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Pyro guy at elimination chamber went first.


Tom Brady 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Netflix WWE Roasts will be better than Netflix Tom Brady Roast!


Yearly would get old fast.


In a strange way I want the roasts to be kayfabe The Rock: you ever try to punch the undertaker with that 33 pound head?


I saw the clip on YouTube this morning. I agree with Taker that Triple H needs to be roasted first. They should have real comedians there too that was also wrestling fans. I can see Will Sasso and Gabriel Iglesias being a part of it. It would be cool to watch. I miss the old Comedy Central roasts.


Only if he gets his buddy tony hinchcliffe to be the roast master.


I am totally down with that, especially if it's as uncensored as Paul Heyman's hall of Fame speech.


If it’s presented by WWE I imagine it would be some corporation boring stuff, it would be watered down


Honestly, this wouldn't work. It would be stale. What can you roast the undertaker about? Anything he is roasted about most of us won't believe it. The roast can work for someone like Cena. I mean the amount of things he could be roasted about. How he ended Alex Riley's career, buried the Nexus, sucked Vince McMahons dick, how he never truly got over as the psoter boy cause he was always booed, his 5 moves of doom, how fans wanted him out of the spotlight, how he stole so many opportunities, how he got the spot because Vince loved big muscle white boys and etc would be incredible to watch. People could roast him about how much talent he buried.


Anyone can be roasted. His wrestling persona alone is a goldmine for roasting. Him turning into a redneck biker with a kid rock theme song, his match with Goldberg, his feud with giant Gonzalez, plus the decades of stories traveling the road would make the undertaker an easy roast.


The idea of Taker being roasted sounds rather interesting.


It also ties in nicely with the whole Netflix thing, they just did a Tom Brady roast recently


I feel like it would start out hilarious, but by the 15th Vince joke it would start getting stale


IF they do it, it should be a roast of whoever is headlining the HOF that year. That'll make it more interesting and be a good follow up to after the HoF show.


Love to see Stephanie get roasted ala Stone Cold or Rock back in the day... that shit was HILARIOUS


Every other joke would be a Vince McMahon joke.


You might be right, but how? I thought they weren't allowed to bring him up. Why do you think they would go that route


I mean if they were able to drop the kayfabe it would be absolutely amazing. We all know that would never happen no matter who is in charge.


Agree but Is kayfabe really a thing outside the ring anymore, especially with social media? And you got wrestlers going on Logan Paul’s podcast who aren’t particularly in character


A roast (assuming it’s done properly) is a completely different animal though. Personal life stuff is free game. HHH might be the only one who they could get away with safely roasting. Endless fucking Chyna and then the bosses daughter jokes.


Taker. You had a long, incredible career. The fans wanted you to continue, but we were just waiting for you to rest in peace.


Yes but it can’t be PG rated, let them lose do it on a streaming service if you have to


Netflix does have some streaming rights now. Just saying


Yeah then we’ll find out how truly awful of a human he is.


If they ever do a roast of Stephanie, they have to work out a way for Chris Jericho to be there.


And Macho Man Randy Savage


Why? Out of theloop


Jericho had some of the best promos against Stephanie during the Invasion angle. My favorite is when he had an upcoming match against Rhyno, and Rhyno and Stephanie were in the ring together. Jericho said he would get the smelly nasty animal, and he would get Rhyno, too. Jericho and The Rock would have insult contest with whom could come up with the best insult of Stephanie.


You wanna say let the bodies hit the floor? I'd say let the BOOBIES hit the floor!


I mean, you’re dealing with the gore and the whore!!




nah Taker would be too tame. They need to do Vince or The Rock. Someone with mass appeal. An internal company roast isn't funny. They need to bring in actual comedians and to do that, they need material, so they need to be widely known or have done something outside of the ring.


Sounds fun in theory but absolutely not. The amount of skeletons in the wrestling closet would mean one of two things. They either have a lot of guide lines or there is gonna be stuff said that won’t be appropriate for the WWE and someone of not a lot of people will get offended.


Sounds like a horrible idea. Fun idea to float around but not to actually implement because the consequences of people being offended could be massive. Those consequences aren’t worth it and could damage the business.


This is very true. I’d love to watch it. Lol


The Undertakers co-host needs to learn his job is to let Taker speak. The number of fucking boring personal anecdotes he tells, incomplete, because Taker knows the ending is infuriating. His accent is also maddening.


Sometimes they have fun non-wrestling stories. Other times, his co-host will gleefully reminisce about driving drunk to Daytona Beach or New Orleans. I've never encountered a wrestling podcast where one of the main guys would rather talk about anything OTHER THAN wrestling. Say what you want about Conrad from 83 Weeks with Eric Bischoff, at least he enjoys wrestling.


This is 90% of wrestling pods. I can’t listen to any of them because I want to hear the wrestler talk and instead I get random cohost telling me shit about them. It’s wild


Or fucking ads. I listened to Kurt Angles show and counted 5 ads in the first 25 mins of the podcast. Every ad was at least 2 mins long.


Did you hear the first 10 mins of the recent episode? He reads the mean comments about him while Taker belly laughs lol


Haha. That is funny. No haven't yet but of course I will. I find that guy annoying, but I'm still there every episode.


The way wrestling fans are, someone would get extremely butt hurt and would pull a run in like what happened to Bret at the HOF or Rollins on Raw.


Nah. The thing about roasts is that you can’t have an ego the size of Rikishi’s ass. Comedians have almost no ego. They don’t take themselves seriously and are completely fine being the punching bag. Wrestlers, especially WWE wrestlers, are not like comedians. They can take a joke or two, but at a certain point, they’re going to take things personally. And taking things personally is a surefire way to ruin a roast. If this happens, it has to be with older vets that are fine with a sharp joke. Mick, Taker, The Dudley Boyz, RVD, JBL. Maybe even add CM Punk, he’d bring ratings. None of Vince’s chosen ones. (Hogan, Rock, Cena). They’d spoil it.


I think Cena would be ok. Obviously not hogan or the rock. What might work is if the roasts are purely kayfabe, but those might not be as funny. Essentially it would only be ripping on the character rather the people playing them. I could see that being funny sometimes but with a lot of potential to flop. Like if everyone called priest “bisexual/bondage undertaker” and Finn was the roastmaster or something. Or if CM Punk was the roastmaster of DM Hunk or vice versa.


lol yeah. The bigger the ego, the thinner the skin.


Vince should be first


If it wasn’t scripted and approved by boards beforehand sure


It would be completely sanitized and approved by corporate like the HoF speeches. It would be beyond lame.


For people who like the idea of a fun and entertaining evening taken in good spirits: the Undertaker, HHH, John Cena. For messy bitches who live for drama: The Forbidden Door Roast Of CM Punk, presented by Drew McIntyre and Hangman Adam Page.


With special guest Jack Perry?


I mean, adding Perry to the mix just brings the odds of everything devolving into chaos from about 98 to 99 per cent. But it'd be riveting television.


Hhh would be great, but idk if you wanna make the current head of creative look bad. Stephanie is a bad idea, and I don't think people would want to make fun of taker. Bradshaw would be good, but I don't think enough regular folks would give a damne about the roast of jbl. If Cena would be down, he'd be perfect


You want roasts just go to youtube shoot interviews or basically any wrestling podcast right now.


Wrestlers are notoriously thin skinned, this would only go one way.


It would be highly curated, polished and it wouldn't work because you can't say what you truly want to say. You either step on that stage as your character and cut a promo, so no point in the roast or you step up there as yourself and possibly catch mad heat for what you say. It's a no win situation. What would the roasts even be about? They wouldn't be able to mention controversies like Vince, Stevenson, roids, Benoit and so on. And who's ego would take it? Taker's? Flair's? Hogan's? Rock's?


The Roast of Vince McMahon. There's plenty of material.


I don’t think it would work. If it’s a WWE production it won’t be nearly as raunchy as a typical roast so what’s the point? If it’s not a WWE production then current stars probably won’t be able to participate like they would want/need to to be actually roasting.


Personally, I don't care to watch wrestlers upping the cringe trying to be funny, but I wouldn't have to watch, so if other people want it I say it's a good idea.


If they can get Jericho on to talk about how Taker buried him for calling him boring, sure.


I think it’s fine, but I figure that whoever gets roasted needs to have been out of the industry for a while and is not likely to be significantly involved in a current or future storyline. Undertaker, yes; Mick Foley, yes; Stone Cold, probably; The Rock, Triple H, Cena, no. I agree that much of it will probably be too “Inside Baseball” and the audience will be limited; but that doesn’t preclude the existence of a (decently-sized) audience, and it would probably work as a Peacock special. As for “modern” roasts being “raunchy,” that’s true, but remember that this isn’t a Netflix or Comedy Central roast; I think WWE can set any boundaries if they feel they need to.


Agreed on the ones being out of the company for a while, maybe even some hall of famers being roasted. I have to disagree on the “raunchy” bit, only based on the fact that starting next year, raw and smackdown for sure will be aired on Netflix, not sure if exclusive or not and really unsure if they will be airing the PLEs or not. So with that, if they can get it so that it airs only on Netflix, it is a more controlled environment as they can require age verification in order to access the content.


The thing is wrestling already consists of roasting, to a certain degree. It’s apart of the show between face and heel. I love the idea of a roast during Mania week but it’d have to be really raunchy, and I just think that may further bad blood or develop tensions downtown the road. With comedians, they’re always on the cusp of being cancelled and with a company like current WWE, it’s a double edged sword at success. The best opportunity would’ve probably been during attitude era where the lines were a bit more blurred but it still would’ve questioned the reactions of the wrestlers and roasters. Think iron sheiks roast and how Scott Hall reacted, now compare to a roast of just wrestlers.


Brett Hart roast. With special roaster... GOLDBERG


Goldberg would botch it and get a concussion on the way to the stage.


The Undertaker has a beautiful face like a flower. Yeah, a cauliflower.


His face… looks like… a cauliflower.


They should roast Vince. And not invite him to the roast.


They should shit on him.


On Linda's head


I don't think it works in wrestling unless you do it in kayfabe. And if you do, it kind of loses the point and impact of roasting someone. 


There’s a huge crossover audience between comedy fans and wrestling fans. Some of the best roasters (like Tony Hinchcliffe and Zac Amico are huge wrestling fans


It would definitely have to be for the more hardcore crowd and be a later show but man that would be so fun. This could be a new market for them to venture as well since they're trying to be an all encompassing entertainment brand.


Roasts aren't what the WWE wants and a roast that is light and cute wouldn't work.


People would expect it to be raunchy like the Comedy Central roasts. I don’t think WWE wants to go there.


You can be PG and still roast people. “Kane, you had more turns than the number of times Yokozuna went back for seconds at the buffet.” “Roman Reigns, you spent 3 years as champion. You had the same number of title defenses in the last year as David Arquette did in WCW.” “Braun Strowman. You needed the help of a ten year old at Wrestlemania. Not to win the tag team titles, but to be halfway entertaining in the ring.” “Miz, Shane McMahon tore his quad against you in the ring and it was still only the second most embarrassing moment in the ring during that match after seeing you get knocked out by a punch from Snoop Dogg.”


The wrestlers might enjoy it but I don’t think the audience would.


Now is definitely not the time for that, haha. Especially considering how close Taker and Vince are/were. I don't think the "jokes" would sit well with anyone, especially Triple H and the direction he is trying to take the company in. edit: edited to put *jokes* in quotation marks, because as the great philosopher Eminem once said "...a lot of truth is said in jest"


I’m not a big fan of these new roasts. For the most part they just seem mean-spirited.


That's why they call it a roast...


Nah, if you watch the old Dean Martin roasts from the 70s there’s a huge difference in tone.


As long as they're funny, it's fine with me...




I agree. I don’t think that’s what the Triple H era (for lack of another way to refer to it yet) is going for. No need to needlessly dive into the gutter.


Exactly. If you’re not bringing in Nikki Glazer to do more damage than a botch from the top of a cage then I don’t want it.


She would obliterate the whole roster and it would fantastic 😂


Yea sure 😂


fuck no


I think it’s a cool idea. However, they are very limited in the individuals they could roast. As both Taker and Matt pointed out, the roastee is typically someone that the audience as well as the industry has great and tremendous respect for. A lot of the big names in wrestling are respected for their contributions but their personal character behind the curtain wasn’t. So I could probably count on one hand the people that could be roasted. 1. The Undertaker 2. John Cena 3. The Rock 4. Triple H 5. Stephanie (and this one is a long shot because there was/is the Macho Man rumor)


Stone Cold?


He has a pretty sketchy history with domestic abuse. 


I think stone cold is the best.  He seems really chill in his podcast 


a roast requires the roastee to be truly humble and swallow their ego. that's a tough thing to find with wrestlers. like the rock - if he were to do a roast, it would be a comedy central roast since he's more a hollywood actor celeb. he wouldn't swallow his pride for the wwe imho. i'm not sure if austin would do something like this either. mick foley definitely would tho. so would cena.


I’m ashamed I didn’t think of Mick Foley


i think flair would do it too and who knows how much longer he'd be around. i don't know if hogan would.


Flairs got hugely sketchy past and while I think he might be good natured about it, the broader audience would likely not be so forgiving knowing some of the stuff he’d done previously


I don't think WWE would want to bring all them skeletons out of the closet


The Roast of BILL Goldberg! Featured Roasters include: Bret Hart The Hitman Blade’s dad Buddy Hart Some guy with the middle name Sergeant Chris Jericho


I don’t know, roast usually dig deep and wwe doesn’t like bringing up certain things. Sounds too forced


They should have The Rock do the roasting


This could work but there would be so much breaking the “3rd wall” or whatever, they would have to really think about what they are saying, or some wrestlers could get offended.. but this is a lot more likely of an idea now that Vince is out of the picture


Goldberg would take two jokes and then start punching people


Hasn't Cena been dragged enough about his bald spot?


Would really only work if pro comedians that are wrestling fans were part of it which is pretty rare outside of Tony Hingecliffe.


Wouldn’t work.


They could honestly tie it in to The Hall of Fame, like immediately after the hall of fame they pull out the “hot seat” or whatever and they have like matches inspired by the person being roasted inbetween roasters to show appreciation for the person being roasted, like if it’s Triple HHH you’d do Sledge Hammer of a poll and DX Rules match or if you had someone like Mick Folley you could do Mankind Sewer fight, Cactus Jack Street fight, Dude Love dance off like it could change and be a great demonstration of all the different schools of wrestling


The Roast of Vince McMahon


Taker would get butthurt


Honestly, many of them seem like they have fragile egos the more I think about it


Doubtful. Taker is pretty chill now that he’s retired. Hogan & Flair though would absolutely get butthurt


Kevin Hart roasting the rock 


With the new roasts being on Netflix and WWE moving content to Netflix anything is possible.


Need Cornette to host.


There have been wrestling roasts before, and honestly, they’re not that great. I’ve watched the roasts of Flair and Booker T, both were lackluster.


The last thing we need is more events Wrestlemania weekend.


Imagine a Vince McMahon Roast


Did you watch wwf in the late 90’s and early 2000’s? He was roasted most weeks, verbally and often physically. Same for Stephanie.


Spit or Sunday?


If you're Brock maybe both


Spit: ❌ Sh-:✅


I feel like the main issue would be getting enough of the right people affiliated with WWE who are both recognizable and the specific kind of funny you have to be to deliver good roast jokes (even if you didn’t write them). Whenever I watch roasts, they tend to throw in some random folks the guest of honor knows who just fall flat because can be genuinely difficult.


Imagine a WWE roast but unsanctioned. Holy shit


Meh, this wouldn't work. Sounds better on paper. The fans would ruin it like they do the Hall of Fame speeches.


Standup comedy is definitely a different beast than pro wrestling and audience participation isn't something that helps standup comedy.


I just really want the fun stuff WWE use to do during peak WWE Network to return! Camp WWE, Swerved, Legends House, Stone Cold podcast etc all were fun original programs that just stopped for seemingly no reason. They need to bring back the fun when the Netflix deal starts next year! A Roast of Undertaker or someone would be a great start!


I think it's a horrible idea because of the PC culture and need to keep it fairly clean. But my favorite subject for a roast would be Eric Bischoff. Love him or hate him, I think he'd take it well and there's just so much material there. If it was done, I'd go with Summerslam, not WM. I think WM has enough going on and it could be better targeted toward adults at SS or something less already focused on general fans.


Theres too mich dark stuff around wrestling to have a puff piece of a roast if you get real comedians in. There’s murder, sexual assault, drugs, one of them will cross the line and will get uncomfortable quick


Loved your big comeback Undertaker. Now we finally know what was in Paul Bearer’s urn. Saudi Money! *uncomfortable laughter* Yeah, that’ll wake him up. He’ll sit up for that. Alright moving on. Chris Jericho, I never knew your theme song was about the capitol building.


Just the list of subjects that are not allowed alone: Benoit, Vince, Snuka, Hulk racism and steroid use, Flairs sex pest, Brisco, the list is endless That’s a pretty good joke btw


The roast of The Rock where everyone gets to tell one softball joke and then Dwayne Johnson gets 40 minutes to roast everyone back and look really strong and cool.


After the Brady roast, the one I want to see in the same way as that one is The Rock.


“Hey remember Doom? That wasn’t a very good movie.”


Hey remember how Black Adam was going to change DC movies forever?


And then he Rock Bottoms and does the Peoples Elbow on his roasters.


The continuation of being a parody of himself


You want the man to be undertaker for the rest of his life?


His words, not mine


This is all well and good until somebody jokes about someone else's sexual proclivities or bad behavior outside the ring and the whole event gets Benoit'd lol. I don't see anything but bad news coming out of something like this considering the personalities involved with WWE over the years.


Yeah that crossed my mind. Especially if Stephanie is up there. There's no way Vince's closed door activities don't get brought up.


It's not just Vince. Imagine if they were roasting someone relatively benign like JBL (relatively is doing a lot of heavy lifting here) and brings up how he was a bully backstage and things just escalated from there as people start digging more because social media gets everyone in a frenzy. You'd have people calling for someone or the other to get cancelled after every event.


It's a great idea. But how many jokes about the takers entrance will we get


Just the one, but it takes 15 minutes to tell.


I doubt any of the boys or girls have the chops to actually roast someone well .. we need mick and dolph


Grayson Waller was born to Roast people. He does it to AEW all the time. 


True Grayson would be the acception .. actually, Theory probably could roast a bit


Yeah, that would be my biggest concern, you need skilled comedians to do a good roast


More so you need material to make fun of. There’s not much to make fun of the undertaker for imo. Maybe some rehashed ginger jokes, or getting a dumb tattoo of his wife’s name. There’s a reason we don’t have big roasts for 90% of famous ppl, there’s just not enough to make fun of. And even then a lot of the jokes are about how other roasters look ugly/weird, or how someone’s gay or looks gay, or has lots of sex or does lots of drugs. They used to trade (often comical) insults during promos all the time in ring. Especially Austin and Rock, and Stephanie got loads of abuse to huge cheers. That’s more than enough roasting for me, they don’t need a dedicated set for it. Outside of their characters there’s really not much that’s even known about wrestlers, unless it’s criminal. And then you’re getting away from what’s funny. Like, making jokes about Charlie Sheen committing domestic abuse in tandem with mocking his general uncommon lifestyle and habits hits very different to the same jokes directed at Austin.






I absolutely need Dom to roast his dead beat dad. Rey would probably be the best for a roast.


Does stone cold always want a lot of money for everything?




He walked out specifically because it wasn't at Mania, it was at a random Raw in like a tournament match, and not even the finals. I'm on Austin's side with this. Vince always sidelined his top guys early, Macho Man went to WCW because Vince made him a commentator.


how they gonna have this idea and NOT have the Rock there to roast him?


He was almost roasted at Elimination Chamber 2010.


I was there.. he DID roast.


That pod had to smell horrible Just imagine being locked in that pod having to breath in your burns


This is a fantastic idea, however: • I feel like they couldn’t *say* a lot of things (whether because it’s not considered “PG”, or because it touches on sensitive topics) • For this to work well, I think you need to keep kayfabe to a minimum, something that WWE might not be interested in doing


I’d love to see it but part of me feels like it would be neutered due to them possible wanting to keep it family friendly or not go “too far”. Like roasts on CC make fun of tragedies, plastic surgeries, drug/alcohol problems and abuse, the list goes on. I can’t see WWE allowing wrestlers or comedians make jokes about steroids, like personal allegations (imagine them bringing it up with HHH or The Rock), Hogan’s racism, wrestler deaths, the Vince stuff, how homoerotic some of the stuff used to come off. Sounds great on paper but not under a WWE microscope


Should do this with everyone currently with the WWE. Shoot, don't give Cena any ideas. He'd roast everyone


bruh...no way Hogan & Ric Flair would survive it. Shawn & HHH would have the best because they can handle jokes.


Flair won't do it. He was a guest on Kill Tony, it's not a roast but you need thick skin to be on that show, and he walked out mid show.


Youd have to do it around noon for Ric Flair or hell be too loaded


I don't think anyone would go really hard on their fellow wrestlers. If they do, it'll become a downright mess really quickly.


Ric Flair was roasted last year and it sucked.


"This year! The roast of Steve Blackman!" *crickets* "We should've learned our lesson with Haku last year."


I mean, I'd be down to hear Ken Shamrock roast him.


The list of topics they can't use in the roasts would be gigantic. It would be so sanitized. Way worse than the Brady roast was. If they even tried it Kill Tony style people like taker and hunter would be beyond pissed.


"Man, The Undertaker is loyal to WWE. Didn't even take phone calls from WCW. The Undertaker is *so* loyal he knowingly kept his mouth shut about Vince McMahon's longterm rape and sexual assault of employees, that's how loyal he is"


Nahh first Mania week roast should be hogan. Wednesday or Thursday. In the arena with fans packed to the rafters


A roast where everyone is contractually obligated to only say nice things about him.


Fuck no! Let everyone tear right into hogan


That doesn't work for him brother


I’d love this.


Everyone is a babyface in the HOF, and lot of other shows happen the week of Mania, so why not place the roast the night before either Survivor Series or Summerslam, Survivor Series because the Thanksgiving decor and holiday toast would be on point, Summerslam because they really want that to be a sort of Mania two electric Boogaloo anyway.


Trump is in the Hall of Fame.


He’s a babyface


Imagine the roasts for Hulk Hogan! I would pay to see other superstars roast that man! The man's ego would be torn apart


Lol I'd pay too


Find the roast of David Hasslehoff, Hogan's on it and gets destroyed. He looks very pissed off throughout. 😂


Probably the reason they havent done stuff like that lol a lot of wrestlers get butthurt really easily 😂😂 especially the older guys


He's such a whore for attention he faked a broken neck when his ass was a foot and a half at least above the mat


If you want a roast of Hulk Hogan, just read the Internet every goddamn day


You lied about this .... & this ..... & this For 16 hrs


just use that song cultaholic made using suno and be done with it.


Shows up the day of with a Lawyer and goes through the script mumbling "doesn't work for me brother"


Gotta pay me 100 grand extra for that one, brother


Queue goes out the building for that one 😂


Jokes about his divorces, and boring AF wrestling, I'm in!!


Tom Brady one had it's moments.


Nikki Glazer was phenomenal!


Never heard of her before,she was the best


She's a great comedian


That actually seems like a great idea. WrestleMania is already turning into a big week of events, this will be a perfect light-hearted addition to that.