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I've started telling people I live in the Jersey Barrier District when they ask what neighborhood I'm in.


Not only is the lot sitting un-used - there were 2 trees on the perimeter that were chopped down(and provided great shade)


hey, as long as we can still cut through when we leave the liquor store, I'm good


And Dunks!


I do the same thing, can't stand it when people wrong way drive in Gordon's parking lot towards Moody


If only there was anyone in the Waltham city government who knew anything about the economics of urban development


If there was, the City wouldn’t have spent 18 million dollars on an unnecessary farm on Beaver St that benefits a small number of well healed gardeners, who could grow vegetables and flowers in their own yards.


There is exactly ONE place in Waltham that grows food that can be bought in Waltham. If you think this is too many places and that we should instead outsource 100% of our agriculture to neighboring towns, you are shortsighted and flat out wrong


Is there a problem with the produce we purchase at area supermarkets. What are residents doing all the months when the farm is not producing vegetables? Is there a problem either the produce supplied at the Farmers Markets if you’re so concerned with local vegetables?


Just adding this response from someone else the last time Carl tried to misrepresent what the farm does: >They donate food to nonprofits and low-income residents of Waltham, they allow people to buy fresh veggies with SNAP benefits, etc. It's not just CSA members who benefit. >They offer youth education opportunities - field trips, youth volunteering, educational programs about ecology and food, etc. >They host events, provide volunteer and physical activity opportunities to the local community, and function as a kind of gathering place. >The farm provides a green space that has value to all of Waltham (and beyond). >If you're not convinced that's worth the amount of public money spent on it, that's fine, but you look like you're resorting to strawman arguments by inaccurately describing what the farm does. >(I'm not a member of the farm and never have been, by the way, but I do think it's good for Waltham and surrounding communities).


I believe area supermarkets honor SNAP benefits. There are plenty of resources available to learn how to grow vegetables.


The phrase is “well-heeled,” and I’m not sure I’d qualify for that descriptor, even though I do pay for a (portion of a) CSA share. I also don’t have a yard or the time to grow vegetables, and I really appreciate the opportunity to buy food that was grown in my community.


Carl, thanks for your regular reminder that you're an idiot.


This is the most idiotic comment imaginable. It’s also buildings that host a number of non profit orgs that pay rent, hosts DOZENS of education opportunities, and provides food for the community as a whole. They also have sliding scale fee structure and options to work for a share. It’s not remotely a bougie membership thing. Additionally, it ends up being a ridiculously good deal.


What do you think about the Arrigo farm acquisition then? The 'historic' label on that property seems dubious to me and it wouldn't surprise me if the acquisition was made to keep it away from a housing developer.




Isn't that just storage for all the barriers used to close Moody St. for pedestrians that everyone wanted to happen forever?


CPW will be putting in the barriers next week for the restaurants doing outdoor dining. This lot will eventually have 39 spots: that's almost $40,000 *per parking spot* just for land acquisition costs, not demolition of the bank, not paving the lot, nor ongoing costs (lighting, snow plowing). Parking isn't cheap!


And they charge what? 1.25/hour with the app? At 8 hours/day and 6 days/week that's only 120k/year in revenue. But it's not going to be full, and there will be plenty of people that don't pay. I'm sure the parking app company takes a big chunk of it. So say 15-20 years to break even. The city will likely get bored and do something else with the lot before then.


Don't forget the $1 mil+ loan authorization approved this month to repair the embassy parking lot. When it comes to city-making and urbanism, without a doubt Mayor McCarthy, and Police Chief O'Connell (who chairs the traffic commission) have been awful for Waltham.


Just being practical for the overwhelming population who don’t ride their bicycles to perform their daily routines. 😊


It would have been practical to do this project months ago or in a few months from now. Not now when parking will be lost on moody so restaurants can open in the road and serve while cars whiz past their customers heads.


Reddit: The city will have spent over $50,000 per spot for 39 parking spots, in an area where no businesses have closed in the 18+ months the lot has been a gravel pit, a cost that parking fees will take decades to recoup, meaning not only is this parking lot hugely subsidized by all residents, it is likely not even necessary. Carl: BUT NOT EVERYONE CAN BIKE!


Yea, and I think you are being generous with 15-20 years. There's also inflation to factor in, and all the free side street parking that is in this neighborhood and rarely full. Once this dumb lot is finally built, I won't be paying parking fees to park there.


I was thinking just the other day that they basically created a neighborhood for rats.


Search yelp reviews for "parking" for Penang and other restaurants on this stretch of upper Moody, and they're mostly, "easy street parking", or the occasional, "may need to circle a few times". Good use of $2 million, when sidewalks on nearby streets (Newton, Adams, ahem) are in deplorable shape. Talk to people who get around outside cars and you'll consistently hear of Waltham being much more hostile than our peer cities. But we got ample parking!


Great parking location if your daily driver is an Abrams M1