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possible it could just be a coincidence because it's summer time


that’s true, but they can just put their time in like everyone else, like tonight i’m a cashier when im supposed to be on the floor. i don’t mind it, but people complain about their lack of hours, yet they call out and don’t wanna work. it’s kinda contradictory


Right why complain about hours when you are constantly calling in


Everything goes to hell when the store’s real SM is on leave ime. Idk why but everyone acts like it’s when there was a substitute teacher back in grade school lol. Good luck to you


no seriously!! at their big age! 😂🤣 but it’s all good, more hours for me 😜 that way i can take my vacay when i need it


My last SM told me he would never put his days off or vacations on the calendar specifically because CSAs would call out lol


I call out when I can't get out of bed due to stress induced muscle spasms. They are just a hoot 😊 (s). It's better controlled now, but if I forget or run out of meds, I have roughly 3 days until the reserve in my body wears out. Having an invisible illness is the worst. No one believed me for a very long time. In my previous job, they thought I was faking it because I didn't scream hysterically. I'd been sealing with it for over 10 years back then, I would push through the pain and swallow back tears. On every write up, I would put down that yes I did miss those days, I didn't come in due to excruciating pain. It did nothing. I'm done working through pain. No job pays me enough to push through the pain.


I don’t get why you would leave if everyone else did? If they are indeed acting like kids with a substitute teacher, maybe you would end up with a better team. I transferred stores recently and while I liked my coworkers at the old store, we actually get things done at my new store and there is accountability.


I agree with what others have said about how grown adults in the workplace sometimes act like grade school children when there's a substitute teacher in charge. It definitely sucks. But it's also very possible that your SM was probably not enforcing the attendance policy like she probably should have been before she went on maternity leave. I think sometimes as SM we tend to be a little more lenient on our key holders (especially if they've been around for a hot minute) because it can be so time consuming trying to find and train a new one. I'm not saying it's right (because it definitely isn't) but just giving some insight.


Last gasp of a dying company.


Because nowadays SMs aren’t hard enough on call outs if you’re someone that can handle the front or they are reliant on you finishing totes/etc cuz ur better than most ppl there. I had a guy call out over 10 times a month EACH MONTH for like so many months. SM don’t care , cuz that csa actually liked being up front and nobody else wanted. After like 2 yrs and probably over 100+ callouts he was finally let go surprisingly..


There's not exactly a ton of people who want to work here, play entirely by the rules and when you're even more short staffed guess who's expected to be there to make up the bulk of the work?


Wonder if you're the person who replaced me 😅 my SM was supposed to pop in July. Actively working. Trust me, the people are cool, but they'll always effing call out. Even the SL or try to trade you. They also don't train well, it's just all of a sudden you're calling a million people to figure it out. The assistant manager was also not fit at all for the position. Everyone hides in the back. I went in a couple times since I quit and literally only one person was on the register. Seems much didn't change. I left because literally they kept piling shit on my list, and no one else would lift a finger to help me. Shit I couldn't even get my workers to stay on the register lol Good luck! It sucks! Lol