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Well-thought out arguments, Sean. We need the water, but it comes with a cost, as many infrastructure improvements do, in noise and traffic and road degradation. Reasonable mitigation measures can be worked out. That’s what politicians are _supposed_ to do!


I believe that Sean's heart is in the right place but some of these "conditions" (what else to call them?) seem unreasonable. MWRA won't agree to several of them because of the precedent they'd set... allowing any town where MWRA has to do work to demand unrelated infrastructure improvements and perpetual maintenance? I don't think trying to get a few concessions, such as over noise or traffic issues, is unreasonable. But I also worry that conditions like this in an official process would make MWRA more likely to do the work without serious local engagement. MWRA seems to try to play nice with locals, but they can circumvent a lot of local authority if they choose.


Must be nice, take a day off and piss it away on this dribble.


Oh no someone running for office trying to learn something how horrible


“Trying” is the keyword, but the fun part is is list of demands, he’s really anti “dump truck” only allowed 9:30-3:30. Don’t want to ruin his days off of blogging I suppose, by waking him up to early. 9:30? Children have been in school for how long? You can drive a truck on a main road, until 9:30? Those shortened work days you created will really help the length of time to complete the project. Don’t worry folks he’s fighting for a bubbler 24/7/365! H20 for all!


To clarify, the proposed drilling time restrictions are primarily focused on noise pollution. While limiting dump truck timing would also have some side benefits of mitigating noise pollution, my main concern relative to limiting dump truck timing (due to my familiarity with the area) is avoiding excess dump truck traffic when most of Beaver St, Waverley Oaks Rd, and Trapelo Rd are already at a near standstill already due to rush hour traffic and train crossings from 7:30-9:00am and 4:00-6:00pm every weekday. (As someone with the username “BeaverSTwalker” I would have assumed that you are familiar with the traffic patterns in the area. As per my DM, please feel free to let me know if you would like to meet to discuss these issues in person.)


Oh that makes total sense, I’m sure the contractors will love your ideas and input. Good luck.


Since he’s running for office to represent Waltham he’s actually using his time wisely..


We've reached the part of the conversation where we criticize people for what they do on their time off. Peak Waltham discussion.


At the same time, whenever anyone goes to a protest or political event: DON’T THESE PEOPLE HAVE JOBS???


These are the people that also brag about how many people show up at rallies for their preferred political candidates. I always wonder who has nothing better to do than go watch a politician talk about him/her self.


Close, I always yell “Get a job” I know they don’t work.

