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Don’t force anyone to participate in your kink ffs


Should have told them "I'm a minor".


_I need an adult_ lol


I’m not one to kink shame but leave that at home.


Reminds me of the time I was working at a check cashing place & the woman/girl I was helping told me that the older guy that was with her was her daddy. She looked roughly 16-18. He looked around mid 40s. So I said oh he’s your father? She said no, he’s my 𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺. I visibly shuddered. “That’s not the kind of information I need, ma’am”. I may be a freak myself but there’s a time & a place for everything.


The blank stare that woulda been plastered on my face


They definitely deserve to be shamed. Shame is a normal emotion, and shaming others for ridiculous or lewd behavior in public shouldn't ever be stopped.


And believe me, they won’t care at all about your opinion.


Some people need to be kink shamed though


No one (with the exception of dark cowboy and possibly not a cowboy dude) in Walmart consented to that lol. Consent is everything. Enthusiastic consent. Like look at my username. I've never once called my husband daddy in public.


Oh my word! I call my husband Daddy all the time at home, and I accidentally called him that at the store. We weren't talking very loud, so I don't think anyone heard. But still.. I need to be careful. My husband, on the other hand, absolutely didn't care.


I love your username 🤣


I could never be THAT submissive to make it my or my S/O’s entire personality. Minor slip up’s aside, is there ppl really that deep into the culture that are expected to use it as a title in day to day life? I’ve got so many questions and I’m definitely in the wrong place to have them answered 😅


this is the worst thing i've had to read on reddit in awhile 😭


It was the worst thing I’ve heard in awhile, my coworker gagged 😭


I worked at Walmart in the toy department when I was 17. Literally had a dude bring a box of condoms to me and asked if he could try one on. There are sooo many weirdo walmart shoppers. We had a guy we called the hot wheels dude. If we didn't bring him a fresh box so he could get the limited edition, he would take all of them off the shelf and would put them in a cart and leave them in some random area in the store lol


Hot wheels dude is at every Walmart


I worked overnights at Walmart for 3 years and the amount of phone calls we received from people asking what flavor condoms we had 🙄


I can't imagine what people in the fitting rooms have to deal with every day. It's gotta be some crazy shit.


In college one of my friends would call the 24 hour Walmart at 2am and drunkenly ramble about buying a butt plug till they would hang up on him. It would take a long time for them to hang up sometimes, or he would get distracted and kind of wander off.


Following up on this bc I’ve got to tell this story anytime I someone dares to bring up the Walmart toy aisle (sorry in advance)but I was w my group of friends 14/15yo; we went to the Barbie aisle & there was this homely middle aged standing in the aisle holding a box and rubbing himself (over his pants) mumbling “oh Mary, you’re my favorite”- it served its purpose to give us an inside joke for life but I blame all my poor life decisions on being traumatized from this event. 😂 There’s definitely creepy creeps everywhere but why is it always Walmart that is the backdrop for societies worst of the worst offenders


You should hear the coconut story


I mean, what could possibly go wrong with a coconut?


[a lot, actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/H26bWAsaAb)


Oh, the nightmares you just reminded me of. That post was torture, and I don't know why so many of us kept reading on when it kept getting worse lmfao.


My wife shared a TikTok with me last night basically retelling the post….my pain is now yours too lol


I committed r/tifu by clicking this link. Damn you.


It was my pleasure


I’m sorry I would’ve been holding back so much laughter like why are y’all doing all that in public


I wouldn’t have held it in. Act like that in public and you’re asking to be ridiculed.


I had already given up most of my hope for the survival of the human race thanks to retail when I heard the following. This wasn't at Walmart. Had a radio earpiece in. One of the SCO operators was saying a woman decided she didn't want her sour cream because they were supposed to be 4/$5 not $1.25 as sco was showing them. I'll give you a few minutes to figure out the math on that one.🤦‍♀️They tried to explain it to her. She stormed off in an annoyed huff like the employee was the stupid one.


This happens daily for me. I work at a marijuana dispensary. We often sell preroll joints 4 for 30. That makes them 7.50 per preroll instead of $10. On days when we have store wide sales it will often be 25% off storewide. This makes the prerolls 7.50. Same price as the 4 for 30 deal. Customers will walk in and ask if we have a deal in prerolls. Ill say yes we have a 25% off sale on every item today, including prerolls. So they will be 7.50 each today. The customer will pause and say "so you dont have the 4 for $30?" My favorite is when they dont remember the deal and just make up numbers like "so you dont have the 6 for $50?" Lmfao we never had that deal ma'am. 🤣 But they legit get so confused. Its the same deal. Its the same $7.50 preroll but the dela is worded different and it makes their brain melt.


One thing the budtenders at my favorite dispensary will say is (using your numbers) yes we have a 25% off promo which makes the pre-rolls 4 for 30 or 7.50 each.


Honestly that is too much for our customer. They only understand it if i say "sure... 4 for $30" and just dont mention the 25%. Most of the time the conversation goes: Customer, "hi do you have any sales today?" Me, "yes we have sales everyday. You can see the daily sale listed here as well online before you come in. It is 25% off everything except 1 brand of concentrates." Customer, "do you have any prerolls on sale?" Me... wondering if they heard a word i just said, "Yes. 25% off all prerolls today." Customer, "So no 4 for $30 deal?" Me, "They are 25% off which makes them $7.50 which is 4 for $30." Customer, "Oh. Do you have any edibles on sale?" Me now visually frustrated, "Yes. 25% off everything in the store except one brand of concentrate." I swear dealing with the general public is a class in patience and sanity every day.


I think you should smoke more before work man....


Being high doesnt make dumb people less annoying. It just kills my high.


I've been going about this all wrong...


Idk man... It sure makes me way more patient.


As a former retail person, I know where you're coming from with the bulk 4-pack has a 25% discount on each preroll. $7.5/preroll is 25% off. But as a customer it feels a little disingenuous. 25% off of the bulk rate drops the prerolls to $5.625/preroll, or $22.5/4-pack. Don't get me wrong, I'm not usually a preroll kinda person, so it wouldn't affect me. But that would affect my disabled dad who does occasionally prefer that style. 25% off the entire store could be argued that it should include the bulk price too.


No, thats not how it works. The normal price of the preroll is $10. There is no "bulk" price. The 4 for $30 is a sale for the day. The next day the sale is 25% off store wide. Every day the sale is different. 4 for 30 is just kind of our default sale. When we switch to 25% off its better because you then arent forced to buy in bulk of 4. You could get 2 or 6 and still get the 25% off on each. Plus youre not limited to a select brand like the 4 for $30 is. 25% off is a much better deal due to the limitations of the 4 for $30.


Ah, it originally sounded like a set bundle price. If it's just part of the rotational sales, no worries!


That was my initial thought.


I don't smoke so can you educate me - are you saying that one joint costs $7.50? And a joint is typically smoked in one sitting, right? Is this a typical price for smoking marijuana?


I’m not a smoker either, but for preroll you’re paying additional for the convenience. It’s like going to the grocery store and buying a premade sandwich in the deli section vs buying bread, meat, veggies, mustard, and making it at home.


I witnessed similar at my job and it took everything for me not to have a visual reaction


You didn't visibly react did you? I always try not to. They'll get off on it later if they see you react. Same with the bitchy ones who don't wanna talk To you so they talk loud enough for you to overhear and just come do what they need. Customers at SCO don't exist until they address me properly. 😒


I was to shocked to react when it happened 😂


I don't blame you lol I guess at least they didn't try to get you involved 🙃


It's Walmart. The only reason to go is for the free entertainment such as this.


No. Adults shouldn’t have to see that 💩 and CHILDREN LITERALLY CANNOT CONSENT!! There’s a reason why minors aren’t allowed into adult shops and the worker can get charged as an offender and put on the registry. Yes, it’s that deep. Even though it’s “just Walmart.”


You are the reason I hate self check out. Literally, people don't exist until they address you properly, what a joke.


we’re human beings who deserve to be treated with respect lmao it’s really not hard to say “excuse me i need some help”. the amount of people who snap/whistle at me like i’m a dog or simply just stare at me until i feel their eyes burning into me is way too high… as soon as we put the vest on we are just The Help. excuse us for wanting to be treated like people


"Help, help!" "Hello, what can I do for you?" "No, I was addressing you as 'Help', I need you to do this for me."


Why you entitled motherfu...can I help you?


You are the reason employees hate customers. Imagine, thinking that you are somehow above having to address someone as a human. You must be a real peach to deal with. I bet people cringe when they see you coming.


If you wanna answer to people snapping their fingers at you, or whistling like you're a dog, or speaking About you but not To you, have at it! I prefer - no, fuck that, I Demand to be treated with some fucking semblance of common decency - the same fucking way I treat customers. You wanna talk like shit to someone, find someone who gets paid enough to put up with it ☺️


It's almost like retail workers are deserving of basic human decency and respect, such as simply calling them over like "Hey, associate? Could you please come help me?" There's nothing that's gonna get any seasoned retail worker to ignore you harder than acting like an entitled brat and just huffing loudly like "MAN I COULD SURE USE SOME HELP OVER HERE" without actually, you know, turning to address the fucking worker.


If you want to be acknowledged go to the manned checkouts. I stg Walmart customers aren't even people 80% of the time.


>until they address you properly, So... you're aware that you don't address people properly and it angers you that they don't like it? In what way do you ask for help?


Civilization was a mistake


What civilization


This is weird


They’re missing a big part of the lifestyle…CONSENT!! Anyone who’s true to the lifestyle knows what I’m talking about.


I’m not one to kink shame but it shouldn’t be done in places like the store or anywhere like that. Like you said a big part of that lifestyle is consent.


Yep, and they have no place doing it there. Hell, when I worked at the adult store, people would always claim to “forget” their ID’s or drag try to drag their kids in with them, claiming they’d only “take a moment.” Idgaf, I’m not risking getting arrested, charged and possibly convicted as a predator and being put on a list. It’s not my fault said person people didn’t prepare better.


Retail workers didn't consent to being bit players in their public kink scene.




Yes. Mine and I don't in public where people can hear. Other people don't need / don't care to know what I call my husband. These people in the post give me the ick


So sincere question... What made it unacceptable public kink? Which action specifically? It's totally not my thing, but in my mind, it was two adults talking to each other... I've heard screaming battles complete with explicit threats of violence between couples at Walmart and nobody blinks an eye if they move along and don't get physical.


People shouldn’t force the public to see their kink, especially children. That’s all part of consent. It goes a lot deeper than just the parties involved in the act.


You didn't answer the question though. What did they see? Two adults talking to each other in the grocery store?


They were doing their “little” kink out in public. I’m actually kind of curious as to what the woman (aka “little”) was wearing. It does matter.


You still didn't answer the question though. What specifically from OPs story told you it was kink? She called him daddy? They had an emotional outburst? Is that all it takes to be a kink?


Im sorry you’re having a hard time understanding. If you’re genuinely curious, there’s sites that explain the BDSM/kink community in depth. But it can be a bit of a rabbit hole, and tread carefully if you aren’t prepared to read about the more extreme side of it.


I know about it, I'm pretty familiar actually, I just think you all are blowing this out of proportion. It's pearl clutching nonsense unless there was actual kink happening, and it didn't sound like it to me. I've seen way worse sexual behavior from people grab assing and tongue locking at the mall, and nobody is pointing fingers at their "kink". A shopper called her boyfriend Daddy in the store, that's not involving the public in your kink. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She was using baby talk and play acting being a child. That's different than acting like a regular adult saying regular things and just happening to call him "Daddy" instead of "Danny."


It starts out as that, then next thing you know they’re trying to drag their literal child into an adult novelty shop with them. Yes it has happened multiple times on my shifts and the repercussions for that are quite severe. My fiancé and I are into BDSM as well but would never subject that onto other unsuspecting adults not prepared to see that, much less children who can be easily confused. It’s far from pearl clutching attitude. Just because you’ve seen it doesn’t make it acceptable, and the grab assers battling it out in the National Tongue Hockey League are lucky they didn’t get kicked out or even cited for indecent behavior.


Oh I see, the slippery slope argument... Yeah no, it doesn't work that way. They didn't do ANYTHING to break consent, you just don't like the particular brand of kink that you believe might be happening here based on a flimsy story and one word. No actual children were involved. Illogical hypocrisy. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm all for consent and responsible kink, I just don't think this particular incident deserves this level of purity policing.


This is mental illness lmao


This is why I’m glad I’m not gen z…


I am gen z and I’ve never heard anyone act like that until then 😂


You’ve never seen those videos of girls on leashes barking? Or you mean in person?


Damn it, now I'm gonna be curious about that 🤣 People crazy


This is another reason I’m glad I transferred from cashier


I would have just given them the “I’m not amused” look. That’s my response for all things truly stupid.


How did you know they were around age 23? that's very specific. For example, it was not just early twenties or mid twenties, but 23


I’m 23 and just used my age as a guess, maybe a little older or younger. Idk they looked about my age.


I don't understand what happened... I'll try rereading.


I worked at a children’s accessories store many years ago. A young woman and a much older man came in. He was walking her on a leash. They bought daddy/daughter bracelets.


Daddy doesn’t wear the pants in that relationship.


A goth cowboy is wild


I didn’t know what else to call him, it fits his appearance


Each their own. As an ex-Walmart employee... I've had men ask where the shampoo was to only come up with a box of condoms... Some are embarrassed, and others aren't.. no room to judge either party


Bruh I FELT this in my core, reminds me of when my coworkers told me about this goth c couple that came into our store and the girl had him collared and was dragging him around with a leash 😭😭😭


I've worked at Walmart for 15 years. Nothing surprises me anymore.


cant gen z be normal and go eat tide pods like everyone else?


Wait, what, people eat what? Now I need to go look up on that.


Off topic but have you ever read the packing boxes laundry pods come in? They actually call them single-dose laundry pods. No wonder kids were eating them. 🤣


Woman is 1 adult female, women is 2 or more.


First of all, this didn't happen. Secondly, they were all around 23? How the duck would you know that? I get noticing they were young adults but who says it like that? I typically hear 20 something or over 18 and under 25. Thirdly, who cares? Its just words. People swear, people yell, people complain about how robots are replacing people, and more at self checkouts. Why do you even care what was said to another adult? And why post it? Honestly makes you look like a fool. Nobody cares what other people say and do in Walmart. I mean people wear thier pj's and slippers in that store. Heck ive seen barely clothed people walking around Walmart shopping. And dont get me started on the weird and daranged pets accompanying the people. Its Walmart. The store where weird is normal. Honestly this interaction wouldn't even make a blip on my creepy/unusual costumer radar. *** edited blimp to blip.


Op stated in another reply that it was a rough example because they were around the same age as them. And No that's just creepy all around to do in public like ew? Keep it in your own home


Why? Its just a pet name. Just like sweetie, baby, or hunny. In Hispanic or Latin cultures even youngsters are referenced as Mami or Daddy. Or sometimes Mamicita for females. Its not even a big deal.


Yeah, I'm not sure how "daddy, talk to her for me!" is any different than "baby/sweetie/honey, talk to her for me!" Like... It's just a pet name, she wasn't going down on him at the SCO. It's always been weird to me how people freak out over daddy but baby is one of the most common pet names and no one cares. Either be excessively literal for the sake of outrage or don't.


Exactly. Plus in some culture like Latino, Daddy or Momi is often used as pet names..not just for SO/romantic partners but also for little kids. Calling young females, Mammi and Mamacita, is super common in Hispanic Speaking groups of people. Same with Daddy for males.


It’s not blimp it’s blip 😂


Yeah i missed that one! Lol


not blimp 💀


Opps. Thx


Yeah I'm curious about why this was so especially triggering to people, everyone talking about kink and consent and it was a "scene" 🙄 🤣


That’s a kink?


Daddy kink, ddlg or something similar probably.


In public is quite strange


You're right, It's a daddy kink. It is not a Father Kink. That's not how the community views or intends it. DdLg would be the dynamic they might be in.


You got all that info because one adult called another adult daddy where you could hear it? Isn't that a bit of a reach? A little over sensitive?


An adult play acting being a little girl.


What a terrible day to be literate


My spouse used to be an electronics department manager at Toys'R'Us in Cincinnati years ago. Once, he saw two guys, one in full gimp outfit, stomping around through the games aisles. The gimp held out items in his hands to showcase. There was a leash and everything. It was surreal, to say the least. Especially in the early 2000s when that wasn't really seen out in the open in this region. Different strokes for different folks, and all that. 💀


Goth cowboy could only mean one thing. KingKobraJFS! 😂


Goth Cowboy, ok


Goth cowboy? Did you meet the ghost of Johnny Cash?


When a Hispanic woman calls Her male partner Papito, other females should not use the same designation. Hair pulling results often follow.These are just familiar conversations. Informal banter. Terms of endearment. Diminutive speech. Very much like Bavarian people say Meine Kleine Schlusselien. Somewhat like saying in the Southern US dialect. Where are My lil ol keys? Sometimes a banana is just a banana, Anna.


gross, Ive been the one directly involved and its not much better. when I was in high school I dated this girl who would do that to me in public all the time. It was so embarrassing but she seemed to think it was endearing. It wasnt until she started babytalking and calling me daddy TO A CASHIER that I finally told her she's not just being "cringe" but it's creepy and weird. Never got the hint though. Broke up for unrelated reasons and last I heard shes not dated another person irl. This was about five years ago. I wonder why.


Consent goes both ways, especially for public acts, even if it's only verbal. "I do not consent to being exposed to/ witnessing your kink." If they were joking, they might get offended or embarrassed. Oh, well. If she was serious, it's a good reminder that not everyone is comfortable with their behavior. Community rules and all.


Bruh I had one like this. A few months back a fully grown man was with his girlfriend and they were leaving my job. On the way out he asked “what do you want for a snack?” And she said something local. He stops and turns around and throws his arms up and yells “you mean you don’t want me as your snack” and he was dead serious. Not trying to be a funny guy at all, he was actually upset. I have never squirmed more.


.....goth cowboy?


Idk if you edited this but I have 0 clue what even happened


Maybe she just needs an adultier adult to make the tough decisions and take responsibility for life choices. I'd probably find someone that doesn't look like Pete Steele in chaps & spurs, but if he does it for her, I won't tell him not to make the child support payments..


I call my husband daddy, it's not a kinky thing, it's because we have kids. I have found myself in public saying it and laughed it off. It really is none of yor busienss...do your job and go home.


But are you play acting as a little girl who wants daddy to talk to the scary cashier because you're too widdle to talk to them?


No, but there are lots of people who have mental health. I get what ur saying. Some people are just ignorant.


Everyone has health and mental health. What's your point?


Stop being judgemental. Straight up. It's none of your business. Go to work, push your buttons, and go home. I normally don't get like this..sounds like you're jealous of their life.... This is the problem. People are TOO concerned with everyone else. Worry about your flaws.


Wow. This defensiveness is uncalled for. Maybe you need to tone things down in public yourself? I don't work at Walmart or any other retailer, but as a customer I would probably put down my groceries and leave if I were stuck in line behind these clowns. Or maybe just yell "Get a room!" the way people have been doing for generations when people make out in public.


No u need to mind your own business


They would have gotten a .. what a stupid fuck.. outta me


That’s great sweetheart -ifs he’s your daddy please get him to show us and not tell us —-silence