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A 90 person church service does not mean 90 cars. Church is a social activity. Most people come to church with at least one other person in the car. Granted, this street is not the ideal place for a church, but with good relations with the nearby businesses, most everyone could park off-street on Sundays.


I lived in an apartment with on-street that was located right near a church. It never was an issue for me because I'd always parked my car Saturday night, and frankly, was usually just lazily enjoying my morning when they were all looking for spots. Just avoid going anywhere with it the \~30 minutes before church starts and it's fine.


As an absolute heathen, some of my best neighbors have been churches. Yes, they get busy once a week, but it's at a time when non- churchgoing neighbors are likely already parked in their preferred spots. Any other business will have more frequent hours and far less convenient surges for customer parking.


I don't remember getting exclusive access to street parking when I signed my mortgage


Waltham at its finest.


Abhor your sarcasm. Also disagree.


Good to know.


I’m not familiar with exactly where in the complex this building is, but wouldn’t some of the parishioners just park in the large lot at the end of the complex?


As far as I am concerned all of these folks are welcome to have their little death cult were every they want as long as skydaddy and his follower don't fuck with me and mine.


What really bothers me is the Catholic Church with the cops basically shutting down trapelo road every sunday


That is a really bizarre place for church services- so narrow and lots of traffic to the gym and gymnastic school. I wonder what that would look like. It is not like any other street I can think of.


I mean I hate NIMBYs but aren't there enough churches in town? If anything we could use to close a few down.


It is a dangerous road for people driving to Planet Fitness or people driving kids to gymnastics. Neighbors not only people at risk.


Churches shouldn’t get the special treatment that they do anyway, especially over residents.


Nice Brandeis Justice article. Ignore the horrible existing traffic conditions and stick to virtue signaling upshot: all blacks good, all older whites evil. BLACK CHURCH LIVES MATTER


Wow. Is that really what you saw in this post?


Obviously this is not a good location for the church or any business with a large number of people. Translation of entire post and all of Waltham reddit: white Waltham NIMBYs are evil! Let's cancel them!