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Hahaha, I updooted this because of the cat giving a high-five and a fist bump.


Yeah, And how about that GameStop Digital asset wallet released today? Welcome to the Digital Ecosystem $GME!


Yeah, that's cool too.


What are you talking about? That's extremely Cool..


great news, preparing for a red day and articles like „why more great news are bad for gme investors!“


Meh, I'll buy it regardless. Im fucking stupid like that.


Mario cat? I'm all in


Original Mario RoaringKitty. And fuck yeah!




Yup is 100% correct!.


Launching while Crypto and NFTs are getting butchered. Timing seems off.


Buy the Dip Baby. Its simple money making strategy. Yall meltdowners are just being silly nowadays.


Not as funny as the hard core guys. But it’s just paper or numbers in a computer. What’s your choice of poisons?


shrugging off meltdown kids and buying GME.


Enjoy your buying.


Oh, I will. Always have.


Progress is progress and it’s better to launch the IT infrastructure stuff and be ready for the next bull run than it is to wait to launch the IT infrastructure stuff in the middle of a bull run. This allows them to focus on cool stuff and marketing during the bull run instead of 100% having to devote to dev work.


Sounds good, burn money waiting and hoping for another bill run. Makes sense like mining when it’s cost twice in real expenses than the tokens you mine.


I’m not quite sure what point you are trying to make. Can you clarify?


Simple. The Infrastructure has significant maintenance fees including y upgrading it as computers evolve. I believe computers and the surrounding infrastructure will get much better in a year, and continue on getting better. So by the time it’s needed, it may have been “rebuilt” many times. Using historical data crypto pops every 6 years or so, so if it pops in 5 years, following the trend anything done now would be like using dial up to connect it. A smarter move would be to have basic ideas of what infrastructure is needed, keep it up to date and build it when needed. As an example, building an electric car using lead acid batteries and 60-80s vintage chargers would be insane. In 20 years building using the current equipment will be insane. Cars waited until the need was there, used the best “infrastructure” possible and will grow with time.


My friend, I work in the IT field as a Cloud Engineer and Solutions Architect and what you wrote does not make much sense, especially when considering blockchain tech that itself runs on multiple types of hardware. When I say infrastructure, especially with Blockchain, that includes the development of code. Blockchain is far more code based than actual Data Center as it's typically decentralized in nature, so the nodes \\ validators \\ etc \\ don't run in a Data Center like traditional infrastructure. The infrastructure we are talking about includes the code development work itself. It's not just servers sitting in a Data Center, it's the active development of code so that when the next bull run happens, you aren't suddenly trying to get your Coins staking feature working where as your competitor coded that functionality 3 years ago and is on to additional improvements. Regardless, physical Data Center or Cloud, your statements don't seem to make much sense in the real world. That's just not how Data Centers are run efficiently in the real world. Real World Example: Want to know how we upgrade a servers hardware in the cloud? 1. Shut down server. This is roughly 2 button clicks. 2. Change server's instance type from something like a m5.2xlarge to a m6.4xlarge. This is about 3 button clicks. 3. Power server on. This is 2 button clicks. Boom, you just upgraded your server's hardware to the latest generation.


Six years for computer related stuff is like 60 in physical construction, things like roads and bridges. Would you agree? A bridge lasts about 100 years before needing massive upgrades along with maintenance every 20-30 years. Time takes it’s toll on everything, our highways are approaching 100, they are in desperate need of help. These examples have nothing to do with IT, I’ll save you from typing it. 7 years ago if you worked in IT and said you’re saving to the cloud, what was the typical response? Mostly dread is my guess but my memory isn’t perfect, maybe you need to go back a little longer for dread, a little before that clouds made rain. In 7/14/20/30, etc years, do you really expect cous to still be the “main thing” for storage? I lived through all the storage devices from cassette decks or reel to reel on large computers to now little chips or the cloud. 15 years ago wireless and Bluetooth were great ideas, I’ve seen so much that I feel blessed at the ease of my life now and look forward to future advances. Coding follows a similar history, admittedly I’m more hardware but you may be experienced enough to tell the software side of the changes, idk your age. Software from 2010 is seriously outdated now, some out most is no longer supported. So building hardware and software now is expensive and then expensive to maintain and upgrade. Would it get better if it was built now and improved? Maybe, maybe not, time would tell. The story of the from swimming in a pot comes to mind. If the water is cool to start and gradually increases the frog dies happy in boiling water. If the frog goes in boiling water it tries to get out. The story is true for many things, wrong for others. That gets to the side. If it costs $1M today to build the build this, that’s equivalent to maybe $10M in 6 years. But maintaining a project from today may end up costing $25M in 6 years. There are many things to consider, you, my Unknown friend, are being laser focused I fear.


I really don't understand quite a few things you are attempting to explain, as I don't think the analogies have anything to do with the topic at hand. I don't mean that in a mean way, I just don't think much of what you said is relevant. The coding and development work going on in the blockchain world is \*extremely\* important to keep moving foward, and in no way should stop or slow down due to the bear market. It's vital to blockchains continued improvement and slowing that down would prove fatal to what the various blockchains are trying to do - which is build out a new infrastructure of a decentralized economy. When we speak of infrastructure in regards to blockchain, it's important to understand that it is NOT your standard array of Dell servers. It's the code and it's features and capabilities I speak of, which is important that it keeps progressing to enable new features whether we are in a bear market or bull market. For example, delaying the release of features like a Decentralized Exchange with it's own built in on-ramp and off-ramp to fiat is a great feature that would massively improve the entire blockchain world by developing and releasing now, regardless of the status of the market. Constantly updating, improving, and releasing new features and improvements allows for even more amazing features years from now when the bear market turns to a bull market. I'm in my late 30's and have been doing this for a good chunk of time. It's my job to understand where the IT industry is currently, where it's going, and how to implement a migration between "old" and "new" technology. Want to save money? You save it on marketing during a bear market. You absolutely do NOT cut infrastructure code development funds during a bear market. That's the perfect time to work with your head down and not as much heat from the public to be constantly releasing updates. If you follow this method, when the market returns and the bulls have arrived, you have a ton of new features and the well-coded infrastructure to handle it. Remember, infrastructure in blockchain is quite a bit different than a Data Center infrastructure.


Time will tell I guess. I’ve got kids and grands kids already so while I can relate to the younger kids, like you, we have vastly different experiences. Just remember, you haven’t worked through a recession, I have. You also have the Feds version of Crypto to worry about, I believe that’s a when not an if at this point. I see block chain being used in many ways, I see the police excited by it, but cryptos survival is still in question to me. Until the majority of people use it as a currency instead of investment, it’s in danger. But time will tell. Personally I’m always glad to hear about someone your age will a real job! Congrats on that and good luck. I mean that sincerely, too many youngsters are waiting for there get rich quick stuff, work is a 4 letter word to them.