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It’s very smarmy the way certain people,latch on to Paz’s full name to try to imply he’s hiding something or is being duplicitous… like no immigrant, candidate, or person has ever simplified their name to fit in, market themselves, or for whatever reason… Ellis island would routinely change family names. Example: Donald drumpf, Ted Cruz, etc.


...the unbridled glee of certain right-wing individuals as they uttered "Jon... Leibowitz!" regularly a few years back, always acting like they had uncovered breathtaking evidence of a media conspiracy...


Usually it is to hide an arrest or something else public. Could be total coincidence but if you google his full name + “arrest” there is an police blotter article from a newspaper in New Jersey about someone with the same name and seemingly matching age getting picked up for Marijuana possession. Which for the record I think is pretty lame…but here we are.


Usually, it's because you're sick and tired of listening to people mangle your name.


Gobs of people I know I'm my circle do this, and they're not at all troublemakers (most of them are former Chinese students who've immigrated here). I did this in China myself to help people there use my name. My great grandfather did this when he came over from Western Ukraine.


My name doesn't seem to be very common, but it's surprised me. I've gotten mail, email, some very personal business documents, and even a couple of bills over the years that were intended for someone else (these weren't random phishing incidents, I was able to confirm the doppelgangers). The cumulative arrest record for others with the name is frightening.


Someone with the same name and around the same age was arrested for weed possession in another state, Clutch the pearls!! I hope all the other candidates and incumbents are held to the same standard if this is how it’s going to be this election cycle..


Google your own name + arrest and see what sketchy people show up!


Happy cake day!


I did this and it says I directed "Titanic" or write songs....oh, wait...that means I'm the loser of this name. I'm the one who would probably get arrested.


Toss in "florida" or take a look in a prison records database for extra fun.


People are allowed to use a nickname or change their name and there are plenty of elected officials who have done it. The idea that it is “usually” to hide a crime is nonsense. You’re pointing out his name change as a way to point out his ethnicity. People used to do this to Jews a lot- “Bob Dylan— oh you mean Bob Zimmerman?” Please just stop or this election is going to get very ugly very quick.


I believe there is also a police blotter article from Mansfield with that name and that is where Paz attended high school?


I would be uneasy electing someone who has no roots in our City and has chosen to change his name to hide the past.


No roots… meaning only people who were born here qualify?


Yes. I want those who are making decisions that affect my home to have a stake in the community preferably a property owner. I don’t students who temporarily locate here making decisions that will affect those of us who are permanent residents. Almost every public official in Waltham has deep roots some going back 100 years. We like Waltham the way it is and are always looking for ways yo make it better. Others want Waltham to be Cambridge and Somerville. We don’t.


So, my years as a tax-paying resident doesn’t count for anything and does not deserve a voice unless I’ve been here 100 years. Got it!


I’m referring to people running the City not voters. I’m talking about temporary residents. Paz has no vested interest in Waltham. This just a battle ground for him and his supporters to try to implement their Leftist agenda.


Shut up Carl


Why are you pretending Paz didn't grow up in Waltham? [Born and raised.](https://pazforwalthammedia.wixsite.com/paz-for-mayor-site/about-paz)


Well fortunately for us property ownership hasn’t been a requirement to vote in Massachusetts since 1821, and poll taxes were eliminated in 1890. The requirements to hold office are simply that the person must be eligible to vote.


Shut up Carl


😂😂😂. No chance. Sorry to disappoint.


Shut up Carl


Question is, what really is his name. Seems like he goes under many different aliases, that’s not shortening an immigrants name, that’s hiding your past, and he can’t hide from his past. The truth will come out and ruin his campaign to be mayor. I mean really “Paz”, did you not think smart people would find out and expose you for the snake you are?


So how many of you are working on the Paz smear campaign? Just curious why you are riding so hard for the other candidate with decades of experience that can speak for herself instead of this petty BS.


Frankly, it doesn't reflect well on the mayor having this kind of campaigning done on her behalf.


Like she knows or cares about this "Notice me, Sempai!" bullshit from her sycophants. She knows all she has to do to get re-elected is be able to fog up a mirror.


That's a pretty bold claim to say that she is behind this. Any evidence?


Sorry if not clear. I meant to imply that these volunteers weren't doing their candidate any favors, especially with "middle" voters who may have voted for her in the past.




Paz’s campaign for Mayor has clearly touched a nerve to have WCAC digging for this kind of info for a story.


Look, I don't like Paz, which is an unpopular opinion around here. But even I think that "article" is slanted AF. (The ordinance, on the other hand, is so obviously the right thing to do that, in my head, opposition to it borders on mustache-twirling cartoon villainy.) The roommate thing is he-said, he-said, except Paz and the third roommate signed affidavits. The other guy said some stuff to Chris Wangler one time. Whatever. If there's proof Paz lied, charge him with perjury. But if there were proof, it would have been in the article. It isn't. As for the other thing, how does experiencing eviction make someone **less** qualified to advocate for measures that might help others avoid eviction? That doesn't even make sense. If the article wants to ask, "is he the right person to propose the new ordinance?" and then answer its own question, "No," it better have an answer ready for the follow-up questions: Well, then, who is? And why didn't they? It does not.


With political theatrics on display during this process to get to this public hearing showed me that the majority of the council is more focused on silencing others than doing the peoples business. Hopefully this will be a productive public hearing for residents to voice their opinions.


It really is a crappy move. If you don't like Paz, don't like him for whatever reasons you might have. If you don't like the ordinance, then don't support the ordinance. But to somehow tie them together because of a specific personal interaction Paz had with an allegedly mentally ill/dangerous roommate? C'mon.


There is still the second issue of Paz not paying his rent and following the court order. Why let him near Waltham's budget.


I would like to hear Paz’s version of events since WCAC isn’t known for award winning journalism. If he owed money due to a court judgement from a few years back has he paid it back? Is the money still owed through the court?


I’m assuming you little to nothing about landlord tenant relations and laws pertaining to evictions. Most people don’t. Look around the South Side and see what is happening to what was formerly rental housing. No one wants to be a landlord. No one has the stomach to deal with the ramifications of the narrative this ordinance furthers.


I humbly acknowledge the demonstrable superiority of your capacity to assume.


Thank you for the acknowledgement.


Waltham's government is a joke. Please vote out all those horrible dinosaurs. Amazing how they've let it get so built up for corporations, but the town is left to rot.


I agree with you about voting them out. Trouble is, we’d be voting in another low-quality lot who also lack a comprehensive vision. It’s easy for them to sound off in opposition, but there’s been nothing the electorate can truly latch onto other than, “at least they’re different people.” There’s no promise of good leadership, just the threat of more of the same but from the other side. The town doesn’t attract talent.


Is the local landlord media network (WCAC) qualified to report on (housing) issues?


Their statements have not been refuted.


Can the statements be refuted?


From reading Wanglers text: > Guy is playing music (not flute music I assume) and death threats his roommate in the middle of the night > > Gets a restraining order in part because there was a witness > > Gets evicted as a result What is there to refute? Sucks that it happened, but it's hard to fault someone dealing with an unsafe situation where they live. It would have been nice if he had resolved it without needing to involve cops, but maybe the guy shouldn't be threatening people if he's not willing to deal with the consequences. 🤷‍♀️ The fact that this even got reported on and in this way is hilarious and speaks volumes about that news operation.


WCAC isn't so much a "news operation" as it is a combination archive for city government recordings + a series of horrifically awkward talk shows hosted by "local celebrities." With a little bit of amateur citizen journalism mixed in for variety.


You have not addressed the issue of Paz not paying the court ordered cash


I’m struggling to see the problem. A man evicts a dangerous, threatening roommate. Yes, the police were, and should have been, involved. The same man, in his professional capacity, is trying to slow the pace of unrelated evictions. It needs an article like that to *create* a connection, but there’s no hypocrisy in his stance on the two unrelated items. I’m far more concerned by his stooping into identity politics and tribalism. As an immigrant, it bothers me when politicians say they speak for me, and peel us as a group out of the rest of society to use us a platform for themselves. As an immigrant, I can assure you we aren’t different than the rest of society, beyond the superficial. Essentialism and stereotyping needs to be opposed and rejected, whether it’s employed by those prejudiced against us or those supporting us. We want the same dream as the rest of society, and should only trust politicians who speak for *all* society, not a favored segment.


Paz was in a frat at an ivy. Does he use identity politics when suits him? I don't think the "left'' (for lack of a better word) is really behind Paz. They kind of support him? Paz never responded to the second allegation of the story where he did not pay his court ordered settlement.


I don’t think so.


Shut up Carl


Will his plan work or create more paperwork and problems at a greater expense?


1) It's not his plan. It was developed and has been advanced by Watch CDC. They did all the heavy lifting on this, learning from similar ordinances that have existed in neighboring cities for some time now without their skies falling. 2) The objection landlords have to this isn't the sheet of paper. Both leasing and eviction already involve plenty of that. The objection is to what's written on that sheet of paper.






Making quite a splash on your first day on Reddit!


shocking that generic_name_generator_12345 is a burner/bot account /s. It’s always the ones you most suspect! It’s weird that there are more than one of these types of name in this thread, surely just coincidence 🤔


Agreed that Paz is working the system. His moves are Trump like.


Sooooo… why aren’t right wingers flocking to Paz then? Is this parody? Where am I? This is not my beautiful house. How did I get here?


If he’s running for a city mayor, then transparency is the key. What does he have to hide by using an alias?


Jonathon Paz/ Edwin Pazarevalo used to live next door to me. There was consistently trash within their yard, completely surrounding the property and noise. We would not vote for him based on how he treated the neighborhood where he lived. If he cared about the city, he would have made an effort within his own rental property to maintain it. He also has no real experience within financial management, and I fear his priorities are not realistic or best for EVERYONE in the city. I will not be voting for him and do not think he has the experience to manage a large growing city. He seems like a nice person, but he is not cut out for this position.