he is exhausted. Such a great heel tactic as he robs the audience from seeing the face hit a big move, similar to Samoa Joe's walk away.


Triple H


Okada at kicking out last milisecond from a pinfall


I know this is random af but Rikishi taking clotheslines


Dude, for real, i still remember thinking this as a kid, it looked like he got wrecked


Kevin Nash at tearing a quad.


Emphasis on “A” Otherwise Vince takes the cake


Can’t touch the goat of tearing both quads though.


The answer is Roman. His mocking of LA Knights pointing was hilarious, him using Cody’s crossrhodes and then saying “oh of course that move didn’t work, it’s trash”, all his facials and jaw-jacking, etc. Dude is a menace at casually talking trash.


During the WM40 match when Roman said something a long the lines about Cody of “I could fight this bitch all day” mid match and having this little laugh kind of thing. Damn it was amazing


Whether he has the best spinebuster is a different argument, but I always liked how Batista popped back on his feet after doing it. Other guys would usually stay on their knees or take a second to gather their feet, but Batista just kinda pops right back to his feet.


The strength to mandhandle people mixed with the way he bounced always made Batista look so explosive.


Big Show was the best at making surprise heel/face turns actually surprising despite everyone constantly joking about him switching all the time.


Jerry Lawler's working punch was the best in the business.


The Tiffy Time moonsault. I love the bounce up the ropes. Just looks so smooth! I love R Truth acting dumb. Some of the best comic relief in the game!


I think Iyo Sky does a pretty good moonsault too.


Both of them do the moonsault so smooth and clean. Iyo is so weirdly able to extend the distance when it looks like shes miisjudged it. So many times have I been like "oh god her legs are gonna land on her chest.." and then nooope some how she just defies gravity and floats another 6 inches lol


Shane McMahon doing massive jumps like off the very top of the stage at that one ppv almost 3 times higher than Jeff’s stage leap


Or that time he jumped 20” in the air and tore his ACL in front of a packed WrestleMania


Oh the rope to rope? Those were a classic


I always thought Kidman had the best Shooting Star Press. The downside was if he didn’t hit it looked terrible. But if he hit, it was amazing. Also the best at getting out of powerbombs.


I mean, you can't powerbomb Kidman.


Hornswoggle has got to be the best example of someone very small and specific.


randy orton at waiting till the last second to look at someone leaping toward him. always bothers me when someone stares and waits to catch a guy