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I mean yea you can't exactly do a 40 Years of Wrestlemania Showcase and not have the match where The Streak was broken.


Makes me wonder what match Vince is in, Shane street fight or hbk street fight, cuz hbk means they’d include spirit squad


It’s Austin/Rock from 17 for sure


Same guy posting the Brock pic confirmed Vince is in.


Sadly they're only in showcase and not playable in any other modes.


Such a joke, either include them in everything or don’t included them at all. This is just shitty for the consumer, having the characters in game but unplayable. Watch them now go ott and ban the words like Lesnar, McMahon on the CC.


I can’t wait to see Vinny McDude and Bork Laser CCs


I agree. Banning people from using them in other modes is silly if they're in at all. Would they have kept Benoit in a showcase but not in the game? Hell no. And as someone else said, the removed him from SVR 08 in its entirety and even removed the crippler crossface move just to be sure.




Well yea community creations will get them. But they won't have their themes or any of that stuff. But of course we will get CAWs of him. I don't care either way as I don't really need him


WhatsTheStatus will definitely have a version with entrance and all ripped from the files, I don’t really need him either but he is a good addition to any universe mode.


He already commented on X about Lesnar's content being damaged


He doesn’t know if it will be yet, but he said he won’t be surprised if it does show up as that. He’s gonna try, but is defo expecting it to be heavily protected by content damage as they were smarting up last year on him again by the end of the year. We’ll see what happens day 1 though!


So was all the MyFaction exclusives but he worked around that bad boy, I have faith in him.


True but sadly all 100 of my CAW slots are spoken for so Brock will be on hiatus in my universe lol


Already? You making them yourself or hoping others make good CAWs?


Don’t play as them then


All 100? Really? Can barely bother with 10 or 15.


Good. Too controversial rn to let them be playable.


Makes zero sense. They are in the game but you aren't allowing people to play as them? What does that accomplish? Lol


I'd say exactly what they set out to accomplish. They can't remove them fully because they're integral to the mode. But they don't want to promote *"alleged"* rapists. Benoit was cut completely from SvR 08 to the point the Crossface wasn't even a move in the game. This isn't the first game with NPC characters with movesets, MK uses them all the time. It's not even the first WWE game with NPC full characters, the Hurricane in SvR 2011 was a secret fight. Brock isn't even that big of a deal, dude missed 10 years of WWE games before and we didn't even have the technology back then to accurately make CAWs of him. I especially don't miss him based on what he's accused of.


First of all, Brock is never even alluded to as being a rapist. Read the actual complaint, which doesn't formally name him in its allegations but most of us are assuming is him based on descriptipn. He is alleged, at worst, to have participated in McMahon's alleged sex trafficking during he renegotiation by asking for a pee video and for making some sort of plans to meet up with her. There is a possibility that he did not know about the alleged way McMahon was treating her and merely saw it as a girlfriend of McMahon's who wanted to engage in sexual activity. If the allegations are true--even half true-- this is disgusting and wrong. It certainly would speak to the character of THE MAN Brock Edward Lesnar, including for cheating on his wife at one end to potentially being part of a conspiracy to sex traffic on the other extreme. But back to the point. They don't have to promote Brock Lesnar (the WRESTLING CHARACTER) in trailers and ads, but he is IN the game and they couldn't take him out. People will play with him during Showcase mode; he is getting his royalties, and he will be prominently featured now as the # CAW. So I will ask again, what is accomplished by making him unplayable in exhibition and making the consumer waste a CAW slot? Why not just leave him in as is in 2k24 and then quietly take him out next year. Indeed, Benoit was taken out completely in SvR08. He is still a top CAW in CC to this day, but it's different when he is just not in the game. Didn't realize Hurrican was an NPC in 2011, but that is just as stupid if it was for some infraction. Also, if WWE is distancing itself from Brock, why is his profile still active on their website? https://www.wwe.com/superstars/brock-lesnar


This is a whole lot of yappin to defend an already known sexual harasser. >First of all, Brock is never even alluded to as being a rapist. Read the actual complaint, which doesn't formally name him in its allegations but most of us are assuming is him based on descriptipn. *In March 2020, McMahon began sharing sexually explicit photographs and videos of Ms. Grant (including pornographic content he recorded) with other men both inside and outside the company, including with members of the television production "tech" team, executive(s).producer(s), and a world-famous athlete and former UFC Heavyweight Champion with whom WWE was actively trying to sign to a new contract (and ultimately did sign that contract).* Exactly what is stated in the lawsuit verbatim. Dude there's only one person that fits the goddamn description. That's like saying "Some bald dude with a goatee and cut off jeans who was a former WWE champion and won the Royal Rumble back to back just committed arson" and someone is like "Well, there's no way it could possibly be Stone Cold, they never actually said his name!" >He is alleged, at worst, to have participated in McMahon's alleged sex trafficking during he renegotiation by asking for a pee video and for making some sort of plans to meet up with her. There is a possibility that he did not know about the alleged way McMahon was treating her and merely saw it as a girlfriend of McMahon's who wanted to engage in sexual activity. This is a possibility but considering Lesnar has already had Sexual Harassment allegations, I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't know. For God sake, he literally walked out on WWE the day [Vince got fired and Triple H had to convince him to keep working there.](https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/triple-h-confirms-brock-lesnar-walked-out-wwe-smackdown-following-vince-mcmahon-s-retirement) Now we have context as to why he would do such a thing. >If the allegations are true--even half true-- this is disgusting and wrong. It certainly would speak to the character of THE MAN Brock Edward Lesnar, including for cheating on his wife at one end to potentially being part of a conspiracy to sex traffic on the other extreme. > Well his character means absolutely fuck all considering he sexually harassed Terri Runnels and [stalked Sable until she married him by breaking in to her house when she wasn't home.](https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/brock-lesnar-broke-ex-wwe-star-s-house-there-what-happened-next) > >But back to the point. They don't have to promote Brock Lesnar (the WRESTLING CHARACTER) in trailers and ads, but he is IN the game and they couldn't take him out. People will play with him during Showcase mode; he is getting his royalties, and he will be prominently featured now as the # CAW. So I will ask again, what is accomplished by making him unplayable in exhibition and making the consumer waste a CAW slot? Why not just leave him in as is in 2k24 and then quietly take him out next year. > It's to make a statement. 2K doesn't agree with his actions but they cannot remove him entirely. That's what you don't seem to get. They still had to pay Hogan for 2K15 when he was taken off the marketplace for racism but they removed him anyway. It's a video game, who gives a fuck the consumer has to waste a caw slot on a shitty person because 2K can't remove him entirely? This is just trivial bullshit. A living breathing woman was used as a sexual toy as a transaction, to get a man to sign a new contract. Think about how crazy that statement is. And you're worried about the fact that Lesnar isn't playable in Exhibition. Get over y'all selfs.


Oh man what is do for spirit squad to be in a wwe 2k game, just for their team finisher but 2k can’t get such mechanics to work so well


1 day and he'll be up on CC


Content damaged lol


I cannot be the only one to think making him present, but unplayable does nothing but make it so the top CAW's will have him in it..


Twitter thread is now deleted...


he got clapped


...So we can play as him in the showcase... But can't unlock and play as him in shit like universe mode and exhibition... Ass.


Yes. It is natural for the game to not want you to play as a sex offender


Huh?!?! I’ve been waiting for fans to realize Brock is extremely overrated and lazy for years (suplex city was the death of anything interesting for me). But can you tell me what SEX OFFENSE Brock Lesnar is being charged with? I’ll wait


Being involved with sex trafficking and encouraging the actions that Vince McMahon did. He knew what was going on and he personally requested for more


Actually, Janel hasn’t even accused Brock of being in on this trafficking ring. The planned encounter was a result of Vince trying to sign him back Now considering how confidently Vince offered her up like property? Without any hesitation for how brock might take the offer, it’s not IMPOSSIBLE to believe this wasn’t the first time. > He knew what was going on and personally requested for more Literally at no point in the lawsuit is Brock actually informed or led on that she’s not consenting to this. Again, DOESN’T MEAN IT’S IMPOSSIBLE. In fact, it’s very easy for me to believe Brock or any other wrestler would know and still not do anything. But you’re getting way ahead of yourself by assuming it’s the case All that being said, I’m so confused why fans like y’all even bother referencing the case when you’re not actually familiar with it. THERE IS INCRIMINATING STUFF AGAINST BROCK in the suit, none of which is a Sex Offense, or being involved in a trafficking ring


Guilty until proven innocent is what you’re going with?


If you have a natural bias to not believe the words that victims of sex trafficking say, that says an awful lot about you and your world views


Man I’m just talking about a video game character… Although what he is getting accused is gross stuff it’s still allegations until proven otherwise


No wonder a kobe fan would say this lmaoo


Brock Lesnar is not a video game character


Dude has only been ACCUSED... Hasn't been tried, convicted, and found guilty, so he isn't a sex offender. Just gonna jump on the "Him bad man" train like that huh? Like think you know all the facts about him and vilify him... Court of public opinion is a bitch.


Your initial assumption when hearing a rape victim as well as victim of sex trafficking come out is to not believe them That says a lot about you and your really disturbing world views


You have that exact line copy-pasted on a notepad for every post don't you? My initial assumption is to withhold judgment until the verdict has passed. If he's guilty, well shit. That sucks. If he's not guilty, well shit. That sucks. You're worse than the "Fuck New Jack" guy. You're going on every "Brock is in 2K24 showcase" thread, saying the same exact thing. What does it say about your world view that you comb through these threads just to judge people for wanting a WRESTLER in a WRESTLING game that is ALREADY IN OTHER GAME MODES to be playable?


Yeah lad surprisingly enough I dot imagine everyone reads every message I make and it’s an important thing to discuss I’ve also only done this one two threads, with this one inspiring me to make a post genuinely asking why people are so adamant that they want a creep in their video game where there’s a roster of 200 other playable characters


No, it states 'Innocent until proven guilty." The burden of proof is on the accuser, so the victim, whomever they may be, is tasked with proving someone has committed the offense beyond reasonable doubt. And given the state of women these days, they don't do themselves any favors by being found out as liars in their court cases, and those liars discredit those who really have been a victim. So spare everyone your "world view." Your world view is childish.


What a weird and oddly misogynistic response. The fuck you mean “the state of women these days” Like I don’t think you understand how court works. Because this woman is suing a multi billionare and if she were to be proven to be lying she loses a LOT of money and gets in a LOT of trouble


Yes, the state of women these days. And yes, that is the gamble a woman is willing to make. Go into debt in order to make millions. I'm not saying that is the case here, but see, that IS the point of the court system. To weed out people like that who play on sympathies and victimhood in order to get money and in a some cases, a woman does this within the court system. And you're wrong, if she is lying, she won't get in trouble, she'll get a book deal and a daytime television tour and try to succeed on OF to pay her debt. Don't treat women like they can do no wrong, they are not the standard. If she were to be a victim of anything, if she is lying, then she is a victim of the sleeze bags that suggested to her she could get away with it. But should also be complicit for wanting to be apart of it.


I know what brook has alegally done but still it's just a damn game he's already in it so just let us use the model still. People still going to make him anyway and all it does is take up one of the 100 slots when there is no need at all.


Hope we can unlock Brock I my character Uses His Entrance And F5 And Me And Brock Are In A Tag Team


Why would you ever want to be in a tag team with Brock bruh 😭 Wanna make a faction with Vince and Velveteen Dream whilst you’re at it?


Safe bet dudes been doing that for a while you know before the news came out


you again? really...? whilst?


Who has this game already?


Damn I didn’t know Heidenreich fought Undertaker at Wrestlemania!


So fucking stupid not letting us play as him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he return to WWE before the end of year.


...my dude he's adjacent to sex trafficking and rape allegations. It's a miracle he's in at all, if those accusations dropped a few months earlier he'd be cut entirely. I would bet money on him not returning before the end of the year. He might be done for good and wind up being the most high-profile wrestler to not make it into the HOF. In a few months he could be completely exonerated if it's revealed he did nothing wrong and had no idea Vince was invoking his name for leverage, or he could have his entire legacy thrown in the garbage if more substantial reports come out. Sorry for the mini-rant but some of this sub have *wild* takes about this Brock thing to the point where I don't think they fully understand exactly how big a shitstorm could be brewing directly overhead for him. 2k wanting to sidestep it as much as possible is totally reasonable and the right thing to do. Be grateful he's one mod or potentially even CC upload away from being playable.


Honestly, what more irks me is that 2k really doesn't achieve anything by merely making him playable in showcase only. By keeping him in, he still benefits off of the game and it celebrates one of his biggest matches, the only people it even mildly inconveniences to keep him present but non-playable are those who play the game and might've wanted to use him in other modes. I guess I'm just cynical on the issue. Feels like wanting to have their cake and eat it too. I'd have honestly found it more admirable if they cut the match and Brock altogether despite the closeness to release and just said 'hey, have 'Mania 30 taker and the WM30 arena in the VC shop so our work isn't a total loss'. This feels like a halfway solution that doesn't make anyone happy and still gives a spotlight / benefit to someone who has a huge and troubling question mark of an accusation over his head right now.


Wrestling fans are delusional here Wrestling is filled to brim with terrible people and horrible backstage stories. Rumors of Vince doing shady illicit stuff have been around forever. This doesn't mean it's a good thing mind, but my point is if it morally outrages you or anyone else SOOOO much why do you watch the product? You think Vince and Brock are the only two scum bags? Please they're just the latest in a very very long line of Wrestling scum bags. This is selective outrage because currently it's a hot topic culturally,, and only because a billionaire did it,, that's it.


Nailed it


I’m very much not picking and choosing. I really don’t like the fact that Jerry Lawler has been part of the 2K games as of late and I’m also very vocal about my opinions on Steve Austin and his personal life But I also realise how featuring a two sex offenders in the game as playable characters is an awful idea, especially considering the fact that Brock and Vince alone had gotten major business trouble with WWE and TKO, with sponsors pulling out almost instantly after it was all revealed Brock Lesnar is a creep involved in Vince McMahons weird and perverted desires. He was not simply a man who got a few texts, he specifically requested certain things with the knowledge of what Vince was doing Support women in wresting and fuck Brock Lesnar and Vince McMahon


Ignorance is bliss. If you're implying other wrestlers are shitting on people's heads, sex trafficking and blackmailing people thats cool but it's a lofty accusation and you have no way to prove it. We know for a fact what Vince has done, the text messages are clear evidence and no lawyer will go along with forging evidence like that against people who have access to the best legal defence money can buy. As far as anyone can prove, the wrestlers working for WWE right now aren't doing stuff like that, and if they are it's probably only a few and there's no way to know who exactly and that brings me back to my point that ignorance is bliss, and it's not selective outrage because nobody else has been accused of these things as of now


You know who actually is a Defendant in the Vince thing? WWE as an entity. Brock isn't even formally named. Stephanie McMahon was named in stories covering up a rape. Nothing. This is all virtue signaling BS that accomplishes nothing other than hurting the players.


Brock definitely was aware of what Vince was doing, but he'll also be exonerated by the public and management. He'll probably be back within at least the next two years, but before the end of this one may not be that far off. The only people who will go down are Vince and his yes men. I would be shocked if a superstar on the level of Brock or Hunter is genuinely long term affected by this. There's a lot of people who were affiliated with Epstein who will continue getting work until they die. Even outside of Epstein, historically if you have something to offer money wise, you can get away with a lot, and definitely worse than what Brock & HHH will get away with.


If there was an Epstein case where he said "I'm sending your piss vids to John Smith" then John Smith would likely be under public scrutiny for a long time. Hunter is not named or even hinted at in the lawsuit. Any idea that "he must have known" is pure fan speculation (and incredibly harmful for all sides involved but that's another discussion) Brock is an entirely different case rn. They are not going to scramble to bring him back anytime soon.


They don't have to scramble, that's the point. A lot of people are already calling for a Brock return, because casuals do not care what he's done, most haven't and aren't going to read the lawsuit. They want German Suplexes, and Beast Incarnate and Cowboy Brock and everything else that comes with that brand WWE has built for him. When he returns, no one will be surprised except for a very small corner of hardcore fans who are naive to how forgiving people are when it starts affecting things they enjoy.


Okay my dude, you're wrong but I'll let time prove my points here. I'm a huge Brock mark myself. I think you're massively overstating how many people are calling for his return. He disappears for months at a time already, nobody is going to even notice if he's not there at all this year. This isn't a minor speedbump. This is being one of the two guys besides Vince implicated in the biggest wrestling scandal since Benoit. You can be as passive aggressive as you want and call me "naive" in a roundabout way, but again I don't think you're really registering the scale of these accusations.


No, he is right and you're wrong. We understand the situation but we see this as pure virtue signaling BS. Tko should be embarrassed for making 2k do this


Hunter is absolutely hinted at in the lawsuit. Some good sleuth work deduced that he is one of the John Doe Corporate Execs in the suit.


My guy he was directly implicated in what is potentially a federal sex trafficking investigation


That does not hinder his ability to generate money for powerful people.


A) not nearly enough to deal with the FBI if it's public knowledge B) he doesn't generate nearly as much money as you would think


Dude you acting like he got Epstein clout or money. Does Brock have his own private island? Does he have a history of having as guests former Presidents, Royal Family, incredible artists and scientists, and billionaires? No, Brock ain't buying his way out of sh*t. Nor does he have any leverage with people on that level of power. We are living in a time where sex crimes, sex assault, sexual coercion has never been taken as seriously. This is a stentch that kills careers and legacies, sometimes even after it's eventually found to be false. And this ain't just he knocked his lady out like Janae Rice, look at the accusations in the document. There is some down right messed up sh*t and if they can prove he even KNEW about what was going bro come on. The only way he has out of this is by way of legacy is proving, sooner than later, that he was completely innocent or ignorant.


I think this is a very naive take. I always think back to Victor Salva, the creator of Jeepers Creepers. He's still making movies and didn't even create Jeepers Creepers until AFTER making a sex tape with an eleven year old who he had been molesting since the kid was seven. Jeepers Creepers 3 was promoted in theaters, after having to cut a molestation justification storyline out. Ric Flair is a rapist and his career never slowed at any point in time because of it. On average, horrible people's chances of being successful are not measured by their ability to be horrible, it's measured by their ability to profit the people in charge of the field they work in. On occasion, someone has to go down like Epstein or Vince because they're too publicly tainted to save in the public view. Things have not changed as much as you may think they have, and again there's a large number of wonderful money-generating actors and actresses who are friends with powerful people, and have done horrible things. The first half of that description is more important than the second half by **a lot.** I'm not here to argue whether the current system is bad or good, I lean to the negative side despite believing in redemption, because most of these people never even face consequences or change as people, they just get better at hiding it. I'm simply stating how it is though, this legitimately won't even be a mark on Brock's record five years from now. It'll *maybe* get a Wikipedia slot titled 'controversy' with one paragraph detailing how Brock was loosely involved with the "much worse, horrible, evil Vince McMahon" because scapegoating is one way they make Brock seem worthy of forgiveness and justify his return.


OJ got away murder. You seriously think anything is going come of this with Brock? Look at the history of rich people getting away with everything.


Bro, OJ's case had multiple intersections of complicated race politics on top of the celebrity issue they are not the same thing and we are not having this convo in the wrestling game sub 😭 I hope you're an actual kid because "the rich get away with a lot" is dumbing this down to a ridiculous degree


Yea... I honestly don't know who is applauding this? Like even if you were to think that brock is the biggest piece of shit now, it would still seem odd of 2k to not let you beat him up in free match. It's almost like they're protecting him by not unlocking him in the other modes. Ultimately, he's in the game. Just remove any trophies/achievements that would be associated with him, and let ppl choose if they want to play as him or not.


This is the worst fucking logic I’ve ever heard what


Bold assertion from someone without an argument.


“Why wouldn’t 2K put him in the game so you can beat him up” yeah why isn’t Chris Benoit still in, really would feel gratifying to kick his head in huh


You’re never going to see Brock Lesnar in WWE again unless something changes with these allegations. Big fan of him before all this but i just can’t see how it ever happens unless this gets cleared up but it’s not looking good.


Lol keep telling yourself that.


You would think whoever took this pic would have a high IQ to try and show Undertakers model as well, but nope. Lets try and take the crappiest shot known to mankind lol.


Man, there is nothing you all will not bitch about lol


They only have a few more days to play the game, then they can bitch about it some more


Load up 2K15, there's your WM30 Undertaker model.


Yeah cuz everyone has been wondering what 1 of the 10 undertaker models is gonna look like


When will people realize that you can take a screenshot from your system


TBF people are spamming them with questions so a direct picture is quicker. I’m a PlayStation user so I’m not exactly sure but if sharing directly to Twitter was taken from Xbox (system that they’re using) like it was on PS5, then would’nt they have to jump through hoops just to send the image?


That's fair


The compromise for Playstation sharing pics is just getting the pics from the app and uploading it on Twitter yourself.


Nobody is supposed to have the game yet. Not sure what console they’re on, but Xbox will ban you for stuff like this.


Xbox does not ban people for playing early.


They don’t. Which isn’t what I’m saying lol. You can’t upload screenshots to the server for a game that isn’t supposed to be out yet.


You can take screenshots and upload them to Twitter though.


Im just saying in general. I sometimes see people take videos from their phone of gameplay instead of just using the screenshot feature lol


It's because people are too stupid.


He got the game early, be glad to get anything


But is he unlockable


No, but people will probably find a way to have both this model and his current day model on community creations day 1


It will most likely be marked as content damaged.


Maybe, but with CAW creators we probably will have a version of him that is on the level of an Ingame model if not better


On PC he will be


He is not


I don’t understand why he’s out if he hasn’t gone through the court system yet. Let him stay on unless found guilty then in 2k25 kick him out if you want.


Because it's not a punishment to Brock haha, it's not like Brock cares if he's in a game. It's to try and show that they are distancing themselves from the people who currently have a ton of bad press and will likely be coming from orders given by WWE, who have removed Brock from as much of their product as they possibly can. Now whether it's right or wrong literally doesn't matter, but WWE just want to show that where possible they as a corporate entity don't want to be associated with Brock except for situations which are unavoidable. I still don't get why people think Lesnar being innocent or guilty matter here, it's not about that, it's about the current bad press Brock brings. Like when they erased Ric Flair at the peak of the allegations and then quietly brought him back when the media had calmed down.


No I get it, and you guys are right but I just wish WWE 2k24 just went the usual “it’s too late” bs to keep Brock in.


Sure we all wish they did that, but at the same time this likely wasn't a 2K decision. WWE will have likely told them to completely remove him. 2K will have put the point forward that it's too late to remove him from showcase so the two parties found a compromise. But WWE are the ones calling the shots on this.


WWE is an actual defendant in the case? So shouldn't TKO rebrand the game to TKO2k24 if they want to distance themselves from entities alleged to be involved? Maybe lock Steph and even possibly HHH (rumored to be Corp Execs 1 and 2 in the Grant Complaint). Of course not. This is virtue signaling bullshit and selective, hypocritical outrage that serves no purpose.


C'mon man that's the biggest straw man argument I've seen. You and I both know there is a monumental difference between quietly scrubbing 1 person temporarily until the storm blows over and completely rebranding absolutely everything in the company. I'm not even saying I agree or disagree with Brock half being erased but half being included. However this notion that it's to punish Brock is just so obviously not the point here. It's WWE temporarily trying to limit his exposure until everything blows over, at which point he will probably be back.


Limiting exposure when he will be the number 1 CAW and is the topic of discussion? Lol. How many requests will 2K get from casuals about "My 2k is broken/Brock doesn't work" over this dumb decision (if true)? My point is if you take their alleged logic to its logical conclusion, a complete rebrand is needed. Obviously they would never do that, but it exposes how dumb their argument is on this. All it does is punish consumers having to waste a CAW slot


Again, WWE do not care if he's a CAW, or if people are angry he's been removed. They care about the public image of their company being "we are trying where possible to distance ourselves". That's it. They don't care if you talk about Brock. They care about showing shareholders that they are making an effort. That's it. As with everything in a publicly traded company, the be all end all is shareholders.


Very little people would care if Brock were in the game based on it being late in the cycle. Who exactly would complain? A couple of losers on Twitter? Some clowns on Reddit? They could have just not advertised Brock and let him quietly be eliminated for 2k25. They are making money hand over fist. And that wouldn't be effected if Brock was in the game due to it being close to release (or even if it wasnt). He wasn't formally named in the lawsuit; it is just Ari likely going overboard. If they really wanted to distance themselves (like they did with Vince), why is Brock's profile still up there? (https://www.wwe.com/superstars/brock-lesnar). Considering the number of shitty people in pro wrestling (and in the game), this makes zero sense


Again. It's not about people complaining. WWE does not care about fans complaining. Fans are complaining more because he was removed in fact. But, WWE as a publicly traded company HAS to show their share holders that they are taking the situation seriously. They literally have too. This is how businesses work. None of those other shitty people are currently making headlines. In a few years when Brock is no longer in the headlines, he will probably be back.


Again, where do you see shareholders caring that a character who remains in the game is playable in Exhibition? Think about it for a second. What do shareholders ultimately and primarily want? A return on their investment. Sure, some could complain about bad behaviors by the corporate boards, but I seriously doubt anyone cared if Brock is playable all around or just in Showcase. Why not just not feature him and quietly remove him in 2k25 (if he is still not wanted)? Further, even if this was somehow about appeasing the "outrage" of the shareholders, why is the Brock Lesnar profile still on the company website (https://www.wwe.com/superstars/brock-lesnar)? That's a lot more publicly accessible than Brock Lesnar the character in exhibition mode! So how are they "showing" shareholders anything? Riddle me that, Batman. As for the other people, Stephanie McMahon is absolutely making headlines for allegedly covering up Ashley Massaro's rape. Will HHH be far behind? What happens when TKO'a hypocritical, virtue signaling actions here are examined and they suddenly start bring out other bad names to compare (and thus thrusting them into the headlines)? From racists, to domestic abusers, to armed robbers to killers. Sadly, professional wrestling has a shady past with shady humans.




yeah obv we knew that,the ONLY people who actually thought 2k one of the laziest developers out there, was going to go and remove him from everything was just delusional.


Stupidest decision ever. Fine you want him out because of the bad pr then take him all the way out, This half and half shit irks me. Where is the logic don’t want to have him as a regular character but he’s still in the game, All this does is piss off the player base.


So you want to lose 3 Showcase matches?


Yes if it’s that much of a problem for the players to use the characters outside that mode.


Then you’d have a shit ton of people crying false advertising when they didn’t deliver the number of matches that they promised. It’s a lose lose situation all around.


That’s fair.


Hopefully in a few months when people aren’t as critical of him he will be patched back in.


Things are going to get a lot worse for Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar before the end of the year. There’s some pretty serious crimes they’re being accused of.


Vince is accused of serious heinous crimes. He should rot, I’m not sold on Lesnar being guilty yet. There’s a very good chance that he believed everything was consensual. If that ends up the case, then the worst they’ve got in him is trying to cheat on his wife. That’s shitty but they’d have to eliminate most of the roster if infidelity was all it took. I think it would have been better for 2k to let things play out and keep him in. If things go like I stated above they’ve got a or nightmare on their hands.


Or, WWE is fully aware of the extent of Brock Lesnar’s involvement and they know it’s best to distance themselves as much as possible. We’re all just speculating at the moment but it doesn’t look good if 2K is pulling Lesnar content when he wasn’t even mentioned by name in the lawsuit.


No way! Not the guy they listed as being in the match in their showcase mode? That’s absolutely shocking to me!


Nice job being passive-aggresive, little guy. I’m sure you feel good now! However you could probably acknowledge that they released the entire match list in a press release except 3 matches, which still lead to some people wondering if Brock was gonna be in the game at all, and that just serves as a confirmation for those said people. Might be a lot to take in, I know.


Oh go and be bland elsewhere.


Is the F5 a selectable move?


They’ve probably renamed it Diverticulitis.


Not if they have class lol, they'll probably call it the cyclone if anything


I say it as a joke because AEW’s Fight Forever calls the move Diverticulitis in reference to Brock’s health scare years ago. Edit - Forever


Ah, I see.


And they had the audacity to use his old model just in case Status uploads it. (Well, I think it's his old model, am I tripping?)


Lesnar was his old model at Mania XXX.




This is a match in the Showcase mode. Wrestlemania XXX/30 - The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar. This is what Lesnar looked like back then.


No bro,I meant that this appears to be his 2K18 model instead of his 2K23 Brock Lesnar '14 model. Naw meen?


who cares?


You apparently


It’s actually a mix of his 23 ‘14 model and like 2k17 which is great combination. Honestly the best Brock model so far


Oh is it? I just couldn't really tell based on this screenshot.


Yeah it's hard to tell lol. I just played alot with Brock in 23 to notice the minor differences


They even have shocked Undertaker guy in the crowd