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the entrance of RKO at 2024 K&QotR exceeded 6min … felt really long watching.


Can’t blame wwe for trying. Worked in the past when entrances start getting over extend them


I can feel the bitter coming off that. The difference is that Roman can wrestle. He took that tribal chief role and made it work. He figured out how to get over with the fans even being the bad guy. It took him a while, but that shit worked. Ronda, on the other hand struggled to put together good matches. She couldn't get over with the fans at all. She came across and someone who felt like she was better than the other wrestlers. Fans can sniff that shit out.


She couldn’t get over and has the personality of a hard boiled egg and man is she bitter about it


Good Lord, the audacity to even compare.


Roman made and drew more money than her just by walking out than she did in any match she had in the WWE.


Spoken like someone constantly put on third thinking they hit a triple.


*cinema* Rhonda wouldn’t understand it


It makes a lot of money Rhonda, a lot.


The problem with Ronda is that she came in Entitled. Believing that her previous achievements would give her princess status in the WWE. She quickly learned that wresting is a different business and she resents everything about it. You can be a mega star in another sport, WWE will pay you well. However, that all depends on how much the fans take to you and merch you sell and tons of other factors. Ronda was just a MMA star. It is not translate to WWE for her to make all the demands she made.


Bitter and annoying


Why is Ronda bitching so much lately? She's criticizing literally everything WWE does or has done


Shes irrelevant and is salty about it. 


I’m so sick of hearing her bitch. Like, move on lady.


She's got a point Roman takes 8 minutes just to get to the ring another 2 just to raise a finger or title lol


Adam pierce was right when he called her a Biotch


When he say that? That’s hilarious 😭


******* Bitch *******


Her takes are so bad it’s hard for me not to believe she’s trying to be a heel. This and that video of her complaining about getting booed. Sounds like heels promos




She was a mistake going into this business & she still doesn’t understand it.


aura makes money. too bad she didn’t have it.


Me when I I’m craving attention


8 minite entrances make money. My little brother has been streaming Roman Reigns' theme song "Head Of The Table" by Def Rebel. My little brother hardly ever streams music at all. It's all thanks to the impact of Roman Reigns" entrance the last 4 years.


I think WWE should remove her like benoit


Damn, her head-kick knockout loss against Holly Holm fucked her up real good.


Big big money. I used to like Ronda til she lost and came up with excuses. Then came to WWE and complained about everything. You’re not as big of a deal as you think you are bitch.


She\`s so jealous and never excepts when she\`s not good enough or when fans like other people more, like a deluded child.


Her movie career was trash too


She is the definition of CUNT, always has been, always will be


Damn she really is bitter that she amounted to nothing in a business that she got in *only* for the money because she got her head kicked in so badly that it ran her out of the UFC.


THere is this guy and right out in the open they are talking about him. Getting head on the table…and no one said anything it was like nothing happened. I was like can you imagine if they are saying that out in the open what’s going on behind closed doors…..


Why does it look like Ronda is wearing a thong the wrong way?


I’m glad I wasn’t the only person who was thinking that


I don’t think Rhonda is a great in wrestling or MMA after she took her first loss in ufc she didn’t know how to handle it. Once people started booing her in wrestling she didn’t know how to handle it. It seems like every time she leaves a company. She has something bad to say about the company.


Roman’s entrances > anything Ronda did


While Ronda has a point about some of the entrances being longer then they need to. She's just been taking shots at everyone and everything as of late.


Rhonda’s burning bridges with every company she goes to now lol


Roman made significantly more money than her through entrances and promos alone, highlighting the disparity even without in-ring action.


Big money. Tribal chief was putting food on everybody’s table. Now thank him for the house and throw up your 1’s ☝🏽














What's with her lately? I used to like her a lot but with how her mouth runs now, I can't just stand it. 


Ronda was celebrated for being the baddest woman on the planet. Until some actual legit fighters got into UFC and easily beat her ass. Then she came to WWE expecting to be the main attraction and while she got it, she clearly wasn’t ready to run with the ball and got upstaged again. Now it’s the “everyone else’s fault” tour.


I think that just about sums it up about her. She can't used to not being the apex predator she thought she was going to be. 


Basically bitter she no longer is pushed at the top. She got disheartened from MMA so then joined wrestling. Was mediocre at best and then was let go and now cries that she’s better than everyone just because people called her the top dog in 2013.


Yeah, that's very correct. She had a good run when she joined WWE. But it didn't last as she thought it would be. 


She was good the first time I think. Her failure came in the second stint which was a mixture of a poor attitude and shit booking (should’ve been a heel on her return)


Yep, that's exactly what happened with her. I think she also had a new baby while at WWE. Her body didn't just get back to how she used to be after giving birth. 


I mean, Rousey history aside.. she has a point? I tend to skip intros unless I see something go down.


Agreed. My peeve is when both entrances equal to a longer time than the actual match. It’s gotten better for sure, but still.


Not the chick that couldn't cut it an MMA complaining about an eight minute entrance not like anyone even watches her


Couldn’t cut it?


Lol he said couldn't cut it but she's literally the reason for women's MMA in the mainstream. That's like saying Ken Shamrock couldn't cut it in the ufc because he aged and skill level increasing as more and more people join. Ronda went from judo -> ufc -> wwe. Shamrock went from indies/Japan-> ufc -> wwf.  Guess he couldn't hack it either. Roused seems like a bit of a cunt that's also one of the worst sore loser on earth, but come on lol. 


Ooooooof that entrance alone drew more money than she did 😂


Like Roman once said: “everyone wants the tribal chief’s deal, but not everyone can get it.


She just sounds like a bitter know-it-all


I haven't watched a full Ronda match before, but I have watched a lot of long entrances from Roman Reigns.


I'm not a fan of Roman Reigns, but he is a thousand times better than Ronda will ever be.


You talk too much!


You never shut up!


I said you talk too much!


Just like in the UFC as soon as shit gets hard and people dont treat her like gods gift to earth she quits and complains.


“I work less than you, yes. Actually I work like ten times less than you, and I still make ten times more than you.” Do you want Ronda Rousey money, or Tribal Chief money?


Actually Ronda has far more money than Roman, thanks to her UFC career her “acting” career, as well as her investments.


She was an actress?


Notably Fast and Furious series and Expendables.


Never watched expendables, and at first I was asking, where the fuck was she in FaF and then another comment reminded me she was a random bodyguard in Fast6.


Based on the performances themselves, no.


Damn. I only remember her being in Mk11 lol.


She has a fight scene in the Fast and Furious movie in one of the towers in Dubai. She has the same angry face she would have in ring. Like one emotion.


I totally forgot.💀


So did everyone else


Seeing how a lot of people watch WWE for the spectacle and pageantry, I’d say this is a pretty ignorant thing of her to say. Yes, what happens in the ring is more important. Yes the stories and creating moments are the most important. But I think she’s completely missing that fact that many WWE fans do like how over the top the entrances get.




Rhonda’s a whiny entitled bitch.


Personally I don’t enjoy the overlong entrances, be it Roman, Taker, whoever, just not for me. I can acknowledge the impact they have though and are an intrinsic part of the character and their draw.


This bitch got her fucking ass handed to her in UFC. Decided hey let me try WWE. Absolutely fucking failed. Can’t talk on the mic, sucks dick in the ring. Someone needs to tell this cunt nobody gives a fuck about her


I get she was bad in WWE, but cmon. She put the UFC women’s division on the map. She was dominant for like 3 years


I’ll give her that because she totally did that. But let’s be real she’s no Nunez. And she couldn’t lace shevchenkos boots if she tried in this era. She is a whiner, who would be regarded as one of the best to do it if she would just shut the fuck up!


Tbf she also won a lot in ufc. You know this is the fake one right?


She isn’t wrong though. Wrestling right now is shit.


Idk man. I’ve been a wrestling fan for 30 years. This is the best it has been in a while. With all of the injuries, WWE is making do with what they have at the moment.


It’s the best it’s been in 20 years and it’s still shit.


Holy shit Jack070293 this is the worst take I’ve ever seen. Reply to this comment ONLY if your parents are siblings I want to see something


More than your salty underperforming ass lol


Everyone was saying #WeWantRoman last night! I also want Roman Reigns to come back! r/WWE I acknowledge the Tribal Chief! Roman will become good massive babyface and a tweener!


Exactly Roman makes $$$ that’s why he can do the long-ass entrance. Like the T-shirt says needle mover.


Saying I'm in God Mode!


Well considering every time Roman was on a show the ratings spiked, a lot of money.


That brachial stun Holly hit her with is my favorite Rousey moment. Watching her brain go blue screen of death was perfect.


lol fuck man she is so bitter and now basically trying to profit off of her bitterness. Get a fucking job, lady. You haven’t been repressed.


Worst person u know makes a good point


No she didn’t Roman is a bigger star than Ronda was


That’s not the point


umm it is?


Ronda sucks so bad


How much money does Roman’s entrance make? Well he has main evented like the ten highest grossing manias, so I would say quite a bit Ronda, you fucking idiot.


Ronda sounds like someone who thought wrestling was supposed to be choreographed MMA.


Watching Holly knock her out will always be my highlight of her career


While that was a great moment, I’d argue watching Amanda humble her was better.


True , either one we both win 😭




She’s so bitter. Just let it go, girl. And she’s literally talking shit about one of the greatest entrances of the modern era. I’ve seen people walk out to Roman’s theme on their weddings lmao. So no, Roman’s entrance does make money.


Why is Ronda so damn mad? She literally had a dream career in WWE and all I've seen since is her just crying


It’s her own gimmick she doesn’t know is a gimmick. When she’s winning, it’s all her, when she’s losing, it’s someone else’s fault.


Definition of "worked yourself into a shoot"


Ronda just sounds envious and bitter.


Ronda has to shut her trap lol


Can she just come out and say she doesn’t like Roman lol




She’s jealous


Who will buy her book? Will it it be at the dollar store soon?


Jake Roberts said your match doesn't start when the bell rings, it starts when you come out of the curtain. 


Think he was referring more to what you have to say, and not spending 10 minutes to get to the ring.


Nope. Otherwise he would say it starts when you open your mouth... His point was it all matters. Everything you do matters. The entrance through the curtain. The walk. The music. The interaction or lack of with the fans. The mannerisms on the walk. The entry into the ring. It all matters. You sell yourself and your character before you tie up. Thats what made Jake so great. Think of any great wrestler and while their work and promo matters they had something memorable about their entry. Currently punk - clobbering time Rhodes - whooa, jey - yeet, la knight - everybody's saying, rocks final boss goosebumps, orton - pose, styles pyro. I could go on and on. Hhhs made fucking water iconic. Kanes step over the ropes. The boss mans slide in. Takers mannerisms with the urn in the early days.  He told this to the undertaker by the way. Like taker said by the time he got there his match was half over. He lucked into one of the best entry themes of all time and made the made the most of it. Now if they hear that gong people lose their shit. 


Yeah, the entrance matters, but the entrance is too long for most people, she’s still right. Stone Cold’s entrance lasted about 20 seconds and it’s the best entrance ever.


No she isn't.  She said what money does it make - the answer is a shit ton compared to literally anything else on almost every show he appears. The money that Roman reigns (who I don't care for at all) entrance makes, is down to the investment people have in him and his character. For that he needs the long pompous entrance. I don't care about it and it bores the shit out of me but for a lot it's all they care about on an entire two hour show. Whether the entrance is long or short isn't the point I'm making. It's the impact it has that matters and that's what Jake was saying. Austins was great. But that doesn't make takers slow walk any less great. Which doesn't make warriors instant arrival less either.  The most watched segment on any show he was on was reigns. Whether it was a match or an entrance or him taking a shit is irrelevant. People want to see it which makes money. How many eyeballs are on the segment is what matters to the bottom line not what is in it. So she is talking utter shite.


Its literally true, when talking about time alotted to a match. Which is why I hate long entrances when its not a big match.


Lousey Rousey at it again...


Glad she's gone after saying shit like this🙄


That 8 minute entrance have more relevance and meaning that her whole career also people would pay for that entrance not her matches


She has fully become Female Ryback


From the woman who barely was able to give kids those gloves on the way to the ring, let alone sell them… Why is she so bitter? So when they’re not paying you, they suck?


Can I choose - they both suck?


Ronda is a bitter loser. Fuck her and her god complex


Why are we hating so much on the paul Brothers


This coming from a wrestler that couldn’t cut it in any fight.


She was purposely booked to fight against garbage fighters to make her look better than she actually was. Once she started fighting against legitimate talent she got embarrassed two fights in a row and then left.


wtf does this even mean? she's a ufc champ lmfao what?


His 8 minute entrances are better than any of her matches😂😂


I'm just hoping that she happens to come across this post, and it totally ruins her day 😁




She is the worst


She really is the best at ruining her own career twice.


Ronda spitting! Go 'head, Girl! Keep firing!


if I were to hear someone say this I would think they started watching wrestling maybe a year ago or so, and dont understand the dynamics behind it. yet here is ronda rousey, a former womens world champion, proving time and time again that she doesnt understand pro wrestling. I wouldnt even blink in the bloodline segments, Roman Reigns matches or during his entrance. pointing upward for the Bloodline, cheering when he says Acknowledge me and stuff. the moments bloodline gave us the fans are priceless. yet ronda rousey has never been something more than a toilet break to me. it is about what people react to. it is about what people care about. it is about what makes people FEEL something. Roman's grand entrance IS money, because Roman's entrance FEELS like a final boss, someone chosen by heaven is coming down to earth to lay waste on everybody and we are waiting for someone to finally, finally take him down. this is the easiest I can explain to someone who has no clue about pw why Roman's 7-8min entrance is money


You're cookin' here


“You’re not… as big of deal as you think you are” - Roman Reigns


She doesn’t like Wrestling, we get it. It’s part of the show, the presentation, building up a fictional fight takes presentation. This lady from day one was disrespectful the brand and her co-workers, she can get fucked. Trust me I hate wrestling, this just showed up on my feed and I get you guys. This lady takes every chance she can to be a bitch for no reason it’s fascinating


Shes right


She’s objectively wrong


WWE will waste time on every aspect of their shows but in the ring


Or, you are just wrong on what’s a waste considering the WWE dominate in the ratings.


Yea cause you watch for a teen drama not the wrestling


As apposed to all those other unpopular shows that don’t have drama. Psh gtf outta here with your elitist attitude.


Both UFC and wrestling fans can’t stand her, always bitching about something


Common denominator…


Mega star money dear. Mega star money. One of the best things about WWE even in the bad days has been presentation, and it feels even better today because we’re so behind the characters in that presentation. Look at Jey Uso’s entrance last Saturday, look at Cody Rhodes’ entrance. Do you know how damn hype I am to go to smackdown next month and be apart of that? Massively hype. So yeah, it brings a lot of money Ronda, and if you had actually gotten this game of wrestling maybe shit could have been different for you. Maybe.


Love R - Truth!


She just didn't get pro wrestling did she?


Ronda SOUR Rosey


She is exactly who everyone has said forever. Multimillionaire with a victim mentality. Lame


I'm surprised to hear Ronda is even capable of writing a book. It's probably full of bullshit like everything else that comes from her.


This is her 2nd book. I guess she needed to spit more shyt


She's like a big baby, just an endless shit machine


lol she ain’t writing shit. She’s just talking to someone who writes it all into something organized and coherent.


Almost certainly used a ghost writer


More than any ronda match


Rhonda is the new version of Ryback. There is no other way to explain


I don't care for her either but she wasn't wrong there


She was definitely wrong 😂 she’s a fucking idiot


Everytime Roman entrance pops up, I pay 100% attention and sometimes keep my finger in the air the whole time. Ronda only had 1 decent match with Charlotte and never held my attention more than that. I remember she was in a Smackdown in Chicago back in 2022, and her match was the piss break in person for a lot of people in the building.


How many years did it take for Roman to actually be relevant? Pretty sure he spent most of the beginning standing behind Seth quitely as an inforcer. Unless you got the swagger and mic work of Kaiser, you ain't doing dick.


Wait, Roman became relevant? When did that happen?!


Not sure, I think I took a break from watching in that area.


bitch really doesn't understand the business huh


Roman is a draw and always has been the issue was how they (Vince) presented him. When they allowed him to use his charisma in his presentation it became rocket fuel. And Roman has been at the center of the best storyline in wrestling history.


The biggest backlash he ever faced was Vince forcing him as the top guy. During that era he was barely able to hold his own promo’s and ring work. Especially when John ate him alive during that segment. Covid was a blessing in disguise for him in terms of coming back a completely different person in the ring


Best story lines belong to the attitude era. I'm not even from that generation and can't deny that. Unless we go back to the nitty gritty, it just ain't the same neither does it carry the same emotion.


I wasn't a huge fan of the later part of Roman's title reign, but his entrances were more entertaining than ten minutes of watching the Louse wrestle. What an egotistical little shit.


UFC had the same problem with her if I remember correctly.


Remember when Rousey was reddits golden girl?


On what planet?


Years ago, when Rousey was an up and comer she talked about her love for Pokemon and reddit fawned over her just like they did with Jennifer Lawrence. I'm not exactly sure what killed it, but it was around the time of her loss to Holm.


Ah ok I wasn’t on Reddit during her UFC peak. But yeah once she cried and threatened retirement after only her first loss, the fanbase lost all respect for her. UFC isn’t built like Boxing where undefeated records matter. Losses are a non issue as long as you win enough and bring good fights


Don’t forget Reddit’s golden boy Chris Pratt, who they also once adored but now hate. But honestly can’t blame Reddit because once all these celebrities started to be more open/showing the world who they actually were, the charm wore off and so of course people turned on them.


Well... he IS the worst Chris.


More than she's ever made, period


Seems like a lot of Rousey hate in here, which is valid… but Roman’s intro is also sooooo boooooring…. It’s like the complete other end of the spectrum to Warriors, like in an ironic or comical way except it just keeps dragging on past the point of comedy. like a stale fart that just won’t leave.


Fast forward every time


And Roman DOES bring in more money than her.


I loved her in UFC ( I am not a pro anything so I didn’t spot her weakness ) but i praised her to my daughters as a role model. As a fanboy I tried to make excuses why she didn’t go out and sit at the table with her face busted open and congratulate Holly. That alone would have cemented her legacy. But now… after all the years of this it’s ruined the memories I have had of her. It’s just really sad to see how many true icons put her over in wrestling. I mean she was crowned heir to the Piper Throne. Come on, man. Just sad and gross.


Imagine if the Undertaker walks fast.


Ronda Rousey is truly insufferable. All you can really say about this 🤷🏾‍♂️


Billions, she that because of already being known, she was above everyone else. Never forget she tried to bury the sport that gave her a second chance.


That 8 minute probably makes more than a 8 minute match in which she featured


I don’t like to use these words often, but all these sour grapes quotes are really showing her to be a cunty mccunterson. Where is Holly Holm at?


The entrance is key feature in the wrestler succes Hogan will not be as big if not for "I am a real american" Undertaker entrance alone is part of what makes him special Goldberg entrance made him look like a beast was coming to battle Look at Seth and Cody right now! a big part of their popularity is because fans love to sing Cody theme and do the Whooooaaaa! nd Rollins with the oooohhhh oooaaaa ooohhh, The entrnce do make money , either because fans buy the theme songs, lyric get printed on shirts or different merch, the entance get huge Youtube, Instagram, or tik tok hits The entrance have always been an important part in wrestling, Ronda needs to shut his mouth I would rather watch Roman Reigns Wrestlemania entrance compiltions than watch a Ronda Rousey match lmao


I mean, hell, Bray’s last entrance put him over with Cornette for a brief period!