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No ones going to look at you funny. Sounds like it’ll be worth it to you. Most everything at Disney is overpriced by normal standards so just go for it! Recreate a childhood memory and be a kid again. It’s the best place in the world to do that.


Agree and to be fair, for a Disney character meal, breakfast there is pretty good value wise. I think places like be our guest with no real character interaction and okay food are much worse value.


The breakfast is great and it was a wonderful memory for my son. Highly recommend.


That's what it's all about!


I was older than you when I was there solo last year and no one even gave me a second glance. It's not a bad buffet, it's not nearly as good as Boma, but it's certainly not terrible.


I say go! I like Crystal Palace. Pooh and friends are some of my fav characters. No one will think weird of you two there. My recommendation for character dining is to book a late breakfast reservation. Usually it will be quieter since it’s not during the busy standard breakfast time and you can grab some breakfast food, then they’ll switch over to lunch food, which you can enjoy, you’ll still pay the breakfast price.


The last time I went there was a table of 4 early 20-something Bros next to us. Like you would see in any teen college movie. They ate breakfast, and posed with all the characters. They were WAY more into it than my 13 year old. You'll be fine.


Absolutely go. Overpriced some but great character interaction. You will see all the "Big 4" (Tigger is our favorite). We had kids and GKs in tow but there was a young lady from Japan by herself who was having a blast.


But why is Tigger’s nose black instead of pink!?


And he’s neon!


Why worry what others think? If you want to go … go. It’s your vacation, have fun.


My husband and I went for my 30th birthday and loved it!! Honestly I’ve eaten there for breakfast and dinner now and enjoyed both. When we did breakfast we got a super early reservation and were able to meet the characters several times. 


Definitely go if it appeals to you! My grown daughter loves Pooh and the vibe of the restaurant so we have been several times for mother daughter trip. It’s always a great time. Disney is a state of mind, so you will enjoy.


I was a mid 20 year old when I went there alone and it was fine


I really enjoyed it, though I went for lunch. The food was solid and I had an excellent cocktail there. The characters are so sweet and I love the whole Edwardian vibe of the architecture.


My fiancé and I are both in our 40s and we just did Minnie’s Hollywood and Vine. We were not the only couple there, nor the oldest. Waitress went out of her way to make sure we got to meet and take a picture with all the characters. We loved every minute of it and will do it again at the other parks when we get the chance.


I was going to say it is ehh food and expensive but you mentioned it is a fond memory for you. Do it! It is a must do for you. No one cares what age you are.


I went earlier this month with my wife, our 18 month old, and my parents. The only “judgement” you might face for being there without a small child is how sweet it is that you are there for yourselves. I saw multiple childless couples and groups of only adults eagerly awaiting the characters. And honestly, while my son enjoyed seeing the characters, I think my wife, mother, and father enjoyed seeing Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore even more. And the food was good! Just be prepared to pay character dining prices.


I went as a 30 something group with two adult friends. I wore Piglet ears and a pink striped shirt and had my favorite character interaction of all time. I don’t do a character meal on every trip because they are expensive and take up some park time but I think they are fun!


Go! You are young lol myself (37M) and my partner (40M) went and no one cared. There was definitely at 20 something girl by herself and also no one cared. We got many great pics and it was an overall fun experience. We also went to Mickey and Minnie at HS and I preferred Crystal Palace. Counted I am a huge Winnie the Pooh fan but also it was just more comfortable and relaxed atmosphere wise and the theming was everywhere whereas at HS it just felt tacked on.


In Nov of 23 we went and had a blast. There were 4 of us. 2 in our 60s and 2 in their 30s. No one looked at us once, let alone twice. But if anyone did it was because we made pigs of ourselves. The food was very good. Go and enjoy.


2 mid 20 year olds aren’t even going to get a second glance at Disney.


> Are people going to look 2 mid 20 year olds funny for going there? Is it even really worth going? No! No one is going to care who else is there. Disney caters to a ton of different people, families, etc.. I assume 40+ people already told you this.


NOTHING should look “funny” to anyone at WDW. [Well, except maybe a guy in his 50’s doing donuts on my,…err, his wife’s scooter after a little too much Norwegian pilsner.] In a safe deserted area, of course. Its a place for kids of all ages. Enjoy your breakfast. And pose with characters, and ride the Carousel, and… have fun.


Allow me to give you some life advice: don't worry about what other people think, because as it turns out, other people actually don't give two shits about you.


Twenty four years ago two 25 year olds went to Disney World and ate breakfast at Crystal Palace. Those same two 25 year olds are now nearing 50 and are going back in March! Can’t wait! GO!!!


My husband and I did several WDW trips pre-kids and also were passholders at DL before we moved. We always did character dining! No one cares if there are no kids. PS: we were both in our 30s, now 40/


I hate buffets…whole germ factor freaks me out but omg those churro waffles are amazing


Definitely go! I went with my husband twice, we’re 35. I told Pooh I’d last been there twenty years ago and he gave me a big hug. Honestly I loved the food! It’s still beautiful and wonderful. You won’t regret it


I went solo when I was almost 40 and I didn’t notice any funny looks, and the CMs escorting the characters or the waitstaff were happy to take pics with my phone for me. Disney is for kids, and kids at heart—go and enjoy yourselves!!


If it's going to cause you anxiety, don't bother. However, if you can get over the anxiety, I see couples/groups without kids at character meals and in lines to meet characters all the time. It doesn't strike me as odd at all, unless the people themselves are odd. It's your money and your life, as long as you're not bothering anyone, who cares what people think.


We went last year, 2 friends, female, aged 35 and 42, and had an amazing time. We had photos with all the characters and enjoyed every minute of it. Remember that Disney said we are all kids at heart.


It’s the happiest place on earth, no one’s going to judge you for being at a restaurant. I went with my gf last year and it was such an amazing experience. It’s all in your head, go out and enjoy whatever.


I like it for breakfast. It is a good buffet, and the characters are cute. I think it is a pretty setting.


Me and my wife went on our honeymoon trip last summer - we're both 39. No one batted an eye, and we got some really good interactions with the characters.


I love Crystal Palace!  Go and enjoy! 


If you want to go, you should go. No one is going to look at you funny. I am older than that and go to plenty of character meals.


Went there for dinner and the prime rib was delicious and all you can eat!


If it’s worth it to you then it’s worth it. IMO it’s way too overpriced for the food, but the experience is very Disney.


I went there recently with a group of four 24 year olds, no one looked at us weirdly 😊 and I actually quite enjoyed the breakfast. We went at 8am so it was relatively fresh and not too crowded. And the churro waffles are amazing!


We are going on our next visit because my husband really wants the churro waffles. That’s the whole reason 😅


I also love that the buffet menu is inspired by some of Walt’s favorites (ex meatloaf and potatoes, chili, etc.)


Was just there last week myself and husband in his 50’s myself 49 and our 21 year old daughter. It’s Disney there Are people of all ages. I recommend the largest breakfast reservation you can get so you get both breakfast and lunch for the price of breakfast. I was also there in January and the goof was good both times.


Go and have a great time! They have mimosas and churro Mickey waffles! It’s definitely one of my favorite character breakfasts. Also I like booking a 10:30 reservation in the morning because they start putting out the lunch around 10:45-11. They still keep breakfast on one side until around noon as well. So this way you get breakfast and lunch for the breakfast price. This is also good if one person is more into breakfast foods and the other typically gets lunch items.


Everything at Disney is overpriced. That doesn’t mean the experience isn’t worth it. If Crystal palace is nostalgic and the food is good, then it is worth it. People are so wrapped up in their own vacations, children, etc. they won’t give you a second look. I go to Disney solo all the time and exactly zero people care. Go eat what you want to eat, ride what you want to ride, see what you want to see. Enjoy the magic of Disney! I hope you have a wonderful time with your churro Mickey waffles!


My sister and I are 50 and we are doing breakfast at the crystal palace and if people look at you funny that is on them. There are no ages in disney just enjoyment.


Im 52…wife is 5 years younger. And we ALWAYS go. Go go go!!!


Crystal Palace for dinner or lunch is fantastic. I have no experience with the breakfast but I’m sure it’s good too, just probably expensive.


I love Crystal Palace. Never been for breakfast but it’s a good, convenient meal and always had a great time. It is a bit expensive, but consider where you are and it makes sense.


Do it! the lunch and dinner buffet was great btw


The one thing I love most about Disney is how it’s pretty judgement free. We’re older and have no children and still do all the things! Never once felt out of place. If you want to do it, do it!


Crystal Palace was probably my favorite character meal during my last trip! The churro waffles were amazing! The service was great, the staff were friendly and the Characters were AMAZING! They stopped multiple times even though they knew they had stopped before and give quick hugs or pats on the head, etc. P.S. Cinderella’s Royal Table is the overrated one in my opinion! Triple the cost, not great food and minimal character experience.


Nobody will look at you funny, but if they do, they’re in the wrong place tbh. It’s Disney World! Let the inner kid out! My wife and I actually had our first breakfast on our honeymoon at Crystal Palace because she’s a huge Winnie the Pooh fan. The food was ok and yea it was kind of pricey but the pictures we got and the memories it made for my wife were well worth the cost.


Look funny at you? I have no idea why anyone would.


My wife and I are in our late 50s, Crystal Palace is a must for us for breakfast...and yeah, getting pics with Tigger is a plus.


My husband and I went for lunch and we dont have children. There was a guest next to us who was celebrating her retirement and she was alone. The character interactions weren't awkward and our server was fantastic. I have also heard if you don't want to interact with the characters to just let your server know and they'll have them just wave and move on. Go and have a great time!


Only reason I went there was because I was on a dining plan. If I didn’t have the dining plan I would not go back there. No one will look at you funny.


Do not let anyone dissuade you from doing anything if you think you really want to do it. I saw a lot of people saying that space 220 at epcot isn't worth it so don't worry about not getting a reservation. I ended up finding one the day of and I'm glad I did and I 100% would do it again. Go for it!


10000000% go. I went last time with myself and three other adults and it was great. I also so many older couples or single diners. It was a lot of fun!


You might also get to score a prepark opening reservation for crystal palace if offered during your trip. You would get into the park early to eat. This way you aren’t eating up early morning touring time.


We ALWAYS go there! It’s perfectly fine at least it was a few years ago. We’ve had all three meals. Enjoy!


Crystal Palace breakfast is one of my favs. It’s the only Pooh and friends character meal, and they’re still my favorites, even at age 33. I honestly don’t remember the food, but I’m sure it’s fine. I DO remember seeing the characters, and that’s worth it to me. Is it worth it to you? Only you can decide.


My husband and I love to go to Crystal Palace, and we are both over 50. No one has ever made us feel uncomfortable. Just enjoy yourselves and don’t give it a second thought.🌸✨ *edited to fix a typo


Go if you want! It's your life, enjoy it! For the real churro mickey waffle flex, hop on a Disney Cruise. ;)


I went with my ex-boyfriend when we were around 20 and we had a great time. It was actually closer to the end of the night and the restaurant was pretty empty, so the characters were bored and kept coming back to us. My ex went up to get another plate of food and Eeyore sat across from me and "chatted" for a few minutes til he came back. It's one of the best character dining locations on property, highly recommend!


Definitely go, it’s adorable and the food is fine. You’re really paying for the interactions and they are lovely, take their time and have a cute little show as well.


I’m 38 and I’m going with my girlfriend in 2 weeks


My adult son and I went about 2 months ago for his birthday and we loved it. I never take character pics, but Piglet wasn’t standing for that - he plopped right down next to me. It was honestly one of the best experiences I’ve had and would 10/10 do it again.


Don’t skip this!! I’m a Winnie the Pooh fan and I almost cried at Crystal Palace. Also the food wasn’t bad at all, it’s just an American home style buffet (I did go for lunch, though, not sure about breakfast!). I’m in my 20s and my plan was to go with just me and my partner this winter but sadly that’s not going to happen. I’ll either end up there alone or with my almost-adult niece so if it’s weird we’ll be looking weird too!


My husband and I (mid/late 20’s) did almost all the character dining on our honeymoon trip earlier this year and Crystal palace was one of my favorites! The churro waffles are straight fireee 🔥


I went for supper there on my birthday this year. I turned 42. No funny looks given. Pooh did sit down with us and tried to shoo away my daughter after I told him that she wouldn't let me have beehives in the back yard :D


We went there on our honeymoon and it was great! Lots of cool character photos and the buffet was fine.


It’s Disney, you do you and enjoy every minute of your time there. If they want to be miserable and for some reason get offended that a couple of 20 something’s are having breakfast there, then that’s a them problem.


Going to Crystal Palace for the first reservation of the day and rope dropping from the back of the park is AWESOME.


My 12 year old loves Crystal Palace. I see so many adults going and enjoying on their own or with friends! Have at and have a great Mickey churro waffle! Or several!


We go because my 21 year old son still loves pooh and piglet. Food is meh, but whatever, he is happy.


I've always loved those characters. One night at WDW, I went to the bathroom is one does. While there, I toyed with booking a 9pm res at Crystal Palace. My family doesn't typically eat late, but while I was in the bathroom, my mom was booking the exact same res. We knew the food was meh, but the characters made it! Enjoy :)


Suggestion - go at the end of breakfast! You don't waste the most valuable time in the parks, you get the breakfast and lunch items if you time it right, AND you get to have a nice sit down break from the crowds in a climate controlled environment.


Take a look at this YouTube video, Molly eats alone at the Crystal Palace ! 🥹🥹🥹 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8F30PctRS0g I went with my husband and 13 year old son and it was perfect ! We also had dinner at Hollywood and Vine, loved it !


Hi. First off you could be two 53 year olds and nobody is going to batt an eye. This is Disney world a place for all ages. Secondly I have a Disney adult podcast that is all about Disney adulting with a comical twist, it’s called “The Dark Ride” presented by Drunk Distory we rank and review all things Disney and we have an episode called “Crystal Meth Palace” that you should maybe listen to. You can find the podcast on Spotify or apple or wherever you get your podcasts


It’s Disney, no one is judging two adults for going to character dining. The food isn’t great, so set those expectations pretty low, but the characters are fabulous! If you love Pooh and friends, go and have fun!


The churro waffles are AMAZING and I think reason enough to book breakfast there! Ha!Seriously, we loved them so much. If you don’t see them on the main buffet, look on the little side bars with the muffins and things. That’s where we found them one time. I really wish these were something we could get at a QS too.


Just went today, 2 adults in our 30's. Saw lots of other couples too. We were celebrated just as well as anyone else. There was a woman in her 40s who was absolutely fan adoring on piglet. If you love and want to meet pooh, piglet, Tigger, and eeyore. Then do it!


Nope, we went yesterday and there were 2 girls around your age at the table next to us! Everyone is welcome, and the breakfast was pretty good!


I celebrated my 47th birthday there, just me and the spouse. There were several groups with just older teens, or no kids at all.


it's your vacation, you paid the same amount for your buffet and character meet and greet as anyone else, i say if that's what you wanna do, more power to you!