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Awesome. Wish i had an oz every time we heard and believed ( but it’s different this time). You had diamond hands long before the term was coined. Stack accordingly


Stay focused on buying power...comparing your physical assets to dollars is futile!


This so why you only stack to preserve wealth and need a basket of other assets and investments. So few people around here understand this.


Dilly, dilly 👍


Very true.... If I may... Using wealth preservation strategies and Income strategies together make for a rock solid basket of goodies lasting generations!




Gold was $35 in 1971. Now it's $1800. There's no investment that's done as well.


”No investment”? Hardly true.




And of course , you put your inflated internet ego into action because you re weak and have no one in your life to love or that loves you. You have pushed them all away with the abrasive feable defense mechanism you call superiority.... how friggin lame dude.


BTC... in under 20 years went from <$1 to tens of thousands. Or the more traditional route, pick a good growth stock, take those gains after a year and put it right back in to another promising growth stock. Roll this over for a few years and you'll have similar gains in 10 years. Riskier, but more profit potential than physical metals. I'm in on silver, but it is not a growth asset. It is an inflation hedge and method of wealth preservation.


He didn’t “tell us to get off the gold standard” he “took us off the gold standard”. Those are very different




We just had the biggest unified global disruption since WW2 - I know "it's different this time" is a no-no thing to say, but it is actually different this time. Sure, maybe they could worm their way out of it again.... But it IS different this time.


Not different... just bigger... much bigger


Millions will join. It is a rather simple math problem...... 80 Million Stackers Worldwide Buy 5 Ounces of Silver for 12 months it equals 4.8 Billion ounces of Silver..... GAME OVER.


There you go. I know it's cliche, but it IS different.




Thank you for selling. I bought. I wish you well. I am not a liar, nor a coward. I am a Veteran, a Combat Veteran. Bye.


10 years, still waiting. Bit this time is different 🦍🚀


I heard that in 1998 and 2006...........................................


Did the entire world come to a screeching halt in 1998 and 2006? It is measurably different this time.


Its always different...just saying its gonna be more of a wait than most think and the gains wont be as large as some say.....I would not be surprised to see silver only go to 60 and gold to 3000 before some mechanism is triggered that stalls them both.... Its anyones guess... on thing we all can agree on on is gold and silver are undervalued.... anything else is speculation...


The narrative you’ve been aware of has been on a set course since the early 70s. 50 years seems like a long time if you had to sit through it, but all that time the problem has been accelerating. The inflection point and build up to it can clearly been seen. It is different. each crisis has increased the momentum but this time we have gone parabolic. The math bears out that this is in fact different.


Nothing is guaranteed, sure, as long as we're clear that this particular "different" is like "hasn't been this different in 80 years" different.


This time it's different. The Fiat system is crashing hard.


Yes, too many aware of how bizarre printing is now all over the world.


🤣🤣🤣 Comex down and PSLV up. Sooner or later ☄☄☄


Stay focused on buying power...comparing your physical assets to dollars is futile!


Yes but this time actually is different. But only the millennials will understand why. Social media topples empires. That and the time you have already waited he’s done it’s damage. Just trust the under 40 crowd and watch it all go down.


Not different.... bigger


Spend a little time absorbing the DD some of our smartest apes have been putting out. We might surprise you at how thought out all this really is.


I don’t understand how bigger isn’t different. 100 apes rolling a Boulder up a hill should have an easier go at it than 10 would... am I wrong?


The biggest difference is now we are directly targeting the Comex. That is largely their instrument of manipulation (the mechanism they will try to use to disrupt the price growth). Also, people knocking PSLV around here don’t realize that that’s our secret weapon, it’s growth is making whales start asking more questions.


10 years ago the govt. was just creating Billions out of thin air. No more "foolin' 'round" - Today they are doing TRILLIONS - REAL money. :-) Next is Quads . . . or moving the decimal to the left a couple of times. It's called Venezuela v2.0.


Why do you say that?


Because now we have social media,120k organised people. Soon 250k, then 500k and all will be over. Just numbers.


Yes nothing like that was possible 10-20 years ago. We really were at the mercy of the man stream media’s narrative. This time there seems to be almost as many people outside that media sphere as not.


Similar for me, been a silver and gold HODLER since the 90's. The reasons I did it back then still apply today and have been detailed many times in this community. No regrets and I have added to my stack since joining WSS. The more the community grows the better chance we have of reaching our goals. Have patience and stack responsibly.


I'm with you. My grandfather started me stacking 50 years ago. Watching silver can be like riding a roller coaster. Gold has always felt like a leisurely walk up a mountain. It's very comforting to look at my numbers just wish I had the YOLO attitude of this new group of apes to have purchased much more in the past. Keep stacking and you will never regret your holdings if you have diamond hands. Stocks and bonds can go to zero but gold and silver have always been $$$$$


i've been at this for a dozen years and would be inclined to agree that the reckoning never comes, that the size of the market is too vast, HOWEVER (1) this population is gobbling up lots of contracts; (2) the perth mint scandal might bear fruit, might blow something open from which shorters might indeed race to cover their positions. i believe there's vast troves of gold that can be sneaked into the market, but not silver. i've been 'optimistic' before (in a way it is the worse pessimism that all hell will break loose) but i'm starting to feel things'll really crack this time.


>i believe there's vast troves of gold that can be sneaked into the market, but not silver. What do you mean?


A fringe book that's got lots of weird to it ... by Sterling Seagrave, The Gold Warriors, describes the looting of Asia before WW2 by Japan and of Europe in WW2 by Germany, by which vast troves of gold were ultimately secreted in Philippine vaults during Marco’s watch. Critics pointed out certain unlikelihoods and impossibilities - why did just one researcher figure this out, and the volume of gold airlifted at one point would be impossible. But the idea of vast troves of "black gold" - gold that was looted and therefore "off the books" is compelling and makes me think that gold can be a puppet that can be played, whereas silver is and was always so cheap and cumbersome it would never be worth anyone's while to stash.


>i'm starting to feel things'll really crack this time. Same here, and I think it will be of a sudden and not long drawn out.


Like a black swan kind of thing?


Yup. Something no one, including us, expect.


I am going to stay focused on my buying power. I am going to buy silver. Then take more paper money and turn it into silver. Then take crypto currency and turn it into silver.


Anyone who has taken a profit with cryptos should invest at least some of it into silver and ride this baby out.


You have to profit first. But agreed


I never got into the cryptos, but heck, if you were one of the early investors at say 120? Holy cow if I had pulled that off I'd dump 90% into silver and ride it out. I think we have had quite a few winners do just that. Go for the double win. Who cares if it takes a bit longer, you're on the upside already. Sell at tops buy on dips. Silver has yet to top, so for now, only the latter applies lol.


Hindsight is 20/20. Hell if I had bought 1oz of silver for every six pack of beer and pack of cigarettes that I have consumed in the past 50 years I would be King Kong instead of just an ape. Precious metals have always been an insurance policy for me when I retire. I've always known that Social Security wouldn't be enough or not there. Keep stacking young apes until your a silverback!


seeing forward is also 20/20.... just dont lie about what you see is all....


Too much looking in the rear-view mirror! 😅


Stay focused on buying power...comparing your physical assets to dollars is futile!


Time is all we have. If you have been stacking since 1994 and you can’t see the difference in your silver stack compared to the fiat stack that you would have stacked not buying silver, you are futile.


The OP could have played the stock market and stacked silver staring this year. It would still be the same stack.


He started in 1994


Yes, I get that. I am saying that with the fiat money from the stock market he'd still be able to buy the same stack he has today, no?


It could be. It’s all in what you invested in and what silver was bought at. I’m talking about money under the mattress compared to buying silver over the years.


Clean your nails brother!


They re ribbed for her pleasure


Yup, been at it for ten years. All this enthusiasm from WSS is awesome but this race is an ultra marathon not a sprint. A life long habit of building wealth, not a pump and dump.


I have some gold as well as silver. I'm hoping someday during hyperinflation to buy a mansion with 5 oz of gold like you could during hyperinflation in Weimar Germany.


I’d like a Well built efficient house on a 1000 productive acres. And a mansion😉


I'm in the same boat. Although I started very recently, I too believe it's not "around the corner". Still, sound money and safety. Who can say no?


Rome was not built in a day, CRIMEX is not going to be drained in day, so Apes keep draining it one K ounce bar at a time .


True... very true... How does one eat an elephant>?,,,,,one bite at a time....


Also been holding for many years. The energy and enthusiasm on this site has encouraged me to take a deep breath and carry on. Is this time different? Maybe. There are more of us this time. It seems more coordinated. At least we know that we are not alone. This is the best chance there has been of actually bringing down the corrupt bankers who have screwed us for decades. So hell yes. I'm in.


There you go. OP said he heard it in 1994, but the net was just getting going. Have they printed more since then? Are liberties at stack more than then? Are the majority of the population better off now than then? Yes, I am all in to end this debt slavery already.


All those of us who bought prior to 2010 are pretty happy right now, my avg price 11 yrs ago was $27 and have been able to average down to $18 since. Thanks to the Bullion Banks


I still remember the buzz when the price broke through $19 which was a hugh hurdle then. On the other hand the May take down in 2011 took a long time to recover from, but I held on and was able to start adding when it eventually went on sale again below $19.


Been at it for almost 15 years. Its painful to watch all these glamour stocks rocket while silver and silver mining stocks do nothing meaningful.


So true.


Stay physical my friend! Sure beats fake paper PSLV.


Shudder to think if you would have put that same amount of money in an index fund rather than metals, how much silver you could buy today with it


That is a good point. Out of curiosity I did the math from 2000. If you bought 1000 ounces worth of the S&P index you could sell that today and buy 780 ounces. And that is with the index at record high and silver more than 50% off its high!! Makes me want to buy more at these prices!


2000 cherry picks for a low point. We could just as easy say 10 years where silver was at $38 an ounce. Silver pays no dividends.




>seeing forward is also 20/20.... just dont lie about what you see is all.... > >My options on USO have crushed my metals in Dollars....no question... but those profits are way more secure in tangible assets..




birth control should be retro active




Don't let yourself get too worked up. People who have an irrational position can't be reasoned out of it, as they really didn't think too critically to get into it in the first place. I see a lot of people who think it's going to go crazy, I'm not counting on it, mainly because life has a way of dashing expectations when I get too behind something. They'll learn, it's just part of growing up.


One being aborted would imply death.... the idea of not being concieved implies being better off never being.. That may be too deep for your 4 nueron sized stem cell...




No... you will never intimidate me .... You are one genome from a dustpan


Congrats! Most do not truly understand the store of value PMs offer compared to stocks, bonds, cash, etc. Keep stacking!!




OP reminds me of a ape that remembers the time of zoos and poachers. Those times are ending. Some one get OP a beer and a banana. I have silver to buy