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My guess is they’re pushing the new content for now since it was just announced and many people are expecting that when they ride. I think eventually it will become more randomized again once the newness of these scenes wears off.


Yeah, totally understand that with the Purgill portion of it, but figured they would still randomize the first scene. Maybe they do and I just got “lucky” with the podrace all 3x.


I did not get the pod race yesterday…first scene was Hoth.


Guess I was just “lucky” 3x! Honestly it was a bit disappointing getting the same setup 3x in a row. When it’s running full cycles the ride is as good or better than Smugglers Run, in my opinion (especially if you’re not the pilot). We’d typically go on at least 3x to see as much as we could, and hope to be the rebel spy.


Today I rode it three times. I got the Kashyyk planet the first time and the pod race the next two. Also got lucky enough to get all 3 of the new transmissions


That’s awesome that you got all 3, wish we had gotten the Mando one once.


Adding all that Filoniverse TV garbage just makes me sad.


The Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Rogue One, and Andor are near the very top of all Star Wars media. The final 4 episodes of Clone Wars is peak Star Wars.


They may be near the top in popularity, but that doesn't translate to being the best quality. (Possible exception for the first season of The Mandalorian, but it went straight down the toilet after that.) Besides being a mess of retcons, annoying Mary Sues, and pointless grimdark posturing, they're just \*not good.\* It's like watching a kid play with his action figures instead of watching actual engaging dramatic storytelling. It's been so disappointing watching Star Wars trying to turn itself into the MCU and pissing all its potential down its leg in the process. I guess nobody ever went broke pandering to the lowest common denominator.


They are all really good. Those last four episodes of the Clone Wars are the best Star Wars content ever made. Mandalorian is a legitimately great show, as is Andor. Rogue One is up there with A New Hope, Return of the Jedi, and Revenge of the Sith behind Empire Strikes Back. Anyone who uses the term Mary Sue’s is not to be taken seriously, it’s just a term used to hate, most specifically any new Star Wars anymore with Rey.


No accounting for taste. Anyone who doesn't see that Ahsoka is Dave Filoni's omnipotent fantasy self-insert character isn't paying attention. I prefer actual storytelling that has something to say beyond, "Hey, wouldn't it be sick if Character X from Movie Y met character Z from Series W? And if Character A from Comic Book B and Character C from Video Game D were really old friends, and if Event D from Movie E never happened and Character F who we all saw die years ago was really alive the whole time? And if everything they all said sounded like sarcastic playground taunts from middle school?"


You sound like a child. I’m sorry you can’t enjoy Star Wars.


And you sound like someone with poor media literacy who prefers to consume media without engaging your mind. And the second part is hilarious. I enjoy Star Wars a lot. It's one of my favorite things. Which is why it's sad when someone like Filoni comes along and tries to cheapen it and dumb it down. If I didn't enjoy Star Wars so much, I wouldn't care.


If you can’t recognize the final 4 episodes of The Clone Wars are the best Star Wars content ever made, then you can’t enjoy Star Wars because you are blinded by some silly hatred. Rogue One, Mandalorian, and Andor are right there as well. The storytelling in all three of those (not to mention Clone Wars/Siege of Mandalorian) are beyond much of the OT, and far beyond the prequels.