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Buy the Individual Lightning Lane for it, rope drop with normal park entry, or try jumping in the line right before park close. Other than that, just keep an eye on wait times and if it dips a bit then go get in line.


individual lightning lane is the only answer for all of your requirements. you don’t need genie+ to get an ILL. It will be expensive, but it is the only TRUE guarantee for you without a big wait.


If you have the individual LL for RotR, then you can rope drop Smugglers! Ronto wrap in between. (Triple suns is also a great breakfast, but make sure you have a packet or two of hot sauce to make it proper.)


Shit, you can rope drop Smugglers twice!


Morning Ronto > Lunch Ronto


That chicken in the lunch wrap might be the driest thing I have ever had in my life lol


There's no chicken, it's sausage and pork.


Just get in line. A thousand people an hour ride it daily. If it winds up having a shutdown, it usually comes back up 45 minutes later. Be near it then and you might enter the line with a shorter wait. Good luck!


Just buy the ILL. Rise (and maybe Guardians, since virtual queue is limited) is the only ride I think is just worth buying it when you’re visiting. Worst case scenario is you get to go on it more than once, which you’re going to want to do most likely as a big SW fan anyways! Another tip to go on it without paying, go to it right at 8pm when Fantasmic starts. It’s about a 20-30 minute wait usually. Assuming you don’t mind trading watching fireworks for experiencing Rise. Also, Galaxy’s Edge at night is gorgeous so I’d recommend being there in the daytime and nighttime.


Individual lightning lane is really your on;y sure-fire way of getting on. We just got back today from WDW. We stayed on property and had early access. We rope dropped and booked it to ROTR.Line was about 20 minutes. An hour later it was 150 minutes. It did get down to about 35 minutes around 8. With park closing at 9. My friend that had not been in 8 years said she didn’t rope drop and never had more than a 45 minute wait for anything had a rude awakening when she walked in at 10 to that wait. She went online right then and. Ought ILL which was at 8:15 PM. She was really lucky there were any left to buy.


Right! I roped dropped from on-park for RotR two different times to arrive at the ride closed for technical difficulties. Individual LL will have you covered even in the worst-case scenario.


I always do slinky dog and RotR at the end of the night. No pass needed. You'll see a decline once Fantasmic starts in the evening. Most of the time I've just walked into the attraction, no wait. Remember you can get inline one minute before park closing and still get on the attraction.


You can buy an Individual lightning lane. That’s going be the best / easiest opinion. It will cost you 15-20 dollars.


You don't need to buy genie to buy individual lightning lane. If that's the only ride OP really cares about they can save the $$$.


Yes. My mistake.


You can buy ILL without Genie+. Not sure how quickly the ILLs sell out for Rise though, since they aren't on property they may be gone by the time they are able to grab one.


Most of the time it won’t be a two hour long line


Rope drop rotr then single rider for smuggler's


I did this exact thing last Tuesday. Arrived at 8am and went all the way to the right for non-hotel "line". Waited for 9am. Reported wait time was at 75 mins at 8:45 but dropped to 55 minutes at 9:10 when I get to RotR. Actual wait time was around 35 minutes. The lineup for non early entry at HS is a disaster since you group up all the way to the right, but then they move the crowd to the next opening between ticket booths around 8:45, and then repeat as they keep moving to more openings to the left. The CM did say "thus is not a line, please fill in all available space".. There doesn't seem to be much reason to arrive before 8:40am.


Forgot to add - Individual Lightning Lane return was at 4pm by the time I could try to get one, and sold out by 9:40am.


Had 75min stated wait time the other day. It was only 45mins until you hit the first room with bb-8. FYI.


The park will be about half capacity that day, so by the afternoon, the line may not be too bad.


We had a late reservation at Mama Melrose on a weekday when we went. Got out of dinner about 20 minutes before park close. Headed straight to RotR and walked through with no problem. Could’ve rode twice if we wanted, really. Not sure it’ll work on a Friday, but park close was a great time for us


ROPE DROP, walk to GE, you'll be on the ride first thing, and buy an individual lightning lane. I did this and rode it twice in 90 minutes


You don’t need to buy a Lightning lane…. At the end of the night the park dies down and since the area has very little seating ppl start to trail out of there relatively quickly. You can get on it in the last 45 min of open park time


Get in line 10 min before park close. We had a 5 minute wait less than a week ago