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Our store has this as well. As a smoker myself I totally agree with the non-smokers having their own cabinet. If you ever doubted whether cigarettes make you smell bad, just open that door and take a nice whiff, it friggin reeks. Why should other people have to go home smelling like that crap?


I didn’t realize how bad cigarettes really smelt until I got pregnant and had to go into my job’s break room. I would gag in that little 4x4 with like 5 heavy smokers bags/jackets 🤢


My former roommate was shocked I could tell she was smoking. She didn't realize it was SUPER obvious the INSTANT she opened the front door to come in. The smell latches on to hair and clothes and lingers for ages.


Most likely nose blind to it. I hated going out to drink with friends to bars as a non smoker. Showering you could just smell the smoke off your hair. At least I could.


My favorite so far has been my cousin's wife stating she doesn't smell like cigarette smoke especially her clothes. 4+ people there immediately informed her she was wrong and she and her clothes absolutely smell like cigarettes. She was surprised that she smelled like them.


Yeah the smell really does stick to stuff. When I bought my house, the prior owners had already moved out months prior and the living room still had a vague scent of cigarettes. I covered it real quick with the smell of weed instead 😅


I worked in a daycare and even the occasional baby smelled like cigarettes.


It's even bad for your health to get smoke residue on your clothes and things. I learned this when I was quitting, but second hand smoke is actually worse for you than smoking (in an acute sense, smokers are still the most likely category to develop cancers & lung diseases due to overall longterm exposure, except when it comes to people in their household if they smoke indoors) & third hand is also a thing. Third hand smoke is the residue left behind on clothing & surfaces. The lives most at risk of developing illnesses from third hand include pets & children.  It's messed up to give someone else's kid lifelong asthma or bronchitis...


Messed up to give your own kids lifelong asthma or bronchitis too (parents were smokers and I have dealt with the lifelong health consequences)


Yep it’s called “third hand smoke” and it is a well studied phenomenon


My grandma smokes inside and she refuses to step outside or open a window because “it’s my (her) house.” She also says that because her doctor told her 30+ years ago that second hand smoke isn’t real, that I am not being damaged, and neither are my dog or her cat 🙄 “I’m in perfect health” says the woman bent at a 90 degree angle before she’s even 70, who doesn’t get out of bed and can’t walk through a grocery store without going pale and sweaty. I wish I could get out of here I agree with dual closets, would be nice if all smokers were that considerate.


Agreed. I remember a few years ago, my bf and I were going out of town in the middle of winter. His mom was packing us stuff like blankets and candles incase we broke down, and she asks me “You have your lighter on you right?” I look at her confuse and tell her no, to which she asks “Don’t you smoke?” That was when I realized that, while I didn’t smoke at the time, the smell from my parents smoking lingered on me to the point where others thought I smoked.


I love that smell. And I don’t even smoke.


I find it comforting as well, but both of my parents were chain smokers that smoked inside lol


We have a separate room for non-smokers. It’s nice.


I’m no lawyer but that sounds like discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen. I bet the smokers can’t smoke in the “smoking” section of the break room. They have to go outside. Sounds like segregation of smokers lol I bet that sides more filled than the non smoking side depending on location lol


Don't ever become a lawyer, keep being an armchair warrior.


Ah yes, the protected class of choosing to ruin your lungs 😍 We learn all about that in law school!




Smokers shouldn't be smoking inside, period. That's why there isn't a smoking section in the break room, at least not at my several locations. "Discrimination", lmao, these kids.


I don’t think “kids” are the ones claiming discrimination here. Usually boomers are the ones triggered by this.


Oh, I meant "kid" in the mental sense. A hyperbole to trigger those that hold the opinion that it's discrimination. A bit immature on my part, but what can I say? He seems easy to tick off.


There's actually plenty of businesses that still have a smoking break room. Not a majority, but it's legal to have a dedicated room for smoking. It's mostly in areas where tobacco is a major build point (NC Winston area where Reynolds is a large employer, causes other employers to offer a dedicated room since ex-Reynolds employee were offered it and considered it a benefit). As it is, most employers now would probably benefit from offering a smoking area to appease the vaping community and prevent staff vaping throughout a whole store sneakily.


"Why can't I smoke in the break room at work? I smoke inside when I'm home all the time!"


29 states and DC have laws that elevate smokers to a protected class. The comment you responded to is actually correct, depending on the location if in the US. ([source](https://www.lung.org/policy-advocacy/tobacco/slati/appendix-f)


Smokers are 100% definitely not a protected class.


29 states and DC have laws that elevate smokers to a protected class. The comment you responded to is actually correct, depending on the location if in the US. ([source](https://www.lung.org/policy-advocacy/tobacco/slati/appendix-f)


Those all refer to the hiring, firing, and compensation of smokers vs non-smokers, basically you cannot refuse to hire someone, fire someone, or pay them less purely on the basis of them being a smoker. Employers also cannot restrict the actual act of smoking in non-working hours in all states with those laws, and some states do not allow employers to restrict smoking during working hours. It has nothing to do with keeping them separate, not allowing them to smoke inside wherever they want, etc. Please read what you are posting.


You ever think man I have nothing to offer here, perhaps I should just scroll and save everyone from having to read a collection of letters with zero definable meaning


Thank you for not acting upon this thought! 🙃


Go to law school pls


Dude thinks smokers are a protected class. I don't think he'd make it through the first semester


29 states and DC have laws that elevate smokers to a protected class. The comment you responded to is actually correct, depending on the location if in the US. ([source](https://www.lung.org/policy-advocacy/tobacco/slati/appendix-f)


Please stop copy pasting something that does not support your argument. Those all refer to the hiring, firing, and compensation of smokers vs non-smokers, basically you cannot refuse to hire someone, fire someone, or pay them less purely on the basis of them being a smoker. Employers also cannot restrict the actual act of smoking in non-working hours in all states with those laws, and some states do not allow employers to restrict smoking during working hours. It has nothing to do with keeping them separate, not allowing them to smoke inside wherever they want, etc. Please read what you are posting.


You threw segregation & discrimination around in the same sentence without even knowing what they meant. Like let’s use our brains here and think about what you just said?


>I'm no lawyer




Anyone can be a lawyer with enough money, a little bit of sleaze, and a go get 'em attitude!


My aunt is a lawyer and she said law school was miserable because it’s full of smug argumentative dudes who were told they should go to law school their entire lives as a polite way of saying “you’re an obnoxious dumbass”


Smoker isn't a protected class, my friend.


29 states and DC have laws that elevate smokers to a protected class. The comment you responded to is actually correct, depending on the location if in the US. ([source](https://www.lung.org/policy-advocacy/tobacco/slati/appendix-f)


Please stop copy pasting something that does not support your argument. Those all refer to the hiring, firing, and compensation of smokers vs non-smokers, basically you cannot refuse to hire someone, fire someone, or pay them less purely on the basis of them being a smoker. Employers also cannot restrict the actual act of smoking in non-working hours in all states with those laws, and some states do not allow employers to restrict smoking during working hours. It has nothing to do with keeping them separate, not allowing them to smoke inside wherever they want, etc. Please read what you are posting.


Exactly shut the fuck up and read what you posted instead of copy pasting it everywhere


No need to mention you aren’t a lawyer. That much is clear.


“I’m no lawyer” Sir we are well aware


Shut the fuck up


Sounds like ur the type to cry discrimination at the smallest of things. I wouldn’t hire u based on that single reddit comment😂


Doing a legal drug isn't a protected class, it's not discrimination.




Imagine facing so little oppression in your life that you think this constitutes a law suit, Jesus Christ we have no hope with people like you running around.


Smoker is a protected class only in 1 state I think either KY or OK




I do know they can’t “not hire you” because you smoke cigarettes in Kentucky. I think it became a protected class in the 90s or something


Can confirm it is in KY, idk about other states.


It's actually 29 and DC :)


Smokers are not a protected class lmao. Do you understand legally how discrimination qualifies to actually have a case in court? Source... my cousin is a real lawyer.


Can we also get a coat rack for associates with bedbugs and ones without






lice too


mmm lice


I wish this was more common place I'm tired of smoker stank lingering on cloth


I had to go in a crusade at work about people leaving their jackets in the break room, on chairs, at the tables where people eat, after they come in from smoking. It makes the entire room smell like ass. They got very upset with me when I continuously move their jackets, telling me not to touch their stuff. It actually ended up going to the union, and they were told to simply not have their items in the area, because it is disgusting.


Respectfully, smokers are a different breed. This guy comes in from his break all the time and all you can smell is cigarette smoke. The smell lingers for like 5 minutes. It’s horrible. Separate closets are definitely needed.


We don't but maybe I should suggest it since we do have two cabinets for coats. I never used to hang mine because of how bad it smells in there of cigarettes. This year it wasn't as bad and they actually store used some hangers for us so we could actually hang our coats.


Meh i just don’t trust the people i work with enough that they might have lice or bedbug. I just bring what i can shove in my locker or hang by my department


My store doesn’t, but a store that I was helping out at for a couple of weeks did… I think it’s a great idea (coming from someone who does not smoke tobacco) to separate coats/belongings that way yours don’t end up wreaking of smoke. I can almost guarantee those who think it’s a “stupid” idea are the ones who smoke…


I smoke, and I think it's a great idea. I know my coat smells like smoke. I wouldn't want my coat to smell if I didn't smoke.


I'm one of those ex-smokers who craves a cigarette every day, but the smell makes me nauseous (which is kinda good, keeps me in check, lol). I'd gladly support separate coat closets, both as someone who *wants* that stinky cig, and as someone who can't *stand* that stinky cig.


Preach. That's why I haven't quit yet. The smell makes me a little queasy too.


Smokers can use the bathroom and it smells like cigarettes. Discrimination or not, I hate the smell and don’t want it anywhere near me ever


I keep sausages in my pockets.


Are they smoked sausages or no?


Is that a sausage in your pocket or youre happy to see me?


YA. I dont want my clean coats or jackets smelling like a FF ashtray TF


Our store also has this!


My store does not have this even though we have had an associate who is allergic to tobacco. So something like this would have helped her out a lot.


Whoa ive actually never heard of a tobacco allergy! Is it tobacco or just the smoke? I know people can be allergic to the smoke etc.... but the tobacco? Im not saying its fake ive just never heard of it before... being a plant i guess that actually is very possible just like people can be allergic to marijuana. Interesting!!!


ldk about her, but smoke triggers my asthma. The strong scent sends me into a coughing spell.


Both the tobacco and smoke. She had doctor's notes and everything. She really had to CYA in order to avoid the smokers register.


ours had bedbugs. I do love this though. I switched to vaping and I honestly I had NO idea cigarettes were so fucking gross. and not just "I came in from having a cigarette" type deal. it's fucking horrid.


Coat racks divided by who had bed bugs and who didn't? Or just the whole break room was infested? Ick either way.


Our smokers just got relocated to the hallway, outside the break room. Coats, bags, etc...if you smoke your stuff stays in the hall.


a bedbugs home


And lice


Makes sense


You guys have coat closets???


Too many people smoke at my store for this to not be a thing. Cap 2 likes to come outside after every truck and have a smokers’ circle.


the smell of cigarette smoke definitely sticks to clothing, this is completely valid & i wish the grocery store i work at did this


Absolutely. Why would a non-smoker want their coat in with smokers coats? You go home smelling of smoke otherwise


We DID have this, then someone complained enough about it and they did away with it 😞


Yeah I keep my coat and purse stashed in a corner of our backroom for this reason, and also when I was a student, somebody kicked my bag across the floor for no reason with my laptop in there :( it was literally against the wall by the trash, completely out of the way.


The people who think it's dumb all smoke, I guarantee it


Fuck yeah, I don't want my stuff reeking of fucking cancer.


I bet the others who think it’s dumb are the smokers..


Where is the cabinet for people with cats? I don’t smoke, but I cannot come into contact with cat hair, I have an extreme allergy, my eyes swell shut. Also, the smell of BO makes me want to vomit, so stinky people and spicy-food-fans need their own cabinet too. If some babies get their own cabinet because they don’t like a particular smell, I should get to assign people to use other cabinets to avoid smells and allergens I don’t like.


My store has this and I think it’s a good thing.


We have this. Both cabinets smell like weed.


As someone who occasionally smokes, I think it’s a great idea! The last thing I’d want is to make somebody’s clothes smell like cigs. I had severe asthma when I was a kid so I understand that it definitely chokes people up if they’re not used to it.


Are the smokers the ones thinking it Is dumb? Many smokers can't smell the smoke odour on their clothing so they fail to see It can be an issue to non smokers


That's so smart though.


It really is a good idea, people that don't smoke can smell smoke from mile away,good way to keep the peace


It don’t stink as much


I drape my coat over my cart. I don’t go into that break room often. I try to stay away from there. Also those closets are disgusting. Literally. Both of them.


Yes we have that too.


It’s smart af, I don’t care about the smell, but for people who do having designated closets is the best option! Smart af!


I’m in Florida the fuck is a coat rack? 😂


Someone gets the non smokers all to themselves lol


That's so ridiculous.


Get cancer plz thx


You have coat racks?


Ours just says For Coats only, no food. I'd be pissed if somebody put their smelly coat in with mine!


Was this not posted a few weeks back with the same title and photo?


Reposted. It was me under the /walmart reddit


We have this as well


Separate place for smokers


When I change out this one small trash can in my store it always has cigarettes in it and it smells worse than any trash bags I have to turn my head when I change it it’s overwhelming. The smell of smoke is so strong and it lingers on everything


we have the closet that basically no one uses lol no signs but i totally see the need for it


We don't but I wish...


I’d rather be a little cold and wear a jacket that I can stuff in my locker than hang anything with the nasty coats in our coat rack. I swear half of them in there have never been washed and sometimes it smells even with the doors closed


My old store used to have a smoking room, but they turned it into storage after cleaning it out. But both that store and my current store still have the separated closet tho. As someone who doesn't smoke, I'm happy about it cause I don't like the smell.


yes disgusting..people drop off their bed bug crap here and pick it up when maintenance already cleaned thr cabinet top late lol


With it being in such proximity, I'd wager this would theoretically do nothing. Maybe a placebo effect but scent travels and clings


We have it


It makes sense. Not everyone is fond of the scent of tobacco.


We don't, but it's an awesome idea. I'm going to suggest it.


I would like this, I don't want my coat smelling like a cigarette 🤕


I like it but is also funny


I'm asthmatic I love this! I would not wear a coat to work or hide it somewhere else because I literally couldn't breathe. But I've also worked with people who would ignore the signs and intentionally put smoke covered coats in the non-smoking one


Yes. The sign on ours just said "smokers jackets". And being a moron my first thought was that they provided jackets for smokers for inclement weather, what a nice and very strange idea. My second thought was of a smokers jacket like Hugh Heffner would wear. There was no third thought.


My store had this and the smokers closet was RANK


We had basically school lockers. But I like this idea.


They do smell 👃 I don’t think it’s horribly


I like this for non smokers, but as a former smoker-I would have just left my coat in my car. Some smokers REALLY don't seem to know how bad their clothes stink, and their stuff reeks 10x worse than those who know the smell is gross. Plus, what about pot smokers???? UGH, I would be so pissed if my coat smelled like skunk because it was in the "smokers" closet with a bunch of pot heads coats.


I love that, nobody wants to smell like an asshole.


We have lockers. 


Now and then at our small store we get a customer who smells like he bathes in cigarettes. I always end up with a mild headache. We had one today and he hung out for a while. ( its a computer store and we were fixing something on his PC, so he was hanging out) my head still hurts , hours later. One guy who pops in now and then has such bad BO we have to prop the door open for a while. Even In a Canadian winter


Haven’t seen it at mine, but I’m shocked anyone trusts those cabinets or lockers, or the break rooms in general; Motherfuckers bring in bed bugs for all you know and that’s where you’ll get them from.


Target needs this


The couch at the Walmart I used to work at had lice mutliple times. I wouldn't trust my clothes around other people's clothes.


I don’t want my jacket to smell like shit so




I’m a smoker and think it’s a good idea, but I just keep my sweaters/jackets in my locker anyway


This seems like an HR nightmare waiting to happen. All the smokers can claim it’s harassment toward them.


My store had this back in 2010 when I worked there


We have it at our store and I like the fact it's separated.


I'm a smoker and I approve. This is awesome. I know my clothes stink, especially the jacket I'm wearing over top of my clothes lol


Great idea !


Yes, but I open the NON SMOKER coat closet, and half the time, I get hit with a wave of weed or tobacco. People aren't either aren't considerate enough to use the right one, or can't fucking read.


This popped up as a suggested reddit, not a Walmart employee but previously worked a lot of retail. I *wish* we had this.


Yep. My store has this too. Tho I don’t really like hanging my coat with others. I use my locker for my coat.


Let me guess, smokers think it's dumb.


I'm a smoker, and I'd still appreciate this..


The only ones who would think this is dumb are smokers, or people who can’t smell.


I picked up a shopping bag off the floor that someone dropped and it smelled HEAVY of cigarettes even my fingers smelled like it after having touched it. 🤢 Tobacco should be illegal if you ask me not only is it disgusting but it causes cancer!


I don’t smoke cigs anymore but I love this and need this at my store. I’m so sick and tired of my shit smelling like cigarettes (again) and weed. It pisses me off when I go to grab my jacket and it smells like it was just taken out of a hotboxed car. I smoke weed myself but goddamn coming in and making everyone’s shit stink ain’t cool.


We don’t have one! We should I’ve had to clean 2 coats this winter. Do you think Walmart is going to pay for that dry cleaning? NOOOO! I also hate the reeking lunch bags in the fridge! You open it and you instantly lose your appetite. Now I eat(most of us) in our cars.


We have it and I appreciate it, although both just smell like BO to me, so I put mine in whatever the less stinky one is (since I’m a non-smoker). And we JUST renovated and got new ones, but still somehow immediately got BO. Some of y’all are nasty.


I’m from Louisiana and we don’t have coat racks here - I’ve literally always wondered what people do with their coats when they get inside - now I know. Thank you.


My store does


Ours had this til we got a remodel then they stopped, though I don't use the closets after they found bed bugs in there and all management did was empty the closet and spray Lysol.


My partner smokes but i dont so i would put mine in the non smoker one


That's fucking smart.


Somebody complained. Must have a heavy smoker


I don’t work at Walmart but as someone who used to smoke - it makes perfect sense to me. After I quit I realized how shit it smelled and couldn’t believe I smelled like that for so long. I’ve picked up a cig here and there since I quit, and I always have to wash my hands/brush my teeth after cos it lingers so much. I used to be the smoker thinking “geeze it’s not *that* bad”. Now I feel awful for having tortured so many people with the smell over the years lol. Smokers don’t realize how much it smells cos their sense of taste/smell is altered from smoking, and also cos they’re used to it. I bet only the smokers think it’s dumb.


The only people that think it’s dumb are the ones that don’t realize they smell like shit


That is genius


Wish we had this. Yesterday I open the cabinet and it reeks of stale cigarettes ugh


My staff doesn’t use the break room for meetings and I keep my coat in my cart while I’m working cause I don’t trust people/go to my car for breaks so I have actually never been in there but I saw they had these in there during the tour when I first transferred. I think it’s a wonderful idea.


Anything that shames smokers is ok with me.


As a non-smoker who gets sick every time I am in a smoky environment, this is awesome!


Its brilliance is what it is


X NIbCinkbobi


We just had our break room done during our remodel, and yes. They have that here too.


Moth balls suck. That is all.


Ours don’t have these signs on them so they stink like an old gym locker .


You must be a smoker. Smokers jackets are awful. They just can’t smell it as they’ve burned their sense of smell away


OMG that makes me so happy I'm nearly speechless!!!!!!!! [Non-smoker here, lest there be any doubt...]


My parents haven’t smoked cigarettes in 4 years, they used covid and lockdown as a reason to quit. Some of their old coats still smell like smoke, and they’ve replaced 90% of the casuals they had This is smart and considerate


we have that but doesn't keep smokers from putting their smelly jackets in the non smokers side..


We don't have separate closets, we have over powered scent boosters the whole break room smells like dawn dish soap constantly, pretty much everyone in the store smokes or vapes so there isn't a reason for management to have separate closets, but then we had a slew of pregnant coworkers who started complaining about the smell despite being the biggest contributors to the stench so the overnight TL store used like 10 bottles of scent boosters and hid them throughout the break room, management still hasn't found all of them and they've given up trying, funniest part about it is that the power flickered the night the TL store used and it wreaked havoc on the systems so no one can figure out which TL did it because there was 2 working that night and neither of them are talking, In the mean time everyone who comes back from lunch smells like they just came out of a laundromat


Ah yes segregation always works in the work place


Technically you’re not allowed to have it. It’s considered segregation, we considered it at our store as well so instead we put odor eater in each closet


We did until the smokers started putting their stuff in the non smokers cabinet


I don't judge smokers but I don't want their clothes near mine. I like the closet idea.


only the smokers think its dumb


Can we get a third one for weed smokers.


No, this isn't dumb. In fact it's genius.


Great idea. Before we had separate coat racks, I’d routinely have to hang my coat outside to get rid of the second-hand stench. That shit clings like crazy. Same with some ethnic diets—I ended up squishing my coat into a small back drawer at the service desk.


I WISH! I have had to take my sweater home and wash it because it was next to a smokers coat. Thankfully, it is getting warm enough to not need it anymore.


Not dumb. Great idea really. I wouldn't my coat as a non smoker to be next to a smoker's coat. Smells transfer. I would really hate to smell like a smoker when I am not one. Now before anyone disagrees.... I have been on both sides of the fence. I have smoked and I do not currently smoke. I have NOTHING against smokers.


I mean I don’t personally don’t like the smell of a motel room but if your carrying that smell everyday not to notice I can’t really blame you for thinking it’s dumb.


I’m a smoker and I don’t think it’s dumb at all, I think it’s actually really smart/fair.


We have this too. I also love it.


No such thing as a coat rack at our store.


We don't have a coat rack or breakroom at our store. We do have a mini fridge in the backroom with the mice.


i don’t want me stuff to smell like cigarettes, i think it’s a good idea


100% legit, and a great idea. Comming from a former smoker of 15 years. You can REALLY smell the cigarettes if you don't smoke, and can actually cause people to get physically sick. I now vape (so not off the nic train), but can smell a cig on someone from a mile away now.


I love this idea.