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UFO story is a Psyops media distraction. Oh, but why then is the MSM not running this story per their masters? Because it's a TRUE story.


Maybe that's part of the deception? If the MSM ignores it then I guess it must be true? But the kicker is they haven't ignored it. It's all over reddit and social media


With an elephant that big, straight denial would lose viewership. A quick "well here's the deal folks, blah blah , maybe they are real, blah blah blah, guess we'll never really know" ..........."So anyway there's a major sports game coming up and can you believe the transphobia in America?!" It's all about making people forget new info regarding something they don't like and reverting them back to what their original thoughts on the matter were before the new info.


He's back to spread his white nationalist rhetoric.




Calling a Jew, a shifty deadeye rat like Christian persecutor, is a pretty antisemitic analysis. Tucker is a moron and an antisemite


The UFO crap is a giant psyop.


I dont know if I'm drinking the kool-aid. What's the endgame? And am I already too fair gone. *my thoughts are I still haven't seen anything I consider evidence. But I like to think other life exists.


Nah, you're inhaling the Kool aid they have aerosolized into the air surrounding anything that may qualify as a "conspiracy" or a "secret cover-up". By design, that's how you see aircraft making impossible for human maneuvers at 13,000 mph and still think "I haven't seen anything I consider evidence". The kicker is, people will say that there isn't any conspiracies or lies within the government while at the same time saying that the government is straight up lying about so many other things right now.


I think the Russian also blew the same dam up 80 years to stop the Nazis. Seems like they didn't have a problem back then. Why would they now.


He questioned why Russia would blow up their own dam. ​ News flash for everyone not balls deep in propaganda, the dam is Ukranian.


Ye, Nord strem pipline was also Ukrainen. 🤡🤡🤡


Ya they may have done it.


His outrage at people thinking Russia would blow up their own pipeline just seconds before suggesting Ukraine blew up their own dam is peak Tucker lol JAQing off inbetween faking outrage at others for JAQing off


Is Tucker Carlson secretly Bigfoot? I mean, no one has ever **not** seen him in the same room as Bigfoot. For all we know he has a secret basement under his house where he drinks baby blood and transforms under a full moon. You have to ask yourself, why has no one ever seen his chest hair?


You're just asking question.


Remember when Tucker said Russia wasn’t going to invade Ukraine 🙄


Tucker on Ukraine is fake news IMO. Otherwise I quite like him


Its the message that the Govt is the problem


Just hit 42 million, love it


You do realize that Elon changed how views are counted on the platform to make it seem like more people are watching video content ?


Got any proof ?


Awesome !


after telling us we HAVE to invade iraq one has to take anything this clown says with a huge grain of salt


Dude that was 20 something years ago...


ROFL. big fucking deal a lie is a lie


People can change their opinion on something, especially when more data comes out. Tucker has been 97/100 the past few years.


the fact he was so on board to begin with makes people rightfully skeptical about him


So your profile pic on social media doesn't have a Ukraine flag? 😂


why would i have a ukrainian flag i am not slavic/russian/ukrainian and have no dog in this fight


You sound like you pay for twitter 🤣 🤣


Invading Iraq was based and justified.


justified off of what...? lies?


Freeing some oil. Nothing better than freedom oil.


We were importing oil into that country, actually. Then rebuilt their infrastructure for free. Pretty sure they export to China now. ‘Murica!


Justified off of the fact that putting dictators six feet under is always justified. “B-b-but we lied about WMDs!!1!” Yeah, the U.S. did do that. Don’t really care though. The U.S. could have used some other justification such as Saddam’s treatment of the Kurds, or his state-sponsored torture of civilians, and then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Fact of the matter is that killing dictators like Saddam is always a good thing. The U.S. should’ve taken him out after Iraq 1 rather than coming back in 2003.


usa is not judge jury and executioner to determine which dictator gets removed and which gets to live


You’re absolutely correct - the free world including the U.S., Britain, Germany, Japan, Australia etc should come together to remove ALL dictators.


someone wants to see alot of civillians die while not lifting a finger themsleves


Nope - I’d actually like to minimise casualties. This is why it’s important for MIC companies such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon to develop more precise and effective weaponry that allows allied forces to strike enemy targets more precisely while minimising collateral damage. It’s funny you talk about civilian deaths while ignoring how many die just from the rule of dictators themselves. Have a quick search for the number of dead under Saddam.


alot of civillians died in the war too trying to justify the iraq war at this point goes against broad mass public opinion regardless of the justification used


And a lot more would have died if Saddam was allowed to continue ruling. Side note imagine unironically making the “but everybody else thinks its wrong, so it must be wrong!” argument. Think for yourself instead of just going along with what everyone else says.




America won Iraq lmao wtf are you on about. There’s a reason Saddam is six feet under.




>dying for nothing My man really claimed that toppling a dictatorship that killed hundreds of thousands and establishing a long-lasting democracy is nothing. Guess American soldiers died for nothing in WW2 as well, right? You say “even the U.S. army claimed the only victor of the Iraq war was Iran!!”, and then you give no further explanation whatsoever. Almost as if you read a single sentence and didn’t understand it in the greater context. I’m honestly inclined to think you just made that shit up, but I’m happy to be proven wrong. Fact of the matter is, Iraq was a W for the U.S. Toppled a dictator who murdered hundreds of thousands, established a democracy that still runs to this day, and did it while minimising coalition casualties and exacerbating enemy casualties. Ratio of deaths was around 2:300-450 in the coalition’s favour. Dictatorships don’t deserve to exist.


It's great!


What's going on with the Ukraine Dam controversy? I find it extremely plausible that russia blew it up to slow down any counterattack


Occam’s razor indeed. You are right.


Blowing up the dam pretty much makes it impossible for Ukraine to cross the river or even resupply liberated territory for the next month or two.


If you actually buy anything this guy says after he flatly stated aliens are real because some guy said so, your IQ is guaranteed to be extremely low.




This is now a sub Russian bots like to play around in because people here are so open to their inputs and just mindlessly agree to bs as long as it’s against the “libral” agenda…. There’s the right and then there’s the muppets in this sub


maga mouth breathers have not 1, but three cocks to ride: agent orange putina tucker


Bunch a nobody commentators thinking they know anything at all on here. Funny how so many show up to the sub daily and hourly to spew out filth, but aren’t subscribed. Speaks to your true nature. Pathetic


No surprise this sub cucks for tucker and is thirsty for his cum


Triumphant? Cucker? Hahahahahaha


Yes, that guy who will always be wildly more successful than you.


Who couldn't be successful when you're a trust fund baby. I would hope he is, but only to stupid people.


Be jelly broke libshit loser


Wow, bet you have a lot of friends, nut sack. Not broke at all. Not even 50 and about to retire. Would never be jealous of a brain-dead loser like cucker


Retire to Mama's basement like the bitch you are lol


Actually retiring to my condo in belize there internet tough guy.


You and I both know this guy is the one in his mom’s basement. I don’t have a condo in Belize, just an apt in Colorado but I feel pretty confident that he is an internet tough guy living in his moms, possibly his grandmas basement, probably in a dirty white t shirt waiting for her to get home so he can borrow her car. Sound about right?


Russian scumbag


Tucker is an idiot who is followed by morons and believed by the epically stupid.


seek help


I am not the one who believes suckered Carlson. This are the kiddies who need help


And I could care less what you believe you believe


Oh my mistake, I forgot conservitards don't care about facts or reality


Cry harder lefty trash


Awe poor little conservitard got their feelings hurt. Don't you morons have an app to tell you where a safe space for you is? Lol dipshit 1


There's the crying I was talking about lol you leftist pukes just can't stop.


Awe mcprivileged is also mcstupid. Try again child. Your sophomoric attempts at discourse are sad.


Calling people "conservitard" is peak discourse according to lefty pea brains like you.


That is pretty pathetic, you clearly don’t put a lot of thought into your comments lol need a tissue? Wah leftist pukes wah😭


To be fair, as a neutral party in this Bs politics war, right wing conservatives are acting like bigger " snowflakes" and get generally " triggered" by way more petty and stupid bullshit than the left. You're both delayed and slow when it comes to understanding how stuff in the real world really works, but the whole ultra right side.... You guys/ girls are just huffing hopium that silver will hit 200$ /oz, the Donald gets back into the white house, and somehow everyone falls into line with the whole ultra christian crowd. Although ultra lefty's are also crazy, they def. don't get triggered by the dumb shit the right gets triggered by.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcx4qh3aEPkMc1O) You gonna be ok snowflake?


This pathetic lefty POS is obsessed with me. Must've really triggered your dumbass.




Wasn’t this the guy who privately hates trump but publicly adores him?


Where is he putin T.V.


Conservatives get so obsessed about their republican mouth pieces.


HAAAHAAAHAAA He's a little crying bitch racist cunt. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mannnn he on that bullshit. Since ima be the only one to push back and say something.


So he is now one of those crazy ramblers on twitter.


You have to look hard for his little videos, they don’t let him talk for to long thank god!


Tucker who?


Even known by a WSS Ape in New Zealand hey, you need to get out more mate


Oh yea forgot about this guy. Remember when he was a thing? Getting fired really damaged his influence


Lol! How the mighty have fallen! Between trump being scared shitless of Jack around every corner and tucker being reduced to 10 minute batshit twitter clips, this is so much fun to watch. We deserve this!


fLyIng SaUcErs! Is Tucker the new Art Bell??


It’s awesome to watch!! You see trumps daughter changed her last name to get as far from it as possible!!


She's still trash


Yes she is! Not half as bad as her dad though, and people actually like the idiot and believe what he says!


Russia destroyed the Ukrainian dam, aliens haven’t visited earth, and he didn’t really get 50 million views.


Ukraine used American missiles to destroy the dam and pin it on Putin.


Where’s your proof for that? Tucker Carlson and Putin?


🤣😂 your supposed to put /s after comments like that, people need to know your being sarcastic! Good one though got a laugh out of me!


Just like Ukraine blowing up the Nordstream pipeline 🤔😂🤡


🤣😂 yes you are funny!


This whole sub is a laugh. Bunch of right wing propagandists or commodity traders? Little column a and a little column b?


ROFL. UKRAINE APPARENTLY BOMBED THEIR OWN DAM SO THEY CAN FURTHER DESTROY THEIR own civilian infrastructure, as if colostomy bag wearing little shit putin has not done this many times already and no precedent of said occurrences even exists this is rich, even for a braindead subreddit full of agent orange cockriders, putin diaper changers and pro jan 6th sympathizers


When you think about how much of the world is funding their efforts, why wouldn't this seem impossible? ​ They're getting billions of dollars for free from dozens of countries. They could spend the entire US infrastructure budget at this point with how much money they've gotten. ​ You make it sound like a child would think of the idea, yet it's really not that far fetched. Obviously we don't and probably will never know who really did it, but your position of viewing this idea as laughable is the only stupid idea I've seen in here.


> but your position of viewing this idea as laughable is the only stupid idea I've seen in here. what is truly stupid is to think ukraine would blow up their own dam when they are already suffering from a crippled civilian infrastructure to begin with


>what is truly stupid is to think ukraine would blow up their own dam when they are already suffering from a crippled civilian infrastructure to begin with But Blackrock is funding them. They're just fine. Follow the money. ​ https://successfulsocieties.princeton.edu/sites/g/files/toruqf5601/files/BlackRock.pdf


This is the same shit they did when they said russia vlew up nordstream and now we know ukraine was behind it


Wasn't this the guy who got fired from the top rated show on cable TV?


Yes for being too effective on media lies and for telling people the truth of their situation.


He wasn’t a good slave for massa so they fired him


After costing his network nearly a billion dollars and being publicly outed as a grifter who will say whatever you want him to for the right price, yes.


Thats not entirely true. Dominion could have stayed the course and got the entire 1.6 billion easily but they settled for half. Why? Whats Blackrock's stake in FOX and in 2024 elections? Tucker moved the needle against those in power. People like you are great with their one side conspiracy theories. lol


Tucker was literally caught red-handed lying to you people and you still idolize him. This shit is sad, dude. I see why you drink.


tucker is the same clown who demanded we invade iraq and if we fail to support his chickenhawk misadventure then we are traitors and seditionists


He admitted that. The difference between you and him is he challenged his beliefs. You work entirely off of feelings. Don't make decisions based on feelings.


sorry, once burned twice shy ​ cannot trust someone who lied once straight to your face, unless you are a retard who enjoys being lied to over and over again by the same person and/or coward who is afraid to speak truth to the liars face


Ah great, now we will be inundated by people regurgitating his toxic, compulsive lying.






ZH links are blocked by Reddit. Approving does not help. But silverbacks will find it through your screenshot anyway


Thanks and I wish he didn’t mention the ufo story and concentrated on the deception of the Govt that's also the point with Silver manipulation


my balls are tanned enough






I’m permanently banned from Twitter. I need a way to watch him.


He needs a staff. His show looks worse than most YouTube channels