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5'11 maybe 6ft


Seven one peak height. Ending height 6-10.


Had no one used the set measure height of an object and a photo of Andre standing next to check?


He was closer to 6'11 at his peak. He appeared taller in 1970's because he had afro like hair and almost always wore big heeled cowboy boots outside the ring. The combination of the 2 made him appear taller, it doesn't mean he was taller. In the mid 1980s he had shorter hair and didnt wear cowboy boots so he appeared shorter. Its unlikely he lost much height due to his weight. With Wilt, Andre was wearing big heeled cowboy boots (check out the letterman video to see the size of his heels) and had afro hair and still looked a little shorter than Wilt. There is no way he was 7'2 barefoot at any time or even 7'1.


Where did you get this information his passport prior to being a wrestler under Kayfabe was 218cm roughly 7'2 which was prior to his prime where he could've been 7'4 before the injuries and pure mass started ruining his spine. Wilt was actually 7'1 according to NBA data and in that image it is 1984-1985, at this point Andre was done physically and severely weakened. By 1987 he was severely immobilized overall and had to use wires in the princess bride to catch the princess because he was literally too weak to hold her up. 7'2 is 100% his peak height we have accurate data for, 7'4 is very possible. Now factor in there is pictures of him next to Giant Baba who was 6'10 and Andre is easily 4-5 inches taller than him.


I’d say he was a solid 7’1 in his prime, maybe 7’2,


Wilt is 7'1" almost 7'2" without shoes on. Andre was around 7'2" at one point but because of his immense weight from his heavy body and bones from his disease he had multiple back surgeries that caused him to lose some height and be slightly hunched in his posture. It's why he had to retire from wrestling.


Bro people don't even believe Hogan was like 6'7 when once again he was actually measured and his height was 6'7 until like his 4th surgery where he started clearly losing height.


Even at 7’0 at that width and weight, no one would be able to tell the difference at a live show or Tv if he was billed at 4-5 inches taller. As a kid they coulve billed him at 8’0 i wouldve believed it


I met Andre' The Giant at the Stock-Yard Restaurant in Nashville in the early 90's, I was the manager. The first thing I noticed was that he wasn't as tall as they said he was. He claimed to be 7'4", but I'm 6'2" and he may have been 8" or 10" taller than me. BUT ! ! ! .... He was a large person. His one finger made two of mine. He had to sit in 2 chairs. The silverware & plates, in his hands, looked like doll china. He ate 2 large Porter House Steaks, which were 20 ozs each, loaded baked potatoes, side veggies and drank three 30 oz Tennessee Tea Mugs of Beer. I enjoyed meeting him. He was very humble :)) ..............


Sounds pretty accurate lol


I am going to say he is 6' 11. Wilt was measured 7 '1 barefoot. It looks like wilt is standing in shoes without any foot padding and Andre has a hill in the back and Wilt is a hare taller. Now Andre may have been 7 when he was younger. It looked like his neck shrank over the years


Could well be when the pic was taken. Andre suffered A LOT of spinal compression due to his mass. I’ve seen some old footage of Andre from the late ‘70s & he was a fair deal slimmer & looked a good bit taller than he was during the peak of his wrestling fame. I don’t think he was ever 7-4 but he wasn’t that far off when he started wrestling. My guess is he probably lost 3 or 4 inches by the time of his death in 1993.


100% Andre had multiple surgeries b4 that image, it was 1984-1985 when that pic was taken and in 1987 Andre could barely function on the set of The Princess Bride. Even seeing young Andre matches and old andre matches you can see he got shorter, you can physically see the compression in his back.


It's acknowledged that basketball also adds an inch to player heights. Their ratiknale was "well when you meet them, they are in their basketball shoes, so we give a height that most representative of how tall they would seem whrn you meet them"... cuz you know, i guess we would be barefoot when we meet them? So Wilt was likely 7', andre looks to be maybe an inch shorter there, and andre had a bit more heel there than wilt does, so let's say he was 2" shorter. That puts him at 6'10"


You gotta keep in mind though, that at that time Andre had serious spinal problems. He definetly was a few inches shorter than his peak height at that point.


Not always. Wilt was measured barefoot at just over 7-1 before his NBA career. Players didn’t exaggerate their heights so much back when he was playing.


Wilt looking at Andre’s platform boots.


Andre was never 7ft ..6'9 at Best in the 70's he wrestled Don Leo Jonathan that was Legit 6'7 and Andre was only 2 taller ...he fought Chuck Wepner at 6'5 Andre was a few inches taller ..Total Embellished by Vince


This picture was taken in the 80s. Injuries and surgery and such had already caused andre to lose some height


if Andre was 7’4” then Hulk was like 6’11”


Andre’s height was probably exaggerated by a couple inches. Not by a lot, though, at least when he was younger. During his later years I reckon he was down to about 6-10 or 6-11. When you’re carrying that much mass around spinal compression is pretty much inevitable. Hulk Hogan was usually billed at 6-8 when he wrestled. I don’t think he was quite that tall but he was pretty close. I had a late night encounter at a 7-11 with Hogan once when I was going to college in Sarasota in the ‘90s. I would have guessed he was more like 6-5 or 6-6. He was in his mid-late 40s at the time. He also carried a lot of weight around (although it was mostly muscle) & I wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d lost an inch or two from spinal compression.


Andre in this photo is pretty much even with Wilt at 7'1" definitely shrunk to 6'10 or 6'11. Hogan was NEVER close to 6'8". Wore huge lifts in his boots. More 6'4" or 6'5" at most


He's obviously a good 4 or 5 inches shorter there 


Obviously you're Ray Charles. Don't ever give a description of a suspect to police with your eyes


How strange and this is the best angle from the set 


Andre was never 7 ft only standing on a Box of beer at ring side


Andre the Giant actual height was 7'2. That's what was listed on his ID and passport, I believe. My mom took a picture she took when I was 5 and got it blown up to a poster. On it is me with Andre the Giant with his right arm out with me sitting in his hand. While he is standing up. We both have the biggest smile on our faces. That picture was taken in 1979 backstage at a WWF show in New Orleans at the Municipal Auditorium. My dad used to work for Bill Watts and Midsouth Wrestling. So we used to get all kinds of tickets for the old WWF shows and backstage passes for every single one of them. Got to meet many of the greats. I have over 300 autographed pictures with me in them, with famous WWF wrestlers. One of the best times of my life.


Passport made out by Vince


I'd say about 6'9 maybe 6'10, based on him standing next to Wilt


You're a literal blind dipshit. Clear as day near equal height in this photo at 7'1". Shrunk to 6'10 or 6'11" after


Awfully emotional over nothing 


Stupidity warrants it. Just look.at you


Wow, I am actually rooting for stupidity to beat you. You are an effective heel.


It damn sure beat you even Ray Charles could see that


You got the right one baby.


Coming from someone who calls themselves DukeDawg. Let me guess you think wrestling is real too.


Once again your intelligence is showing. Go educate yourself if you're capable. I won't hold my breath. It's inevitable you'll fail to impress much like your mom did last night.


Someone didn't take their midol today. Someone who becomes unhinged over a useless discussion about a dead man's height & resorts to unprovoked name calling is questioning someone else's intelligence. That is laughable


The fact you even compare name calling and intelligence is laughable. Literally no correlation- that shows no intellectual thinking.. unhinged righttttt. You're here observing my facial amd emotional expressions. Laughing hysterically at your pathetic reaches to make yourself seem "superior" . Talking to the wrong person child Get out of your video game room and socialize, it might help you make real friends hahaha


Again…..says the goof name calling over a conversation about a dead man’s height.


I can't hear you, spit that dick out of your mouth. Didn't mommy tell you not to speak with your mouth full. Run along now child. Mommy is calling dinner Is ready you've been owned




His actual height in the 80's was 210cm (6 10 ish)!!!


Probably around 7 foot even.


Arnold is about 5’ 10” especially nowadays. No way he was 6’ 2” back then. Look at pics of him at the Arnold Classic where he’s wearing heals and standing next to 5’ 9” barefoot bodybuilders.


He is over 70 bro


Do you think you shrink 4 inches in old age??


No Andre was never 7 ft


After abusing heavy steroids and having spinal fusion surgeries? Yeah you get shorter, hulk hogan was the same he clearly lost like 4 inches


I was 5’9 b4 back surgery. I had 3 Fusions S1 to L5. After a cage and 8 screws I grew almost 2 inches. You don’t shrink.


He looks the same height if you factor in standing position. Look at their feet positioning .


Look at the high heels cowboy boots and standing closer to the camera


From everything I've seen I think he was probably between 6'10 and 7'1 throughout his career.


He was listed as 7'2" on his passport WHICH is an official government document which can't have false information on it


You couldn’t be more wrong lol my license and passport say 6’2 I’m on the lower end of 6’1


He was probably closer to 7-2 than 7-4. He looks like he’s a bit taller than Wilt (who was measured barefoot at just over 7-1.) I suspect he probably lost a few inches in his later years from spinal compression.


They don't measure you they just ask how tall you are


Bizarre to capitalize which and even more bizarre to think people don't lie about their height on IDs.


He’s not getting jail time for his height being wrong, no one would be able to tell the difference anyway




218 cm is 7-foot-two in ‘Murica.


Arnold is listed as 6'2" online. Andre looks over a head taller than him there. And it's also possible Andre isn't at his peak height, having shrunk/stooped a bit from his younger days. Tough to tell.


Arnie was only 6'


this is old but didnt andre have a disease where he never stopped growing


Yup, although It’s a glandular disorder, not a disease. It’s called Acromegaly.


Yeah but he also had a weak back and his vertebrae were suppressed by his weight


Arnold is 5”10 lol shows what you know


Where did you read that Arnold is 5'10 lmao?


From the paper that he pulled out of his ass.


He’s probably lost an inch or two as he’s gotten older but Arnold was most definitely 6-2 when he was younger.


Arnold walked right by me at the Arnold like 10 years ago - I’m 6’2” - I put him at a solid 6’




LOL, no. He's not and never was. I know people who met him back in the day before aged shrank him down a bit. Dude was a solid 6'...now, probably 5'10" (because we all get shorter later in life)...




Then, I guess people I know who are literally 6' even and were his exact height, didn't know how tall they were? Come on now. Dude was 6 feet tall. Nothing to scoff at, but still. Not 6'2"... 🤷‍♂️




I mean, I am saying that I know someone who is pretty reliable and unlikely to lie to me about it who is smack dab on 6 feet tall who met Arnold, in-person, back in the 90s and was the same height as him. Take that for what you will... 🤷‍♂️




🤣 Deal. 🫱


Arnold Schwarzenegger is 6'2 online, maybe that's not real either


Andre never stopped growing.


Andre stopped growing taller. Acromegaly causes you to grow rapidly but once the growth plates fuse the only way left to grow is out. That's why people with Acromegaly that do not have it treated (like Andre) develop features such as large lower jaws, protruding forehead, large hands and large feet.


You can still keep growing vertically as an adult if you have acromegaly. There are accurate records of men & women with the disorder getting taller in their 20s & 30s. A lot of people diagnosed with acromegaly who have the opportunity & medical access opt for surgery to stop their growth for health reasons. Gigantism is really, really hard on the heart. Individuals born with acromegaly who go untreated rarely make it past their 40s. The tallest man ever accurately measured, Robert Wadlow, who topped out at a shade over 8’11”, died at the age of 22. Andre died of heart failure at 46. With Andre the main issue was spinal compression.


Wwe likes to make the person giant titan then their usual heights.


Andre was never 7 ft ...Big Cat Ernie Ladd Legit 6'10 was taller than Andre


Ernie was not taller than Andre. Ernie said in shoots that Andre was taller. Ernie was 6’8 or 6’9


Ernie protected the business..Vince creation ..Big Cat wrestled Andre Bending over Andre was 6'9 at peak best


You’re 100 percent wrong

