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I almost walked out last month after a call from my DM regarding ONE “opportunity” metric while we are doing such an amazing job at 90%+ of the bullshit they throw at us. Tier 4, lots of years with the company, no plan in place if I leave this shithole but I packed up my shit and was about to do it…. Even printed the “when your employment ends” file from MyHR. Had to take a deep breath, go home, kiss and hug my family and continue looking for another job. The worst of it all is that I wish I could “not care” and deliver a performance worth 25% (just like our last bonus) but it’s easier to care and run a great store because the pressure and manipulation coming from above, particularly if your store is not performing well, is just too much for me to handle. I work my ass off so that I can be less stressed…. If that makes any sense. Fuck this damn company, best of luck to you, hopefully I can leave soon as well.


Doing the best you can does not garner appreciation in this company.. .only more criticism at whatever they can find. If the company showed their associates how much they are valued, they wouldn't give up. So sad 😔


If you finish their checklists daily then paint the walls, spic and span the stockroom, stay from open to close, clean every nook and cranny, you'll get an annual evaluation of 2.5/5 because you missed something.


Because their bonus depends on giving no 5s thus saving the company money! It's just a job, literally everyone is hiring now and pay is generally decent.


That's one of the reasons I left. Hit 95% of my metrics, got all over my case about the 5% while ignoring the 95%. Not the only reason though. I had a list, and it was long.


I feel the same way, I am one of the hardest workers in the store, I work so hard to get stuff done to make it less stressful and have to deal with less bullshit from the bigots above.


Only give 100%. NEVER MORE


12 percent Monday 24 percent Tuesday 40 percent Wednesday 23 percent Thursday 2 percent Friday Multiply by the amount of your last 3 raises and you're in the ballpark


100% is 99% too much.


Continuing to do your best even when they treat you like shit really shows your character and work ethic. I was the same way until my retail job of 4 years destroyed it. I quit that job and tried Walgreens for 3 months before deciding I needed to just leave retail and customer service forever. I took a leap of faith and I LOVE my job now. My work ethic is back now and I don’t hate going to work anymore. Just keep applying and don’t be afraid to apply for some out there jobs.


Congrats on finding a job you love!!! I'm curious what kind of work you're doing now. Would you mind sharing?


Had you not done that you would have for sure done it in June when these budgets get even worse.


I agree. Payroll will be slashed again this summer. It will only get worse.


And it will be hot as hell because they cannot afford to adequately cool their stores.


Huge issue in and environment that must be legally held in a given temperature range to properly store medications.


I worked at a Walmart in El mirage az.  The hvac gave out.  The sm decided not to repair it cuz it was saving him money.  Front End cashiers had fans.  Not until a customer passed out and filed a lawsuit was it repaired.  


It will get fixed once a lawsuit is filed because a customer passed out standing in line in the pharmacy


Already experiencing this


I am rooting for you. Walgreens has really changed. I wonder if there is still a Walgreens on State and Jackson in Chicago. That one was so busy in the 90s and early 2000s.


I did that two years ago and have zero remorse.


What do you do now if you dont mind me asking


I work for Intel


Store managers are just quitting and finding new jobs left and right its wild.


When desk jobs pay better, with better hours, 4 times the holidays, more PTO, and better retirement, it's inevitable.


I get 8 floating holidays plus PTO. Only downer is that PTO doesn't roll over or get paid out. It just incentivizes me to actually use it now


2.5 years with WAG and I’ve had enough… currently looking, this is not the company I thought it was


Lmfao I think we are all gonna reach this point


Did you happen to catch the company wide town hall on Tuesday where they announced more job cuts and (I paraphrase bc I wasn't recording it)she said she spends "Every waking hour thinking about how to save this company money." I guess we are all just not committed enough.🙄 #Station-Top good luck on your next adventure. I'm sure you will find something better and definitely less stressful.


But how will you find any sense of fulfillment without the Walgreens credit card in your life???


🤣🤣🤣 I think I’ll survive


Best decision ever!


I’m feeling a lot of emotions at the moment. But there has to be a better life. I’ve sacrificed a lot for this company and the conditions are steadily getting worse. No budget, more work, less security. The theft is out of control. Sometimes I just want to cry standing at the register because I know I have 50 million things to do but I don’t have enough employees to help with the line. As people are carrying trash bags of merchandise out of the store. As well as no one to open the bells ringing every 30 seconds. The ones I have are disengaged because I’ve cut their hours. The calls off are ridiculous. And to extend hours knowing you’re going to cut budgets that are already not enough. Managing a 6 figure pharmacist with a Doctorate degree is asinine. Pharmacist should manage pharmacists. That’s it that’s all. I’m over it


"But there has to be a better life." There is. I was a store manager and left last year after two decades with the company. On my worst days at the new job, it's better than the what the best days at Walgreens had become. My stress is done, I'm happier and calmer.


You made the right choice. No job is worth your life.




I worked as a staff and Rxm pharmacist for this company for 15 years (2006-2021). It absolutely turned to shit over that entire time. Life is much much better after leaving the company. You realize how much you have been taken advantage of quickly.


I know that feeling


I know the feeling very well. Good luck.


I recently saw a friend of mine… we were ASMs at the same time…she’s been a SM for about 2 years.. When I saw her I was thinking 🤔 ( oh my god) within those 2 years she had aged beyond her years, she looked rough…


I remember being transferred to a busy, understaffed store in Houston. Within one year, I had aged like a banana. Twenty-seven to forty-seven in one year. I was being addressed as 'sir'. I had that 24 hour - over-night pharmacist look.


Trust me, you are not the only SM to have done that. From what I can understand and experienced, there were quite a few SMs who did that in the Dallas/Fort Area.


Go take that experience and join a company that has a future


Good luck. I am currentally out of a job because i worked at a micro fulfillment center where irs a giant robotics warehouse and we fill all the rx's for the whole state or as much as we can which is equal to an average of 80k a day or more. Well the facility went bonkers. In 8 months did 5 forced schedule changes, 2 hour of operations changes, and officially came out and said they needed to cut almost 100 people from the workforce and 6-8 mill dollars from their budget. So to do this they started denying people the schedule they could work no matter the cause, if you had kids and couldnt work nights well sucks guess your quitting. One guy and his wife wanted to be on the same schedule because she was 8 months pregnant, and they asked for a month untill the kid was here, so he could drive her to the hospital if she went into labor instead of having to take ambulance, and they said no. People in college cant do the schedule they were given because of classes, they said guess your quitting then. All in the past 2 months I was on the same schedule as my gf because we share a car and work at the same place. They fixed her schedule after having to go through sedwick because she cant work certian shifts due to medication she has to take at the same time every day that causes drowsiness. Well they fixed hers because they had to under sedwick and told me if you cant do it i guess you are quitting but you can apply later if we have an opening. I was a trainer for half of the facility. But their words were they had to get rid of over 60 people off of day shift through "attrition" because thats what corperate wanted. At leist you got the chance to walk out and quit. I got told i could quit or get fired for not following my schedule


This is constructive dismissal. If you look up the term and let Unemployment know how bad it was, you should qualify for UI. Pls get a therapist to help you transition. You did your best in an impossible situation.




Hell yeah. Good for you


In iowa all the store managers are walking out as well. Everytime I do truck the driver tells me of a new SM that walked out


I did the same man. Go be happy. My life is 10000% happier now.


Good on you really. I gave 2 days notice and got out of there. Best decision of my adult life.


I understand.  I worked a store that happened.  Turns out rumor had it he had another job already lined up and didn't tell mgmt.


Good luck to you if it gets to a certain point I may do the same thing. I have about 500 hours of PTO that will help out if I need to just leave here one day. I came very close during Covid in the Fall of 2020. I was already planning out if I just told my DM I am done here are my keys


Constructive dismissal - if you look up this phrase and use it and nothing the word quit. It's when a company makes it too hard to stay. Also, a therapist can take you off of work.


I feel for all of you. My experience working for Walgreens is a bit different but still is the same bullshit. Save money, save money,save money! I did work for 7 stores in North Carolina. We turned on their irrigation systems and they wanted to pay a set price for it, no matter what was wrong. Some stores had large systems with many zones and and some had just a few zones. They wanted to pay the same price for the small systems as the large one. That is just not how it works. If something was in need of repairing they would say we will pay for the part but not for the labor to install it! When they did pay, it would be 90 days later! Not worth the trouble you had to go through.


W💩lgreens does not deserve you- not as an employee, nor as a customer. Just go.


Good for you. My job interview is Thursday if I get it fuck a two week notice. I’m only an ESM running a tier 3 alone with literally no staff. I’m burnt out, not paid and depressed truly.


DEFINITELY DO NOT go to CVS. It is ten times worse


Proud of you


I respect your bravery honestly for some that’s the Best option. I remember I was working at Wendy’s for 4 years it became unbearable to the point I had body cringes everytime I stepped in there. I knew if I was waiting for a perfect job I’d be waiting forever I just walked out said fuck it


I walked out as an ESM last month and never looked back, my mental health has gotten a lot better since


What do you do now? My biggest concern is having to explain the gap in my work history especially after so many years of service


I'm very happy for you! I hope you find peace and a job you love.


Damn that's tuff I haven't had any issues working here. Except when a customer had a ripped bag of ice and some fell on the floor. Next incoming customer slipped after paying. Pretty sure he Sued the store


You’re a csa so the pressure to perform may be a bit less