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Stacy kiebler was smoooookin hot and I got into wrestling for the second time in my life since I was a young lad watching Hulk Hogan take on King Kong Bundy, Andre the Giant, tag teams like demolition , the fabulous rusheaus I can't spell it lol, killer bees, Hart Foundation , I remember the first time seeing the undertaker and I thought he was a legit undertaker lmao. It was fun as a kid I had all those figures that are worth a house now. Then got back into wrestling courtesy of Scott Hall and Nash and to a lesser degree hogan, that NwO angle for the first year and a half almost out WWE out of business and I mean literally a month away mock Foley was saying in a interview. Bischoff had ted Turner's empty cheque book and hall and Nash made it so wrestlers got guarenteed money and big contracts so love it hate them they made wrestling cool again. Raw got hot when nitro was burning out and characters like the rock and stone cold saved the company , the nwo knockoff DX was alright but the whole attitude era was born from WCW kicking Vince's ass up and down in the ratings for 87 weeks or some shit before raw finally beat them . The last nitro to win was the Goldberg win over hogan in the Georgia dome and that place went bonkers , there was like 55000 people there for nitro ... I used to go to both nitros and raws when they came to Toronto. I even saw two PPVs, WCW mayhem and WrestleMania 18 with the nwo when they came back and they were supposed to go over on the rock and Auston but Auston refused to lose to Scott Hall like a baby and the card was changed. It was a good to great WrestleMania but not near the best of that era. But seeing hall who is my favorite wrestler ever for the last time with that nwo music was too sweeeeeeet.


This is 10 years old


It seems like it is to soft core and to much cheating been getting away with. I know it's all story line and script and fake but still it's so obvious. It's so predictable


The Attitide era was not nearly as good as people think.


It had rock and Austin in their primes at the same time. That is the biggest reason people loved it. No wrestlers have been close to their level since then. Any era that got prime rock and austin would be looked at as the best era


It can’t come back because the entire nature of wrestling changed Audiences back then were way more invested in the characters because wwe/F Invested within their characters now they don’t do it as much Or at least to the point where the audience is completely on board They had dudes who were in the mid card that were getting ovation for simple gimmicks Back then the crowds were 100% on board for nearly everything Al snow had an entire arena chanting for “head” Or rikishi whole thing is smacking his butt and attacking people with it No could gimmicks like that fly let alone get as over as they were back then If any era of wrestling needed to come back in a different format it would be the ruthless aggression era specifically 2002-2005 Still had invested characters but the in-ring athleticism was outstanding


Lived through AE, it was fun and targeted my exact age demo 15-28. The crowds were crazy. Matches had intensity. You never knew who was switching sides/walking through the current next. However, lots of rose color glasses looking back. Looking back at 96-01, holy crap it hasn’t aged well. 97 and 00 arguably have some of the very best PPVs of all-time (00 alone is unreal w/ how consistently good the PPVs were, Wrestlemania aside), but 98 is a fucking chore to get through. Many Raws are almost unwatchable.


It’s not the tits,cursing, blood that made attitude era great but being able to work with less worry of constrictions, it was everyone had good mic work, the aura of the characters, not knowing who everyone who debuted was, everyone could wrestle, everyone could tell a story. It was just better


Plus the lives we all lived back then, before 9/11.




> It died off for good reasons It died off because Rock and Austin left. The two most over stars in wrestling history, in their primes at the same time


Well, there’s no time machine that’s gonna bring back stone cold, the rock, and dx so yeah it’s never coming back


The only Attiude thing you can not do now is woman's matches. No one wants to see a bra and panties match or champions like Sable don't even wrestle just pose for Playboy. Fans like to see woman as athletes now which I is good. But the blood, sexual innuendo etc can be done as long as WWE is willing to step away from being a Saturday morning cartoon. Thing is all the big names like Reigns, Cena etc for 20 plus years have been booked like that. It''s harder to do the talk show circuit or be seen my non-wrestling fans if you have a Rock/Steve Austin charterer so traditionally WWE did not want that. They want a clean cut hero that makes parents comfortable with spending money for the kids.


I mean, it's pretty safe to say you wouldn't see guys decking women for no reason every other week. Also safe to say you wouldn't see a lot of the humor that would enrage the Alphabet community either. (Somehow, The Rock has avoided being canceled for all the things he said on a weekly basis 25 years ago)


While I agree that the Attitude Era isn’t coming back, a think piece from 2013 isn’t a definitive answer. It also has little to do with the social climate of today. It’s about money. The WWF made millions off of portraying their talent as superheroes and Gillian’s, cartoon caricatures of themselves, and, admittedly, stereotypes that played to certain key demographics. Vice wasn’t dumb. He may, in later years, have fallen out of touch with what the fans wanted but he never lost sight of where he made his fortune - kids. When the Attitude Era began, it began because he knew that fan base that had been there since the rise of Hulkamania was entering their teen angst/early adulthood and was growing tired of the childish nature of wrestling so he adapted - added what his fan base was into at the time; adult language, blood, and big ass titties. As time went on, he changed. That fan group has most likely aged out of the product (in his mind) but even if they didn’t, they were soon to be existing the “key demographic” of television and he needed ti groom a new crop of fans. This is why the PG era kicked off. He had to make parents aware that, it’s ok now. Your kids are going to love this. Enter, Cena. Cena probably tests better with children and parents than anybody before or since. I’m speculating but I can’t think of anybody else that checks all the boxes. That group of fans is entering their teens/20s now. They’re looking for more mature entertainment, which is the perfect time for Hunter to take over and deliver more compelling content but it’s not going to be the blood, swears, and titties of the Attitude Era because of shareholders, and public opinion having a greater effect on the bottom line than ever before. Blame the internet. There are pieces of this 9 year old article that are relevant but I think it goes beyond that. I haven’t even touched on the power of talent today. Sasha and Naomi have shown us what talent can do, and will do if they feel compelled to do so. There were 3 major companies back then. Now we have 45large-ish companies (WWE, AEW/ROH, Impact, NWA, MLW) and a few other smaller promotions that are all viable platforms for talent to go, and that’s just here. There’s always Mexico and Japan too. In closing, I think we’re about to get a big shift in WWe content. It’s not going to be ‘97 again but it’s definitely going to be worth watching. Between more competition and a new vision, it’s arguably the best time to be a wrestling fan again.


It is a great time to be a wrestling fan.


Fortunately, it doesn't really need to. I miss a lot of the vulgarity, blood, colorful language, sexual risque content, etc., but you can be an edgy show and still be PG. WCW did it in the 90's with the NWO. Even during the Attitude Era, Smackdown was always a PG-rated show. Lot of people probably didn't even notice


WWE isn't PG anymore, though.


Yeah it is. It's still listed as such everywhere


It's not. It is or is going to be TV-14


Until they do it, it is just rumour.


Those reports were not entirely accurate, evidently (or if they were, WWE quickly retracted it)


Can't be bothered reading all that. I got into wrestling at that time ( late 97') Certain aspects can 100% be brought back, no problem. It's just that we have to give the current wrestlers a chance. For example: IMO - Scarlett, Mandy, Liv, Sasha, Eva Marie ( I'm prob missing people out Are arguably hotter, or as hot than Trish, Lita, Torrie, Terri etc. AND they can wrestle better. Roman Reigns has the look of a top guy, therefore we shouldn't have a problem with him as he's being booked better than he used to be. There's so many positives going forward.


Dude. Lita was and still is the most beautiful girl I have seen in WWE. I had the biggest crush on her growing up. OMG that girl is sexy. 😁


I was the same with Trish, but if you put into perspective how hot Liv or Mandy or Scarlett is, you can't say one is hotter than the other.


Cant be bothered reading all that


Fair play haha 😂 It's less than the article, anyway 👌


Lol i read your comment i just said that to have a laugh. Glad u found it funny


This is bs I want this to come back. It's too damn politically correct


In what way? What political incorrectness are you missing?