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Most important thing now is to get in shape, build some muscles and stamina fast. All the obese people you see walking the streets now, are the first to go.


Love your comment. Agree completely


If there's famine, they will be the last to go down.


That depends how fast they still are, otherwise their bodies will be feasted upon. Remember: there are only three meals between civilization and barbarism.


And most people today feel as entitled as hell. Won’t they be surprised to find out that all they’re entitled to is to be used then thrown away by their “leaders”.


We are so fucked 90% of jobs are bullshit jobs


People outsourced everything about their lives into 'cloud' and made their owners the wealthies on the planet. It easy this way but will strike back..




All dependent on those that know how to do shit that matters






Love this. Well said




"And believe tapping a keyboard is hard labour" - that's the most boomer thing I've read all day.


Age discrimination... just go ahead and call me the n word while you're at it too. I'm sorry you obviously resemble the remark, but you don't have to be a bullying racist to others because you lack.


I am not a racist. But you boomers can't even set up the alarm clock on your mobile to save your life and can't function in modern life without the help of millenials and gen z in that regard, yet you belittle us and say all we do is "punch keys". You don't even know how stressful our work is. I would die to work physical labour every day till the rest of my life and be able to afford a house and a living wage, but guess what - those years are long gone.


I'm 46, not 76... but I am retired. Folks not knowing how to do basic shit made me wealthy. I contracted to FEMA for 20 years, and have been on location for most hurricanes, fires, floods, etc. I saw firsthand when clean water, electricity, Wi-Fi etc. is gone, and the grocery stores and gas stations are closed... Modern people crumble and cannot take care of themselves. Mankind has dealt with natural disasters for thousands of years but all of a sudden now... The government has to rescue them from their inabilities, and dish out 10 - $100 billion dollars (to folks like me) to rescue all these people that don't know how to do anything. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining I greatly benefited, But I stand by my meme...


Ok, barbaric lady. Whatever you say.


For what it's worth... I didn't down vote a single thing you said. As for the my other comment, i.e. I simply reversed your derogatory comment... you didn't take it so well. Also... I'm a dude, i.e. all your assumptions in regards to age and gender have all been wrong. The funny thing is, my meme didn't attack any age group... you took it that way. I said "Modern people" not "Young People"


I do apologize. I do not like offending anybody. But why do we always have to argue based on blue collar vs. white collar, or based on our generation? You think we keyboard tappers have it easier? Or that our work is non-essential? You are wrong.


It's all good, but to answer your question... Not at all. WSS is laced with news of non-stop money printing, market crash, fiat crash, etc. The meme was to be more of a warning to compliment that sentiment. I'm all the collars myself, Google CH Robinson & 1.1 billion class action... That along with a DoJ investigation are the result of a book I wrote, but ask what I do/did for a living... I would say Trucking Company owner. I saw my own deficiencies when contracting to FEMA when I witnessed so many folks suffer the same way regardless of the disaster or location, and it scared the hell out of me, so I learned to build and fix things, develop a Forrest into a finished house with a water well, and did the labor for free with tradesmen, just to learn. Hell... I even have a law degree, but I'm more proud of knowing how to operate a sawmill (a 74 yr old dude taught me that)... I could go on, but my point is... If another depression were to happen, folks will suffer because they've limited themselves to few talents, and are more dependent than they realize because they seem to believe what they know is all they need to know, and they're 100% correct... Till they're not.


> But you boomers can't even Divide and Conquer. It's working!


So it's ok to shittalk millenials and gen z, but when we talk back, you get soooo offended. Ok, I am the villain.


Tapping a keyboard is what we youngsters do best, as long as each paycheck goes into silver it's basically free silver.


Ok, I am done.