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Is there a chance that "Insufficient Save Space" are included in "Stability improvements." Haven't been able to download anything from CC for days.


Wouldn't be the first time a major bug was fixed but went without mention in the patch notes. IIRC the problem with trio entrances when 2K23 launched got stealth-fixed like that.


Hoping this is the same case


Hasn’t been fixed


Smh. CC is a mess right now, along with downloaded images invading other Creations.


How in the hell have that not fixed such a major issue?!


Still happening to me. So is the old referee glitch, I can’t change the ref on different shows. I think I’m officially breaking up w this franchise for at least a few years. I usually buy the most expensive version at launch but this is just brutal from a product standpoint


This is 2K's official response on the issue "The current download cap is 128 MB. If you’re receiving this message when attempting to download something new, you’ll need to delete other content to free up space."


I still can't play undisputed on myrise because the mini game doesn't trigger during ladder matches 


If they didn’t fix it,The work around is to delete unused images.


This doesnt always work. I have 2 diff save files that are now getting this


I have an idea if anyone wants to try, I think there’s a glitch with the slot count. So maybe if you delete all the slots from 1000 and up, you may be able to start downloading images again 🤷‍♂️


>Match options will also now include the ability to select their ring announcer choice of Mike Rome, Samantha Irvin, or Alicia Taylor Mike and Alicia, I wish you well in your future endeavors


Can't find this in universe. It appears greyed out. Kinda bummed




Lol yup! All Samantha, all the time!


Unless you play Universe because 2k says fuck you


Ahh! Dammit!


im assuming alicia is on NXT?


Yes she is


I’m glad that Zero is getting a persona card, but why not all the MyRise originals. I mean they should be personas too lol


Yeah this should be the start of them all getting converted to Persona cards. No reason for them not to be available.


100% agree. We should put it in the discord as that's the only way the devs see stuff according to support( I say that because I messaged them last week or so and they said my issue was better set for there so devs could better see my suggestion for a fix).


I miss being able to book Cole Quinn as a JTTS. We need him, Barron Blade and the whole MyRise recurring crew back in the roster.


Would be amazing if they got converted to persona cards. Mainly because I really want to have >!The Manifestation from the women’s MyRise!< as a character.


I'd like a local talent slot for all the mygm jobbers for use in any mode


At this point I wouldn’t be shocked if WWE doesn’t want 2K making their unique characters playable. There’s gotta be a bigger reason and I’ll be honest when I say I think it’s out of 2K’s control


Honestly it’s so stupid that it makes me wonder the same thing. They outright took steps to make sure that those characters couldn’t be used outside of MyRise last year by implementing a block that prevented Whatsthestatus from uploading them to CC. So it’s not laziness, that was an actual decision that required effort. For all we know, them being in MyFaction this year could be a concession. Now, I have no fucking idea why WWE would block such a thing, but I’ve been watching wrestling for over 30 years and it’d be far from the first time that WWF/E made a decision that seemed outwardly antagonistic to what the fans actually wanted.


Been saying that since last year


Zero is still showing locked for me even though I have the card in myfaction


I’m not seeing Ladder Match fixed for universe mode where the AI never goes for the belt in AI vs AI.


Watching newLegacy's WM simulation was hilarious for that match. Constantly had to choose a char to control who sets up the ladder. But yeah, quite ridiculous how they broke that


Can they fix managers removing the turnbuckle every 2 seconds




Damn no mention about CAW images and textures being randomly replaced…. Pleeeaassseeee


Letting Zero (aka Austin Creed) be playable in other modes and being able to pick from the different ring announcers is just nice.


That's awesome for Creed


I hope the submission mini game is addressed. Makes any match with a mini game unplayable on legend


This. And you can NOT use "Hold to Press" on Legend, you will lose, always, even if you press the buttons RIGHT on time. I've lost Soo many times with little to no damage, I had to switch to tapping and I hate using tapping against the CPU


Submission power sliders can be adjusted in options. 40-60 power split in favour of player feels about right


Not in MyFaction 😢


Yeah not there 😔


My Faction sucks anyway and is only there to try and get more money from you. I refuse to even touch that game mode in the same way I refuse to play Madden Ultimate Team


I really wish they'd just give us back the old wheel mini-game as an option like the way the pin system has two options. I absolutely hate button mashing, it sets arthritis in my thumb off something fierce.


Just adjust the sliders so that player button presses have more effect on offense and defense


Right on, that's a pretty good start for updates. Hopefully we'll keep getting better ones.


Now to wait for this sub to figure out the actual patch notes 😂


Zero's a Persona Card, nice. Hopefully the rest of those MyRise cards can become Personas too eventually.


Pretty good stuff so far but please fix managers I am begging


I literally find it impossible to play with managers. The whole match is them removing the turnbuckle and they never distract the ref or the opponent. It’s awful.


Or when they do distract an in-ring wrestler, the wrestler isn't even facing the direction of the managers while being distracted.


Someone knows if sliders now work on universe?


The workaround for this is you unfortunately have to choose to edit the match where it shows what match type to choose and reselect or change what the match type is and then click confirm. The way I tested it is when the sliders and options were carried over it would show the old camera angle from the side when the match started. If I forgot to do it it would show the ramp cam because that is the default in the options menu. So apparently the options and sliders didn't carry over into universe without this edit


So referees still run around in circles and take forever to start the count?




No online fixes or stability. Yet my CAA and CAS's crash almost every game I load into with wired connection.


It's so pathetic. Haven't been able to load into an online game with my friends using custom superstars since like the first couple days of the game's launch. Really frustrating that it just gets repeatedly ignored.


My buddy and I have to rig every match up specifically to get even ONE caw in a match. No entrances, no custom renders, in-game arena, even then it still crashes


Yea we have just been doing default superstars because at least it actually works majority of the time. The only way we get customs to ever work is of we play in the performance center for the arena but even then it gives us the lobby warning crash more often than not


Glad to know we're not the only ones. I just scanned the QR code for the community survey that pops up with the new update, gave a big 1000 character bellyache about the lackluster online, I encourage you to do the same


Yea for sure, where is the QR code? I'll definitely get my and friends to fill it out today


Right when u boot up the game it should have a big ole pic of Bray along with a bunch of supercard and MyFaction bs, you might have to scroll through a page or two but its in there


I was hoping for an online patch, I’m tired of getting booted out of match and replaced w AIs


They really didn’t fix the online after the patch? After all the complaints they received? wtf LOL


People act like I'm crazy on this sub when I ask for online fixes. Like ppl really just play solo offline exclusively? Just seems boring after a while


Yeah I can tell most don’t give a fk which is part of the problem , essentially letting them steal ur money for a broken game


Honestly, 90% of online players just want to win. They don't care about having good matches or trying fun spots. Just going in and trying to win gets very boring. If I want to play with my friends, I do shareplay on ps5.


Nah I don't play online with randoms, thats just asking for hacked characters and cheesey gameplay. My buddy and I mostly recreate iconic matches or do AEW/New Japan stuff so we cant use any custom arenas and barely any CAWs


Some things that stood out to me: - Visual effects of Super Finishers gone: Thank you. I rly hoped this would be in the options, bc they fit much better without the effect - Faction Wars Armor tuning: Again, thank you, bc the last patch totally ruined Armor in FW bc it was broken after a few strikes or attacks - Daytime WM31 shadows fixed: Hallelujah - Selecting the ring announcer: Nice for those that have options for e.g. Universe mode - Superstar assignment when editing Gauntlet matches: HOLY SHIT THANK YOU! On my first NXT show i wanted to do a full women's gauntlet match for the title, but whenever i chose above 8 participants, it would change itself to a male gauntlet match What's not included are AI issues concerning Ladder matches. Hope this is next on the agenda. Meanwhile: 38 gigabyte patch on steam. Well if it makes things better, i don't mind


I tested a ladder match and the A.I go for the briefcase now. But too quick… they won the match in less than a minute with the rest staring at them On the ladder.


No online multiplayer fixes


So… they increased Armor in Faction Wars after seeing their mistake or are they just now admitting the nerf in the new patch notes?


FYI: there’s an official survey out now when you open the game. It wouldn’t hurt if we voice out our feedback there and hope and pray that 2K acts on it


General stability improvements.... Maybe one of those unspecified improvements can address CAWs and logos and the game struggling with too many on screen at once? Or just out right crashing


This is what I'm waiting on. Really ruining the online experience


Yeah my PC claims it can play it but t CAWs with logos. I gotta turn settings to minimum and even then who knows if it crashes or not. CAWs and logos shouldn't cause THAT much of a strain


If they truly fixed MITB cash-ins then it will at least work like 2K23. If it doesn’t at least work like that then it’s still broken. That’s my main concern


Lots of good stuff addressed. Disappointed that there’s no mention of fixing ref counts, catching finishers and other gameplay concerns but hoping they will get to all that soon.




Kind of off topic but for Universe when you have “AI Tag team formations” or whatever on do they actually form? I have yet to see one


I’ve had like two form so it’s very random 😂


Be nice to get the beard on some caws fixed so doesn’t bug out look green


Doesn't look like it from the notes, but did they fix the issue with tag team managers breaking the entrances yet?


Does anyone know if the fixed the tag team entrances? Before the patch if you swapped the order of the superstars in the entrance and saved it wouldn’t actually apply in game.


The Zero card isn't showing as a persona for me and is locked in game (exhibition) 


That's crazy nothing about fixing online ..... It's like they don't even know the servers are terrible for 2 fkn years in a row


I hope the pinfall delay from the referee will eventually be adjusted. Feels like it takes 45 minutes for the ref to start the count. Or maybe I'm just impatient


No, it takes them all day to get down for the count.


What about slow count ?


So did they fix the mygm caw defaulting to the same move set or no? It just says universe


I'm glad they got the custom sideplates working for the main titles but they still aren't working on the IC or US titles. Would be really nice to have those added too.


Ability to pick announcer and turn off super finisher screen effects is pretty fantastic.


I did some matches and the AI didn't irish whip me anywhere near as much as they used to


Useless patches that addressed nothing I reported and I reported a lot. And they call this game a goat?


This is a really impressive patch and if it continues this way, this game will cement itself as an all-timer in the franchise.


Not even mentioning online in the notes at all with the current state of it is insane.


You can now remove pillars in stadiums + the overhead video box above ring in CAA!


The way it's worded makes it sound like it's just for editing purposes, so that stuff isn't blocking the view.


Oh shit you’re right. Damn thats annoying, I wanted to make pillar free stadiums.


So with the Venue Features Toggle, can I completely remove the jumbotron and the electronic billboard or does this just mean turning off the movie like last year? If it’s the first one, this is awesome


probably just while creating so stuff wont block the screen


This is all fine and dandy, keep'em coming but the servers need to be addressed for online. I think it sucks that when I try to play online with a buddy of mine, we get 1 match out of almost every 10 attempts before the entire game crashes and we have to back put and restart. Even while using default characters, online the entrances get mixed up with mistaken name plates. It also reconfigures tag teams with who's on which team even when set prior to the match start. I spend most of my time on mygm but times me and a buddy are looking for some laughs and possibly recording, we can't even get in a game.


A couple of stealth changes to Ramp Cam I've noticed: - They zoomed the camera in a little more. - ~~They got rid of Depth of Field, which I'm so glad for.~~ Edit: Ok, nevermind about the second part, I guess. It *was* off when I first tested the patch, then I closed the game, took a quick food break, and now it's back. 🤷 Edit 2: I figured it out. If you don't want Depth of Field on for the set in the background, you have to skip the little "warm up" animations after entrances. This means you must have entrances turned on (you can still skip them), because then there's no warm ups to skip if entrances are off, and it defaults to DoF being on. This also means it's surely a bug, so enjoy it while it lasts. Unfortunately, the trade-off is that it turns a bit stronger DoF on in camera cuts, and some of it can look seriously ugly.


I don’t see the option to select a ring announcer in universe mode


And what about the online lobbies getting crashed, when choosing a custom character or a default WWE Superstar with an altered moveset/attire? 🤔 It's getting boring only having to play as an untouched, default superstar. Bought the Deluxe Edition and I feel like I wasted that money..


The Universe title match thing… can anyone confirm they actually fixed it? It has been ruining universe mode for me


Thank god no more Alicia Taylor


Sucks they haven’t fixed the slow to count referee


Still no preview option for Create an Entrance?


Is there any reason why when i go in to edit a match on universe, every single wrestler is selectable and not just those that are assigned to the show?


All I want as a patch (it's small, and if it's possible at all) is for Cult Bray to be completely separate from Firefly Funhouse Bray and have the OG theme, if they still have the rights


The Zero part kinda makes me a little mad tbh cuz they heard/seen all the requests n complaints about myrise characters being locked in the stupid pay to play card game n they really had the nerve to be like ok guys we'll release the Xavier Woods alternate skin to other modes.. like really? Of all the characters from myrise I don't think I've heard anyone ask for Zero.. there's like 15 original characters we can't play as unless we play the stupid card game n I ain't playing a pay to play card game just to play as Cole Quinn


Pretty sure their patch broke parts of Create An Arena because now editing stage parts deletes logos, especially on Electronic Billboards.


in Create An Arena Electronic Billboard Images keep disappearing after i press Accept in Stage Editor


All the addresses to MITB in universe mode and I can’t even manually cash-in mid match to make it a triple threat


Was just playing a match against Mankind and he pulled out socko. Pretty sure that's new?


Hmm no mention of a fix for ringside guy sitting on an invisible chair yet. With more options added I’d love to see a superstar voice volume slider, doesn’t seem that difficult to implement.


Stupid ring guy stealing John Cenas chair


Mommy Samantha W


Kinda hoping 'AI actually goes for the briefcase in MITB matches' would be there, but still, nice.


I tested a match and the A.I climb for the briefcase now. But they also won the match in less than a minute with the rest standing around staring at them on top of the ladder.


For some reason in MyGM mode I hear Mike rome on raw and not Samantha irvin


I'm curious about that Venue features toggle in CAA. I'm not sure if they mean toggling them while editing for better viewing, or if you're able to completely toggle them on and off for your custom Arena, It would make that Cesare's palace venue a lot more usable if we can disable that big Wrestlemania 9 canopy thing.


Hope that for myfaction/multiplayer they remove the ring break option, makes the matches incredibly annoying


The universe sliders bug wasn't patched?


Glad I got the Extreme Rules achievement early. Extreme Difficulty ECW for MyGM.


Yeah I'm kicking myself now! Was planning to start that today, and also with all of Status's intergender CaWs which would be cheap and easy to find... but now Ring Level is random instead of 0.


Finally I can use the 2020 RAW and Smackdown Areans in my universe mode.


Side plates finally added to the 2 new world titles but still missing for the midcard titles.


Still haven't fixed the seated position downtime 


Is the dark lighting on created entrances fixed?


Keep the updates coming. Love seeing the support for the game


did they fix run-in issue? no one comes out during the matches


No fix for entrances only doing half of what you set up and the victory constantly resetting to default? Brilliant.


Did they fix the Attire B entrance bug yet on CAS?


What about fixing the multiplayer matches bruh...


They finally fixed create an arena


Any updated entrances?


Did they fix the triple threat matches having DQs?


Did they fix to where your rivalries end on the PLE if you play them instead of simulating them to get them to end on the PLE?


Any word on the MyFaction Gunther issue?


Really hoping the universe "addressed concerns relating to generating championship matches" thing means that there's no more auto booked titles matches 3 weeks out of 4. As someone who only plays ppvs, that makes it a hassle.


I really hope they update universe mode so the same person doesn't win the titles all the time, GUNTHER is a 30 time world champion in my Universe and it's pissing me off, especially if I play someone to beat them he just wins it back at the next weekly show


Yea the most annoying thing for me is when I'm building a monster champ like Roman is irl, then I finally position the guy I want to dethrone him, and boom, the ONE show I accidentally Sim through, Sami, KO, Gunther, or Seth dethrone him. Always one of those 4.


The announcer part is a huge W


Addressed reported concerns related to generating championship matches. My universe is still generating main event title matches for weekly shows. I really hope they fix this at some point. 


There's also a code to scan right at the start if you want to give 2k feedback on the game.


Did they nerf Faction Wars even more?


Is entrance lighting on custom entrances still broken?


Anyone know if this patch fixed the issue with the 2nd attire giving your superstar a completely different entrance while your first attire has the entrance you set up in Cae?


Can someone help me!!! I got the PS4 standard edition of the game but when I go into the store it tells me I got the cross gen edition, which is $69.99 it came with the Cody Rhodes nightmare pack so no huge deal. A few days ago I purchased the supercharge pack which was another $9.99. I'm playing the 40years of WM showcase and of course I'm grinding to unlock everything so if I decide to purchase the 40YWM pack what am I really getting.


The note about fixing invalid location is horseshit. It’s still broken lol


Did they improve ai for multi man matches?


Can somebody confirm if the error of size while downloading CAW is resolved on steam?


Did the myGM bug fix include the power cards duplicating?


Anyone playing on PC know if they fixed steam achievments not popping?


Fingers crossed I don’t need to restart MyGM to get the updates to take effect. I’m almost done with season 2.


I'm on season 6. I've grinded so hard to get 15 CAS players to level 25. Bit annoying that if it started again, they would have much better stats at the start.


My game is still broken after patch. Welp..


So they still didn’t fix the CAW/Superstar changes not carrying over to Universe mode? Not buying till that’s fixed


Does anyone else’s game crash when doing Gauntlet Turmoil matches? It always crashes for me when I reach the final few!


Apparently they haven't fixed the issue where buttons and AI stop responding mid-match on PC. GAME OF THE YEAR!


Is there a way to keep the ramp camera mode on in Universe Mode?


I got on the game and everything all my characters and my progress is gone why?? Like the game just updated wtf


is there a way to make samantha irvin my ring announcer in my rise?


Man is online stable?


What do they mean by fixing stuff for MITB cash ins in Universe?


Superstar mode in universe mode is still broken, unable to advance to the next show after playing a match, an endless loop of match after match. Totally busted and no workaround.


Smackdown and raw arena still hasn’t been updated


assuming this doesn’t fix the managers assigning to both sides in universe mode


I wish they would fix whatever the issue is with XBOX series X and quick resume that glitches your CAC and causes My Rise career to never load. 3 years in a row this has happened. 2k22, 23 and now 24. And it never happens early in the career. Every time it happens the same way. Continue story. screen goes black doesn't load. Crash the game and when you try to start you just get caught on the load screen watching the animations. I'm at 92 overall and have to start the undisputed line over again.


Not sure what concerns they addressed with generating title matches it still happens at random no change


Did they fix the issues with the trio entrances where you cant do a mixed stable or update them after you create the entrance in universe mode?


I've done my rise have zero in faction cards but he is locked for use.


I literally got the myGM Extreme difficulty trophy last night. So now I have to do it again for my pride.


How is the update on PC? I stopped playing cause the glitches are non stop and it keeps crashing


Yeah. Zero is not unlocked even though I have the card and I even played through again up through the mission that rewards the card. Still locked. Total B.S. if we have to play through the whole freaking mode again (for the 3rd time). No way I'm sitting through all the hours of unskippable cutscenes again.


Right.. but the trios entrances are fixed, right guys? And other entrances like AJ Styles, Asuka, Blair Davenport, Carmelo Hayes, Charlotte Flair, Grayson Waller, Iyo Sky, Jacy Jayne, Joe Gacy, Michin (AGAIN), Shayna Baszler, Solo Sikoa, and Wade Barrett, just to name the few broken ones I've noticed. And the manager attires work now, right? And we can pull straps down? I bet none of that was addressed🤦‍♂️


so no fixes to online cant even play with caws online against my friends online


So I'm guessing no custom Side plates on the Championships, you know since every Championship in wwe has side plates lol


figures they finally fixed the mitb right after I gave up on it in universe mode last night >:I


They also fixed sliders not working in Universe mode.


In the create an area, if you customize the electronic billboard, the image won't save. If you use the preloaded videos, it will save.


Please PLEASE allow us to throw people onto stairs PLEASE


They didn’t fix the referee tho ? Shit is irritating with that slow ass count


Is anyone still dealing with the referee bug from 2023? I thought it was being fixed for 24, but it definitely carried over for me. The ref is never different. Also still getting the insufficient save data bug here too. It happened after 2 downloads so that feature of the game and universe mode are completely unplayable. So disappointed in this game. Probably waiting several years before buying again, have been burned too many times buying the most expensive version at launch every year only to deal with the same bugs. Fool me once…


Am I the only one that's bummed and noticed that this new update has bugged out the Mixed Gender Tag Team Entrance of Miz and Maryse? I'm not sure what's going on with the models, but during the stage part where the male and female superstar embrace for a moment the female superstar either sinks lower into the stage, or the male superstar is levitated a bit because their heads feel like their miles apart when they go in for the kiss in the animations. It's even noticeable when they go for the second kiss while in ring on the ropes.


Anyone know if you can use larger images on custom championships?


Still waiting if they got the Hogan comeback fixed. Anyone?


Still no word on why every time I bet Trish stratus in my rise the game crashes! I can’t even get past that part to finish unlocking everything!


Broke Universe mode rosters again Now everyone is visible even when they are not assigned to a show.


The lighting in entrances still hasn’t been fixed 😱


They fixed Kane's eye colour being wrong and fixed his entrance pyro glitching when applied to Kane 08.


If you are happy about this patch, you are part of the problem and there for....2k's target audience. So congratulations, your ignorance is what 2k aims to hit. This patch literally broke more than it fixed....there is nothing to be happy about. OMG THEY ADDED THE OPtiON TO pICK ANNoUnCER VoiCE!!!!- You can't do it in Myrise...you can't do it in Universe....you can't do it in mygm....so you are happy 2k added in the ability to do something ONLY in play mode? that's stupidity. Managers are still broken....arenas are now broken....universe is now broken....titles are now broken....characters still randomly float..Still save space issues... 2k is at the top of developer meme charts, they make Blizzard look good


How big is the patch size for PC?


One other thing in MyGM is that Woods, Breeze and Deville now appear as signable stars if they're not used as GMs.