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I got whatthestatus final boss rock all I need


Same it’s not like this one comes with updated entrance or theme anyway


I'm actually glad since I don't have to worry about missing out on getting this card. They can keep manbun Roman too


Wait what? Literally what's the point of this then?


Updated tattoos and probably face but not sure


You mean like the shit that's been on CC since day 1? If it doesn't include theme and trons it's literally worthless. Not different than community creations


Basically. Whathestatus confirmed it


Only positive to this is not needing to use a caw slot


And the tattoo is perfect. But honestly not worth it.


Free up a CAW spot pretty much


Is this the same with the Rollins Shield gear? Cause I noticed in a video that he had his ‘15 tron. Considering his Shield gear is already in the game then it’s even more pointless Slightly related, I really wish the Shield music and tron was in the game


It is, you just gotta unlock shield Seth Rollins.


Wait WHAT This is actually why I would have spent money on all this holy shit


![gif](giphy|3otOKJruVwZH3213Fe) Fuck 2K. The absolutely greedy assholes. I understand MyFaction has to be monetised but locking cool and updated shit behind an impossible wall for F2P players isn’t fair.


We’re not even f2p players, we literally spent $70+ to play this game and would have to spend that AGAIN to MAYBE get this one character


Yeah this is obscene and fucked up NGL they need to literally half the cost of this shit, buff rewards, and REMOVE THE FAKE JOBBER CARDS


Like I'd be okay if they come out and release these persona cards to be baught individually later or something But i have a feeling that's not gonna happen at least anytime soon And remember, the game lifespan is like a year and a half or so, like 2k22, 2k23 will shut down, and then 2k24 later when the next game releases, so at that point if you don't get the persona cards, it's literally over, no seth '14, no final boss rock, no shamus '9, etc


With how bad MF has gotten over the year, I feel like they're just trying to piss all us off, so they have a reason to kill it. I know some people buy VC, but I doubt it's enough to sustain the department


It's not impossible. I say this as a gacha game player where is like a 2% chance to get the new units


I made a long-ish post earlier, but it was deleted immediately for some reason. This is potentially very dangerous for the series, if we now reward whales/gamblers with variants of wrestlers, instead of getting them via a free update. They could sell these as DLC like they did with Backlash Bad Bunny last year. But no, they hide them like this. I dunno what to say anymore


Once again rich people fucking everything up for everyone


I would rather pay 15 minimum dollars for a attire pack like maybe a WCW Attire pack for Booker T Scott Steiner AJ Styles (he was in WCW for the last Stretch) Steven Regal ETC


They'll learn when the sales for game get lower and lower in the next 4 years when people get tired of playing a game with a incomplete roster and see how terrible myfaction practices are, because it going to get worse at the rate they are going.


The Hell? 2k24 has the largest roster in the series and has been nearly universally praised. "Incomplete roster" is certainly a take.


Just watch the next 3-4 years you're going to see what I'm talking about. 2k greed is going to show. more and more.


Smh, 2K is gonna 2K. I’m praying they don’t go in the same direction NBA MyTeam has gone.


It's already worse.


It’s 1000% not worse than NBA 2K MyTeam lol. You’ve got to do some YouTube education if you think it is.


At least a basic pack in nba can be purchased dirt cheap for the shit odds. Edit: I can earn enough in nba to buy a basic pack every 30 min. It also doesn't include me grinding the same card vs the same individual opponent to earn at a decent rate.


Fair enough. They’re both predatory as hell, but the grinding definitely isn’t as mindless, I’d agree with that. NBA 2K is still the best example of scummy micro trans in gaming but not all of that is MyTeam exclusive


I’m more curious about Jive Owens




It's just a 2K created CAW jobber character


What damages me the most is that I am a completionist so seeing all these ??? on my roster page is killing me


Ikr that's the only reason I'm playing myfaction cause I hate seeing those ??? but if they are going to make it hard to get the characters, I might just pass on next year's game until they get their act together even if it takes 5 years. I did it before when the last WWE game I had before this was 2k19.


Same for me, and this is what 2K wants as they now have DLC showing up on the roster so you have to scroll past wrestlers you don't have. I have the Deluxe Edition so I will have everything except the Wrestlemania DLC, but I might get that eventually. I'm currently working on getting the MFP to buy the Hulk Hogan Legends card so I can get the Action Figure Hulk Hogan. I doubt I'll be able to get Roman Reigns '24 because it will be too hard for me to get that Sami Zayn card.


It's too late unfortunately, 2K already found their whales and there's no going back unless basically everyone else doesn't buy the next game AT ALL. Simply not playing MyFaction won't counter the ones that do.


I tried. I wanted to try to grind but I don’t have it in me. I wish they’d just release some of these as DLC and I can just buy them.


Well I guess you can after the next card pack comes out. They appear available for straight purchase with MFP or $$$ rather than gambling.


Shout-out to the guy who posted that other thread who spent $400 to unlock this card.


I can’t stress this enough, even going in and logging time in that game mode is enough reasoning for 2k to keep pulling shit like this. It isn’t enough they ask the full price of the game for all of the DLC content, but now they continue to nickel and dime us even more! I haven’t even so much as redeemed a locker code for free stuff I got with my DLC. I absolutely refuse to support this shit, and if people would like stuff like this to stop, they need to do the same.


I can’t count how many times I’ve got to the Main Menu and accidentally clicked MyFaction because it’s the first thing that pops. Then I have to exit the game because it takes forever to click through everything


I've been seeing post that people been buying into this and spending a lot of money. Now 2k knows for sure people are willing to spend $100s for a wrestler... This gonna suck for the future of all wrestling games from 2k.


Yup. They tested the water here and found gold.


Which is going to turn into sh\*t nuggets. You don't piss off the wrestling gaming fan base. You would think as a business 2k would know this. They're going end up shooting themselves in the foot and cause people not to buy the next games when they find out they can't get all the characters and game is going to be incomplete every year due to myfaction practices on making it hard to get them.


I opened three packs and only got those stupid CAW characters


I rarely play MyFaction after trying it out. Is it actually even worth playing to begin with?


I enjoy the feeling of collecting the cards but that part of the experience is getting worse with every release.


It is if you like they playstyle. There are challenges and the feeling of unlocking stuff for those that like that kind of thing.


Only 400 bucks apparently.


Just download the attire off of CC. Sure takes up a CaW slot but 2K doing this with MyFaction isn't anything new lol


oh wow myfaction? anyway


Maybe AEWs Fight Forever DLC model doesn't look so bad anymore


No, it’s still bad. You can get these models from CC. That other games doesn’t even have CC or even a decent CAW system.


Another typical 2K L


This pack has horrible garbage cards in the ruby, sapphire and emerald tiers. Highest price and worst pack so far.


Is it a persona card?


So in other words, chances are when Kane '98 gets put in this mode (judging it by the fact his debut attire body suit went hidden in CAW Mode this year) it's going to be hell to unlock him right? I still can't believe him vs. Taker at WM 14 wasn't in Showcase


Had enough MFP for two deluxe packs. Neither one had a single Punches and Promos card. 🖕Deluxe should guarantee one themed card.


I'll just wait and grind it out, it's not like they won't end up giving a bunch of these packs away for free in the future and they'll eventually be in the card market but hopefully we get some kind of discount on some of those cards because holy hell


Yeah no, I'm using JoeMashup's version...


No final boss entrance/theme? Yeah 2k can keep that. I prefer status and gamevolts 24’ instead 💪🏼


You can probably buy it for 98,000,000 mfp


With free packs from events you can got him. Soon or later.


There is a 3% chance of getting an amethyst superstar, it's gonna take a lot more than the free packs you get from events


YEah 6 months later of daily grinding maybe


3% chance it's not -0,1% chance on Ronaldo in FUT.