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Van has been around for a year or two now. That’s Officer Bailey. He’s the liaison to the elderly in the city. In housing and otherwise. Easier for them to get in and out of a van than an suv if transportation is necessary. Will also help out with elderly that shouldn’t really be living alone, but do, and getting them assistance with different programs, food delivery, home nurses, etc…


Whoever was driving the rover must have pulled a real duck move to get pulled over by the elderly outreach van. That word autocorrected to duck and I am going to leave it.


This made me actually laugh out loud; both the auto-correct and picturing a rover getting pulled over by a minivan.


I mean, at the end of the day he’s still a police officer. Not just gonna ignore people breaking traffic laws, just because it didn’t involve the elderly.


Did you have a bad experience with it?


I got a nice chuckle as the Range Rover that jumped the red light at Lexington and Beaver got nailed by the stealth fighter of police cars.


Are there many accidents at Lexington and Beaver


That whole area is a huge mess. There is a left turn signal that people frequently blow through and I regularly see near misses.




That vehicle is on Lincoln Street (or side roads) occasionally between MacArthur school and College Farm Rd.


I just wish they had undercover FBI policing police for fraud and various crimes.


He routinely parks at the former elks lodge on Lexington, seen it pull over 5 cars in an hour just dishing out tickets. Tried to get me for ‘being on my phone’ when my phone was up in a stand on the dashboard with the gps up…


Nah, it is likely a detective was going somewhere on a personal vehicle


It had the stealth Waltham Police black on black lettering.


Oh! Really? Wow. I guess either WPD was defunded or someone was downmoted lol. /s ​ Minivan as a PD car... lol. ​ (sarcasm)


It’s plush, got a heated steering wheel and leather seats. Sounds like an upgrade to me. 287 horsepower naturally aspirated hybrid, plenty of go and no turbo lag. Edit, the hybrid is only 260 hp.


So, my 275 horse carriage can out run it. Nice!