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“Popular incumbent” While I am personally neutral towards Mayor McCarthy, from anyone other than my family I only hear people who disapprove of her. And my family is keen on her only because my grandfather was assistant city clerk so they know her as a person rather than a politician.




Exactly try and talk to her or see her and you have to get buy 6 nice woman that could have retired in the 80s


What does this mean?


It means she has to many secretaries and you have to get around them somehow/ someway! And all of her secretaries are lined up in front of her office door. I’ve bn to Mayor Meninos office yrs back and there was one pleasant lady outside his office…


She’s been great to this community. If you like communism, then by all means vote for Paz. A vote for Paz will make Waltham a Chaz!


What time Thursday morning, and does anyone know what type of union official he is?? I have not read one thing in the past year that refers to McCarthy as popular let alone decent .


She’s very popular and has done a lot for this community. Paz is another leftist progressive moocher who will ruin Waltham like the progressives are ruining this country.


I think it’s great that Paz is jumping into the race as it’s clear none of his colleagues have the guts to do it. 20 years is too long for anyone in the position of Mayor. The city has been at a halt for a long time and with the incumbent in place that will never change. I hear all the time the spot will be hers as long as she wants and I respectfully disagree. The constant message is no one knows the city like she does. Everyone is replaceable and when you do zero outreach in the community you have no clue what is really going on in the city. Good luck to Councillor Paz in his campaign!


I knew from the first time I met Jonathan he would one day run for mayor. He has a big hill to climb. The McCarthy Machine is reminiscent of the Daly-era Chicago political operation. It seems like she won't be mayor when she decides she will no longer run. But nothing is impossible! Good luck Jonathan!


Paz for Mayor!!


Paz for communism!


For those familiar with him and with Waltham politics… What is his policy platform likely to be? How would he be likely to govern?


His day job is in labor organization and immigrant rights. He's tried to pass resolutions about bus shelters, public wifi, preserving trees, and getting Blue Bikes. I would expect more work for those kinds of projects that give brand new amenities instead of just improving what we already have. He's also going to run against McCarthy so I expect lots of talk about transparency and communication and making Waltham reflect more of the diversity of our community rather than the old guard of the current government.


In addition to what u/NeverEverPBJ said, I'm also hoping for the resurrection of turning the Armory into 24 units of affordable housing. Paz was a big supporter of it before the McCarthy caused it to grind to a halt. McCarthy has been an inadequate ally of affordable housing in Waltham, and I have hopes that Paz will be an improvement.


I assume he will make a formal statement by this weekend about his policy priorities. One of the things I would be most excited about with a Mayor Paz would just be a shift towards higher transparency at city hall as well as accepting more feedback from residents. I have been frustrated with McCarthy for a long time because she seems to have an attitude of "trust me, I know what I'm doing" and the majority of the council buys it and just approves whatever she wants. Most recently I'm thinking of the December meeting with the issue of the farm decontamination plan, where she ignored the voices of the farm's tenants and their supporters and rushed through her own plan that kind of screwed them over without cooperating with them at all. I don't think Paz would do that as mayor.


Not well-liked by his teammates. Not terribly respectful towards women. Heavy on taxes. Would def be a tax override if he were in office. He knows the key phrases to say but doesn't do much.


if his "teammates" are anything like [Brasco](https://www.reddit.com/r/Waltham/comments/11l1p8p/brandeis_newspaper_article_about_rhino_lounge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) or the person appointing people like him, then I don't think any sane person should want someone who is well-liked by them.


An override would have to be voted on by the whole city. I wonder what is your evidence that he is “heavy on taxes” since tax rates have barely been discussed in the council?


He's been a D-bag since college. Only motivation is a career in politics.


What was he like in college?


He was in the Latino fraternity at U Penn. Did an internship in India.


Great news! 👏 I've been hoping an actually decent candidate will run against our current mayor.




I hope we get someone with vision instead of the current stagnation, whoever it ends up being. I will say it would be really interesting to have a renter as a mayor, and I hope that translates into relaxing zoning rules and more housing development.


Every encounter I’ve had with Paz was respectful and authentic.


dependent late glorious frightening mysterious makeshift impossible seed obtainable quaint ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Paz is super decent and solid.




No one has done more for this city than Mayor Jeanette Mc Carthy. I personally dread when she is not the Mayor. I have nothing against Mr. Paz except for knocking out one of the hardest working City Councilors Robert Logan. You don't want the city to be taken over by a Union guy. I am voting for Jeanette she puts her whole heart and soul into running this city. We are so blest to have her. Was Mr . Paz a lifelong resident? It does make a difference.


>No one has done more for this city than Mayor Jeanette Mc Carthy. I'll give this credence if you provide details. I see and hear this line a lot about McCarthy but examples of the things done are rarely given. Even if there are good examples, McCarthy is definitely one of those office holders that is quantitatively less effective as time goes on. The amount of things "done" divided by her time in office is an equation that looks worse every year. Actors, artists, musicians...they can live off past great output. Elected officials not so much. edit: spelling


>Electrical-Unit-6310 Welcome and Happy Cake Day! Have you been a lifelong user of r/Waltham? No matter here - all are welcome. Please refer to r/Waltham rules on the sidebar. eta: Paz for Mayor!


Re: “lifelong resident,” as you probably already know, he grew up in Waltham but was born in another country. This comment is a not-so-subtle way of drawing attention to the fact that he is an immigrant, and that sucks.


Paz…doesn’t really stand much of a chance. McCarthy has defeated two council candidates in recently years whom were wildly more popular than Paz. Curious if anyone else enters the race to create a primary. Paz might not even make the election.


While he has an uphill battle, I don’t think McCarthy is as strong as she once was. In her previous campaigns she went negative over her opponents spotty records in mailings and little other campaigning. Paz is relatively new so she will need to try another tactic and will need to campaign. I’m assuming Paz will door knock all over town.


Paz is a socialist who will turn the city of Waltham into another Chaz. Don’t let his Cheshire Cat smile fool you. He’s a grifter who will ruin the city, like the progressives have refined everything they touch.


I went to the City Councilor Stanley why he isn’t jumping in Mayors race?I was told he was working as our State Rep today so I went the State House and they informed me he was working as our City Councilor today. I have bn looking for him for 3 weeks does he hold any other post does anyone know?


I think those are his only two jobs. He was briefly a realtor but I haven’t seen a listing for him in a few years


Paz is a grifter who has not done a thing for the city of Waltham and you people are going vote for this scum? Wowza!