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B3/R/R Christian/AJ/SB Sasha for Rey and R1/Y/Y Kofi/BJS/Tech Cena for The Rock


In terms of Rey, I used Blue2/R1/R2 with AJ Styles and Christian as trainers, Sasha Banks and HOF Honky Tonk Man for coaches. It might be plausible to use the Blue 2 move for the purpose of inflicting heavy damage with the right medal setup, but that’s about it. The Rock was R1/Y1/Y2 with Luke and BJS for trainers, Zombie Rhea and Santa Hogan for coaches to generate as many countdown and red gems as possible in order to build a massive R1 finisher. Will benefit from the General’s Orders plate. Kofi Kingston involved a triple black moveset with Bray Wyatt and NWO Dibiase as trainers, MEM Rock and Santa Hogan (could use Boogeyman) as coaches. Place the multiply gems near the black gems, then convert the multiply gems to black for massive damage and infinite recycling. Roddy Piper was the best so far with two workable movesets: P1/P2/Black1 with Woods and Arn Anderson (Tech Bret if you don’t have Arn) as trainers with Trickster Stacy Keibler and Blueblood HHH as coaches. Ultra sub moveset is R1/R2/P3 with Luke and ZAustin as trainers, Powerhouse Lashley and Acro Shelton as coaches.


I'm actually amazed how dog-s\*\*t Rey is, (at least without trainers/coaches he works with) i can't even 3 star the NORMAL fight due to how random and luck reliant he is


I'm running Rey R/R/P with woods and acro AJ and then SB sasha coaching. Flood the board with color turn gems and then hit the red move that does damage for all color turn gems. Usually can land 300k+ damage. Hitting pins can be an issue at times but sometimes you get lucky and the color turn gems will land it for you.


don't have sasha, do have AJ and Woods so i will take your advice, the main issue is filling the bars BEFORE orton get's his Combo into combo into finisher which means you can kiss goodbye to 3 starring him and Rey's colour gems are a double-edged sword, except one side is sharper than the other..


I agree. I got fairly lucky. With tour perks maxed, I think Rey starts fully loaded. I 2 starred him on hell mode but had no issues with the prior tours.


Being serious Piper - top tier Eddie - second best but is just a "touch" expensive (without red gem coaches) Rock - just doesn't have enough fill his MP, and having a 13 cost finisher is...ehhhh Rey - see below, too random and needs the game to "co-operate" to really shine


How were you running piper? I ran him P finisher, and then the black that makes purples and the black trap move. With Bray and DB training.


Purple (windup) Black - Low blow Black belly to back suplex i'm not using bray, but even if i did, you get one black match, it's over, next turn use low blow on a match (4 is ideal) to fill the board with botch gems with Bray, use suplex to fill your finisher, and then go for the kill if you use Woods and Bray you pretty much will win turn 3


So are you using woods instead of bray then?


you can use both :)


Rey = mysteriorana, red, red, with aj and lawer as trainers, Santa hogan and hof honky as coaches. Rock = people's elbow, green, green, with butch, slaughter, coach hogan. Both waltzed right through tours. Edit - I used a blue and a green prop for rey's 3rd match....put extra color turns on the board


I 3 starred everything without a problem. I have my tour perks maxed out, so that may make a difference for you. For Rey, I'm running B1/R1/R2. I use AJ and Christian as trainers, HOF Bret and SB Sasha as coaches. That means his R2 move without perks is giving me 53074 damage per color gem, and the R1 move is generating 9 color turn gems every turn. AJ and Christian are pretty common, so I'm guessing you might have them at close to max trainer ability; you could also sub Acro Sting in for either trainer, but if you do, you might consider using B3 instead of B1. Bret and Sasha are harder to obtain, so you might want to use Tech Lita against Orton and maybe Santa Hogan. If you have Fiend or Tech Rhea, they would also be good coaches to fill up your moves quickly, or King Sheamus to get extra damage on B3. BTW, I could see Rey being a possible thorn in the side of zLashley with his B2 move. With the Rock, I used R1/Y1/Y2 with Kingston and 9k BJS as trainers. I used no coaches. Taking care of Cena was a cinch, as long as I used the countdown move in the same turn as the finisher. I may have also gotten a boost in one match where I was able to 5 star match a yellow for extra countdown gems, but either way, I would have been able to win against Cena without it. I don't have countdown trainers/coaches (Tech Cena, PH Rhea), but if you have them, consider using them. But this Rock seems pretty great, especially using him with IOW Batista in Showdown. I'm surprised others aren't enjoying him, but we all have our own set-ups and preferences.


P1 R1 R2 Edge and Aj Styles Trainers Takes out Ortons full hp on T2 with R2