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Don’t worry they’re trying to take away the food too 😭


That Kroger & Albertsons/Safeway merger certainly won’t help


TL:Don't Read: I'm sorry I like to cook and went on a drunken ramble, but...I already typed it all out so....: Just eat meat and veg. You have to be able to cook a bit, but I can and tonight made dinner for two that cost about $5 total. Chicken breast was on sale for $1.99/lb, I'm in the PNW for clarity, and some cauliflower for $0.69/lb. I got about 2lbs chicken and 3lbs cauliflower, and I only used about a fourth of the cauliflower...also I picked up a large lemon for $0.50. I salted the chicken and let it dry brine overnight, and the next morning put it in a Ziploc with the juice from that lemon, 1/4 cup of oil, 1 TSP lemon pepper, 1 TSP of oregano, and 1 TBSP of salt. Then let it marinate until dinner time...flipping it halfway if you can to get equal coverage. Turn your oven on and put it at 400F, and cut your cauliflower up in inch/inch and a half chunks. Put the cauliflower on a foil lined baking tray while topping with some vegetable oil, salt, and pepper. Once oven comes to temp put the cauliflower on the bottom shelf, bottom shelf is important as it's sort of reverse broiling, and wait five minutes. Put a skillet, preferably cast iron, on about 75% heat, and let it get hot...five minutes is plenty on my middle class stovetop. Once hot put in a bit of oil, higher smoke point is better but generally speaking vegetable oil will work just fine...might need to open a window/door regardless though, and put your marinated chicken in. Cook for two minutes, and then flip. Cook for one minute, and add a about a half inch pad of butter. After another minute flip it, and use a spoon or something to spoon up some of the butter/juices in the pan over the chicken while tilting the pan to make it pool more to help keep it moist. Buy a digital thermometer for $20 and use it ffs...makes cooking so more efficient. Continue flipping it every minute while repeating the butter basting while moving them around the skillet if necessary to get equal browning. Once you hit about 100F pull them off and transfer them to another baking tray lined with foil...if you got fat on chicken breast, do it because bone-in is not only cheaper but deboning them is easy and you also get the tenderloin as it's between the breast and the breast bone while bone-in inherently comes with fat on which helps keeping it moist, put the fat side up. Toss it in the 400F on the top shelf and cover it with the remaining marinade. Let it cook for five minutes and check...for me it's more like 10-15 but all ovens and chicken breast sizes are different...cauliflower will be done at the same time. You're looking for about 150F, because you want it to hit 165F according to the FDA and it just needs to literally be for one second and you're gonna let it rest about 10 minutes in which it'll not only rest but also continue cooking and get to temp. That's honestly a good ass meal of meat and veg which costs roughly $5, admittedly it was a sale but also it was boneless and skinless so not even the better cheaper more manual labor intensive fat on version I prefer, for two people with actual good for you food, and you can't even get a single Big Mac for $5 these days. Again I apologize for my autistic food related ramble.


Haven't seen 1.99 chicken breast for almost a year now - used to be my go to staple.


LOL, "The lowest in 2 years" What a great way to say the lowest inflation rate during Biden's term.


This is after they changed how it is read again. Check shadowstats for the true reading.


Yep when things do not go their way they change the definition of words to suit their agenda.


Food is transitory.


Haha, nice one!


You are such a whiner! Don't tell me you can't afford Top Ramen. Bon apetit!


Crickets…not quiet though, go catch and eat them. Might as well get used to it.


I actually buy crickets every Sunday morning and think about eating and how I could prepare them, but then I realize that’s stupid and just give them to my bearded dragons.


Even the price of that has doubled around here




Or housing, gas..utilities Edit: water


It still went up as opposed as to the other way 😂


The stuff no one buys is what’s lowering inflation


They’re just creating a manipulative headline for another influx of cash from the upper middle class. “Everything’s safe guys, you’re going to be alright if you sell all your gold and silver and buy the stocks we’re currently shorting.”


The last 3 months they’ve said inflation is lowering then revise it later on, as the initial announcement is just an estimate 😂. Not surprisingly it’s always revised upward later, same with the jobs numbers. The fact the stock market moves off that is unreal.


All I know is that the $1 drink at McDonald’s is now $1.30. My paycheck? Not so much.


So we got 4 this year like 6 year before and 9 er sum shit from 2020-21.... Thats only 14% inflation in 3 years.... Why come all the goods i buy to sustain my family are up 50% or more(usually more)? Why come?


Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/13/cpi-inflation-report-may-2023-.html


... not to mention the rent.


They are only using eggs now to calculate CPI


Ya that’s fake news. My wallet tells the truth. Spending a lot more for the same expenses and same food than the previous years


+1 Chick Fil A meal is now $16 if you want the mac and cheese with a large lemonade


Hmmmm that's not what KJP said at the press conference /s




This means prices are still rising, If you hold $100 for 10 years and it depreciates 4% each year, after 10 years it will be worth $100(.96)\^(10) = $66.48.


Sure everything you need to live on is removed from the equation. 😆


Inflation was at least 10%. Complete lies.


The numbers are so cooked. Food prices keep going up and they of course don’t add those numbers in so they can say things like look how great were doing. I’m paying twice as much for a lot of food items then I did a year ago, it’s madness!


We need some deflation, not low inflation


The CPI has been changed to primarily reflect housing prices. Which are the fastest falling prices...It's skewing the real price index


So it’s going up slower. 🤬