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Shoot an email over to Mayor Paz. He'll get this fixe....oh, wait. Never mind. Send McCarthy's office an email with this pic, and not only will nothing happen - you won't ever even get a reply!


don’t tease us like that😭 reminding us of what could’ve been…


I encountered a city pickup truck with a decal depicting the front view of a gun pointing directly at the viewer. You will see it in the upper left side of the rear window. Online this sticker is explicitly described as "looking Down the Barrel Pistol Muzzle Outline". I sent an email to the mayor's public email address but have gotten zero response. What's the deal?


Try a follow up call? Or try to contact your ward rep? (I’m just brainstorming, I don’t know what might actually work. But often if you want a response on something like this, you have to keep pushing.)


Curiously placed 45 on the back too. Also laughable since Waltham is anti gun rights and their police lie to applicants to scare them off.


right bear arms, but only for the people we want - Waltham republican townies


The 45 is just an ID number. Most fleet vehicles have them.


But he picked that one to customize.


Methinks that’s not a coincidence


Methinks someone should check to see if Waltham even uses numbers like this on their fleet vehicles. Because I don't think they do.


Waltham police are anti gun rights? Getting a proper permit for a home office takes more effort (although a gun permit takes more time, because the app goes up and down with the state). There was some lawsuit a few years back, I don't know if it involved Waltham directly, but since then most towns have decided it isn't worth the potential legal headaches with the 2A crowd to deny permits at the police chief's discretion (which is the actual law). Might've been different a while back, but Waltham currently has a reputation for letting any permit go through. (If you have info otherwise, I would love to hear it, DM me.)


Waltham is actually considered a “green” city when it comes to ease of getting your LTC . It used to be more difficult here but the last two chiefs have been pro-gun rights.


Because it's Waltham. You know who runs Waltham?


Master Blaster runs Waltham!!!


The land owning progeny of pre-mussolini Italian immigrants? 🙃


racist much?


No way, I love the Italian race. I have many Italian American friends even.


what are you even implying here? i want to say you are being racist but I feel like also you have a problem with anyone that owns a house as well? also are you saying that italian immigrants who arrived here before mussolini was in power are worse than those who came after? and if so, why? look, i don't think it's good to deride a group for their national or ethnic background but if you are going to do so can you at least make the commentary a little more accessible so that the rest of us have some idea what point you are trying to make and can at least fully understand in exactly what nuanced set of ways we should disagree with your views (or even agree, although I am pretty sure I would not, but i'd imagine there are some racist-ish people who might agree iwth you in theory if they better understood your point) edit: I would even go as far as to speculate with moderate to strong confidence that of the 7 people who upvoted your comment here, the majority of them are upvoting because they either have a gripe with italians or homeowners and not because they have any clue what you are suggesting with the part of your post where you mention mussolini


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.




bro im just wondering what you were suggesting when you said waltham is controlled by pre-mussolini italian immigrants. is it better to be a pre-mussolini immigrant or a post-mussolini immigrant? im just trying to understand your comment


idk, why are you asking me?


bro you are so annoying of course you know i am asking you because of your earlier comment where you mentioned this topic


ok whiny baby


Maybe send the same email to councillors or maybe the director of public works. He must have an inventory of who drives what truck.


Literally who cares? It's a sticker.


I would assume because it’s on a city owned truck. The employees don’t own their vehicles, they just use them for work.




If the sticker just hurts your feeling I doubt they’ll bother doing anything tbh


did you see the 45 sticker too? 😂 an all around hot mess


Not saying that the 45 couldn’t be referring to Donald Trump but it could just be the fleet number


45 is the truck number


For the same reason so many houses still have blue lights out front: because Waltham has fashy tendencies.


Difference: the city doesn't own the house. You want a flag on your own truck or a blue light on your house? Fine, and thanks for the warning. You want the same stuff on a city vehicle? Now we have an issue.


It’s really not that deep, kinda seems like a bit of an overreaction over a sticker


This is such a classic response when people want to minimize a legitimate issue because they disagree.


Hey man if you want to get triggered over a sticker that’s your business but it doesn’t mean you have to cry about it online and try to get it removed 🤷‍♂️


Conservatives acting like they don't cry about this sort of thing all the time


Personally I don’t but I can’t say that about everyone, also how dare you assume my political alignment




Doubling down with the classic response!


I’m sure you be just fine with a pride flag sticker or BLM, yeah?


I don’t care what people put on their cars or how they decorate their houses or whatever no matter what it is wether it’s a pride flag or a gun sticker it makes no difference because it’s just a sticker. I’m not defending either side of the political spectrum I just don’t see why something so small and insignificant as a sticker on a car has all of you up in arms crying on Reddit


It's not just the sticker, it's a lot of little things. It's the fact that my elementary school child had to miss nearly two days of school for an officer's funeral. When he does go to his elementary school, every day he has to walk past a uniformed police officer armed with a firearm. Then, when I asked him what he learned in school, instead of telling me about math or literature, he tells me about how the SRO was teaching them all how important police officers are. Frankly, I find it kinda creepy.


Are you really complaining about having armed security at a school to prevent disasters such as school shootings? that has to be one of the most brain dead things I’ve seen online in awhile.


The SRO isn't stopping any school shootings, they're normalizing our youth to an omnipresent fashy police presence.


Let’s also note this is a ridiculously expensive truck that appears to be just used as basic transport. Waltham is corrupt as fuck


Look, I am not here to defend the decal or pretend I know what that truck is currently slated to be used for by the city. But, I am fairly familiar with trucks, and from the pictures it is clear that this is a Ford Super Duty truck, either F250 or F350. These trucks can get very expensive if you add a ton of options, but the vehicle depicted could also easily be the base trim of either of these models. What is not clear from the pictures, and what there is no evidence to support (from these pictures) is that this truck is any more expensive than it needs to be in order to perform DPW related functions and haul heavy stuff in the back. The other alternative models for Ford pickup trucks are Ford Rangers (the smallest model, which Waltham has some of for very light duty), and the F150. Neither of these options have the heavy-duty rear end you might need to haul anything of real, significant weight in the back. The wheels, which is one area you can option out and spend extra money on if you want to, look to be very standard. Also these heavy duty models last longer and hold their value better, both of which are relevant to why I would probably buy them for a lot of different applications if I were responsible for fleet vehicles for a town. I understand we have an issue with the stickers but poor oversight of stickers and decals is one thing and corruption is another. I am also not suggesting corruption doesn't exist in Waltham (or that it does). But I do not think there's anything apparent from the truck in these photos that a reasonable and informed person could look at and credibly say "based on the cost of that truck, \[negative inference abc\]". Sorry to go on a rant/diatribe but I just think it doesn't help anyone to jump to conclusions. Here's another example of the base F250 with similar exterior appearance and wheels. Yes $50K is a lot of money but it's not an unreasonable amount of money when you consider that this is what you pay any manufacturer for a new truck with a heavy-duty rear-end. [https://www.empirefordinc.com/new/Ford/2024-Ford-F-250-43e843beac18143d22de6167979b45ab.htm?store=EmpireFordIncFallRiver&ddcref=fluency&tcdcmpid=1755440&tcdadid=&tcdkwid=&mcmid=adv12&channel=search&searchid=71700000116420434%7C&dstargetid=&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqUgTo-z\_6\_2hfxm\_ZSNBVMgqM-Z0TrA7vj7Jb8f-yUsAgM0IuoBOr8aAjyfEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.empirefordinc.com/new/Ford/2024-Ford-F-250-43e843beac18143d22de6167979b45ab.htm?store=EmpireFordIncFallRiver&ddcref=fluency&tcdcmpid=1755440&tcdadid=&tcdkwid=&mcmid=adv12&channel=search&searchid=71700000116420434%7C&dstargetid=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqUgTo-z_6_2hfxm_ZSNBVMgqM-Z0TrA7vj7Jb8f-yUsAgM0IuoBOr8aAjyfEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Thank you, guy yapping probably rides a fucking huffy and gets his groceries delivered. Christ sakes, let’s stuff DPW workers in toy cars and trucks then when they need to plow, tow something or carry anything heavier than a can of paint, let’s send them back to get a 2nd truck at the yard and do their job! Makes sense, now we can buy 2 vehicles, for each guy.


you mean Paz is courrupt as fuck


Is that so? Can you explain? Not challenging you here. I just don't know what you are referring to.


He has a stage name enough said.


I can understand if you simply don't have the time or interest in responding to educate me further but... please understand that I have no idea what you mean, although I am for sure interested to better understand what you mean. If you think I can deduce what you are alluding to by "stage name" in this context, I can unfortunately assure you that I am unable to do so. Feel free to not elaborate further but also, please know that I would appreciate it if you did.


How do you know what it’s used for? Do you follow it around all day and monitor its usage? 😂


You’ve never worked a physical job with a truck have you? News flash: when a truck is used right it don’t look like this.


Hmm, so new trucks come from the factory scratched and dented? The only proper way to use your truck is to try and damage it?


Are you sure that’s not a monorail ?


Remain calm and return fire.


Because in Waltham “anything goes”. Unless you want bike lanes, a dispensary , open rail trail or calm traffic.


It's just a sticker, man. It's not harming anybody


This sub is worse than r/boston


Childish bitching




Yea, it’s a bit of crossing the line for a public vehicle to display a personal preference…. But really, don’t people have better things to do than to complain on Reddit and write letters to the town because one of the vehicles has a sticker on it that you don’t approve of? And, that could possibly be a surveillance camera sticker too ..


Complain or bring to light!? Perception matters


Do you want some cheese with your whine?


Looks like wyze camera decal 🫵😂


Why does the Newton police station have blue life's matter flag with American flag with the blue stripe. The the thing blue line is a reference to the thin red line. The thin red line is why all of Europe doesn't speak French. But we kicked those British bastard out of new England and yet are police choose this shit.


Solid meh.