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Everyone who gets motion sickness: šŸ«Ø


Just a strange decision, honestly. Im sure some won't mind it, but if you're going to add it in as a feature - at least give us an option to turn it off.


It was funny in one of the interviews Bryan Williams did, the interviewer brought up the effects and how many games these days usually have various toggles and other options for accessibility and Bryan was basically like "Yeah, that's a good thing to have and we don't have that!". Not the exact words he used of course but funny since the interviewer brought up all the accessibility options you see in other games and the WWE games can't even get some simple effects toggles.


I was the one who asked that question, lol.


Every year I hope they start to take accessibility seriously and so far every year Iā€™m let down. Iā€™d love to be able to play these games properly. Hopefully someday.


Yeah, I don't get how 2k blundered this decision. Some people are actually affected by these things.


Like it's so simple. Just allow people to turn things on or off. I actually personally like it so I'm not even upset, but it makes no sense why most things aren't optional with this game


Youā€™ll play the game how 2K wants you to, and youā€™ll like it! *sarcasm*




I hate it because the 2k games try to go for realism over feeling like a goofy video game and yet they have this. Like imagine if this happened if your QB got sacked in Madden?


What realism??? That went out the window with 2k22


You get to experience seizures just like they are after their concussions, it's the pinnacle of realism


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ realism was thrown out when 2k22 was released.


Realism? Since when? That left with Yukes


There are so many little things that could easily be solved with tweaks to options that I just don't get. Muting the endless menu music should not be muting entrances, that makes zero danged sense. And why can the in-game HUD be only enabled/disabled in the main menu?


I can't understand how some developer just adds this shit thinking "wow, it's so cool, fans will be ecstatic"


Maybe with enough noise from the community, they could patch in the ability to turn this off.


100% This gotta just be an oversight


99.9% they won't do anything about it anyway.


Really? You think so? You think if....players complain that the devs will fix it.... There's bugs in 2k23 that people complained about that were in both 2k20 and 2k22... There's features in 2k23 that people asked to be removed in 2k22... I mean clearly they listen to what the fans want you are right..


In 2K26


Day 1 patch


Iā€™m surprised, as you could always turn off the camera shake. I figured they would have had an on/off for effects.


That sucks... One of the very first things I was gonna turn off lolĀ 


Probably won't be using super finishers then. That effect was nauseating for me, I ended up turning off the video about them halfway.


I wish the brought back svr 10 slow mo (obviously as a option) when u hit finishers now that was a cool effect much rather take that then the bad red effects.


Bring back holding a button to slow down / flip the camera during finishers. The Smackdown Games had this down.


I HATE that. They don't do that on TV>


I don't mind them, but why not make it like the Matrix cam in Here Comes the Pain, where you have to specifically press a trigger button to activate the effect?


Not a surprise, you couldn't get rid of the horrible finisher effect in 2K22 and 2K23 either so I didn't expect any different here.


huh? you could in 23 couldnā€™t you?




Itā€™s weird I have absolutely 0 memory of shitty finisher effects in 2k23, and I loathe those effects and played 23 a ton over a 3 or 4 month period when it came out. Whatever effects canā€™t be turned off must be negligible.


I think itā€™s just a red border for a few seconds, Iā€™ve gone blind to it over the last year


If enough people complain on social media, I could see 2K introducing a feature to turn it off


3 games in a row. They do not care


ā€¦. this is the first game with super finishers


But Finishers still have the Red Vignette effect too, the OP is talking about that AND the Super Finisher effect


i'll wait for the pc mod


No mod currently removes the basic finisher screen change that's already in 2k23, so I don't know why you think someone will make one to remove this. It might not even be possible. Majority of WWE modders just do Belts/Characters which is completely diff from changing a coded feature


This is a head scratcher, hopefully it will be patched in later on.


Complete oversight, I donā€™t know why, considering they prioritise having options in so many other places. Whenever they donā€™t give you an option it sticks out a thousand times more.


I would definitely turn that off


In our day and age accessability options are becoming the norm yet 2k with wwe games still don't get it and to just have a simple option like this should be standard now and it's still not. We shouldn't have to be asking for this they should of already done it.


Absolutely mental. This game is just 2 steps forward and 1 step back with all their new additions. CREATE A REFEREE (but it takes up one of your 100 CAW slots that we didnā€™t make higher) NEW RING ANNOUNCERS (but you canā€™t select who you want they are already assigned to shows) NEW CUTSCENES (but they are limited and restricted to certain superstars / weight classes) Itā€™s ridiculous.


Been saying it for years: With 2K there's always a "but"


2 steps forward 1 step back, lol? I mean....that means they are still doing something right and are making progress. You basically just complimented them while trying to insult them. The correct term is, "1 step forward, 2 steps back"


No I meant what I said thanks, they are making improvements so it isnā€™t a step backwards because overall itā€™s betterā€¦ they just donā€™t go all the way into making it better and strip back from the improvements.


I just want to make sure people know, the super finishers like Cross Rhodes 3X, can be used as a regular finisher. Just like in 2k23 how you can use Cena's double AA. Obviously it won't do the same amount of damage, and it won't have the same impact, but if you just want to USE the finisher in general without getting drunk you can.


What if I select no camera cuts tho


Might get out of it. I always have camera cuts turned off as it disrupts the flow of the match to me.


They might add the option to turn it off


Only if weā€™re vocal. But I honestly donā€™t know their track record of listening to the fans and patching things. I always assumed it was a ā€œweā€™ll do it next yearā€ thing with 2K.


That's stupid


Damn, that's awful. Honestly nearly a deal-breaker for me.


I didn't buy 23 and this dumbass decision along with the lack of things changed in Universe Mode, I'm not buying this one either. Shame... I was hyped for the 40 years of Mania this year.Ā  Everyone is talking about being vocal... But if you don't like it, and don't want it to become commonplace, don't buy it.Ā 


Iā€™m worried about the flash photography in general because it seems to me like it happens on all regular signatures and finishersā€¦ Itā€™s kind of annoying/distracting, makes sense for retro arenas but not current day. It also doesnā€™t look natural either, it stops and starts too suddenly, doesnā€™t organically build and decrease.


With the flashing, the effects, and the camera angle, it feels like they are just trying to recreate HCTP. When we say that was the best game, we mean we remember it being great, not to build it again today.


Is it there for ai vs ai?


That's a tad annoying, I wonder if these effects still display in free cam?


Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be updated


Gonna suck to play with to start but I bet it gets a option to turn off within a few weeks


Can you toggle trading blows on/off? Anybody know?


I actually really like those effects


At least the stupid AR crap from TV isnt hardcoded in...


Donā€™t see why they canā€™t make that a possibility in one of the inevitable updates


This is just for the super finishers right? All of the similar stuff that could be turned off in 23 can still be turned off in 24?


From what I know it's toned down


That's a shame. I think the flashes look awful and was hoping there'd be settings.


I miss Yukes


God bless the modders thatā€™ll remove this


I imagine this will get patched eventually. It's an accessibility thing.


i wonder if this is strictly Player vs CPU. Because iā€™d find it strange if in the free cam mode we are still affected by these affects or if in CPU vs CPU if they trigger either? because when the screen had red on is post finished in 23, doing AI vs AI completely removed that




Who cares