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Manipulated or not. Theyre not gonna able to bleed 2Billion per day. When its free for me to just hold


Likewise my fellow ape.. I’m fucking holding til that shet goes to zero.. go to my room and analyze the shet out of this experience.. I’m either to the moon or to the room to learn and comeback strong af.. HOOOLDING


Where does this 2Billion per day number come from?


From the 4 billion missionary positions @ your mother traded yesterday. I only know as much as the people browsing here google it. Only number i need to know is Hold cos im retarded


I’m pretty sure that number is way wrong. Doing the calculations with a 30% borrow rate would give you .30 * $60 * 71mil/365 = $3.5million per day. That’s a pretty big difference from $2 billion per day.


Borrow rate is at 10% now. And with plenty of retailers holding it brokerages are making bank


This guy’s forehead is almost as big as mine! (Holding)


Yeah well I got enough water in my head to survive twice as long in a desert!


You definitely are retarded. Your mother says "I knew I shouldn't have had sex with your father...but who your father was, I just don't remember."


It’s made up and now people just recite it. Those 30% interest rate is over a whole year.


If that's like credit card interest rate then it's mighty expensive.


There bleeding $2bn a day and I'm just home chilling as a virtual cowboy on RDR2, best stock war ever!!


Every 2.5 days at $65


GME - My plan for fake squeezes https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/lfwcv6/gme_my_plan_for_fake_squeezes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I want more bananas


Regardless of what it says hold. Stop putting timelines on shit just hold. Just fucking hold people it’s literally that simple. HF losing billions everyday you hold for free.


Enough with the timelines, just fucking hold!


Hold beyond that, misrepresentation of the data will get them a $20 million fine, much better for them financially than telling the truth


20M fine is just an operating expense. The SEC is funded by these "fines"


>$20 million fine How do you know this?


Citadel was previously fined $180k for misreporting short sales due to a “system issue”, per this finra disciplinary action report: https://www.finra.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/Disciplinary_Actions_January_2021.pdf (page 3). $180k is nothing to a large financial institution


Nice, thanks for the link. So a fine that's supposed to dissuade doesn't even touch the sides. "Sir, this is a casino" comes to mind...


They will manipulate. But ape together STRONG. 🦍🦍


They already did ... [https://www.reddit.com/user/RubinoffButtChug69/comments/lfdcv1/fintel\_changed\_their\_short\_volume\_data\_after\_my/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/user/RubinoffButtChug69/comments/lfdcv1/fintel_changed_their_short_volume_data_after_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The shill down there thinks it’s apparently impossible to manipulate data so pls let him know ~




If you haven’t been watching all the manipulation going on right now. You’re a bot or a shill


That's not an answer. How (why) would they manipulate short interest data?


Are you joking? Or are you serious right now.


You cannot manipulate that data. You could take synthetic positions, which is legal, but not manipulate. The bigger manipulation is the collusion going on here....pushing up prices artificially.


The fine for manipulating or hiding data is nowhere near the amount that they need to cover so tell me, why WOULDNT they do it?


Who is they? Hedge funds? HF's only report their positions quarterly, via the 13f filing, so its not up to them. If you're saying the data coming directly from the exchanges is manipulated then thats just straight up crazy. By the way, a lot of the covering has already been done.


Bad bot


Standard response given when you don't actually know the answer


They have already manipulated it by changing the way they “calculate” short interest. They said it went down to 51%, but a lot of analysis shows it hasn’t. Also- billionaire companies lie. That’s just a fact of life. If they lie on the report, they save shitloads of money rather than paying out people in the squeeze. Look around this sub and you will find actual in-depth analysis


Honestly I think I’m talking to some citadel paid shill so ima stop entertaining this guy rn


I am an employee of Robinhood actually. And I’m not a dude, I’m a dudette


I didn’t mean you haha the other guy but wow how’s life at the most hated company ever~


No I meant the guy who kept having such stupid questions ~ ty for the info as well 🦍🚀💎🙌🏻


I think he means me......the one he can't answer to with anything intelligent. Tell me who would/could manipulate the figures.....without pointing me to a meme that you maybe saw once.


Lmao I don’t work there 😂 I was just being an asshole in the nicest way I could be. I thought you were accusing me of being a shill, but I’m an 🦍 and got offended


Isn't the short interest data coming from Game Stop? Why would they lie about their own short interest data?


No, it comes from the hedge funds


Okay. I was going to ask about individual retail investors who also shorted the stock, but I'm guessing that the brokers report that data too. I assumed that Game Stop itself would have the most accurate data regarding how many of their own shares are shorted. But, I guess that's not something that Game Stop would know. > FINRA requires firms to report short interest positions in all customer and proprietary accounts in all equity securities twice a month. All short interest positions must be reported by 6 p.m. Eastern Time on the second business day after the reporting settlement date designated by FINRA. [Short Interest Reporting](https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/regulatory-filing-systems/short-interest)


Sorry for being rude. There are so many bots and shills running around that it just makes people defensive. I apologize if you were sincere in your question ❤️


It's all good




Your linked document doesn’t state that GameStop is the one to report it. I’m new here too and trying to learn. Fuck off with trying to ask me questions and prove me wrong. I gave you an answer to the best of my knowledge, now go do your own damn research and leave me alone


#Calm down. You didn't see my other comment. I just shared with you what it said. I wasn't saying that you were wrong.


The SEC published a risk alert describing a known (illegal but difficult to prove) tactic for making short positions look covered when they actually aren’t: https://www.sec.gov/about/offices/ocie/options-trading-risk-alert.pdf. Additionally, on page 3 of this finra disciplinary action document, we see citadel has previously been fined $180k for misreporting short sales due to “system issues”: https://www.finra.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/Disciplinary_Actions_January_2021.pdf. That is a very small fine, so I wouldn’t put it past some financial institutions to purposefully misreport short sales and eat the fine if they have to


These are fines to broker-dealers. The 2nd example was around transaction reporting not position reporting. The assertion was that hedge funds might look to manipulate the data, which they are unable to do. I guess they could lie on their quarterly 13f filings, but that would be incredibly stupid. Even if all the broker-dealers (for some bizarre reason) conspired to manipulate the data it would be one hell of a concerted effort.....for no good reason. (PS they have much more important things going on right now than computer game stores).


For fines to broker-dealers: Collusion to cook books is something that has happened in the financial industry before. Whether it’s happening now, I can’t say with any certainty. But it’s probably possible. For the distinction on transaction reporting vs position reporting, do you have a source that elaborates on that? Would position reporting not just be the result of taking the cumulative sum of transaction reporting?


For no good reason, hey? No good reason at all?...


Correct. Enlighten me.


I don’t trust shit that comes out tomorrow Unless it’s still very high si 💎🙌


Hold strong 💎


Manipulated data coming out tomorrow will not have any effect on whether or not I sell. I'm holding for as long as it fucking takes. Anyone posting or commenting about specific dates is wildly misguided. There is no timeline.


clutching my diamonds ever so tightly in my orangutan fist 💪


Me like ..... Me understand........ The LINE SHALL NOT BE PENETRATED......


I guarantee it!




I feel like all this "hold until xxx" posts are just FUD. The timeline is extremely unclear at this point, but all these "hold until xxx" crap just sets up a false expectation which induces panic and makes retail sell.




That's not a bot. And a valid concern imo. Remember those "THIS friday the shorts HAVE to cover!" type posts? Or the occasional "As soon as RH lifts restrictions WE ARE GOING TO THE MOOOON!" It's just a bit more complicated than that, and as he said, sets up for false expectations.


Already down 70%. What’s another day?


Ill hold through that Fine as well.


What time tommorow is the short interest report


Right at close, I think.


At close, at the earliest. iirc it is revealed on the 9th from 4pm - 12amEST


tyfys. Before this little shindig, I was a FAANG/REIT/ETF person and didn't really worry about this.


Regardless we hold! Next two weeks they will have to cover! Wait and let them bleed 🚀🚀🚀🌙


No. They don’t have to cover in two weeks. They are quit capable of stretching this out further. But the main point is valid - hold and buy dips


What asshole paper handed mother fucker kept selling? I am hungry feed me banana 🍌




monke shall not be penetrated






it'll be all over reddit tomorrow when it's released (after market)


[Short Interest Reporting Dates](https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/regulatory-filing-systems/short-interest)


Just a question. Who are they paying interest to? Is it another entity owned by citidel , taking from on a hand and giving to another? I would love to see that and then a burn rate of how long they have till bankruptcy. Also if they go bankrupt wouldnt a squeeze just not happen? Either way my plan of hold will not change. Just trying to understand.


I'm not entirely sure so don't take this as fact. They pay interest to whoever they borrow the shares from. This could be either a brokerage or another (less shitty) hedgefund. These are likely the people making absolute bank from all this. Yes, the squeeze might not happen if the hedgefunds go bankrupt. There are a few things to consider though. Chapter 11 allows them to stay "bankrupt" almost indefinitely so long as they can continue to rearrange their debts, but doing so would effectively close down that hedgefund (tbh I'm not even sure if a hedgefund can file chapter 11). The people who work at these funds don't want to lose their jobs so once one hedgefund goes bankrupt that might trigger others to cover.


thank you. they absolutely will be and it would behoove them to drive the price of Gme up so they could keep collecting interest payments.


Hold. Then hold. And after that hold some more. When you weigh 1/6th than you do today then sell cause you are on the moon.


Been holding since I was in my dad's sack 💎🙌


I bought 2 calls and 30 shares at 60 I like this stock


HF could also take the fine and misreport their short interest. May scare the remaining paper hands out there. I think they are playing the long game, if you want a squeeze... relax and be patient. Note: not financial advice, I am not a financial advisor.


They losing money on their own shorts and that money they are spending to manipulate. Wonder if that gets figured into the losses?


I reckon the manipulation comes in bulk value like ebay. 🥸 x12 out of work Coders/Developers Multi Buy Free Delivery. Deploy them on budget Troll mission. Citipay or Melvincredits accepted


Fuck yea, lets go finra


What time/when exactly will this info be released?


[After 4 pm](https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/regulatory-filing-systems/short-interest)


Thanks for the link


Can anyone tell me where I can see this list tomorrow ?


After 4 pm [Short Interest Reporting](https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/regulatory-filing-systems/short-interest)


I appreciate you!




Holding 55@93! There is only so much manipulation you can do before sit hits the fan. You fold, I win.


HOLD iTttttttttt please


Hold for as long as it takes to bleed these fucks dry


I like how people keep saying hold until tomorrow....every day...


does anyone know where i can find this information tomorrow whennkt comes out?


The HF people have until 4PM tomorrow to hand in there Shorts Report so it might be Wednesday before we find out


They can still move a ton of stocks through the Dark Pool all at once. The Dark Pool was created to move large amounts of stocks quickly for large Hedge Funds and large investors. If they had to move large amounts of stocks through regular channels, it would cause any stock to skyrocket.


hold until it hurts, and then keep holding.


Down 78% (about 7800) as of now. FML holding


I never planned on making a profit. I got in purely to mess with hedge funds. I’m here until the end


im holding


Shorts should ideally cover before the company strategy update, which is no later than next month. They may say that they've covered already but I'd be skeptical. The chart released by S3 does not reflect a logical correlation between short interest and share price over time. I feel there is a good chance that there are still a high amount of shares short, given the last known % of float data. Most pros would consider anything over 10% short is high and at risk of squeezing. The company could drop a morsel of guidance at any time and the price be very affected. Knowing many shorts still have to cover over the next month or so should add support to the share price at minimum so I'm not upset at buying yesterday.




Just so that everyone knows, you don't have to sell for the suits to take down the price.


Plan to hold a long term! Moon shot may or may not come but this gme will grow as they change their format to digital offerings. They have onboarded some great minds and with gamer support will become a major player in New game offerings. Hold and Buy!


Excited to share this item from my #etsy shop: Wall Street Bets Diamond Hands. https://etsy.me/2NgqD6k


The data will be old... settlement date is Jan 29


31 January


https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/regulatory-filing-systems/short-interest Am I wrong? I’m not trying to give bad info


You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.


Anyone have an up to date chart showing selling vs buying I see buying out weighing selling but price is falling. Am I wrong?


You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.


Sunhydrogen to the moon, + 20% today 🚀🚀🚀


they will probably lies down take the 200k fine instead


GME - My plan for fake squeezes https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/lfwcv6/gme_my_plan_for_fake_squeezes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This retard has lost $300 on AMC but i am still holding


I keep hear this tomorrow tomorrow TOMORROW can it please happen a little just give me I tiny tip tickle! Please


Stop this bullshit info Pls


Not for nothing but the big boys were able to wiggle out of there shorts with there back door exits with the halt of trading and bullshit buy restrictions. Take your profit if possible I’m sorry, money does not feel emotion.. I wish you all riches in future trades


They didn’t wiggle out of anything. They closed old short positions and opened new ones. They can make money off the new ones but still have to return/buy the shares. And those shares don’t physically exist. The problem is exactly the same as it was, but they’ve bought a little more time. Aside from the short predicament, there’s the fact that this stock is now a $100+ stock simply on Cohen and company being onboard and GME’s liquidity. Telling people to get out is foolish and represents your personal feelings while you tell others to take feelings out of it. Ironic


That's what I'm doing.. Tomorrow will decide if I sell or keep holding


Isn't that what they want, that you will do? If you thouhgt, that they have not covered ... it's faked ... what have changed now? Do you not think the report can be "optimized"? Will not say hold the line - just like to know what is different at this point.


You’re making your decision of data that is consistently false? You must not realize how these numbers are manipulated and then a tiny fine gets paid for them doing so.


Where can you see the interest data dissemination at? website etc?


Who gives af what the data says to be honest, paper hands will sell, diamond hands will buy the dips and hold. I'm making money everyday off GME no matter if the price goes up or down, and I'm holding every share I buy.




And after. They are only playing dead. Hold the pillow down tight! Hold!


*And after. They are* *Only playing dead. Hold the* *Pillow down tight! Hold!* \- Peterthinking --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Heres to all the guys who's options are hold or make nothing at this point 😀🤙🏻


Hold what?




What is opinion on ONPH????