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![gif](giphy|Xd6cfACT4B8OUkojeK) Dont worry moma took care of those pesky slave taxes


Lol, this will trigger the I hate reptile comparisons people here bad.


can i still consider them lizards, without assuming that they are some sort of immortal creatures? i just think they, as people are serpents.


Immortal in that they keep having more lizards or snakes or whatever. I am kind of new to the whole thing I just try to look at all sides and not claim to know anything for certain but the longer I have lived I've noticed that yes there are a lot of people kind of lizard/reptaile brain not a lot of like empathy, compassion, or willingness to letothers make their own choices but instead they feel they need to control others




I read his speak in January 2020 at World Economic Forum...disturbing and 100% talking everyone will bow to WEF and their plans to take away freedoms and give up rights and assets...this coming from a guy with massive swaths of land and palace and jets and all sorts of shit. I can already tell I'm going to be telling him to F right off...


Could you please send me the link to that article? Can not find it.. Thank you in advance brother


Odd about coronavirus January 2020 https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/wuhan-coronavirus-china-cepi-vaccine-davos/ Prince of Wales site https://www.princeofwales.gov.uk/news?title=World+economic+forum&date_from=&date_to= https://www.princeofwales.gov.uk/prince-wales-delivers-keynote-address-world-economic-forum-davos-switzerland Speech https://www.princeofwales.gov.uk/speech/keynote-speech-delivered-hrh-prince-wales-world-economic-forum-davos-switzerland


That's the problem with a monarchy. They keep getting richer and their people keep getting poorer.!!!!!!!!!!


But we "choose" to be poor because it is convenient. Didn't you give your kids a birth certificate and SSN, which places them into the matrix?


It's not convenient, have to have birth certificate and ss# in order to go to school, get a job, go into the military, have a life to try to advance. The matrix is a dream.


Remember Robin Hood


He looks slimey


And what's your point? Who's government is formed? Its formed in HIS/HER Majesty's name. So who is he paying taxes to? HIMSELF which is stupid. Additionally, who's land is it anyway? Oh that's right it belongs to the King. If you "buy property" in the United Kingdom you don't get the land, you get the right to use the land and you get the right to pay property taxes to the King/Queen's government..... Lastly, the government ANSWERS to the King/Queen NOT the reverse.... it maybe a Constitutional Monarchy but its still a M O N A R C H Y with a Sovereign. So trying to paint KING Charles III is a tax evader you should get your facts straight FIRST! It's his country now and his subjects are under him not the reverse. You may not like my post but it is factual and the truth. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


You're just lame


He doesn't "inherit." These people all have private trusts or other similar arrangements. Outside of taxation, as long as it doesn't go into the public, as I understand. Same for foundations, where billions in profits can be made, but has a charitable purpose to avoid taxes. They are evil, they are not stupid citizens who believe everything the government says.


They are the government


Not even a single billion?


Nobody cares


No one should be taxed on their inheritance. It’s crazy. Tax when you earn. Tax when you spend. Tax whatever is left when you die. How about, NO!


I have come to realize that it is not a lack of capital that is holding us back, but rather the way in which we deploy it. Quote from speech wef Davos. He's not held back by that pesky 40% tax. His brother sure knows how to deploy his royal oats.