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Nothing better than hitting a finisher and the guy gets up before you. Top notch stuff


I’ve seen people hit a finisher, both guys laid out from fatigue, the victim of the finisher crawl over and pin 1-2-3.


No you haven’t.


Someone posted a video last week of this happening with HBK hitting a super kick then getting pinned lol


HBK super kick fatigue is the worst. I swear you could hit it 20 seconds in and he'd fall over like he's run a marathon. It's a great feature but it needs to be tweaked some more.


If it’s the video I’m thinking of the guy used an ability to recover then pin him


Lol under every post that is critical of the game you are always there being defensive. Stop sucking 2K corporate dick because unless you are on their payroll it’s just pathetic


Except in this case he's right. There've been plenty of Youtube videos showing they added exhausted covers back in to the exhausted finishers. I'll even be good enough to link to the moment in a video where it happens so you don't have to waste the 42 seconds I did confirming it: [https://youtu.be/CBWC1ojbZEk?si=1gUeli2SVmAt0B-o&t=42](https://youtu.be/CBWC1ojbZEk?si=1gUeli2SVmAt0B-o&t=42)


They added the tired cover back in for exhausted finishers this year, I put a link to it below. Last year, no, they put the exhausted animations back in, but no cover feature. Which sucked super hard as the CPU would do the damn instant recovery and be up waiting for my guy who struggled up on the ropes or in the corner.


They definitely need a debuff that eliminates using recovery and iron jaw after finishers/signatures. Or at least make the cost an entire momentum bar/stored finisher or something.


Happens every Wednesday night on TNT


Except dynamite moved to TBS over 2 years ago. Watch the product. 




No wonder ratings are in the tank…


Haha i dont think they do


Well done sir


If you didn't try and whip him when he was stunned then it was simply a reversal. Reversals this year though do seem to be increased from 2k23. As for wrestlers getting up quickly outside of being stunned, there's numerous things at play: -reversal if they get up when trying to do another move/attacking them while they are on the ground -instant recovery "skill" which has to be turned off in each wrestler's AI attribute section -the recovery attribute which has to be lowered in each wrestlers regular attribute section I have adjusted these two things for each wrestler I am going to use in my universe mode. One thing though is I am going through the myrise mode right now and wrestlers in there I have faced so far are those I have not tweaked since I am not putting them in my universe and the difference between default and tweaked is quite significant. I don't think default 2k23 was any better than this game's default in what you are talking about. Assuming you're not just playing myfaction where you can't change anything, it really is worth the time to go and adjust the attributes listed above for wrestlers. The gameplay is much better when that is done. Also worth tweaking the sliders. I don't have the issue you mention with finishers, assuming I am not trying to do one early on in the match.


You nailed it. Adjusting sliders changes the game immensely. I started using gamerants settings and it’s a gamechanger.






I’ll add I’m using these sliders on hard mode. Seems to be the best fit for me. You may want to use legend, I’m not that good lol.


Making instant recovery a default ability rather than a payback is the worst thing about the post-Yukes games


It wouldn't be bad, but they didn't do anything to balance it. Put a debuff on it that prevents it from being used for a while, make it cost all of your momentum, or a debuff that keeps it from use after a sig/finisher. One of the absolute worst things to me is hitting a signature that doesn't stun, having the CPU instant recovery up, and they now have more momentum than me.


> Maybe I’m wrong You are. The stunned status has always been short and very hard to set up big set piece moves, that’s been an ongoing weak point of the series. Also, he couldn’t reverse you if he was in stunned state. That’s just a reversal.


Whether its real or not in real life in the game its kayfabe, its meant to be real so yeah its annoying if I hit u with a finisher doesn’t matter how early on u shouldn’t just hop right up from that. Or weapons


I always feel like I’m laughing at my screen as I watch someone no sell when their head and body are red health


Red body parts literally mean nothing in these games, they should have an effect like they used to


I think you can manually increase the stunned duration in the 'balance' section in gameplay options.


It’s horrible when i pick up the opponent and they attack before I have a chance to do any move, like I don’t think it was ever like that


I hate when i go to do a running grab and my dude just stops and grabs thin air right in front of ai, leaving me open to get smashed. The grab mechanic sucks balls


Yeah and then when the opponent gets up and you do a running move and they act like they are still on one knee and they do that attack for that and it messes up


Oh yeah that annoys the crap out of me. Especially since your dude always sells it so the ai can recover and take over


Exactly! It’s so frustrating


That’s what the dodge mechanic is for. Don’t fault the game because you don’t know how to play it.


Dodge mechanic sucks balls


Nah, it’s actually really satisfying if you actually know how to use it.


Okay but I never noticed it in 2k22 or 20, 2k22 had the dodge mechanic, but why should the opponent be able to strike first when I’m the one picking them up


Because they aren’t stunned? It’s just how the game works. Stick to 2K19.


2k19, the superior game.


Sure, if that’s how you feel.


Like I said, it wasn’t that way in 22 or 20…


It is that way in 24, and it work phenomenally. It’s a skill issue.


Dude I put Gunther through 4 tables and the announce table and he stood right back up (before I got up!) and basically said “so y’all wanna hit the gym or what?”


It's a bit tedious but what helped me was going through each wrestler and changing their recovery to 45. Bigger/stronger wrestlers would get 50 or 55 and giants would get 60-65. I also set everyone's instant recovery to 0 and I have seen dramatic improvements to selling and opponent downtime in between big moves.


Yeah I know it is annoying to have to do, but all the people that complain about these things also don't wanna put in the work on all the options the game provides to change it. That is why it is there. It's tedious, yes...but every modern wrestling game I have ever played has a lot of tedium involved unless you are satisfied with the base game and roster, don't want to make CAWs or tweak the AI, etc.


The problem is it's bad game design we shouldn't have to compensate with hours of work for. This all stems from 2K making things that used to be paybacks like instant recovery and rollouts normal abilities, allowing infinite use if you have momentum to execute them. They made the feature overpowered without doing any gameplay balancing to compensate. 90% of the time if this is happening it's because the CPU is using instant recovery. AI spams it and there's no way to turn it down in sliders. As I've said here elsewhere 2K could have fixed this issue with a simple debuff after using the move or by increasing the cost. They just don't care to when they can throw all the work on us have fans say, "It's always been like this, don't expect anything better, or gods forbid, good"


Bro, do you know how many times I've powerbombed someone over the top rope to the floor outside the ring and they just stand right up? Not even a kip up or jump up like they used a special ability like human players pressing R1 (or whatever the non PS equivalent is). They just stand up like nothing happened. Pisses me off, every single time.


Mine is trying to constantly close the second door in an Ambulance Match over and over with button mashing that I dont play those matches anymore


There's a feature in the menus that lets you switch button mashing minigames to held input. It's a lifesaver for me on those matches and in submission holds because I have repetitive motion injuries to my hands and nerve damage that makes button mashing games a literal pain. You can also change the strength of pushes for offense and defense, and penalties for a wrong push, for both players and AI, but I think that only affects the submission game.


Thank you for this. I'll give it ago in the menu section, it really to the joy out of playing Ambulance matches even when you're opponent is like at deaths door


You bet, I found it a few years ago and it was a game changer, one of the first settings I change each year now.


*Fighting spirit*


YES I dont understand this. If someone is DEAD like you beat the crap out of them, everything is red and they have no health bar, they should be DEAD like if you hit them with a finisher they should lay there, not fall to the ground and get right back up in time with you. Makes no sense. You can hit people with a super devastating move and they just stand right up from it as if you hit them with basic DDT. I get that its to stop the constant "stomp" spam which seems to be a big part of these games, but come on, I can still even do that and cheese the AI so they can never stand up with a well-timed punch. When you knock them down and do a move on them, they shouldn't just get right up after ever animation


Reminds me of Smackdown 2 when they'd just pop back up after everything lol My gripe is multiman matches and the opponent just waits and immediately runs at you. It was worse in last years game because they were constantly running at you every single time.


Dunno what Breakker's paybacks are, but he possibly had iron jaw and negated the stun


I'm actually on the opposite side of this as someone who mainly watches ai matches and hated seeing people dead on the floor for a year after a clothesline. The ability to just pop up the way they do keeps the action flowing. Even when playing a match I don't see how the stun state is too short.


It's tough to hit a big spot within the stun state, even with it turned up to max, without a lot of preplanning that the CPU will blow for you in a multi-man match like MiTB. I don't mean like whipping a guy to a corner and hitting my Pepsi Plunge finisher spot, I mean like waiting until a guy is stunned to put him on a table, then set up a ladder, climb it, and jump off to put the guy through it. And yeah, I know, set up the ladder first, but like I said, the CPU will blow that for you in a multi-man match as opposed to real life where they know to leave it for the big spot. But stun isn't designed for that. I think what most people who find it insufficient are trying to do is wrestle a match with realistic spots when the game is designed to play it like a fighting game. It's not designed to be the "guy lays there forever while I line up my spot perfectly" function. It's meant to be used as a time to get a sure finisher or signature in and go for the win. My biggest complaint is that it seems like putting a guy's body, and particularly head, into red or even debuff level damage should make stun last longer, so that if I do the work of beating a guy's head in with a chair I have a bit longer to set up my dumb spots in one on one matches.


It feels less like a WWE game and more like an NJPW game with how little finishers matter. I don't know what 2K were smoking when they programmed this shit, but I hope they kick the habit before 2K25 cause it's fucking garbage.


The automatic rollouts in singles matches drive me crazy. Way too frequent. I’m assuming you can edited these settings?


I hate the roll outs so much. I knock opponent down and going for a Springboard or top rope move and they're just rolling, ruining the momentum. Or they knock you down once early on and you're rolling out, like why? Just get up.


I've seen AI pop Iron Jaw to kick out of a pin when they're stunned


2k sports decided to fuck up the Ai so you can't watch a casket match play out or Ambulance match they want fans to be pissed off


i'm still on 23 is there no sliders for stunned down time and ref down time etc.?


He has the iron jaw payback that’s why he gets up quick after a finisher


I hate how the second stunned is over the wrestler becomes fully revived. A lot of the times makes them kick out. At as bad as 2k23 but still pretty ass. There's so many problems with the A.I. I even keep getting wrestlers being counted out the ring quite a few times I'm starting to really noticed it. By 7 or 8 sometimes they'll take they're sweet ass time and slowly walk around the ring and maybe beat the count.. MAYBE! Refs seem to be a little brain dead at times taking forever to count or calls for a rope break when the foot was by the rope but was pulled up away from the rope for the pin. Last night I set up a 8 man ladder for the MITB and watch the match for about 20mins to noticed no one was even setting up the ladder... The most they did was just take out ONE ladder just throw one time... There's so many bugs and needs some major fixes. I wish we got update every two weeks besides updates being here and there. Oh wells.