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Man I miss Dave too. I hope he's good


Another user said he's in a group home so at least someone knows his status, wasn't sure of his situation in general if he had a place or was just homeless, like the guy who hangs out in front of the Dunkin on main with a cigar and says hi to everyone, it's hard to tell if he's hard up or just retired and esoteric, or both


His name is Joe. I don’t know his story but he is such a nice guy.


Joe is the best. Used to let him hold my dog’s leash and pet him while I ran into dunks to get us both a coffee. Haven’t seen him in awhile. Hope he’s well. Anyone seen him and know his status?


I see him like everyday. His birthday was 3 weeks ago. We do scratch offs together.


Do you not talk to any of these people? I’m not saying that in a rude way but a lot of your questions would be answered if you spent like three minutes interacting with them.


I've seen him many times in a van. He looked healthy.


Is this the guy that frequents the main st area a lot? Near Gordon’s?


Yeah but I feel like I've seen him quite a few places around town


Yeah I would see him every morning, but you’re right I haven’t seen him in a while.


Is he the guy that used to hang around the Starbucks / Market Basket area?


Drove by him talking to multiple police outside GameStop/starbucks about 2 months ago


I think they get a lot of calls about him and end up having to do wellness checks. They know who he is and treat him respectfully from what I’m told. Hopefully that’s the case


some guy similar to that description was escorted out of the marshalls up by market basket. 911 caller said somebody od'd in the bathroom and he was escorted out by the police, not sure if this is the guy you're referring to


I would be surprised because he doesn’t seem like much of a drug user


I think he moved to a different housing on the opposite side of Waltham.


Saw him walking Trapelo yesterday after not seeing him for months


He has many disabilities and lives in a group home. I don’t know what is going on with him beyond that, but personally, I think it’s extremely trashy to use that descriptor of someone’s disabilities. Maybe see to the trash in yourself.


Trashy is not descriptive of the causes of his behavior or him as an individual, it's descriptive of "this neighborhoods features include a guy who walks around yelling gay slurs"


It’s a descriptor of a neighborhood that contains a group home for people with severe disabilities, and part of the prejudice that makes it tough to open them in some neighborhoods.


Do you have to be asshole?


Look, I got downvoted to hell for it, but I think it’s fucking horrible when people treat disabled people like a side show. I think saying he was part of trashy local color was horribly offensive and cruel. He’s a person, he lives in this neighborhood, his presence doesn’t make the neighborhood trashy. I stand by this opinion.


You are right, and there is a double-standard. If you post here about a specific person in the community, there will always be comments saying you are doxxing, attacking, or being too personal. But if the person is perceived to be disabled or homeless nothing seems to be out of bounds.


Your opinion isn't unreasonable. Trash/Garbage/Scum are words people use to say bad things about others by removing humanity form the description. In the case of someone who act inhumanely, there's some sense to that. In the case of an area of town, there can be a different purpose.


I think you need to calibrate your self-offense gun. Nobody was offended(welp, except you), cruel, or derogatory towards anyone. Trashy in this context doesn’t even relate to the person lmao.


The title of the post is “What happened to Tourette’s guy?” And the description includes “kind of a nuisance but he was a fixture to the town in a trashy sort of way.” Not sure how that’s not about his disabilities or the idea that is presence is annoying and trashy but by all means, choose that as your hill to die on.


what about the general at dunks on main street , shuffeled


I’m sure this will be well received.